Nocera NCRA Stocks to Watch!

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Nocera NCRA Stocks to Watch!

23.06.04 11:56
Dies stellt ausdrücklich keine Empfehlung dar!

Ich stelle den Wert nur auf meine Beobachtungsliste, da ich mit  OTC Aktien
vorsichtig bin!


Large diversified food processing company

started in 1974 with sales last year of $16 million

and earnings of $500,000

Current Price @ Close June-22

Short-term speculative target

Short-term speculative profit

Expect NCRA to make noticeable gains in the next few trading days.

NCRA is a unique early stage opportunity to invest in a stock with tremendous near-term earnings prospects.  We want you to consider owning a piece of this rapidly growing international food processing conglomerate now, before the investment community begins to take closer notice of NCRA with major new news announcements coming over the next several weeks.  NCRA is set to move much higher over the next week with major trading profits expected immediately. Don’t miss out on this opportunity June 22 to July 6, 2004.

-NCRA is an international food processing conglomerate with operations in Europe, North America, and South America; its main brand of processed tomato products, Fiorino, has been among Italy’s largest tomato processors since 1974, and with aggressive entry into the North American market planned, we expect NCRA to add millions in top and bottom line growth over the next 12-months as it ramps up its global sales and launches US operations…


Nocera, Inc. (OTC Pink Sheets: NCRA)
Current Price: $0.55
Short Term Target: $1.50
12month Target:   $3.00

Shares Out: 137.5 million

Market Capitalization: $33 million

A Few Reasons to Own NCRA:

1. NCRA is a leading international food processing company, principally engaged in the processing, canning, and distribution of a complete line of high quality tomato products in Europe, South America, Canada, and the United States.  In addition to providing tomato products sold under established brands Fiorino, Valsamo, Pummarola, and La Bella Napoli, the Company also processes and  markets a wide range of fruits and vegetables including lentils, beans, peas, pineapples, and peaches.  NCRA had revenues of over $15.8 million and earnings of approximately $500,000 in FY 2003, and we expect these numbers to improve significantly over the near-term period.

2. Through its operating division, Fiorino, founded in 1974, Nocera is one of Italy’s largest tomato processors, and has developed a significant market presence in Europe and Canada, with an aggressive marketing campaign underway for the US market.  With an experienced management team, state-of-the-art ISO 9002 certified processing facilities, and established distribution channels in Europe and the United States, we believe that Nocera is well positioned to emerge as a leader in the $5.7 billion processed tomato industry.

3. NCRA has developed a focused portfolio of well respected and leading brands in tomato and canned fruit and vegetable products.  The Company’s flagship brand, Fiorino, has been well established as a leader in Italian tomato processing and canning since its inception in 1974, and has attained a significant international market position, including an estimated 20% of the Canadian tomato products market.

4. NCRA benefits from a strong and experienced management team with a wide range of experiences in the food processing industry who have been successful in growing Nocera into a major international food processing conglomerate and have vast experiences in international markets.  Founder and President Rocco Fiorino has been responsible for the Company’s international expansion and has been instrumental in facilitating Nocera’s South American expansion.  Francesco Pascale, VP of Logistics, oversees NCRA’s high quality processing and distribution operations, and has nearly twenty years of management experience in the processed foods industry.

5. The Company has established state-of-the-art processing operations with its ISO-9002 certified facility in Italy, creating one of Italy’s most advanced tomato processing facilities incorporating the highest standards in quality control, process overview, and food safety systems.  NCRA carefully controls the quality and safety of its products from harvesting through to canning to produce the one of the highest quality and safest product lines on the market.  NCRA’s recent establishment of a new processing factory in Montevideo, Uruguay will significantly enhance its South American sales while maintaining these same high standards.

6. NCRA is aggressively entering the $5.9 billion US tomato products market with an aggressive marketing and advertising campaign designed to build brand awareness and reinforce the Company’s reputation for the highest quality products.  The Company intends to launch advertising campaigns which will reach a wider target market than its traditional customer base of importers and restaurants- going directly to end-user consumers and convincing them of the high quality nature of the Nocera product line.  Historically, the growth of the US appetite for processed tomato products has been tremendous- increasing to annual sales of $5.9 billion from less than $3.7 billion in 1987.

With a large and diversified product offering sold to international markets, a solid existing revenue and earnings base, and with major expansion into the lucrative US market planned for the near-term period, Nocera, Inc. is poised to emerge as a major player in the tomato processing industry.  With an experienced management team, strong operating history, and state-of-the-art processing facilities, the Company has all of the fundamentals in place to attract the same type of investor attention as leading US food processing stocks such as Del Monte Foods (NYSE:DLM: up nearly 50% YTD!!!).

About NCRA -- go to

Nocera, Inc., is engaged in the business of processing and canning a complete line of tomato products which are distributed in UK, Italy, US, France, Canada and Spain. The company conducts its operations primarily through its Italian subsidiary Felice Conserve Ltd. ( and its Uruguayan subsidiary Sontemar Inc, and also Noldicor Inc. ( which provided the organization of a web of technical supervision to obtain a very high quality production standard in Uruguay as well. Fiorino is one of Italy's largest operators concerning tomato processing and canning. The Company sells its products under the following brands: Fiorino, Valsarno, Pummarola, and La Bella Napoli.

We urge you to consider adding NCRA to your portfolio now, and see huge near term profits as the stock explodes.  With major international and US expansion slated over the next year, we are confident that this stock will benefit from increased investor attention.  More importantly, at its current price of $0.55, and with significant revenues of roughly $16 million and earnings of $500,000 for fiscal 2003, this stock is extremely undervalued relative to competitors in the food processing industry- which trade at an average P/E of 17x.  As the Company moves forward with its expansion plans, this stock could reach $2.00 within the next 12-months, and will likely see upside movement to $1.00 over the next seven trading days!!!

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Heute minus 27 %

23.06.04 17:32
Die empfehlung fängt schon mal gut an, von dem Börsenbrief!

Sehr volatil Kurs 0,40 $aktuell

Plus 27 % heute!

14.07.04 20:23

NOCERA INC (Other OTC:NCRA.PK)  - Handeln: Broker auswählen
Letzter Kurs
19:47 · $0,51 Veränderung
+0,11 (+27,50%) Letzter Schlußkurs
0,40 Volumen
2.500 Div Datum
24-Nov--13 Kein 1J Chart für NCRA.PK vorhanden
Klein: 1T 5T keine
Groß: 1T 5T  
0,51 - 0,51 Geldkurs
N/A Briefkurs
N/A Eröffnungskurs
0,51  Ø Volumen
N/A Ex-Div
52-Wochen Spanne
0,00 - 0,00 GpA
0,00 KGV
N/A Mkt. Kap.
0,00 Rendite

Chart: Basis - durchschnittliche Veränderung - Technische Analyse neu - Tagesansicht - Detailliert
 NOCERA INC (Other OTC:NCRA.PK) - Handeln: Broker auswählen
Kursspanne: 1T 5TChartyp: Balken | Linien | KerzenAnzeige: Linear | log.Größe: M | G
Moving Avg: 5 | 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 200EMA: 5 | 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 200
Indikatoren: MACD | MFI | ROC | RSI | Slow Stoch | Fast Stoch | Vol | Vol+MA | W%R | [alle entfernen]
Übrige: Bollinger Bänder | Parabolic SAR | Splits | Volumen | [alle entfernen]
Vergleichen: NCRA.PK vs.     DAX 30   Dow Jones   Nasdaq   




14.07.04 20:27
sind das diejenigen, die BOCX zu 0,53 $ empfohlen haben und 2 tage später standen sie bei 3.5 $ ???

von welcher website hast du diesen alert

14.07.04 20:33
aus posting #1 ?

wer gibt das heraus ?


27.07.04 14:40

Nach Kursausbruch gestern habe ich mal recherchiert.
Kein Schnschluß unter dieser Nr.

Meine Vermögensverwaltung hat per email Kontakt aufgenommen und auchkeine Antwort erhalten!

Wieder so eine typ. OTC Bruchbude?

Was meinst du??


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