Business Trends Improving at MMIO

At the current price of $.01, we feel that Marmion Industries Corp. (OTCBB: MMIO) is exhibiting tremendous upside potential. Trading in the stock has cooled off a bit in recent weeks with no news flowing out of the company.
However, after a recent conversation with MMIO's CEO and a peek at the company's recent quarterly filing, we are optimistic regarding what the future holds for Marmion Industries (trailing 5-month revenue comparison chart to right)
In addition to Marmion's consistently improving financials and recent expansion into Louisiana , the company's premier customer continues to experience record growth. MMIO has also recently initiated its first ever concerted sales/marketing program by taking out an ad in Offshore Magazine, which was in turn distributed for free at the "Worlds Largest Offshore Oil Technology Conference" last month where executives were in attendance.

The company's biggest customer, Powell Industries (NASDAQ:
POWL), saw second quarter profits double and in turn raised its full year 2008 profit and sales outlook. POWL accounted for 30% of Marmion's 2007 revenue and will likely send even more business the company's way once its new manufacturing facility goes online in August.
Powell is currently segmented into two groups: Electrical Power Products and Process Control Systems. The former, which according to the company's annual report logged $546.1M in 2007, the lion's share of corporate revenues, serves a deep base of customers in Marmion's core target market making the two entities a perfect match.
Target Market: "operators of oil and gas pipelines, refineries, petrochemical plants, and electrical power generators; public and private utilities; operators of co-generation facilities; mining/metals companies, pulp and paper plants operators, transportation systems operators, and governmental agencies and other industrial customers" Yahoo Finance, Business Summary
Although expanding and diversifying the customer base is a key strategic goal of the company, since Powell does bring in more than $500M a year in sales, MMIO can clearly benefit from a deeper relationship with its top customer going forward.
According to Offshore Magazine: "The 2008 Offshore Technology Conference attendance was 75,092, report organizers. This tally is up 11% from last year".

For a company that has relied on word of mouth thus far to drive growth, the conference is a major step in the right direction. The implications for Marmion (3yr. rev chart to left) are huge here if just one long-standing relationship is forged. Particularly since MMIO did rely on only 3 customers to generate 64% of revenues in fiscal '07.
According to the company's recent annual filing: "Our long-term plans for growth include continued expansion of our industrial base into Louisiana. We have obtained the necessary licenses in Louisiana and during the first quarter of 2008 we received our first orders from customers in Louisiana."
Louisiana is the leading crude oil producer and the second largest producer of natural gas in the U.S. The state's oil & gas industry generated a reported $70.2 billion in 2006 sales and lays claim to nearly 90% of the nation's offshore rigs. In regards to petrochemical activity, the state has nearly 90 chemical plants and is home to roughly 70 petrochemical manufacturers.

So clearly, the region represents a prime opportunity for Marmion in addition to its home region of Houston, the "energy capital of the world". Already holding both Mechanical and Sheet Metal Contractor Licenses in the state of Louisiana (Lic. No. 44001), the company appears ready to prospect growth in a new and potentially extremely lucrative market
Despite a lack of communication from the company in recent weeks, Marmion's first quarter financial report provides us with reason to believe things are plugging along nicely at MMIO:
Here are some of the highlights from MMIO's recent Q as we see it:
- Q1 Revenue increased by more than 80% from Q4 '07;
- Income from operations was $140,514 compared to a loss of (45,144) during Q1 '07;
- Net loss of (75,895) compared to a net losses of ($517,861) and ($427,000) for the first and fourth quarters of 2007 respectively;
- Revenues increased approximately 15.6% for the three months ended March 31, 2008March 31, 2007; from the three months ended
- Approximately 33% of revenues were attributable to equipment for the petrochemical industry and approximately 67% were attributable to the commercial division;
- Gross profit margin improvement of 8.7% to 24.5%;
- Total Cost and Expenses increased approximately 6%;
- G&A expenses decreased approximately 3.5% in the three months ended March 31, 2008March 31, 2007; from the three months ended
- D&A expenses increased approximately 37%; and
- Net cash used in operating expenses for the three months ended March 31, 2008 was $443,174 as compared to $147,286 for the three months ended March 31, 2007.
Here's a quick look at MMIO's Financial Highlights from 2004 - 2007:
- Produced revenues with a CAGR of 53.27%
- Boosted EPS by $0.45 to -$0.03
- Improved Profit Margin by 231% from -284% to -53%
- Maintained an average Gross Margin of 19.25%
- Successfully sustained an average GMROI of 331%
- Here are a few of Our 2008 - 2012 Projections:
- Revenue Streams With a CAGR of 29.6%;
- Positive Net Income of Nearly $90,000 in 2010;
- Profit Margin of 8% by 2012; and
- EPS of $0.0241 by 2012.
As business trends improve for Marmion and the company nears completion of a much larger manufacturing facility, 2008 is shaping up to be another record year.
Momentum in the stock appears to have been halted by a lack of corporate announcements. . . But, on the flip side, selling pressure has subsided lately, so any positive news over the next few weeks could get shares back on the right track. We suggest watching this one closely. We've all seen MMIO share price double, triple and more than quadruple in the past.
Labels: Marmion and HVAC, Marmion Industries, Marmion Industries Corp., MMIO, MMIO and HVAC, OTCBB:MMIO, Powell Industries
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
A Quick Look at MMIO's First Quarter Filing
Despite a lack of communication in recent weeks, Marmion's first quarter financial report provides us with a glimpse into the company's recent performance.
Here are some of the highlights from MMIO's recent Quarterly filing:
- Q1 Revenue increased by more than 80% and 15.6% over Q4 and Q1 '07 respectively
- Income from operations was $140,514 compared to a loss of (45,144) during Q1 '07;
- Net loss of (75,895) compared to net losses of ($517,861) and ($427,000) for the first and fourth quarters of 2007 respectively;
- Approximately 33% of Q1 '08 revenues were attributable to equipment for the petrochemical industry and approximately 67% were attributable to the commercial division;
- Gross profit margin improvement of 8.7% to 24.5% over Q1 '07;
- Total Cost and Expenses increased approximately 6% over Q1 '07;
- G&A expenses decreased approximately 3.5% in the three months ended March 31, 2008 from the same year period in '07
- D&A expenses increased approximately 37% over Q1 '07; and
- Net cash used in operating expenses for the three months ended March 31, 2008 was $443,174 as compared to $147,286 for the three months ended March 31, 2007.
Labels: Marmion Industries, Marmion Industries Corp., MMIO