Level 3 - Baldige Kaufchance? o. T.

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Level 3 - Baldige Kaufchance? o. T.

19.09.04 14:50
(Verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern
Level 3 - Baldige Kaufchance? o. T. 1361


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Happy End:

Investor presentation on Monday, September 20

19.09.04 22:29
Level 3 CFO Sunit Patel to Speak at Banc of America Securities 34th Annual Investment ...

BROOMFIELD, Colo., Sept. 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Sunit Patel, chief financial officer of Level 3 Communications (Nachrichten), will make an investor presentation at the Banc of America Securities 34th Annual Investment Conference in San Francisco on Monday, September 20.

Mr. Patel's presentation is scheduled to begin at approximately 9:00 a.m. Pacific time. A Webcast will be available both live and archived on Level 3's investor relations Web site at www.level3.com/582.html.

About Level 3 Communications

Level 3 is an international communications and information services company. The company operates one of the largest Internet backbones in the world, is one of the largest providers of wholesale dial-up service to ISPs in North America and is the primary provider of Internet connectivity for millions of broadband subscribers, through its cable and DSL partners. The company offers a wide range of communications services over its 23,000-mile broadband fiber optic network including Internet Protocol (IP) services, broadband transport and infrastructure services, colocation services, and patented softswitch managed modem and voice services. Its Web address is www.level3.com/.

The company offers information services through its subsidiaries, Software Spectrum and (i)Structure. For additional information, visit their respective Web sites at www.softwarespectrum.com/ and www.i-structure.com/.

The Level 3 logo is a registered service mark of Level 3 Communications, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.

Forward Looking Statement

Some of the statements made by Level 3 in this press release are forward-looking in nature. Actual results may differ materially from those projected in forward-looking statements. Level 3 believes that its primary risk factors include, but are not limited to: changes in the overall economy relating to, among other things, the September 11 attacks and subsequent events, the challenges of integration, substantial capital requirements; development of effective internal processes and systems; the ability to attract and retain high quality employees; technology; the number and size of competitors in its markets; law and regulatory policy; and the mix of products and services offered in the company's target markets. Additional information concerning these and other important factors can be found within Level 3's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Statements in this release should be evaluated in light of these important factors.

Photo: NewsCom: www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/19990721/LVLTLOGOPRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.com Level 3 Communications, Inc.
Happy End:

up für alle Interessierten... o. T.

20.09.04 09:21

mini update

21.09.04 10:31
sieht nach bruch aus... heute reversal oder fall bis support?

(Verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern
Level 3 - Baldige Kaufchance? o. T. 1413

jetzt gerade bei 2,68...

21.09.04 21:14
...die schwere ask-seite belastet noch.

wenn die aber auf diesem niveau abgearbeitet werden kann,
bleibt sie interessant...

im moment aber: alarmstufe gelb!

kurs aktuell: 2,59 = durchgefallen!

22.09.04 16:27
nächster supprt bei 2,50....

Double Bottom!

25.09.04 14:01
Exakt die 2,50 getroffen... Jetzt sollten wieder Käufer reinkommen!

(Verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern
Level 3 - Baldige Kaufchance? o. T. 1511

Double Bottom bestaetigt !

12.10.04 17:28
20% Plus seit letztem Posting... yes!

Nicht schlecht...

23.10.04 14:17
(Verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern
Level 3 - Baldige Kaufchance? o. T. 2078

45% plus & counting

26.10.04 22:04

kk gestern abend 2,71

01.02.05 16:45

Level 3 - Baldige Kaufchance? o. T. 4316    Level 3 - Baldige Kaufchance? o. T. 4316


(Verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern
Level 3 - Baldige Kaufchance? o. T. 4316

läuft ja ganz gut - $2,94

03.02.05 20:28
und 1x nk ETS zu 1,25 (zur pos 1,40)

AMKR stelle ich glatt zum 4,49 (+-0)

Level 3 - Baldige Kaufchance? o. T. 1799638    Level 3 - Baldige Kaufchance? o. T. 1799638



ups, nun bei 3,00

03.02.05 20:36

vk 3,05 (2,71)

04.02.05 17:43

Level 3

13.03.06 10:33
Hallo aufwachen!
Seit mehr als 4 Wochen herrscht hier gähnende Stille, dabei ist Level 3 ein Wert mit Zukunft(VOIP)!
2,80-2,90 € sind noch gute Einstiegsmöglichkeiten!
Gruß levraini  

wer zockt level 3 ? o. T.

08.05.06 13:53

Schöne Performance

19.10.06 13:01
       Level 3 - Baldige Kaufchance? o. T. 2857530

bin gestern rein

19.09.07 16:36
es hagelt kaufsignale und der kurs ist ziemlich ausgelutscht...

ziel vermag ich im moment keins auszugeben.

unter volumen auf sk 5,00 $

04.10.07 23:02


05.10.07 09:16
Nasdaq 100 Leaders & Laggards: GRMN LVLT

Thursday October 4, 5:00 pm ET  

Garmin, Level 3 Communications and Lamar Ad Shares Rise, Boosting Nasdaq 100

NEW YORK (AP) -- Shares of Garmin Ltd. and Level 3 Communications Inc. helped push the Nasdaq 100 to a higher finish Thursday, after the index wavered between gains and losses for much of the day.
The Nasdaq 100, which includes 100 of the largest nonfinancial securities listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market, rose 2.55 points to finish at 2,105.56. The broader Nasdaq composite added 4.14 to 2,733.57.

Garmin Ltd. shares added $4.43, or 4.6 percent, to $100.95. Following two days of losses, the personal navigation device maker bounced back after a Deutsche Bank analyst said the sale of Navteq Corp., which provides Garmin with map data, is not a threat to Garmin's business.

Level 3 Communications shares climbed 21 cents, or 4.4 percent, to $5.

Shares of Lamar Advertising Co. rose $2.15, or 4.2 percent, to $53.02, after a Morgan Stanley analyst said the outdoor advertising company may top his forecast for the deployment of 350 digital billboards next year.

On the declining side, shares of wireless carrier NII Holdings Inc. sank $4.34, or 5.5 percent, to $74.48.

Shares of pharmacy benefits manager Express Scripts Inc. lost $2.15, or 3.9 percent, to $53.69.

Akamai Technologies Inc. shares fell $1.06, or 3.4 percent, to $30.01.


darum steigt level3 (weiter)

05.10.07 15:11
angriff in einem neuen geschäftsfeld, in dem bisher nur akamai im grossen stil auf kundenfang ging...

October 04, 2007

Will Level 3 (LVLT) Drive Down Akamai (AKAM) Margins

Alley Insider is reporting that as Level 3 (LVLT) moves into the content delivery network business dominated by Akamai (AKAM) that it will undercut what the industry charges most clients by a significant amount. The site reports that "Level 3 plans to sell CDN services at the same rates it sells plain-vanilla Internet bandwidth."

Akamai's shares are already under tremendous pressue from lower pricing offered by several private companies and by recent IPO Limelight Networks (LLNW).

Akamai traded for almost $60 last February. It now changes hands at $30. Limelight traded above $24 after its IPO and now sits just above $9.

Because Level 3 has such a large network and bandwidth of its own, it may be able to offer content delivery at a large discount. It is hard to imagine that it can make much money by pursuing the tactic.

It could be that, as prices drop for customers, all three companies lose.

Douglas A. McIntrye
Ramses II:

was nun, paro?

24.10.07 17:11

griff ins klo,

25.10.07 14:11
das nun :(

bin drin, hatte die aktie nicht auf dem schirm und hab jetzt pech...

level 3 - stabilisiert sich

31.01.08 21:32
und seit tagen mit der bildung eines boden beschäftigt. heute wieder unter den top3 tagesgewinnern in den usa.


Trading News, Tests & Handelssysteme >>> technewsde.blogspot.com/

Level 3 verringert Verlust

23.04.08 14:38
32 minutes ago Level 3 reaffirms 2008 business outlook - MarketWatch
33 minutes ago Level 3 Q1 loss 12 cents a share vs 44-cent loss - MarketWatch

Halte meine Position weiter. Macht bei dem Kurs keinen Sinn. Vorbörslich +15% auf 2,72 USD.


Trading News, Tests & Handelssysteme ::: technewsde.blogspot.com/

quo vadis Level3

10.07.08 17:07

mit Level siehts ja schlimm aus... soll ich noch aussitzen und abwarten? Wie seht Ihr Level3 für die nächsten Monate? Zw. 1,30 Euro und ??? ist alles drin...

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Neueste Beiträge aus dem Level 3 Communications Forum

Wertung Antworten Thema Verfasser letzter Verfasser letzter Beitrag
6 203 Eines meiner weiteren Investments ! LEVEL 3 ! andyy andyy 25.04.21 02:59
  87 Level 3 Communications , neues KZ 2,50! buran buran 25.04.21 00:21
  25 Level 3 - Baldige Kaufchance? o. T. Parocorp vntoch 10.07.08 17:07
  14 LVLT--sollte man beachten o. T. big lebowsky geldschneider 16.10.03 18:58
