NewRange Gold 13.89 g/t Au over 40 m

Beiträge: 4
Zugriffe: 4.533 / Heute: 1
Pinnacle Silver an. 0,03 $ -17,36% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -97,53%

NewRange Gold 13.89 g/t Au over 40 m

02.07.20 20:08
The  mineralized  zoneon  the  5609level is  well  exposedin  the  complex  workings  of thatlevelandremainsopen  to  the  eastbeyond the  workings.Defined  by  109  underground  channel  samples  that range  from  0.011  to  28.5  g/t  Au  and 1.5  to  59.5  g/t  Ag,  this  largezone  of “halo”mineralizationencompassesa higher-grade core that averages 3.25 g/t Au and 11.5 g/t Ag.Importantly, compared to many  of  the  other  levels  in  the  Good  Hope  mine,  the  5609 level explores  more  of  the  width  of  the mineralized  zone and  confirms  potential  for  broad  mineralized  “halos”  surrounding  the  high-grade mineralization  that wasthefocus  ofhistoricmining  activities  throughout  the  district.  The  5609  levelresults indicate excellent continuity of mineralization between the adjacent levels where results from the 5570  level  (see Newrange  pressrelease  of  August  6,  2019)averaged  12.48  g/t  Au  and  49.55  g/t  Ag over a 24 meter strike length, within a larger zone averaging 1.15 g/t Au and 20.48 g/t Ag over a strike length  of  144  meters,  and  the  5690  level  (see  Newrange  press  release  of  May  14,  2019) averaged 13.89 g/t Au and 71.19 g/t Ag over 40 meters.


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Interessanter Wert! Watchlist :)

03.07.20 22:16

Autsch :(

30.07.20 16:48

Warum das hohe Minus ?

30.07.20 17:08
Wegen der News (Goldvorkommen), Wirtschaftsdaten und/oder Corona ?
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