More to come?

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More to come?

11.04.00 00:49
Nasdaq down 258 after touching a counter-trend rally high of 4475 this morning.

The "New" and "Fashinable" interpretation of a light volume is healthy in a decline by the media is that there are not enough sellers. But they failed to see that the Nasdaq is no longer in the bull market.

The initial decline with light volume especially after the market just finished its retracement wave is EXTREMELY BEARISH!

It means that there are not many willing buyers out there and only need light volume to take it down 258 points.

When the blood starts to flow in the next few days, you will see volume.

Good trades. Stockbroker.

Nasdaq 100 Future , S&P 500 Future und EMini tiefrot o.T.

11.04.00 00:54


11.04.00 02:26
bitte sprich mich nicht auf die Uhrzeit an
und hör endlich auf so eine Panik zu machen!
Schließlich können Seifenblasen erstaunlich
lange blubbern, wenn man sie nicht zerredet!

have a nice night anywhere
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