Mal beobachten

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Zugriffe: 1.328 / Heute: 3
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Mal beobachten

28.01.07 22:04
Mal beobachten 3055730

Mal beobachten 3055730

Mal beobachten 3055730

Mal beobachten 3055730 ©

Es genügt nicht, keine Gedanken zu haben, man muss auch unfähig sein, sie auszudrücken.

Servus Doc

28.01.07 22:19
Möchtest Du uns die 3 Unternehmen nicht einmal genauer vorstellen, der Chart und die Indikatoren schauen nicht schlecht aus??

mfg J.B.
Bald Dow 13000?? Tja, so ist das Leben, manche wissen es und viele nicht!!


Ich kenn die doch selber nicht :-)

29.01.07 00:25
Es geht hier in erster Linie um ein Tradingsignal:

Ausbruch unter ungewöhnlich hohem Volumen über eine Widerstandszone und einer länger bestehenden Tradingrange. Das lässt fast immer auf weitere Kursgewinne schließen, manchmal allerdings erst nach einer zwischenzeitlichen Konsolidierung.

Mal beobachten 3055865 ©

Es genügt nicht, keine Gedanken zu haben, man muss auch unfähig sein, sie auszudrücken.

SPPI und GPC-Biotech

29.01.07 14:58
10% Umsatzbeteiligung wenn Satraplatin auf den Markt kommt.

SPPI6.16, +0.28, +4.8% ) , a small oncology-focused biotech firm in Irvine, Calif. The company recently released positive data from a phase three clinical trial of a drug to treat prostate cancer called satraplatin, he said, noting he expects the drug to win approval in mid-2007.
A German company owns the rights to the drug, but Spectrum receives a 10% royalty from worldwide sales, he said. "Usually the way these drugs work is you get approval, then expand off label. It could be a big opportunity. A 10% royalty doesn't sound like a whole lot, but if they do $500 million in revenue that's $50 million net to them."

Mal beobachten 3056875 ©

Es genügt nicht, keine Gedanken zu haben, man muss auch unfähig sein, sie auszudrücken.

doc, kannst dich ja

29.01.07 17:06
ma die gelbe sonnenenergie aus peking auf die watch nehmen
die chinesischen solar-konfuziunisten werden es sicher bald in ihrer heimat verstärkt brauchen
die sind seit dezember an der nasdaq

Mal beobachten 3057213

Mal beobachten 3057213

Wie hoch läuft PTM?

31.01.07 15:24
Riesendeal über zig Millionen Dollar abgeschlossen bei ner augenblicklichen Marktkapitalisierung von 145 Millionen..

7:32AM Palatin Technologies and AstraZeneca announce worldwide collaboration on obesity compounds; PTN will receive an upfront payment of $10 mln (PTN) 2.05 : Co announced an exclusive global licensing and research collaboration agreement to discover, develop and commercialise small molecule compounds that target melanocortin receptors. The collaboration is based on Palatin's melanocortin receptor Obesity programme and includes access to compound libraries, core technologies and expertise in melanocortin receptor drug discovery and development. Under the terms of the agreement, Palatin will receive an upfront payment of $10 mln from AstraZeneca and is eligible for milestone payments totalling $300 mln, with up to $180 million contingent upon development and regulatory milestones and the balance on achievement of sales targets, together with the payment of stepped royalties on product sales to double digit rates, dependent on sales achieved. ( note: PTN's current mkt cap $145.8 mln, trailing 12-months revs are $19.5 mln)

Mal beobachten 3061846

Mal beobachten 3061846 ©

Es genügt nicht, keine Gedanken zu haben, man muss auch unfähig sein, sie auszudrücken.

PTN, doc, PTN

01.02.07 22:06
nich PTM
aber z.z. lieber Platinum als Palatin :-)

Mal beobachten" style="max-width:560px" >

SPPI plant Phase 3 - Studie zur Jahresmitte

06.02.07 15:23
8:08AM Spectrum Pharma: EOquin was found to be well tolerated when administered to patients immediately following surgery for noninvasive bladder cancer (SPPI) 6.43 : Co announces that it has completed patient accrual in the U.S. pilot safety study of EOquin in patients with noninvasive bladder cancer. In this study, EOquin was found to be well tolerated when administered to patients immediately following surgery for noninvasive bladder cancer in clinical results to date. Results confirmed previous clinical results where EOquin administration was well tolerated. In addition, there was no adverse effect on wound healing and when administered immediately after surgery, EOquin was not absorbed into the bloodstream. The co plans to initiate Phase 3 studies before mid-year.

Mal beobachten 3074270 ©

Es genügt nicht, keine Gedanken zu haben, man muss auch unfähig sein, sie auszudrücken.


06.02.07 21:40
bei 4,95 die PLRO raus und 40 promille in feif days injesackt.
damit is dat wochenziel eigentlich schon drinne ;-)) wenn da nich schon der nächste am gruenen haken baumeln täte.
macht aber wenich sinn da große worte drüber zu verlieren - juckt eh kaum !

Mal beobachten 3075256
Ramses II:

hi grueni, juckt schon

06.02.07 22:09
gerne auch per BM.

schöne grüße

moin -

07.02.07 14:14
wer will guggt ma PRNW an
die tage schöne news und positives momentum zieht an
von 5 werten hab i in der regel 3 treffer und 2 verlustbringer
die positiven sind je für mindestens 20 oder mehr promille jut
die negativen werden spätestens bei 5-8 verlustpromille jeworfen
wenn OTC- dann auch nur werte welche möglichst deutlich über einem dollar notieren
da is die geschichte oft stimmich und halbwegs überschaubar
auch hab ich selten mehr als 3 bis 5 werte im depot - dafür aber dutzendweise buden auf der watch
dat risk is bei momentums türlich hoch, aber in summe überlebe ich so not bad!

Mal beobachten" style="max-width:560px" >

LAKE BUENA VISTA, FL, Feb 06, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- NTCA Expo '07 -- Procera(R) Networks, Inc. (PRNW) , a pioneering developer of intelligent network traffic and service management infrastructure equipment, today announced its new PacketLogic Lawful Intercept platform, a flow-based traffic management system designed to enable Broadband Service Providers (BSPs) and Voice of Internet Protocol (VoIP) interconnect providers to provide intercepted internet data that is requested by Law Enforcement Agencies under a court ordered warrant. Procera's PacketLogic is the industry's first, cost effective, easy-to-implement platform that addresses the new regulatory requirements of the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA). CALEA requires broadband service providers to have proper tools in place by May 14, 2007 to isolate, intercept, export and selectively monitor in real-time, a legally identified criminal suspect on the BSP's network, without compromising the constitutional right to privacy for the rest of the customers on the network.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) defined the requirements for CALEA, which was originally enacted in the mid-1990's to help Law Enforcement Agencies process warrants for listening to standard analog telephone communications. As the Internet has gained popularity as a communication medium over the last decade, CALEA has been modified to include the procedures and technical requirements for Broadband Service Providers to lawfully intercept Internet-based communications, including data and VoIP calls originating or terminating on the Internet


07.02.07 14:44
wer richtich mutich is und es lieber zwei drei risk- reiskörner höher mag
voip auf dem reisfeld

Mal beobachten" style="max-width:560px" >

As further evidence of the growing relationship between Jinan Yinquan Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of China VoIP & Digital Telecom Inc. (CVDT) and China Tie Tong, one of the six largest basic telecom operators in China, the two companies announced today that they plan to enter into another joint venture project. The plan calls for China Tie Tong to install Jinan Yinquan VoIP products where Tie Tong networks are not available.

"China Tie Tong will promote our VoIP telephones in areas without Tie Tong's Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)," said Li Kunwu, President and CEO of China VoIP & Digital Telecom Inc. "The beauty of our proprietary Soft Switch technology is that existing Internet users can be developed into VoIP landline users of Tie Tong, even if the MAN is not installed."

Kunwu said the cooperative venture will bring Jinan Yinquan yet another sales channel for its VoIP business and indicated that this represents a "win win" situation for both companies.

"While we get an additional sales channel for our VoIP products and since the 'fix' lines in the areas in question are mainly installed and serviced by other telecom companies, this joint effort will enable Tie Tong to penetrate these markets without the significant costs associated with developing a landline infrastructure," said Kunwu. "Not only is it keeping with Tie Tongs' diversification strategy but it provides both companies with the opportunity to offer more convenient and lower-cost services to our respective customers."

Jinan Yinquan currently services three provinces and 19 cities with Shandong Province its primary base of operations. The Company recently announced it will expand to both Shanghai and Beijing and plans further expansion throughout China.

ok, viel spass und bis später
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