Morgan Stanley Global: Collision Course

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Morgan Stanley Global: Collision Course

28.09.04 18:57
Global: Collision Course

Stephen Roach (from Melbourne)


The world economy is on a collision course.  The United States -- long the main engine of global growth and finance -- has squandered its domestic saving and is now drawing freely on the rest of the world’s saving pool.  East Asian central banks -- especially those in Japan and China -- have become America’s financiers of last resort.  But in doing so, they are subjecting their own economies to mounting strains and increasingly serious risk.  Breaking points are always tough to pinpoint with any precision.  Most serious students of international finance know that these trends are unsustainable.  But like any trend that has gone to excess, a group of “new paradigmers” has emerged with a compelling argument as to why these imbalances can persist in perpetuity.  That is usually the sign that the denial is about to crack -- possibly sooner rather than later.

Michael Lombardi

28.09.04 19:03
September 28, 2004

The Bank of England was the first of the major central banks to
raise interest rates. As we know, the U.S. Federal Reserve
followed suit. Rates are also rising in countries like Canada. In
general, central banks around the globe are raising interest rates.

This could be perceived as good news because the confidence
central bankers display in raising rates sends a layman's
message that economies are improving. However, higher rates
have a severe, negative impact on people, companies, and
institutions that are heavily in debt.

Japan is a case in point. Japan is the second largest economy in
the world after the U.S. Right through the three recessions the
country encountered since 1991, the Japanese government
decided to spend "like crazy" to get its economy going. Japan's
federal government debt is now 145% of gross domestic

Japan's debt is the largest in the industrialized world. And
higher interest rates will make that debt more difficult to
manage. It's no wonder Moody's has cut Japan's debt rating
six times since 1988 to the lowest among the Group of Seven
industrialized countries.

The yield on a Japanese 10-year government bond is now about
1.95%, the highest level in four years and up almost 1.5% since
the 10-year government bond's record yield low set in June
2003. If rates rise only slightly more in Japan, the country will
be facing another crisis, as it craters under its huge debt burden.

A rate hike of one percentage point didn't mean much back in
the 1980s or 1990s. Remember when borrowing rates were
above 15% in the early 1980s? A one-percentage-point move
did not make much of a difference to the economy at all.

But today, with the onslaught of auto loans, credit cards,
personal credit lines, home equity lines, and jumbo mortgages, a
one percentage point change in interest rates does makes a big
difference. And that's because consumers are heavily in debt.
In fact, the debt-to-income ratio of consumers has consistently
been at record highs over the past couple of years.

And government is no different. When times are economically
difficult, governments spend to spur economic growth. We're
facing a record U.S. government deficit this year of about half-
a-trillion dollars. If the U.S. Federal Government's cost of
borrowed funds goes to 5%, we're looking at $25 billion just to
service this year's deficit!

Don't let anyone fool you. If the Federal Reserve makes good
on its promise to continue its "measured" interest rate increases,
the higher rates, even though minor in numeric figures, will
have a profound, negative effect on consumer and government
debt burdens.

Michael Lombardi, MBA  
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