Nochmals eine Perle......VIROLOGIC.... WKN 936848

Beitrag: 1
Zugriffe: 427 / Heute: 1
NASDAQ 100 20.057,46 -2,76% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +1151,85%

Nochmals eine Perle......VIROLOGIC....WKN 936848

28.03.01 14:46
Heute letzte Kaufgelegenheit :-)

Machen in HIV-Erkennung.............


"Virologic(936848)..laut GBI nächste 500 % Chance!!!    

von Chris8888 12.02.01 16:47:28   2890867  
Hi Leute,wollte mal was aus der heutigen"Global Biotech Investing" posten,bin seit heute erst in dem Wert,aber von der Story echt angetan..."VIROLOGIC ist ein Wert,dem die Analysten von CIBC World Markets glatt eine Kursverfünffachung zutrauen!!Es handelt sich auch hier um eine Gesellschaft mit einer Mini-Marktkapitalisierung von nur USD 90 MIO.Bei einem Kurs von USD 5 liegt allein der anteilige Cash-Bestand pro Aktie bei knapp USD 2.das Unternehmen ist völlig schuldenfrei und könnte vor einer drastischen Neubewertung stehen.Hauptprodukt von VIROLOGIC ist ein molekulares Diagnosesystem zur Feststellung von Wirkstoffresistenzen des AIDS-Virus,was in diesem Bereich ein zunehmendes Problem darstellt.Analysten erwarten,das der Umsatz von aktuell USD 30 MIO.auf USD 200 MIO. im Jahr 2004 explodiert.Die Gewinnschwelle soll bereits im kommenden Jahr erreicht werden,dann werden USD 0.14/Aktie,im Folgejahr bereits USD 0.55/Aktie und in 2004 USD 1.66/Aktie erwartet.Mit aktuell USD 5 ist die Aktie spottbillig.Kein Wunder,dass CIBC ein Kursziel von USD 25 ausgibt.(WKN 936 848,Nasdaq VLGC)"...hört sich super an,wie ich finde..unter ist VIROLOGIC mit 3x"STRONG BUY" eingestufft...!Also lasst die Stroy auf Euch wirken,und legt Euch ein paar mit ins Depot...Good Trade

von suvlaki 12.02.01 16:59:49   2890978  
Am 14.02.2001 steht quartalsbericht aus.
hast du noch mehr infos

gruß ein biotechi

von trendwatcher 15.02.01 13:37:25   2913936  
Die Zahlen aus dem Quartalsbericht liegen im Rahmen der Erwartungen ... (s.u.).
Und der Ausblick auf 2001 stimmt zuversichtlich ...



Strong Quarter in Line with Expectations -

2000 Revenue from PhenoSense(TM) HIV Increases Dramatically over 1999 -

Company to Expand Viral Pharmacogenomic Activities -

ViroLogic, Inc. (NASDAQ: VLGC) today reported financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2000.

ViroLogic reported revenue of $2.8 million for the fourth quarter, a substantial increase over revenue of $0.5 million for the same period in 1999, and a 46% sequential increase over the third quarter. Revenue from ViroLogic`s flagship product, PhenoSense HIV, has increased dramatically since its commercial launch in November 1999, reflecting growing physician acceptance of PhenoSense HIV for routine drug resistance testing in HIV patient care.

Operating expenses for the fourth quarter were $10.0 million, compared to $6.5 million for the same period in 1999. Net loss for the quarter was $6.8 million, or $0.34 per share, compared to a net loss of $6.0 million, or $0.63 per share, for the same period in 1999. Figures for 1999 exclude a deemed dividend and assume conversion of outstanding shares of convertible preferred stock from the original date of the preferred stock issuance. The increase in operating expenses and net loss for the quarter was primarily due to substantial expansion in the sales and marketing efforts for PhenoSense HIV, the addition of a new laboratory facility, and the implementation of new information systems.

Year 2000 Financial Results

Revenue for 2000 was $7.5 million, compared to revenue of $1.1 million for 1999.

Operating expenses for 2000 were $32.3 million, compared to $18.2 million for 1999.

Net loss for 2000 was $23.2 million, or $1.32 per share, compared to a net loss of $17.1 million, or $2.14 per share, for 1999. These figures exclude a deemed dividend and assume conversion of outstanding shares of convertible preferred stock from the original date of the preferred stock issuance for both periods.

In the first quarter of 2000, the Company recorded a deemed dividend to preferred stockholders of $15.7 million, which resulted from the sale of Series C preferred stock in January and February of 2000 at a price per share below the deemed fair value of the Company`s stock at the time of sale of the preferred stock. Including this charge, net loss allocable to common stockholders for the year 2000 was $38.9 million, or $2.21 per share, assuming conversion of outstanding shares of convertible preferred stock from the original date of the preferred stock issuance.

At December 31, 2000, the Company had $25.8 million of cash, restricted cash, and short-term investments.

On May 1, 2000, the Company completed its initial public offering of 5 million shares at $7.00 per share. Total gross proceeds to the Company were approximately $35 million.

Fourth Quarter 2000 Operating Highlights

In October, ViroLogic announced a research agreement with Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. to provide drug resistance testing services in the Phase III development of the investigational anti-HIV drug, T-20, which is being co-developed by Roche and Trimeris, Inc. T-20 is the first of a promising new class of drugs that block HIV entry into cells. Resistance data generated by ViroLogic`s tests will be included in Roche`s submission package to the FDA for drug approval.

In November, ViroLogic announced an agreement with Bristol-Myers Squibb Company to jointly educate HIV physicians about drug resistance testing and to conduct Phase IV clinical studies using PhenoSense HIV to guide treatment. ViroLogic entered into a similar agreement with Merck & Co., Inc. in September 2000.

In October, ViroLogic took occupancy of a new 40,000-sq. ft. laboratory in South San Francisco.

On November 1, New York State Medicaid and California MediCal established reimbursement policies for HIV drug resistance testing, including PhenoSense HIV.

In December, ViroLogic doubled the size of its field sales organization to 18 representatives.

A study published in the December 22nd issue of AIDS, demonstrated for the first time that phenotypic HIV drug resistance testing detects the emergence of drug resistance prior to an increase in viral load, which provides physicians with information to intensify or change the drug regimen before widespread drug resistance develops.

Business Outlook for 2001

In addition to expanding its patient testing business, the Company has been collaborating with major pharmaceutical companies to apply its viral pharmacogenomic technologies in the development of novel HIV drugs. These viral pharmacogenomic activities accounted for approximately 25% of fourth quarter revenue. ViroLogic aims to expand these activities significantly.

"Now that we have established a firm foundation to grow the patient testing side of the business, we can aggressively leverage our phenotyping and genotyping expertise to pursue further opportunities in drug discovery and development," said Bill Young. "Ongoing and expanding involvement on the patient testing side will continue to enhance our intellectual property, especially our proprietary database and reagents, which can be applied to drug discovery and development. Phenotyping, in particular, has unique and broad applications that cannot be duplicated by genotyping alone. The potential value of these opportunities in serious viral diseases is very attractive."

The Company recognizes the need to expand its research and development, and commercialization efforts in the areas of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis B and C, as well as immunology and oncology. Given the industry-wide challenges of raising capital in today`s marketplace, the Board of Directors has engaged UBS Warburg and CIBC World Markets as financial advisors to assist in pursuing various strategic alternatives, including research and development collaborations, international alliances, marketing partnerships, and financing opportunities.

ViroLogic expects total revenues to be in the range of $2.8 million to $3.0 million for the first quarter of 2001, and between $20 million and $24 million for the year. The Company`s financial results for 2001 will be largely dependent on the increasing rate of adoption of resistance tests, and the effectiveness of sales and marketing and reimbursement programs.

ViroLogic expects net loss for the first quarter of 2001 to be between $6.0 million and $7.0 million, or $0.30 to $0.35 per share, and between $18.0 million and $21.0 million, or $0.80 to $1.00 per share for the year. These figures reflect planned increases in sales and marketing, clinical laboratory operations, research and development activities, and proactive efforts to secure additional financing.

About ViroLogic

ViroLogic is a biotechnology company developing and marketing innovative products to guide and improve treatment of viral diseases. The Company`s proprietary technology, called PhenoSense(TM), tests for drug resistance and susceptibility in viruses that cause serious diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

ViroLogic`s first product, PhenoSense HIV, is a test that directly and quantitatively measures resistance of a patient`s HIV to antiviral drugs. The test results provide physicians with important information to help select appropriate drugs for their HIV patients. The Company is also developing PhenoSense products for other viral diseases and intends to use the results of its PhenoSense tests and other clinical data to develop its Therapy Guidance System(TM) (TGS(TM)), an interactive database to help physicians guide patient therapy.

(...) See the Company`s website for details.


von austrobull 17.02.01 18:13:03   2929747  
Richtiger gesagt: 600+ % Chance

ViroLogic Inc. Reiterated `Strong Buy` at Prudential Vector
By Donna Mcdonald
Princeton, New Jersey, Feb. 15 (Bloomberg Data) -- ViroLogic Inc. (VLGC US) was reiterated ``strong buy`` by analyst John S Sonnier at Prudential Vector Healthcare Group. The 12-month target price is $25.00 per share.

von GermanWunderkind 15.03.01 19:04:28   3109778  
Habt Ihr Euch mal den Kursverlauf in Amiland angeschaut. Zuerst 20% im Plus jetzt 20% in den Miesen und das beim 20 fachen Umsatz. Gibts dafür eine Erklärung, oder ist da ein neues Spielzeug entdeckt worden?

von johan3 15.03.01 20:19:27   3110403  
Jörg Maas, JPMv Broker Services Analyse und Research & Future Aktien-Research hält die Aktie in seinem aktuellen "Researchbericht SanguiBioTech" für erheblich unterbewertet. Wörtlich schreibt er: "Die Wachstumsphantasie von Sangui liegt eindeutig in der Innovation, dem Gespür für Markttrends und den diversifizierten Produktportfolios, die die spezifischen Risiken, die ein Investment in einen Biotechnologie-Wert mit sich bringen, effizient reduzieren. Der kurze Zeithorizont, bis Gewinne verbucht werden können, und die relativ kurze Zeitspanne, bis mehrere Hauptprodukte die Marktreife erlangen werden, macht Sangui zu einem der interessantesten Biotechnologie-Investments der gesamten Branche. Sollte Sangui in der Lage sein, die Hauptprodukte durch die klinischen Prüfungen zu steuern und positiv an den Markt zu bringen, dann kann das Unternehmen in einer

Dekade zu einer der großen Pharmafirmen der Welt werden.

Das ausgesprochen große Potential spricht für eine attraktive Bewertung in naher Zukunft.
Die starke Unterbewertung von mehr als 500 % spricht
ebenfalls für unsere Wertung: Strong Buy!!!"

von Beaumont 16.03.01 06:33:41   3112643  
Ja, j e t z t steige ich ein bei 1,45€.
Schade für die, die bei der Empfehlung von 5€ eingestiegen sind.

Jetzt kann man fast nichts mehr falsch machen.

von O.G.gun 16.03.01 17:43:37   3117583  
Was ist los mit unserm Baby?
+35%,weiss einer mehr?

von SCHUB 17.03.01 14:29:20   3121467  
Habe zu 1,70 Euro gekauft.Sehen wir in Absehbarer zeit 5$ wieder??Selbst dann wäre die Firma noch Unterbewertet??ODER??...Den Wenigen die noch in der Aktie sind-VIEL GLÜCK...!!

von SCHUB 20.03.01 11:07:55   3135099  
Warum ist die Aktie-SOOO... Volatil???(-25,oder+25%usw.).ich dachte der Boden sei erreicht??

von t.1 25.03.01 20:15:32   3171371  
wie es den anschein hat steht die aktie wohl zum ausverkauf an .wenn der kurs weiter in richtung süden geht dann gibt es wohl bald ein delisting am neuen markt von den USA.dies ergibt sich dann wenn der kurs mehrere wochen unter 1 US$ gehandelt wird.trotz positiver empfehlung hat es dem kurs nicht geholfen was in den USA wohl erkannt wird.

von Bombenleger 25.03.01 20:28:57   3171427  
@ t.1,

so schlimm sehe ich die Lage nicht. Wemm der Kurs mehr als
4 Wochen unter 1 Dollar ist gibt es eine art Verwarnung.
Sollte der Wert einmal die 1 Dollargrenze überschreiten
werden die 4 Wochen von Vorne gezählt.

von tarifa Pirata 25.03.01 20:37:57   3171463  
(Adds reiterated buy rating in paragraph 3, updates shareprice in paragraph 4)
NEW YORK, March 14 (Reuters) - Prudential Securities said
on Wednesday that analyst John Sonnier slashed his share-price
target for Virologic Inc. (NASDAQ:VLGC), which develops products to
improve treatment of viral diseases such as AIDS, to $10 from$25.
Sonnier said, however, that he believes the company`s
fundamentals remain intact, despite recent pressure on thestock.
He said the stock`s current valuation is "excellent" and
reiterated his buy rating on the issue.
Shares of the South San Francisco, Calif., company, which
last month warned of a wider-than-expected loss for 2001, was
off 1/16 to $1-11/16 in late-morning Nasdaq trade. It closed at
a 52-week low of $1-3/4 on Tuesday. The high for the year is$26-3/4.
Copyright 2001, Reuters News Service

von DerStaatsanwalt 25.03.01 20:56:00   3171522  
Mein Limit steht auch hier 0,1 $

von Bombenleger 25.03.01 21:01:31   3171546  
@ derStaatsanwalt,

du kannst überall Deine 0,1 setzen.Nur nirgenswo wirst Du
Sie bekommen.

@tarifa Pirata,

die Analysten erzählen seit mehr als 1 Jahr das die Kurse
steigen. Es interessiert mich reichlich wenig wo einer sein
Kursziel setzt.

von DerStaatsanwalt 25.03.01 21:29:56   3171643  
@ Bombenleger  

Wollen wir wetten ?

von t.1 25.03.01 21:43:25   3171687  
@der staatsanwalt
es geht doch hier um eine diskussion wie die zukunft bzw. aussichten sind , wetten kannst du beim pferderennen . wenn du die 0,1 für realistisch hältst dann mußt du das begründen können.

@ der bombenleger
der chart in den letzten wochen(monaten) ist ungebrochen nach unten verlaufen das wenn die haltefrist abgelaufen ist(wie geschehen) ein massiver vekauf anhält also von leuten die das startkapital zur verfügung gestellt hatten.auch lagen die planziele in der norm wie berichtet hat aber keine wirkung. die gesellschaft hat keine riesige emision von aktien was den niedrigen kurs für das unternehmen ,die situation noch verschärfen ist nich ganz richtig wenn dich analysten schätzungen mit kurszielen nicht interessieren es ist meist wichtig für eine aktie da sie auf lange sicht dadurch interesse bekommt von anlegern.

von Chris8888 26.03.01 19:28:38   3178004  
Auszug aus der heitigen GBI Ausgabe..VIROLOGIC weist derzeit eine extrem hohe Volatilität mit Kurssprüngen von bis zu 100 % innert weniger Handelstage auf!So war die Aktie am 15.03.01 im Tagestief zu $1 zu haben gewesen.Am 19.03.01 in der Spitze zu $ 2..Inzwischen ist der Kurs wieder auf unter $1,5 gefallen.Das ist lächerlich und veranlasste Prudential Securities in einer neuen Studie den Titel nochmals mit einem klaren "Strong buy" und KZ von $ 10 zu empfehlen.bei knapp 20 Mill.begebenen Aktien liegt die MC dann bei rund 25 Mill.USD.Das entspricht genau dem Bargeld,das die Gesellschaft auf der Bank hat.Das heisst,sie bekommen zu diesem Kurs grad einmal das Bankkonto und das restliche Unternehmen Gratis obendrauf!Lassen sie sich diese MEGACHANCE nicht entgehen.....also ein echter Kauf,vor allem hinter dem Hintergrund das die Firma im nächsten Jahr den Break-Even ansteuert....heute erst wurde eine neue Zusammenarbeit mit Chiron( beschlossen..Good trade

von FLOTSAM_AND_JETSAM_US 26.03.01 20:06:14   3178336  
March 26, 2001 08:07

ViroLogic Enters Agreement With Chiron to Evaluate New HIV Drugs; Chiron to Use PhenoSense Technology to Assess HIV Susceptibility to Investigational Compounds
Jump to first matched term
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.--(BW HealthWire)--March 26, 2001-- ViroLogic Inc. (Nasdaq:VLGC) today announced an agreement with Chiron Corporation to assist in clinical evaluation of new anti-HIV agents in development at Chiron. Chiron will use ViroLogic`s phenotypic drug resistance test, PhenoSense HIV, to assess drug activity against HIV strains that are resistant to currently available drugs.

Under the terms of the agreement, PhenoSense HIV will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of Chiron`s investigational non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs). NNRTIs represent a class of HIV drugs that target the viral enzyme, reverse transcriptase, which is partly responsible for HIV`s ability to infect human cells.

"We`re pleased to be working with Chiron in their HIV drug development efforts," said Dr. Nicholas Hellmann, ViroLogic`s Vice President of Clinical Research. "In a time of increasing HIV treatment failures due to drug resistance, the need for more effective second- and third-generation drugs is critical. Resistance testing helps our pharmaceutical colleagues develop potent new agents targeted at drug-resistant HIV."

As recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, biopharmaceutical companies are utilizing HIV resistance testing technology to enhance next-generation HIV drug development. There are 15 approved HIV drugs and another 20 new drugs in the pipeline, all of which will require resistance testing in their development.

"An increasing number of companies involved in HIV drug development and marketing are turning to ViroLogic for accurate and reliable drug susceptibility information," said Bill Young, ViroLogic`s Chairman and CEO. "We now have about a dozen collaborations in place with leading biopharmaceutical companies, and ViroLogic is the only U.S. company that provides the full range of resistance testing used in drug development today, including proprietary phenotype and genotype technology."

About ViroLogic

ViroLogic, a pioneer and leader in individualized medicine, is a biotechnology company developing and marketing innovative products to guide and improve treatment of viral diseases. The company`s proprietary technology tests for drug resistance and susceptibility in viruses that cause serious diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

ViroLogic`s first product, PhenoSense(TM) HIV, directly and quantitatively measures resistance of a patient`s HIV to antiviral drugs. The company`s second product, GeneSeq(TM) HIV, is a genotypic test that detects genetic mutations in HIV that are known to be associated with drug resistance. In clinical practice, the test results provide physicians with important information to help select appropriate drugs for their HIV patients. In new drug development, the results are used by pharmaceutical companies to develop new and improved therapeutics that can be effective in an increasingly drug-resistant environment.

Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results to differ materially from the anticipated results or other expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, whether PhenoSense(TM) testing will achieve market acceptance, whether payers will authorize reimbursement for our products, whether we will be able to expand our sales and marketing capabilities, whether we encounter problems or delays in automating our process, whether we successfully introduce new products using our PhenoSense(TM) technology, whether intellectual property underlying our PhenoSense(TM) technology is adequate, whether we are able to build brand loyalty, and other risks and uncertainties detailed in our final Prospectus that is part of our Registration Statement on Form S-1, as declared effective by the SEC on May 1, 2000 (File No. 333-30896).

CONTACT: ViroLogic
Sidney Ho, 650/635-1100 ext. 7406

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