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MMIO Reboundchance 100% kurzfristig

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Marmion Industries kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar

MMIO Reboundchance 100% kurzfristig

12.10.07 10:23
Nach den gestrigen News sollte es bei Marmion bald krachen.
Kurzfristig erstmal schöne 100% Chance auf 0,02 $ (siehe Chart)

Da kann man im Moment gar nichts falsch machen, meiner Meinung nach ;-)

Wollte nur noch mal auf diesen Penny aufmerksam machen, da ich glaube das jetzt der ideale Einstiegszeitpunkt erreicht ist ! Tiefer geht's nimmer ;-) *ggg

News von gestern:
October 11, 2007 - 5:00 AM EST

...Key Achievements Include:

   -- Announcing more than $5,000,000 worth of completed and future contracts
      over the past five weeks.
   -- Second quarter and first half industrial sales which reached $691,000
      and $1,700,000 respectively, up from $433,000 and $868,000 during 2006.
      Recent product shipments for use in a ConocoPhillips project.
   -- Recent completion of a project for Lucite International, the world's
      leading producer of acrylic monomers and owner of the popular Lucite(R)
      and Perspex(R) brands.
   -- Two year ongoing purchasing agreement with a repeat industrial
      customer, Powell Industries of Houston, Texas valued at more than
   -- Purchase of 2.75 acres of land in Houston, Texas, along with its plan
      to construct a new approximate 30,000 square foot multi-use facility.
   -- Growth of commercial business which is exemplified by a recent
      $2,100,000 contract for HVAC-related equipment and installation
      services at Sweeney High School (Sweeney -- TX).

   -- Becoming one of the first mechanical contractors to implement the new
      Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design 'LEED' Certification of
      Quality Program.

   Strategic Initiatives for 2007 include:
   -- Capitalize on existing sales opportunities through the implementation
      of a more aggressive sales/marketing strategy, deployment of additional
      sales/marketing personnel, and ramping up overall production levels.

   -- Streamline operations through an externally conducted business process
      audit immediately followed by implementation of company-wide efficiency

   -- Improve the depth and breadth of our customer base and product/service

   -- Expand OEM/Private Label design and production capabilities.

   -- Bundle our products with ancillary products to enhance revenue
      opportunities and increase the total installed base of Marmion
      Industries products.

   -- Expand current product line by adding new and innovative designs and
      potentially acquiring synergistic offerings.

   -- Expand our international footprint to capitalize on industry growth,
      particularly within the petrochemical arena.

   -- Continue to expand our brand awareness through the implementation of
      more aggressive internal sales and marketing efforts as well as by
      forging relationships with well respected industry associations and

   -- Dedicate significant time and effort towards the in-depth due-diligence
      associated with identifying a strategic acquisition(s) that would both
      significantly accelerate our top line growth as well as add accretively
      to earnings.

   -- Continue to pursue business relationships with well-entrenched local,
      regional, domestic, and international industry players.

   -- Form an advisory board with relevant industry expertise and
(Verkleinert auf 83%) vergrößern
MMIO Reboundchance 100% kurzfristig 125068
223 Beiträge ausgeblendet.
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20.05.08 09:33

Geld- und Briefkurse

    Handelsplatz Geld-Stk    Geld   Geld-Brief Brief  Brief-Stk  Spread MMIO Reboundchance 100% kurzfristig 4309922  Zeit 
    Frankfurt 4.000    7,00 €    7,01 € 56.000  0,11%  09:04 
7.00 |


20.05.08 09:45
naja... dagegen hätt ich nix! Für ein Häuschen innr Karibik würd's reichen ;o)
If life is a lemon: ask for salt & tequilla!

Unterschied 10-Q bzw. 10-QSB (zur Info)

20.05.08 10:34
Form 10-Q bzw. 10-QSB ist die Bezeichnung für Quartalsberichte (Quaterly). Der Zusatz SB steht für
Small Business, also für die Quartalsberichte kleiner Unternehmen.

ist übrigens Marmions erster 10-Q alle anderen QSB

20.05.08 10:50


09.06.08 13:52

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Business Trends Improving at MMIO

MMIO Reboundchance 100% kurzfristig 4382126


At the current price of $.01, we feel that Marmion Industries Corp. (OTCBB: MMIO) is exhibiting tremendous upside potential. Trading in the stock has cooled off a bit in recent weeks with no news flowing out of the company.

However, after a recent conversation with MMIO's CEO and a peek at the company's recent quarterly filing, we are optimistic regarding what the future holds for Marmion Industries (trailing 5-month revenue comparison chart to right)

In addition to Marmion's consistently improving financials and recent expansion into Louisiana , the company's premier customer continues to experience record growth. MMIO has also recently initiated its first ever concerted sales/marketing program by taking out an ad in Offshore Magazine, which was in turn distributed for free at the "Worlds Largest Offshore Oil Technology Conference" last month where executives were in attendance.

MMIO Reboundchance 100% kurzfristig 4382126


The company's biggest customer, Powell Industries (NASDAQ:
POWL), saw second quarter profits double and in turn raised its full year 2008 profit and sales outlook. POWL accounted for 30% of Marmion's 2007 revenue and will likely send even more business the company's way once its new manufacturing facility goes online in August.


Powell is currently segmented into two groups: Electrical Power Products and Process Control Systems. The former, which according to the company's annual report logged $546.1M in 2007, the lion's share of corporate revenues, serves a deep base of customers in Marmion's core target market making the two entities a perfect match.


Target Market: "operators of oil and gas pipelines, refineries, petrochemical plants, and electrical power generators; public and private utilities; operators of co-generation facilities; mining/metals companies, pulp and paper plants operators, transportation systems operators, and governmental agencies and other industrial customers" Yahoo Finance, Business Summary


Although expanding and diversifying the customer base is a key strategic goal of the company, since Powell does bring in more than $500M a year in sales, MMIO can clearly benefit from a deeper relationship with its top customer going forward.


According to Offshore Magazine: "The 2008 Offshore Technology Conference attendance was 75,092, report organizers. This tally is up 11% from last year".


MMIO Reboundchance 100% kurzfristig 4382126
For a company that has relied on word of mouth thus far to drive growth, the conference is a major step in the right direction. The implications for Marmion (3yr. rev chart to left) are huge here if just one long-standing relationship is forged. Particularly since MMIO did rely on only 3 customers to generate 64% of revenues in fiscal '07.


According to the company's recent annual filing: "Our long-term plans for growth include continued expansion of our industrial base into Louisiana. We have obtained the necessary licenses in Louisiana and during the first quarter of 2008 we received our first orders from customers in Louisiana."


Louisiana is the leading crude oil producer and the second largest producer of natural gas in the U.S. The state's oil & gas industry generated a reported $70.2 billion in 2006 sales and lays claim to nearly 90% of the nation's offshore rigs. In regards to petrochemical activity, the state has nearly 90 chemical plants and is home to roughly 70 petrochemical manufacturers.

MMIO Reboundchance 100% kurzfristig 4382126
So clearly, the region represents a prime opportunity for Marmion in addition to its home region of Houston, the "energy capital of the world". Already holding both Mechanical and Sheet Metal Contractor Licenses in the state of Louisiana (Lic. No. 44001), the company appears ready to prospect growth in a new and potentially extremely lucrative market


Despite a lack of communication from the company in recent weeks, Marmion's first quarter financial report provides us with reason to believe things are plugging along nicely at MMIO:


Here are some of the highlights from MMIO's recent Q as we see it:

  • Q1 Revenue increased by more than 80% from Q4 '07;
  • Income from operations was $140,514 compared to a loss of (45,144) during Q1 '07;
  • Net loss of (75,895) compared to a net losses of ($517,861) and ($427,000) for the first and fourth quarters of 2007 respectively;
  • Revenues increased approximately 15.6% for the three months ended March 31, 2008March 31, 2007; from the three months ended
  • Approximately 33% of revenues were attributable to equipment for the petrochemical industry and approximately 67% were attributable to the commercial division;
  • Gross profit margin improvement of 8.7% to 24.5%;
  • Total Cost and Expenses increased approximately 6%;
  • G&A expenses decreased approximately 3.5% in the three months ended March 31, 2008March 31,  2007; from the three months ended
  • D&A expenses increased approximately 37%; and
  • Net cash used in operating expenses for the three months ended March 31, 2008 was $443,174 as compared to $147,286 for the three months ended March 31, 2007.

Here's a quick look at MMIO's Financial Highlights from 2004 - 2007:

  • Produced revenues with a CAGR of 53.27%
  • Boosted EPS by $0.45 to -$0.03
  • Improved Profit Margin by 231% from -284% to -53%
  • Maintained an average Gross Margin of 19.25%
  • Successfully sustained an average GMROI of 331%
  • Here are a few of Our 2008 - 2012 Projections:
  • Revenue Streams With a CAGR of 29.6%;
  • Positive Net Income of Nearly $90,000 in 2010;
  • Profit Margin of 8% by 2012; and
  • EPS of $0.0241 by 2012.

As business trends improve for Marmion and the company nears completion of a much larger manufacturing facility, 2008 is shaping up to be another record year.

Momentum in the stock appears to have been halted by a lack of corporate announcements. . . But, on the flip side, selling pressure has subsided lately, so any positive news over the next few weeks could get shares back on the right track. We suggest watching this one closely. We've all seen MMIO share price double, triple and more than quadruple in the past.

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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

A Quick Look at MMIO's First Quarter Filing

Despite a lack of communication in recent weeks, Marmion's first quarter financial report provides us with a glimpse into the company's recent performance.

Here are some of the highlights from MMIO's recent Quarterly filing:

  • Q1 Revenue increased by more than 80% and 15.6% over Q4 and Q1 '07 respectively
  • Income from operations was $140,514 compared to a loss of (45,144) during Q1 '07;
  • Net loss of (75,895) compared to net losses of ($517,861) and ($427,000) for the first and fourth quarters of 2007 respectively;
  • Approximately 33% of Q1 '08 revenues were attributable to equipment for the petrochemical industry and approximately 67% were attributable to the commercial division;
  • Gross profit margin improvement of 8.7% to 24.5% over Q1 '07;
  • Total Cost and Expenses increased approximately 6% over Q1 '07;
  • G&A expenses decreased approximately 3.5% in the three months ended March 31, 2008 from the same year period in '07
  • D&A expenses increased approximately 37% over Q1 '07; and
  • Net cash used in operating expenses for the three months ended March 31, 2008 was $443,174 as compared to $147,286 for the three months ended March 31, 2007.

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mal wieder ein chart. indis haben bei ausbruch

12.06.08 09:15
mal wieder massig platz nach oben
(Verkleinert auf 65%) vergrößern
MMIO Reboundchance 100% kurzfristig 168568

viele indi's wieder mal auf strong buy

12.06.08 17:01

endlich news ;-)) Investor ist gefunden Yeahhh

30.07.08 10:33
July 29, 2008 - 3:32 PM EDT

Zu welchen Konditionen ist allerdings noch nicht klar ;-(

Aber trotzdem es geht voran ;-)

Houlihan Smith Arranges Credit Facility for Marmion Industries Corporation

CHICAGO and HOUSTON, July 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Houlihan Smith & Company, Inc. ('Houlihan') acted as exclusive financial advisor and placement agent in arranging a credit facility for its client, Marmion Industries Corporation ('Marmion') (OTC Bulletin Board: MMIO) it was announced today by Charles Botchway, Group Managing Director and Vice Chairman of Houlihan. The credit facility was provided by Boston-based Aquent Financial Services.

'Houlihan has been tremendously instrumental in securing more effective credit lines as well as pursuing ongoing efforts to secure strategic acquisitions that will provide tremendous benefit to the Company's long-term growth and profitability,' said Bill Marmion, President of Marmion. 'In particular, Sylvester Gbewonyo and his team worked diligently to successfully complete this transaction with the best interests of Marmion at the forefront of all negotiations, which exemplifies the professionalism the Houlihan Smith team continues to display in all facets of our relationship.'

Marmion Industries Corporation specializes in explosion-proof heating, ventilation, cooling pressurization, and chemical filtration solutions for mission-critical applications. The Company has garnered a sterling reputation by providing superior equipment and service to customers ranging from refineries in South Texas and Louisiana, to drilling rigs and chemical plants from Saudi Arabia to South America. The Company serves both industrial and commercial clients, and also provides custom fabrication work.

Aquent Financial Services is part of Aquent, a global professional service firm that delivers creative and IT solutions through consulting, outsourcing, and staffing. Established in 1986, Aquent is an innovative industry leader committed to providing unequalled client value, and has helped thousands of companies achieve outstanding business outcomes. Aquent generates annual revenue of more than $400 million and employs thousands of people worldwide.

Houlihan Smith & Company, Inc. ('Houlihan') is a specialized investment banking firm that provides advisory, financing, and valuation services to public and private businesses. Houlihan is a registered broker-dealer and FINRA/SIPC Member. Houlihan understands the time sensitivity of corporate finance, and responds quickly and tenaciously to opportunities.

The Houlihan approach creates corporate finance transactions in which business owners and investors mutually benefit. We have the knowledge, experience and relationships to match buyers and sellers, as well as to match the appropriate financing and capitalization structure to each unique client situation. The Houlihan name is synonymous with professional financial expertise. We provide cost-effective fairness and solvency opinions, as well as valuations for tax and financial reporting to some of the largest NYSE/NASDAQ companies, as well as small, privately held businesses.

    Rebecca Carriere

SOURCE Houlihan Smith & Company, Inc.

Source: PR Newswire (July 29, 2008 - 3:32 PM EDT)

News by QuoteMedia

und nochwas diese Firma baut d

30.07.08 10:37
ie neue Halle (soll irgendwann im August fertig sein)

habe ich aus wallstreet-online Forum

#18570   von Laffel-2 Benutzerinfo Nachricht an Benutzer Beiträge des Benutzers ausblenden  28.07.08 11:39:26      Beitrag Nr.: 34.596.904
Dieses Posting:   versenden |  melden   Diskussion drucken

Folgende Antwort bezieht sich auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.595.966 im neuen Fenster öffnen von Blindgaenger2 am 28.07.08 09:26:58

Dann auf Projects, dann links bei our projects auf commercial projects und dort ist das erste Projekt Marmion Industries


frankfurt noch ganz ruhig denke das sollte sich he

30.07.08 10:39
ute noch ändern ;-))

Zur Not ziehe ich den Kurs auch selber hoch ;-) *ggg

up ;-)

30.07.08 15:11

yeahh Fft taxt besonders gut *ggg

04.08.08 11:30

so wieder da, werde hier den thread weiterführen

04.08.08 17:33

bei wallstreet online sind mir im marmion-thread ein paar bestimmte user zu wider, also habe ich mich kurzerhand wieder abgemeldet.

Da mache ich lieber hier den Alleinunterhalter.




greets sts


up sieht so schön aus die 300 % *ggg

05.08.08 09:37

400 % sieht natürlich noch besser aus *ggg

05.08.08 10:41


05.08.08 11:08
weiter so *smile ;)

Marmion's New Facility Unharmed by Hurricane Ike

30.09.08 13:58
Marmion's New Facility Unharmed by Hurricane Ike

HOUSTON, Sept. 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Marmion Industries Corp (OTC Bulletin Board: MMIO), (the 'Company') -- an emerging manufacturer and modifier of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment -- is pleased to announce that its new corporate headquarters was not damaged by Hurricane Ike.

The all-purpose facility is nearing completion as construction crews begin finalizing Marmion's administrative offices subsequent to the recent erection of its new fabrication plant. In addition, the company is anxiously awaiting the installation of appropriate water main and fire hydrant infrastructure at the property by county officials. This task marks one of the final steps required for Marmion to commence operations at its new state of the art facility.

However, given the recent impact of natural disasters on the county in recent weeks, management believes that this process could unfortunately take as long as three to five months to complete.

CEO W.H. Marmion said, 'In the wake of our region's most recent natural disaster, our hearts and prayers go out to the thousands of Houston residents that have been severely impacted by the devastation brought on by Hurricane Ike. Thankfully, our newly constructed corporate headquarters emerged unscathed from the storm and its aftermath. Significant progress is being made in regards to getting the new facility up and running and I look forward to updating the public on developments in that regard as they transpire.'


05.11.08 10:46
(Verkleinert auf 65%) vergrößern
MMIO Reboundchance 100% kurzfristig 197254

eindeutiges Kaufsignal

26.11.08 00:24

marmion hat Potential und wird steigen

26.11.08 19:51
Heute war est der Anfang

und hier auch den cent ;) wenns geht lol

27.03.09 16:14

oder diese sau

27.03.09 19:53

zuck zuck LOLELOL

09.06.10 17:06

noch keine news gefunden...

09.06.10 18:06
weiss jemand was ?

Hier scheint wieder

17.12.11 17:28
was am Gange zu sein.Gestern Kursbewegung.Weiß jemand mehr darüber ?
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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Neueste Beiträge aus dem Marmion Industries Forum

Wertung Antworten Thema Verfasser letzter Verfasser letzter Beitrag
4 248 MMIO Reboundchance 100% kurzfristig sts091280 Offflyns 17.12.11 17:28
8 1.324 Ein möglicher Gewinner 2006 Marmion! NoRiskNoFun MöchtegernBroker 28.08.08 13:12
2 10 Verdacht auf sehr guten Kursgewinn 999Taucher hassiaoli 15.03.07 14:05
    MARMION + 39% in USA in D noch unter Pari Cohen   30.08.06 12:12
  14 Marmion Inds Skydust MöchtegernBroker 22.08.06 20:23
