Laurion Mineral Expl Inc WKN: LMEFF

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Zugriffe: 540 / Heute: 1

Laurion Mineral Expl Inc WKN: LMEFF

08.05.08 13:57

 Hört und liest sich so richtig interessant, der Kurs und die MK ist auch noch schön niedrig 3,2 Mio Euro!!! . Ich bin noch nicht investiert und freue mich auf ein miteinander mit anderen Arivanern.


Fully Diluted                         86,473,689

Stock Symbol                              LME-TSX.V

Shares Outstanding           66,043,683

Year High/Low ($CDN)      $0.50/$0.06




TSX Stock Quotes


LAURION Mineral Exploration Inc. recently acquired the Sturgeon River Mine consists of thirty-five (35) patented mineral claims located in the historic Geraldton-Beardmore Gold Camp, 120 kilometres northeast of Thunder Bay, Ontario. The Sturgeon River Mine previously operated from 1936 to 1942 and produced 73,332 oz. of gold and 15,922 oz. of silver from 233,476 tons of ore and is located on the same mineralized trend as the Hercules Project held by Kodiak Exploration.

  LAURION Mineral Exploration Inc. presently owns rights to a mineral property located in the northeast part of the Tisdale Township located approximately 12 kilometres northeast of Timmins. The Tisdale property has 27 claims of which Laurion holds a 50% interest in 8 claims of the Davidson-Tisdale Property.
LAURION  holds 100% interest in the 19 mining claims, located in the Tisdale Township (“North Tisdale Claims”) .

 LAURION Mineral Exploration Inc. has an interest in the German Gold project that has 61 claims in the German Township, and the Lydian project that consists of 20 claims in the Stock Township located in the eastern extension of the Timmins Mining Camp.

 LAURION Mineral Exploration Inc. holds a 100% interest in 682 mining claim units (75 mining claims) covering approximately 27,301 acres in the Enid, Massey, Fortune, Turnbull and Cóte Townships, (“Enid Massey Property”), located 40 kilometres west of Timmins, Ontario. The project focuses on the Cóte-Enid-Massey Mafic Intrusive Complex ("CEMMI") and on Ni-Cu-PGE’s and gold targets.

LAURION Mineral Exploration Inc. with Geoinformatics Exploration Inc. (GXL- TSX.V) have completed staking in 2 target areas – the Nipigon Embayment Area (Thunder Bay) and the Cobalt Embayment Area (near Gowganda). The claims have been registered with a 51% interest to Laurion and a 49% interest to Geoinformatics.

LAURION Mineral Exploration Inc. has staked 30 potential nickel claims units in the Fripp Township, 23 km south west of Timmins, Ontario.



 LAURION Mineral Exploration Inc. is an exploration company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol LME.
 Laurion’s exploration horizons encompass not only gold, but also base metals and PGE’s.
We envisage the realization of shareholder value and wealth through monetization of our discoveries. Through joint venture partnerships with significant players with capital, our business model allows us, the junior exploration company to focus our resources on project identification and acquisition, thus permitting Laurion to have many irons in the fire.
Our goal is to expose our investors to the upside of a major discovery on multiple high impact projects, with the objective of achieving long-term growth based on the following strategies and criteria:

  • Strategically well located early stage projects in geological systems where discoveries have been repetitive; Highly prospective properties with the potential to host significant deposits;
  • Make sound business decisions based on disciplined financial criteria that appropriately balance costs, benefits and risks; and,
  • Creating a strategic alliance with companies with technical expertise that utilize leading-edge geophysics and technologies, which recognize ore-bearing systems and locate ore deposits.



Insider Activity Review

19.12.08 11:42

Laurion Mineral Exploration Inc. (LME)

As of December 18th, 2008
Filing DateTransaction DateInsider NameOwnership TypeSecuritiesNature of transaction# or value acquired or disposed ofUnit Price
Dec 18/08Dec 18/08Le Sueur - Aquin, Cynthia ElaineDirect OwnershipCommon Shares10 - Acquisition in the public market193,000$0.015
Nov 07/08Oct 30/08Byberg, Terrence HarryDirect OwnershipOptionsLaurion Mineral Expl Inc WKN: LMEFF 5214663 50 - Grant of options200,000$0.100
Nov 07/08Oct 30/08Lanthier, GerardDirect OwnershipOptionsLaurion Mineral Expl Inc WKN: LMEFF 5214663 50 - Grant of options250,000$0.100
Nov 07/08Oct 30/08Le Sueur - Aquin, Cynthia ElaineDirect OwnershipOptionsLaurion Mineral Expl Inc WKN: LMEFF 5214663 50 - Grant of options250,000$0.100
Oct 31/08Oct 29/08Lanthier, GerardDirect OwnershipCommon Shares10 - Acquisition in the public market200,000$0.025
Oct 15/08Oct 08/08Lanthier, GerardDirect OwnershipCommon Shares10 - Acquisition in the public market261,000$0.020
Oct 01/08Sep 19/08Byberg, Terrence HarryDirect OwnershipOptions52 - Expiration of options-250,000 
Oct 01/08Sep 19/08Le Sueur - Aquin, Cynthia ElaineDirect OwnershipOptions52 - Expiration of options-375,000 
Sep 10/08Sep 10/08Le Sueur - Aquin, Cynthia ElaineDirect OwnershipCommon Shares10 - Acquisition in the public market126,000$0.060
Jul 08/08Jul 02/08Lanthier, GerardIndirect OwnershipCommon Shares10 - Acquisition in the public market1,000$0.075
Laurion Mineral Expl Inc WKN: LMEFF 5214663 - Amended Filing

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