Beiträge: 38
Zugriffe: 18.276 / Heute: 1
Macdonald Mines . 0,0458 $ -2,55% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -99,95%


24.10.07 18:36
hier könnte demnächst was laufen ;-)

MacDonald Mines Plans November Drill Program on Nickel Targets in Webequie District of James Bay

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Oct 11, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: BMK) -

MacDonald Mines is pleased to announce that it has started its fall 2007 exploration program. The program will include an airborne survey, ground geophysical surveys and a 2000 meter diamond drill program. Please see the Company's website for a detailed overview of the program.



With the recent nickel discovery by Noront, the Company has retained Scott Hogg, President of Scott Hogg & Associates Ltd. to review and reinterpret the existing MacDonald airborne survey flown in 2004 and identify potential nickel targets.

In 2004, MacDonald contracted a helicopter -borne time-domain electromagnetic survey that was flown at 75 and 50 meter line spacing over the Big Mac and McNugget properties which provided comprehensive and detailed target information. The survey was subsequently interpreted for potential copper/zinc deposits given the VMS discovery at McFauld's Lake. A preliminary re-interpretation of the McNugget airborne indicates that there are many excellent nickel targets on the McNugget Property. The upcoming exploration program plans to drill at least 7 of the identified targets on the McNugget Property.


The Noront nickel discovery area, including the recently staked proximal MacDonald/Temex claims, had a previous airborne survey, which was flown at 300 meter line spacing. The survey identified several targets on the MacDonald/Temex ground, which have a similar geophysical signature to the Noront discovery. These targets will also be drilled during the upcoming program.


The diamond drill program has been scheduled to commence on November 1, 2007. The planned program consists of 10-15 holes totalling 2,000 meters. Cartwright Drilling has been contracted to carry out the required drilling and the drill is already situated on the McNugget Property. Cartwright has conducted all the previous drilling for the Company in the James Bay Lowlands.

Bill Nielsen, P. Geo. will oversee the overall exploration program on behalf of MacDonald Mines and its joint venture partners, Temex and Baltic.

Field exploration will be managed by Randy Salo, P. Geo. in consultation with Bruce Durham, P. Geo. of Temex Resources and Hadyn Butler, P. Geo. and Director of MacDonald Mines.


MacDonald Mines (as the operator of the Temex/MacDonald and Baltic/Temex/MacDonald joint venture projects) is now coordinating an extensive airborne geophysical survey over the newly staked claim blocks. This airborne survey is scheduled to commence on October 14, 2007. Fugro Airborne Surveys has been contracted to conduct a HeliGEOTEM time-domain electromagnetic survey over the newly acquired property at 100 meter line spacing.


Line cutting of control grids is underway and ground geophysical surveys including Max-Min, EM and magnetics will follow immediately to confirm the location and quality of airborne targets. The ground survey work has been contracted to Exsics Exploration (Timmins) and helicopter support will be provided by Expedition Helicopters (Cochrane).


The Company will operate its base camp out of the First Nations Community of Webequie, which is a 15 minute helicopter ride from the McNugget Property.

This is now the seventh program the Company will have conducted using the community of Webequie as a base camp. The Community provides both infrastructure and personnel to support the exploration programs. We would once again like to take this opportunity to thank Chief Scott Jacob and the Community for their continued support and assistance.



MacDonald has acquired 19 additional claim blocks representing approximately 4,400 hectares which expands the Company's current McNugget Property to 55 claim blocks covering an area of approximately 13,000 hectares.


MacDonald has acquired 15 additional claim blocks representing approximately 3,750 hectares which expands the Company's current Big Mac Property to an area in the order of 12,650 hectares.

MacDonald owns a 100% interest in the above mentioned McNugget and Big Mac claims.


In a 50-50 joint venture with Temex Resources Corp, MacDonald has acquired 12 separate parcels of land totaling 97 claim blocks which represent approximately 24,000 hectares.


In a 50-25-25 joint venture with Baltic Resources Inc. (50%) and Temex Resources Corp. (25%), MacDonald (25%) has acquired 3 separate parcels of land totaling 50 claim blocks which represents approximately 12,500 hectares.

This brings MacDonald Mines total land position in the James Bay Region to about 62,150 hectares, which is either owned 100% by MacDonald or owned in conjunction with JV partners. All property additions were staked to reflect optimum geological settings for potential nickel/copper deposits and include property which is contiguous to the recent Noront Double Eagle spectacular nickel/copper discovery. (see Noront press release dated September 27, 2007).

This land acquisition strategy positions MacDonald with further nickel-sulphide-potential properties, new skilled experienced business partners and strategic risk spreading for this important mining region of Ontario.


Nickel sulphide discoveries on the McNugget Property (see press release of June 14, 2007 in which Hole MN-07-39 intersected 4.5m grading 0.36%Ni and a further 22.5meters down the hole an intersection of 27.0 meters averaging 0.26%Ni.).

VMS Discoveries (see press release of Jan. 24, 2005, Hole MN-4 intersected 6.7m averaging 1.55% Zn, press release of June 7, 2006 in which it was announced that Hole MN06-18 intersected 6.49m averaging 0.64%Cu and 2.92%Zn and press release of June 14, 2007 where intersections of up to 0.57% Cu and 7.94% Zn were intersected over 1.5m in Hole MN07-28).


Mr. Milton Snow, a long time shareholder and Director offered his resignation to the Board of Directors on October 04, 2007. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Milt for his support and contribution, particularly, through the challenging years and wish him all the best as he spends more time with family and friends. We know Milt will continue to keep a close watch over us.

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Mr. Elgin Wolfe has agreed to join MacDonald Mines as a Director effective October 05, 2007. Elgin brings years of business experience primarily in the real estate/development sector to the Board and is also involved with other Junior Exploration Companies.

Bill Nielsen, P.Geo. is the designated qualified person for the technical information contained in this press release.

WARNING: The statements made in this news release may contain forward-looking statements that may involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from expectations and projections set out herein.

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

Contacts: MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. J. A. Kirk McKinnon President and Chief Executive Officer (416) 364-4986 MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. Richard Schler Vice President & CFO (416) 364-4986 (416) 364-2753 (FAX) Email: Website:

SOURCE: MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd.
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
MACDONALD MINES (358692) 127399


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ja und in zwei wochen

24.10.07 18:44
schreiben die daann das in 3 meter tiefe zwanzig BigMäc liegen
und als nebenprodukt noch 45g/t Pommes rot-weiß

kleiner Spaß

Die Cans sind Feuer und Flamme

24.10.07 19:20
Aus stockhouse zum goldenen M ;-):

anomalies, eight on BMK 's existing claims, more will show up from land just staked out, and these land formations and anomalies are exactly the same a the one at NOT's strike.{ remeber BMK had survey area prior to find searching for copper and base metals}  The Em surveys are now being redone at a higher frequency ', the Em signals travel through and mineralization and ,nickel gives off a different signature than other metals BMK had surveyed area before with low frequency impulse which would not have detected the anomoly and the marsh area also hides the EM signal. Now that it is known what to look for, type and style of signature than it is now a different ball game. The type of geology that Mcfauld's lake and whole james bay area holds is quite similar to Voisey Bay's terrain, the volcanic  activity of years gone by and structure that was developed  bears the same similarities. 2 % nickel is enough to be a minable find, Noront struck 5.9% for 68.3 meters and and 5.9% for 3 meters in hole NOT-07-05NOT07-07 undercut o7-05 and hit sulphide with peridotitein it  from 73 meters to 124 meters . , this is what I am trying to explain here this type of high grades and the geological structure is not a one trick pony formation, even as the 'FACTS' the EM surveys are putting forth. Drilling of course is needed to prove resource, but the structure found up in James bay  fits the bill. This is more than we all expected and is going to bring higher and higher stock prices. Be very cautious about walking away from BMK and NOT. ...coswil  

Wie wahr ;-)

24.10.07 19:55
It's human nature...
There are no facts right now ... simply speculation (though it's obvious something is brewing up north - depending on where you live).
As such, it comes down to:
Fight or Flight

Nobody wants to be the last one in...
Nobody wants to be the last one out...

How do you make sense of all this? You cannot. So what do you do? Buy or Sell and stick to your guns.

My opinion is that if this was all fluff it would've already gone back down... significantly

Trading Halt...

25.10.07 19:47
Attention Business Editors
Market Regulation Services - Trading Halt - Macdonald Mines Expl. Ltd - BMK

VANCOUVER, Oct. 25 /CNW/ - The following issues have been halted by
Market Regulation Services (RS):

Issuer Name: Macdonald Mines Expl. Ltd
TSX-V Ticker Symbol: BMK
Time of Halt: 12:15 EST
Reason for Halt: Pending News

Die nächste Noront ... oder doch nicht?

25.10.07 20:33
Die Cans machen sich ja fast ins öschen und haben schon wieder knapp 5 Mio gehandelt bis zum trading halt ... da bahnt sich was großes and und wenn es nur ne Seifenblase ist ... beeindruckend ist sie schon ;-)

Aus stockhouse:

spoke yesterday to Mr. MacKinnon of BMK …
He was a very good/jovial mood…joking a bit with me…but I quickly changed to more serious discussion…he indicated the following…
All plans to go ahead with drilling Nov. 01 /07 , less than 2 weeks are on track…the drill is already up there and the firs few drill targets have already been selected, from a Electromag and Mag survey, with 75M line spaciing composed by a real expert Geologist/physic, Hayden Buttler P/Geo who used to be a top guy at Inco , and is very familiar with Ni Cu Mags signatures.

The first drilling will occur in BMK’s 100% owned McNugget claims in the NE corner of the Sachigo Belt . McFaulds, where Previous MacDonald exploration on it's McNugget Property intersected nickel mineralization. This new nickel discovery reported in hole MN-07-39 intersected 4.5m grading 0.36%NI and 22.5m down the hole a further intersection of 27m averaging 0.26%NI.

below is a link to BMK’s 8 Drill targets superimposed on the claims at McNugget.

MacKinnon also indicated that a new areal Geomag/Electromag survey is under way on their new claims near NOT. and when completed, BMK will able to determine what exact drilling targets will be drilled…News should come out when that report in completed…

BMK has the largest geologically favorable land position similar to the SPECTACULAR NORONT Nickel-Copper Discovery. Total land holdings which are wholly-owned or with partners is approximately 60,000 Hectares.

I understood that some staking still continues with partners and news on that will come out when completed…

Also remember BMK is well funded with cash in the bank to do all their work this year at McFaulds…

So sounded to me MacKinnon was very UP on BMK prospects and was very much looking forward to the drilling and the results that willfollow…

I just heard that Sprott and Canacord have a 19% position in NOT and area plays.. I’m willing to bet they also hold the same in BMK.. after all BMK is the BEST area play with the largest land holding and the heaviest volume trader in the area…


MacDonald Gruben ordnet $10-million Finanzierung

26.10.07 18:12
MacDonald Gruben ordnet $10-million Finanzierung

2007-10-26 11:08 UND - Nachrichten Freigabe Reports Herrn Kirk McKinnon MACDONALD $10.000.000 BROKERED FINANCING-JAMES BUCHT-ERFORSCHUNG-PROGRAMM ÜBER SCHIENE FÜR NOVEMBER BOHRGERÄT-PROGRAMM MacDonald Gruben, die Erforschung Ltd. vorschlägt, a durchzuführen, brokered Privatplazierung mit IBK Capital Corp., die als Mittel, für grobe Erträge von $10-million, solcher Antrag, durch den Verkauf von 25 Million Maßeinheiten der Firma durchgeführt zu werden dient. Eine Gesamtmenge von 15.625.000 Maßeinheiten der Firma wird auf einer Grundlage "des harten Dollars" zu einem Preis von 40 Cents pro harte Maßeinheit, für grobe Erträge von $6.25-million verkauft. Weitere 9.375.000 Maßeinheiten der Firma werden auf a fließen-durch Grundlage zu Preis von 40 Cents pro fließen-durch Maßeinheit, für grobe Erträge von $3.75-million verkauft. Jede harte Maßeinheit enthält einen allgemeinen Anteil und einen allgemeinen Aktienbezugsrechtsschein. Jedes fließen-durch Maßeinheit enthält ein fließen-durch allgemeinen Anteil und Halb von einem nicht-fließen-durch allgemeinen Aktienbezugsrechtsschein (jede vollständige Ermächtigung a fließen-durch Ermächtigung und zusammen mit den harten Ermächtigungen, den Ermächtigungen). Jede Ermächtigung erlaubt dem Halter davon, um einen allgemeinen Anteil zu einem Preis von 50 Cents während einer Periode von 24 Monaten nach Austeilung zu erwerben. In Verbindung mit dieser Finanzierung und da Ausgleich für die übertragenen Dienstleistungen, IBK Kapital den folgenden Ausgleich empfängt: Eine Bargeldgebühr von 4.5 Prozent groben Erträgen vom Verkauf von fließen-durch Maßeinheiten; Eine Bargeldgebühr von 9 Prozent groben Erträgen vom Verkauf der harten Maßeinheiten; Diese Zahl der allgemeinen Anteile, die 4.5 Prozent von fließen-durch Maßeinheiten ist, verkaufte; Vermittlerermächtigungen zum Kaufen diese Zahl der allgemeinen Anteile der Firma, die 10 Prozent der Gesamtzahl der harten Maßeinheiten und fließen-durch die Maßeinheiten ist, die unter dem Antrag verkauft werden. Jede solche Vermittlerermächtigung erlaubt IBK Kapital, um einen allgemeinen Anteil der Firma zu einem Preis von 40 Cents während einer Periode von 24 Monaten nach Austeilung zu erwerben. Alle Aktien, die in Verbindung mit dem Antrag geherausgeben werden, sind abhängig von einer viermonatlichen Einflußperiode nach Austeilung und die Finanzierung ist abhängig von dem Empfang durch die Firma aller notwendigen Genehmigungen durch die zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde. Position der herausgegebenen und nicht amortisierten Aktie der Firma ab Okt. 22, 2007, war 111.261.025. Die Firma ist sehr erfreut, dieses Sheldon Inwentash, Vorsitzender zu verkünden und Generaldirektor von Pinetree Hauptltd., Robert McEwen, Vorsitzender und Generaldirektor von US Gold Corp., Pierre Lassonde, Vorsitzender von Franco-Nevada Corp. und Randall Oliphant, Vorsitzender von Western Gold fangen Inc., haben damit einverstandenSIND, einen erheblichen Teil der Maßeinheiten zu kaufen, die in diesem Antrag vorhanden sind. Diamantbohrgerätprogramm Ein Diamantbohrgerätprogramm ist festgelegt worden, um an November 1, 2007 zu beginnen. Das geplante Erforschungprogramm besteht aus 10 bis 15 Bohrungen, die 2.000 Meter zusammenzählen. Vertrag Cartwright Bohrung ist abgeschlossen worden, um die erforderliche Bohrung durchzuführen und das Bohrgerät wird bereits auf der McNugget Eigenschaft aufgestellt. Die Cartwright Bohrung hat die ganze vorhergehende Bohrung für die Firma in die James Buchttiefländer geleitet. Berechnen Sie Nielsen, PGeo, wird das gesamte Erforschungprogramm im Namen der Firma und seiner Joint Venture Partner, Baltic Resources Inc. und Temex Resources Corp beaufsichtigen. Fangen Sie Erforschung wird gehandhabt von Randy Salo, PGeo, in der Beratung mit Bruce Durham, PGeo, von Temex Resources Corp. und von Hadyn Kellermeister, PGeo, ein Direktor der Firma auf. Umfangreiche zerstreute Übersicht Die Firma (wie der Operator der Temex/MacDonald und Baltic/Temex/MacDonald Joint Ventures Projekte) co-ordinating eine umfangreiche zerstreute geophysikalische Übersicht. Vertrag heligeotem 9,000-line-kilometre Zeit-Gebiet elektromagnetische zerstreute Übersicht, die Fugro zu den zerstreuten Übersichten abgeschlossen wird, ist jetzt unterwegs über den eben erworbenen Eigenschaften und wird an 100-metre Zeilenabstand geflogen werden. Bodenübersichten Linie Ausschnitt der Steuerrasterfelder ist- auch unterwegs und geophysikalische Grundübersichten einschließlich Maximum-Minute, EM und magnetics folgen sofort, um die Position und die Qualität der zerstreuten Ziele zu bestätigen. Vertrag Grundübersicht Arbeit ist zur Exsics Erforschung (Timmins, Ontario) abgeschlossen worden und Hubschrauberunterstützung wird von Expedition Helicopters (Cochrane, Ontario) gegeben. Leitung Die Firma freut sich, zu verkünden, daß Lassonde-Graue Julie damit einverstanden ge$$$WESEN ist, MacDonald Gruben Erforschung als Direktor zu verbinden. Ms Lassonde-Lassonde-Gray hält einen Tiefbaugrad von der Königin-Universität und holt dem Brett Jahre der Erfahrung in der Minenindustrie. Ms Lassonde-Lassonde-Gray hält auch die Position des Vizepräsidenten, korporative Entwicklung, für Southampton Wagnisse Inc.. Die Firmablicke vorwärts zum Haben sie verbinden seine Mannschaft und das Beitragen zum Erfolg der Firma. Die Direktion der Firma bewilligte 4.05 Million Aktienoptionen auf Okt. 26, 2007, Direktoren, Offizieren und Beratern der Firma unter den Bezeichnungen des anspornenden Aktienoptionsplanes der Firma, die mit dem TSX Wagnis-Austausch eingeordnet wurde und von den Aktionären bei der letzten jährlichen allgemeinen Aktionärsversammlung der Firma genehmigt war, die an Juni 12, 2007 gehalten wurde. Die Wahlen sind zu einem Preis von 86 Cents pro Anteil während einer Periode von vier Jahren exercisable und sind abhängig von einer viermonatlichen Einflußperiode nach die Austeilung davon. Wir suchen sicheren Hafen.

BMK und die Insider ...

31.10.07 13:13

na dann

31.10.07 13:15

bin ich ja mal gespannt wies beim restaurant "zur goldenen möwe" weitergehtMACDONALD MINES (358692) 3696912


in Kanada tut sich wieder was ;-)

31.10.07 19:01

Pinetree acquires 3.07 million shares...

01.11.07 18:19
Pinetree acquires 3.07 million MacDonald Mines shares

2007-10-31 14:26 ET - News Release

See News Release (C-PNP) Pinetree Capital Ltd

Mr. Larry Goldberg of Pinetree reports


Pinetree Capital Ltd., on Oct. 30, 2007, acquired ownership of 3,075,000 common shares of MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. and 3,075,000 common share purchase warrants. Each warrant entitles the holder thereof to acquire one additional common share until Oct. 30, 2009, at a price of 50 cents. In the event that the warrants are fully exercised, these holdings represent approximately 4.4 per cent of the total issued and outstanding common shares of MacDonald as of Oct. 30, 2007, calculated on a partially diluted basis assuming the exercise of the warrants only. As a result of this transaction, Pinetree and its joint actors held, as at Oct. 30, 2007, a total of 15,825,000 common shares of MacDonald and convertible securities exercisable into 4,325,000 common shares of MacDonald, including the warrants. Of these totals, Pinetree directly holds 8,075,000 common shares and the warrants. If Pinetree and its joint actors were to exercise all of the convertible securities, their combined ownership would represent a total of 20.15 million common shares of MacDonald, or approximately 14.3 per cent of such shares outstanding as of Oct. 30, 2007, calculated on a partially diluted basis assuming the exercise of the convertible securities only. If Pinetree were to exercise all of the warrants, its direct ownership would represent a total of 11.15 million common shares of MacDonald, or approximately 8.0 per cent of such shares outstanding as of Oct. 30, 2007, calculated on a partially diluted basis assuming the exercise of the warrants only.

These transactions were made for investment purposes, and Pinetree and each of its joint actors could increase or decrease their respective investments in MacDonald depending on market conditions or any other relevant factor.

We seek Safe Harbor.  

na endlich kommt der Wert in die Gänge ;-)

05.11.07 16:49

in Kanada Riesen Umsätze und in D.

05.11.07 18:33
merckt es kaum einer ;-)
MACDONALD MINES (358692) 129502

aus Kanada Board

05.11.07 21:18
Someone knows something,,,It's the McEwen Factor
Posted by: TIM9LIVES on November 05, 2007 10:42AM

I've been following McEwen for years now,,,,,everytime he buys a position in a company,,,the stock soars,,,This has been called the McEwen Factor,,,it's the real deal.

USGL,,,went on to be a 10 bagger

RMX tripled in price,,,,there is a long list of stocks which soared once news came out.

Rob McEwen made Goldcorp what it is today,,,,  

Unglaublich, fast 20 mio.Umgesetzt Heute in Kanada

05.11.07 22:17

so langsam werden auch ..

06.11.07 09:29
.. in D. so einige auf den Wert aufmerksamm, spricht zumindestens das Volumen Heute dafür ;-)
MACDONALD MINES (358692) 129602

Einfach unglaublich diese Umsätze in Kanada :-))

06.11.07 15:45

Hi Oli

06.11.07 15:52
Hier geht wirklich die Post ab...

Bist du drin?

@ chinalover

06.11.07 15:56
na endlich noch jemand dem das auch auffält, siehe HEIMATSLAND Umsätze ;-)
MACDONALD MINES (358692) 129687

In Kanada schon über 5 mio. über die Tecke ;-)

06.11.07 15:58


06.11.07 15:59
in 4 Wochen ist der Hammer.
Ich habe sie mir mal auf die Watchlist gelegt...
Vielleicht kommt ja nochmal eine gesunde Korrektur wenn nicht,Pech gehabt..

viel Glück Oli

MACDONALD MINES (358692) 129688

über 20 Mio Umsatz schon

06.11.07 19:34
aber jetzt abwärts

SK 1,18

06.11.07 22:06
man kann mehr als zufrieden sein mit dem heutigen Tag ;-)
MACDONALD MINES (358692) 129777

könnte mir Heute hier ein Rebound..

09.11.07 10:28
.. vorstellen, sah zumindestens in Kanada gestern Kurz vor Schluß hier so aus ;-)
MACDONALD MINES (358692) 130320

na wer hätte das gedacht ;-)

09.11.07 16:53

in Knada ist man sehr Optimistisch ;-)

12.11.07 11:27
This is just the beginning for this company.

More multi-million $$ contracts on the way!!!!

Amount of recent contract ($48M) way over the market cap.

Going to hit $2 real soon as DKSC is just being discovered. Get in
early on this green company. See link below. Cut and paste into browser.

- Richman  

MacDonald Mines Commences Diamond Drilling ...

14.11.07 17:22
MacDonald Mines Commences Diamond Drilling of McNugget Nickel Property; Senior Management Team Presents to First Nations Community of Webequie
McNugget Property Update

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 13, 2007) - MacDonald Mines (TSX VENTURE:BMK) is pleased to announce the commencement of a diamond drill program on its McNugget Nickel-VMS property in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario.

The McNuggett Property consists of 74 claim blocks, covering an area of approximately 13,000 hectares. It is located in the Webequie Region, which is approximately 300 kilometers west of James Bay.

The current drill program will consist of 10-15 holes totaling approximately 2,000 meters and will focus initially on at least 7 of the identified targets on the McNugget property (visit for additional details).

Previous airborne surveys by other parties on the newly acquired MacDonald/Temex ground, in the vicinity of the Noront nickel discovery area, displays similar signatures to the newly found Noront nickel deposit. Ground geophysical work and subsequent diamond drilling is scheduled to take place in this area prior to Christmas.

Drilling is being conducted by Cartwright Drilling, who has carried out all previous drilling for the Company in the James Bay Lowlands. Bill Nielsen, P. Geo., Director, is overseeing the overall exploration program on behalf of MacDonald Mines and its joint venture partners, Temex Resources Corp. and Baltic Resources Inc.

Field exploration is being managed by Randy Salo, P. Geo. in consultation with Bruce Durham, P. Geo. of Temex Resources Corp. and Hadyn Butler, P. Geo., a Director of the Company.

Previous MacDonald 2007 Exploration Results Including Intersection of Nickel Mineralization

Nickel sulphide discoveries on the McNugget Property (see press release of June 14, 2007) include Hole MN-07-39, which intersected 4.5m grading 0.36%Ni and a further 22.5 meters down the hole an intersection of 27.0 meters averaging 0.26%Ni.); and Hole MN-07-40, which intersected at 3.0 meters averaging 0.17%Ni and 0.23%Cu.

MacDonald Mines Senior Management Team Holds Town Hall Meeting with First Nations Community of Webequie

With over 300 band members in attendance, the Senior Management Team conducted an extensive communications briefing followed by a question and answer session with the First Nations Community of Webequie on November 8, 2007.

MacDonald Mines and the First Nations Community continue to have a uniquely positive business partnership that is underpinned by the Company's business philosophy - Respect for the Community, Investment in the Community and Environmental Responsibility.

The Company continues to operate its base camp out of Webequie, which is a 15 minute flight from the McNugget Property. This is now the seventh program the Company has conducted using the community of Webequie as a base camp. The Community provides both infrastructure and personnel to support the exploration programs. Once again, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Chief Scott Jacob and the Band Community for their continued support and assistance.


The Board of Directors of the Company granted 550,000 stock options on November 13, 2007 to directors, officers and consultants of the Company under the terms of the incentive stock option plan of the Company filed with the TSX Venture Exchange and approved by shareholders at the last annual general meeting of shareholders of the Company held on June 12, 2007. The options are exercisable at a price of $0.92 per share for a period of four years and are subject to a four month hold period from the date of the issuance thereof.

Bill Nielsen, P.Geo., Director, is the designated qualified person for the technical information contained in this press release.

WARNING: The statements made in this news release may contain forward-looking statements that may involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from expectations and projections set out herein.

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

heute explodiert bei hohem umsatz + 60 %

27.12.07 21:57


01.03.17 09:11

mal klein zugeschlagen

07.06.17 12:16
man bekommt bereits für fast 1.100€
10.000 Stück..
Mal sehen, was hier noch alles passiert..  

News von Ende Dezember

12.01.18 09:05

Ist hier noch jemand dabei?


08.02.18 12:27


14.02.18 08:42
aber das mit der Verlinkung funktioniert bei mir noch nicht :)

Klingt sehr positiv

16.04.18 16:40

meldet euch wenn noch jemand diese Aktie spannend findet, so ganz alleine ist etwas langweilig :)



USA erklären Kobalt zu kritischem Metall

06.08.18 10:01

Mit schönem Volumen hoch

31.08.20 22:04
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