NANX bei 20,-- €, hoffentlich bald.....

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upper falls:

NANX bei 20,-- €, hoffentlich bald.....

06.09.00 12:49
...bei 25,-- (bin auch dabei), aber immer auch an ALTI (902675) denken. Die werden im Vergleich zu NANX täglich "billiger":

Shonstrom Research Associates Initiates Coverage of Nano-Particle Producer, Altair
 International with a Speculative BUY Rating
 Tuesday, August 15, 2000 09:04 AM Mail this article to a friend

 Shonstrom Research Associates Provides Proprietary Research Product to NASD
 Member PCS Securities CRD#23734.
 DENVER, Aug. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Altair International (Nasdaq: ALTI, news, msgs), a
 development stage company is expected to begin shipping commercial quantities of
 titanium dioxide nano-particles in this year's fourth quarter.

 The company's first market opportunity is for Altium TiNano 40 anatase crystals to be
 used as UV protection in skin care and cosmetic products. A second application is as an
 additive to a ceramic coating developed for the Navy that increases impact resistance 4

 Nanotechnology (a nanometer equals one billionth of a meter) is the marriage of
 chemistry and engineering in building materials at the molecular level. Current
 nanomaterials increase strength and resilience, remove imperfections, lower weight and
 cost, and provide photo resistance. Over the next decade nanomaterials will influence
 "virtually every man-made object" according to the National Science and Technology
 Council. While many potential advances such as computing at the molecular level are
 years away, a number of commercial markets, on which Altair is focused, are just

 Altair's thin film process appears to produce a more consistently sized nano-particle at a
 lower cost than that of existing vapor and solution processes. Further, Altair's surface
 chemistry control methods and dopants can allow for variations in porosity, conductivity,
 photo catalytic activity and other desirable features not obtainable through these other

 Michael Shonstrom, President of Shonstrom Research Associates noted that the
 industry's only pure play, Nanophase Technologies (Nasdaq: NANX, news, msgs)
 currently has a market capitalization of $135 MM and the company's stock sells at a
 multiple of 52.1 x trailing twelve month revenues of $2.5 MM. Altair's nano-particle
 revenues could reach an estimated $5.0 MM in 2001. Further, the company is expected
 to announce a number of new applications and technological initiatives with significant
 industry partners over the next year.

 On a parallel path the company is developing a titanium ore deposit to add new
 production to $7 Billion mineral markets faced with diminishing sources of supply.

 Shonstrom Research Associates has initiated coverage with a speculative BUY rating
 and a 12 month price target of $9 per share.  


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Das hört sich interessant an....

06.09.00 13:47
Hast Du noch mehr Infos???

NANX glattgestellt

06.09.00 15:00
Habe meine geamten Nanophase heute für 20,3 mit einem plus von ca. 130 Prozent verkauft. Anders als upper falls setze ich momentan auf fallende Kurse, bei denen ich dann wieder mit entsprechend höherer Aktienanzahl einsteigen kann. Ich denke, solche volatilen Werte kann man auf diese Weise ganz gut akkumulieren.  

Hiob ,ich denke das war ein Fehler3Jahresvertrag

06.09.00 15:57
mit BASF heute,meldung weiter unten heute

Vielleicht hast Du recht, Kicky,

06.09.00 17:08
denn sicher war ich mir dabei auch nicht. Und der Kurs scheint ja doch eine andere Richtung zu nehmen. Ich hätte das Gleiche wohl besser mit Affymetrix machen sollen. Aber da ich noch Altair und Nanopierce halte, ist bei den Nanos ja noch nichts verloren.
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