mal etwas; eine weitere enttäuschung. wenigstens ein wenig mühe hätte sich der autor geben können. so verweilt er für den rest meiner mitgliedschaft als ein weitere kandidat auf meiner ignore liste.
KZ 101175 68.7 Compensation notes under the CONP Act
PKB 81133 67.92 Registered compensation vouchers under the OUFL Act and RLFLFF HIMKO 57000 0.39 Himko AD-Vratza
IHLBL 28709 3.7 Industrial Holding Bulgaria PLC-Sofia
BTC 25170 10.42 Bulgarian Telecommunication Company-Sofia
TBIRE 7860 1.42 Prime Property BG REIT
BAUTOB4 6100 1030.8 AutoBohemia AD-Sofia
PAPIR 4529 20.7 Trakia - papir AD-Pazardjik
DOVUHL 3615 4.31 Doverie United Holding PLC-Sofia
HSOF 3050 0.94 Holding Sveta Sofia-Sofia
PETHL 2585 6.28 Sinergon Holding AD-Sofia
BREF 2000 1.3 Bulgarian Real Estate Investment Fund Inc.
VELPA 2000 7.85 Velpa-91 AD-Strajica
ALBHL 1555 14.89 Albena Invest Holding AD-Albena
ATERA 1400 1.42 Advance Terrafund REIT-Sofia
BHC 1074 4.2 Bulgarian Holding Company AD-Sofia
KTEX 1010 7.4 Katex AD-Kazanlak
ELARG 955 1.42 Elana Agricultural Land Opportunity Fund
ORGH 619 69 Orgachim AD-Rouse
NEOH 616 30.2 Neochim AD-Dimitrovgrad
BTBIL 590 1051.2 TBI Leasing AD-Sofia
PET 570 3.78 Petrol AD-Sofia
BITEX 500 1.93 Bulgarian Information Technologies AD-Sofia
WWW 500 1.18 Web Media Group AD-Sofia
BMREIT 490 1.56 Benchmark real estate investment trust Plc.
GAMZA 468 3.28 Severcoop Gumza Holding AD-Sofia
AFH 460 7.9 Favorit Hold AD-Sofia
HVAR 425 11.49 Holding Varna A-Varna
ERH 403 18.6 Energoremont Holding AD-Sofia
ALUM 310 5.5 Alcomet AD-Shumen
ODES 302 95.5 Odessos Shiprepair Yard AD-Varna
LEV 285 5.02 Zlaten lev AD-Sofia
KREM 244 19.42 Kremikovtzi AD-Sofia
MGEHL 240 2.11 Balkanturist Elit AD-Sofia
SFARM 235 7.68 Sopharma AD-Sofia
HIKA 225 3.25 Industrial Capital-Holding AD-Sofia
PAMPO 220 23.69 Pamporovo AD-Smolyan
VAZHO 209 0.34 Recykling Technologies AD-Mizia /in bankruptcy/
INTERL 200 114 Interlogic Real Estate JSC-Sofia
POLIM 175 5.55 Polimeri AD-Devnya
BIOV 150 13.58 Biovet AD-Peshtera
TCH 130 2.01 TK - Hold AD-Sofia
DZI 123 74.63 DZI AD-Sofia
BTH 122 29.1 Bulgartabac-holding AD-Sofia
FZLES 108 21 Fazerles AD-Silistra
DRURA 100 18.39 Drouzhba AD-Razgrad
IBG 100 2.15 Investor.BG AD-Sofia
MANU 100 0.75 Manuela AD-Haskovo
RIVR 100 9.1 Riviera AD-Varna
RXB 100 3.56 CB DZI bank AD-Sofia
SLDEN 100 36 Sunny day AD-Varna
CENHL 85 15.4 Stara palnina hold AD-Sofia
NEFTHL 75 1.02 Chernomorski Holding-Bourgas
BULSTH 75 3.6 Utex Holding AD-Sofia
METIZ 70 3.75 Metizi AD-Roman
DOBRO 60 7 Dobrotitsa-BSK AD-Dobrich
ALB 59 86.15 Albena AD-Albena
MIZA 59 9.16 Mizia-96 AD-Pleven
MELHL 50 0.97 Mel Invest Holding AD-Sofia
HRU 50 1.4 Ruen Holding AD-Kustendil
HUG 50 3.4 Holding Coop-Ug AD-Sofia
SLB 50 19.76 Slantchev briag AD-Slanchev bryag
SUN 50 6.45 Slance Stara Zagora BT AD-Stara Zagora
VIDA 50 2.5 Vidachim AD-Vidin
SIRMA 30 2.1 Sirma AD-Plovdiv
STRAB 30 1.05 Stomaneni trabi AD-Septemvri
UNIM 28 0.7 Unimash AD-Debeletz
HGI 25 1.74 Garant Invest Holding AD-Kustendil
NAD 25 1.87 Nadejda AD-Sofia
BVH 25 1 Bulvesta Holding AD-Sofia
EMKA 25 20.11 EMKA AD-Sevlievo
ADVANC 20 1.8 Advance invest AD-Sofia
HES 20 64.2 Hidravlic Elements & Systems AD-Yambol
KDN 18 64.99 Kapitan Diado Nicola AD-Gabrovo
ZLP 17 17.32 Zlatni piasaci AD-Varna
UPAC 16 29 Unipack AD-Pavlikeni
DRUPL 14 21 Druzhba Staklarski Zavodi AD-Sofia
VIPOM 14 5.4 Vipom AD-Vidin
PLOBT 13 16 Plovdiv-BT AD-Plovdiv
GAZ 10 50.2 Oil & Gas Exploration & Production EAD-Pleven
DSPED 10 2.69 Despred AD-Sofia
GHVMP 10 9.12 Grand hotel Varna AD-Varna
MAK 10 8.5 Mak AD-Gabrovo
MOMKR 10 13.51 Momina krepost AD-Veliko Tarnovo
ZMMNZ 10 4.5 ZMM-Nova Zagora AD-Nova Zagora
HDPAT 5 750 Holding Company Roads-Sofia