Kommt nach Biotech nun Nanotech ? :

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Kommt nach Biotech nun Nanotech ? :

06.01.01 21:49
Hier interessante Diskussion aus Wallstreet-B. rüberkopiert mit der Bitte um eure Meinung:


Dass die mit 40 Mio\$ bewertet sind obwohl die eine 200Mio\$ Titanmine besitzen?

Altair ist im Bereich Brennstoffzellen und Nanopartikel tätig und plant ab 2002 Gewinne einzufahren. Die ersten Nanoprodukte
werden bereits auf der Website angeboten und Abnehmer gibt es in diesem Bereich genug: bereits 175 Firmen haben
Testexemplare bestellt und eine erste Tonne des Produktes ist bestellt.
Der Umsatz mit Nanoprodukten wird 2001 auf 5 Mio\$ geschätzt rapide steigend.
Altair hat letztes Quartal eine Fabrik in Betrieb genommen die jährlich 200 Tonnen Nanopartikel herstellen kann und plant ab 2002
die Kapazität auf 1.5 MT zu erhöhen.

Kann mir jemand sagen wo der Haken ist?

 von neubiene 06.01.01 11:23:56   3812469845
Achja hier noch die Homepage der Firma:


Direkter Konkurrent ist wohl derzeit Nanophase.

Nanophase steht zwar finanziell besser da, aber
1. ist Nanophase höher bewertet
2. hat Altair den besseren Produktionsprozess
3. hat Nanophase keine eigene Titanmine (oder doch?)

Die Titanmine von Altair soll insgesamt über 12 Mio Tonnen schwere Metalle enthalten.

Heavy Minerals Property Confirmed
Altair is the 100% owner of a large titanium/zircon mineral deposit in Camden, Tennessee. The pre-feasibility study of the property
was completed by Australian-based TZ Minerals International Pty Ltd. in July 1998. The study confirmed that the heavy mineral
sands deposit consists of an indicated resource of 12.2 million tons of total heavy minerals (adequate for about a 20-year mine life).
In April 1999, SRI Consulting (formerly Stanford Research Institute) issued a technoeconomic assessment of the Camden property.
Their report concluded that the titanium and zircon minerals present at Camden have substantial global markets which will continue
to grow at rates at least equal to GDP. They also concluded that Camden warrants further development and has an indicated
after-tax present value of approximately \$211 million using a discount factor of 9%.


Der Chart sieht derzeit übrigens auch gut aus.
Symbol= ALTI

 von forward 06.01.01 11:46:39   3812469935
Wie das sein kann.....?
Nun, man muss ja erst Mal "darauf kommen".
Und die Amis tun sich da zur Zeit recht schwer in ihrer Panik.
Wenn die Verkäufe dieses seltenen Materials durch ALTI erst Mal
richtig anlaufen, sind die Kursaussichten blendend.
Auch im Forschungsbereich (MIT) wird investiert.
Der Chart ( W )sieht sehr gut aus, obwohl ich bei einen Wert aus der
Nanotechnologie nicht so viel auf Technik gebe.
Auch das bis Sept avisierte Kursziel (Shonstorm-Research)
von 9,-- \$ ist für mich nicht vorrangig der Grund meines Engagements,
sondern die Story "Nanotechnologie" insgesamt
, die vielleicht irgendwann Mal die Fantasie
aus der Biotech-Branche übernimmt.
Viel Glück

 von neubiene 06.01.01 12:29:27   3812470100
Ah schön also ein noch unentdeckter Wert  
selbst Nanophase ist noch lange nicht überbewertet, wenn man sich die Zukunftsperspektiven anschaut.

Die wirkliche Nanotechnologie (also mit Mikrochips und Robotern) ist zwar noch recht weit entfernt, aber die Nanochemie (oder wie
das heisst was die machen) wird bereits in ein bis 2 Jahren auf Volldampf laufen und da sind nunmal Nanophase und Altair so
ziemlich die ersten und wer als erstes anfängt besitzt auch die grundlegendsten Patente und einen gehörigen Vorsprung gegenüber
der zukünftigen Konkurrenz.

Ich bin mir sicher, dass Nanophase und Altair irgendwann so richtige Gorillas werden in einem ertragreichen Milliardenmarkt.

@ forward
gibts eigentlich ne WKN hier in Deutschland, oder kann man die nur in USA kaufen?


 von forward 06.01.01 19:07:42   3812471805
ALTI : WKN 902675
Enger Markt, aber doch Umsätze in FFM und Berlin.

Und das mit "Milliardenmarkt" muss ja nicht gleich sein,
vorerst reicht auch eine Null weniger bei den Umsätzen.

Altair Int. WKN 902675, Nanophase Techn. 910885

06.01.01 22:56
Die Umsätze in D sind ein Witz, auch in US gering. Sehr spekulativer Kauf, obwohl man mit Altair 100 % in der letzten Woche hätte machen können. Aber auch nur in der letzten Woche. Vielleicht passen ja noch ein paar ins Depot. Motto: Hinlegen, warten, wundern.

Aber was heißt "nach Biotechnologie"? Bio hat noch nicht enttäuscht. Bio ist noch lange nicht vorbei.



07.01.01 06:27
beobachte altair,nanophase u. nanopierce schon seit 6mon.nix als verluste.solange diese technik nicht im grossen stil eingesetzt werden kann,dürfte da nix laufen.zum bratpfannen beschichten braucht brauch ich keine nanotechnik(siehe masterflex,s-dax).allerdings glaube ich,dass wenn neu werkstoffe entwickelt werden,die nanotechnologie einen weiteren sprung nach vorne macht(raum-luft-schifffahrt,pc).
gruss karo
upper falls:

Nun, Nanopierce ist m.E.

07.01.01 11:14
..eher der Elektronik-Industrie zuzurechnen -s.unten-. Innovationen in der Nanotech-Forschung sind von denen nicht zu erwarten.
Auch ALTI und NANX notieren als US-Werte  natürlich unter ihren Höchstständen v.Vorjahr.
Bei ALTI waren tatsächlich seit 30.12.2000 über 100 % zu verdienen.
Im Vergleich zu NANX sind die aber auch wesentlich billiger.

(Zu Nanopierce:
As remarkable as the achievements were in the year 2000 for
 Nanopierce Technologies, Inc., we are committed to
 surpassing those achievements with even more outstanding
 accomplishments in the year 2001. We are confident of
 accomplishing our mission of building Nanopierce into a high
 growth company in the electronics industry.)  


07.01.01 12:06
einen bericht zu nano findest du unter:tradewire.de.ziemlich unten titel
zwergentechnologie.falls du ihn schon kennst ok.
werde ihn jetzt nochmal lesen,da abgeändert.
gruss karo
upper falls:

Besonders überrascht bin ich über die Gewinnschätz

07.01.01 17:30
bei ALTI.
Beim derzeitigen Kurs von 2,--$ wäre dies ja für amerikanische Verhältnisse ein sensationelles KGV von unter 8 !

Nanotechnologie - Bausteine einer neuen Welt

                  Welche Firmen sind interessant?

                       Nanophase (Nasdaq: NANX/ WKN: 910885):
                       Sicherlich zu den bekanntesten Unternehmen gehört Nanophase aus Burr
                       Ridge, Illionois. Die Amerikaner entwickeln und vermarkten nanocrystalline
                       Materialien. Anwendungen finden die Stoffe in der Elektro-, Kosmetik und
                       Chemieindustrie. Mit traditionellen Methoden war es Nanophase bisher nicht
                       möglich, die Stoffe in hoher Stückzahl für die Käufer herzustellen. Erst die
                       Entwicklung einer neuen Technologie hat den erhofften Durchbruch erbracht.
                       Das zeigt sich besonders im Umsatzwachstum des dritten Quartals diesen

                       Jahres. Gegenüber dem Vergleichszeitraum im Vorjahr legte der Umsatz
                       um 270% zu. Zu den Kunden zählen einige der Fortune-500-Firmen. Diese
                       und steigendes Interesse der Industrie dürften für Nanophase als
                       interessantes Investment in den nächsten Jahren sprechen.
                       Altair International Inc. (Nasdaq: ALTI/ WKN: 902675):
                       Erst im letzten Jahr kaufte Altair ein Patent zur Herstellung von
                       Nanopartikelchen von der Firma BHP Minerals. Die Investition bringt der
                       Firma eine Ersparnis von 50% bei den Herstellungskosten. Bereits im
                       dritten Quartal will Altair 300 - 600 Tonnen Nanopartikel (TIO2) herstellen,
                       womit der Umsatz für das Gesamtjahr bei konservativen Schätzungen dann
                       $ 10 Millionen erreicht. Analysten stufen die Aktie zur Zeit mit einem Strong
                       Buy ein, da zu erwarten ist, daß Umsatz und Gewinn in den nächsten
                       Jahren überproportional zunehmen. Für das laufende Geschäftsjahr erwartet
                       das Management einen Gewinn von $ 0,30 pro Aktie.

hier die letzten Beiträge aus dem NANX-Board bei

07.01.01 18:54
ragingbull   NANX
Nanophase already announced they will be producing
500 tons or 1mm lbs of nanocystaline.
Far more then ALTI's 200tons and a schedule ramp up of 1500 tons for 2001.
NANX currently offers 8 Differnt products with the cheapest @ $80.00 a pound retail.
Ramp up won't start till this June but
1mm lbs X $80 = $80mm in sales based on one product.

It's not to say that ALTI isn't a good bet but compared to NANX , ALTI is still in it's early development phase with lots of potential.

ALTI's Market Cap (39Mil)compared to NANX's Market Cap (149.56Mil)

und die Bilanzen mit 12 Millionen accumulated deficit bei ALTI scheint mir denn doch bedenklich

upper falls:

ALTI= Höheres Risiko bei höheren

07.01.01 20:06
Chancen !
Wie so oft am Aktienmarkt.
Und ein ausgewiesenes Defizit war zu erwarten.
Hier vergleiche ich auch gerne mit Biotechs, die auch
einige Jahre durchstehen müssen, bevor der "Rubel rollt".

Interessant wäre es auf jeden Fall, wenn die beiden Unternehmen,
-wie schon öfters angedeutet- fusionieren würden oder NANX die ALTI übernehmen sollte.
upper falls:

Wie der Schlusssatz....

07.01.01 20:13
...den du leider vergessen hast rüberzukopieren, schon sagt:

 ALTI's Market Cap (39Mil)compared to NANX's Market Cap (149.56Mil)
 is still cheap at it's current price but it's a nanotechnology play that's   a sleeper soon to


08.01.01 10:41
hat bestimmt eine grosse Zukunft. Wo ich auch noch enormes Potential sehe sind Firmen, welche Produkte gegen Allergien entwickeln. Würde mich interessieren wer solche Firmen kennt.
upper falls:

Vielleicht findest du unter:

08.01.01 13:16
dazu etwas !

und hier die Finanzsituation von ALTI

09.01.01 22:14
biz.yahoo.com/e/001226/alti.html 7 Millionen Kredit gegen Optionen und Aktien ,-und hier aus dem letzten Jahresbericht:We Have Not Generated Any Operating Revenues or Profits.
Altair is a development stage company. To date, Altair has not generated revenues from operations or realized a profit. Altair is presently investing substantial resources in the testing and development of the Jig, the exploration of the Tennessee Mineral Property, and the acquisition, development and commercialization of the Processing Technology and Processing Assets. There can be no assurance that the Jig, the Tennessee Mineral Property, the Processing Technology and Processing Assets or any other project undertaken by Altair will ever enable Altair to generate revenues or that Altair will at any time realize a profit from operations.

We May Continue to Operate at a Net Loss. -

Altair has experienced a loss from operations in every fiscal year since its inception. Altair's losses from operations in 1998 were $1,762,088 and its losses from operations in 1999 were $2,291,850. Although Altair expects to begin product sales of TiO2 nanoparticles in 2000, total sales will probably not be at a level sufficient to produce a positive net income for the year. Altair will continue to experience a net operating loss until, and if, the Processing Technology and Processing Assets, the Jig and/or the Tennessee Mineral Property begin generating revenues for Altair. Even if the Processing Technology and Processing Assets, the Jig or the Tennessee Mineral Property begin generating revenues, such revenues may not exceed the costs of production. Accordingly, Altair may not ever realize a profit from operations.

We May Not be Able to Raise Sufficient Capital to Meet Present and Future Obligations.

Altair may not be able to obtain the capital necessary to complete the development work necessary to place the Processing Technology and Processing Assets into continuous operation in a commercial setting. In addition, we may be unable to obtain the capital necessary to complete testing and development of the Jig or exploration of the Tennessee Mineral Property. If Altair determines to construct and operate a mine on the Tennessee Mineral Property, Altair will need to obtain a significant amount of additional capital to complete construction of the mine and commencement of operations.

In addition, Altair may need additional capital for necessary or discretionary acquisitions of equipment, properties, intellectual property rights or companies. General and industry market factors or other unforeseen events may also affect Altair's use of and need for capital.

If Altair needs additional capital, it may not to be able obtain the amount of additional capital needed or may be forced to pay an extremely high price for capital. Factors affecting the availability and price of capital may include, without limitation, the following:

o market factors affecting the availability and cost of capital generally; o the performance of Altair; o the size of Altair's capital needs; o the market's perception of mining, technology, and or minerals stocks; o the economics of projects being pursued; and o industry perception of Altair's ability to recover minerals with the Jig or Processing Technology.

If Altair is unable to obtain sufficient capital or is forced to pay a high price for capital, Altair may be unable to place the Processing Technology and Processing Assets into continuous operation, complete the testing and production of the Jig, exploration and development of the Tennessee Mineral Property, or otherwise pursue and fully exploit existing or future development opportunities. In addition, because of their size, resources, history and other factors, certain competitors of Altair may have better access to capital than Altair and, as a result, may be able to exploit opportunities more easily or thoroughly than Altair.

und aus dem Ragingbullboard von ALTI:Germans are buying ALTI like crazy!

upper falls:

und hier das Kursplus seit Ende Dez.: + 200 % o.T.

25.01.01 08:08
upper falls:

..bzw. + 70 % seit Beginn dieses Threads, aber in

25.01.01 08:16
...diesem Board sind solche Gewinne verpönt.
(siehe auch meinen vorzeitig - mit 40 % Gewinn - beendeten Thread zu HHGP)
Man sammelt hier scheinbar lieber Verlustvoträge.

ALTI im kräftigen Aufwind nach Renazorb News:

14.09.02 06:09

Kommt nach Biotech nun Nanotech ? : 784028chart4.onvista.de/OnVista/...&SUPP_INFO=0&ID_NOTATION=5834830" style="max-width:560px" >
News vom 04.09. und 10.09. , brandheiss:

RENO, Nev.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 4, 2002--Altair Nanotechnologies (Nasdaq: ALTI, news) today announced that it was awarded its second patent "Processing Aqueous Chloride Solution to Ultrafine Titanium Dioxide" by the U.S. Patent Office. Patent number 6,440,383 was issued on Aug. 27, 2002.

The new patent describes the fundamental technology for producing Altair's nanomaterials and is the platform for many of the subsequent patent applications that have been filed for the manufacturing of specific nanomaterials including new materials for pharmaceutical applications.

According to extensive market research by Business Communications Co. Inc., the total world market for nanoparticles is projected to rise at a 12.8 percent average annual growth rate, exceeding $900 million in 2005. The new patent follows a recently awarded patent covering the environmentally friendly process for TiO2 pigment production, an $8 billion industry.

Altair believes products made with its new process have the advantage of being superior due to the narrow particle size distribution, the control of physical and chemical properties and the low cost of processing the materials. It is important to note that the environmental features so important in the company's patented base process for titanium dioxide pigment are retained in the new process for inexpensively manufacturing commercial quantities of its nanomaterials.

"To date Altair has filed eight additional patents that have been developed on the foundation provided by our two recently issued patents," commented Altair President Dr. Rudi E. Moerck. "We are continuing to develop additional products and applications that will allow us to work with licensees and strategic partners for accelerating the market entry of our products and technologies.

"We are currently seeking evaluation license partners for our new phosphate-lowering drug and commercial arrangements with pigment manufacturers. Titanium pigment samples from the Altair process will be available to select pigment producers in the next two weeks and samples of our new phosphate binding drug API are available immediately."

"An article discussing our new pharmaceutical for the treatment of elevated phosphate levels in kidney dialysis patients appears in the August issue, Volume 5, Number 7, of Nanoparticle News," said Moerck. "In preliminary testing, our ceramic micro-structured material outperformed existing drugs in removing phosphates."

Altair is focusing considerable effort on the continued development of intellectual property related to new pharmaceutical products for the treatment of elevated phosphate levels in kidney dialysis patients. This concentration has led to significant interest by a number of large pharmaceutical companies. The company's strategy is to grant evaluation licenses to those companies with the ability to further develop the drug and bring product to market.

Moerck noted, "This ongoing development is supported through small equity fundings as we believe it would be detrimental to the company and its shareholders to raise significant capital in today's depressed public markets."

Altair Nanotechnologies Inc.

Nanotechnology is rapidly emerging as a unique industry sector. Altair Nanotechnologies is positioning itself through product innovation within this emerging industry to become a leading supplier of nanomaterials and technology worldwide. Altair owns a proprietary technology for making nanocrystalline materials of unique quality both economically and in large quantities.

The company is currently developing special nanomaterials with potential applications in pharmaceuticals, fuel cells, solar cells, advanced energy storage devices, thermal spray coatings, catalysts, cosmetics, paints and environmental remediation. For additional information on Altair's nanoparticle materials, visit www.altairnano.com.

Forward-Looking Statements

This release may contain forward-looking statements as well as historical information. Forward-looking statements, which are included in accordance with the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, may involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the company's actual results and performance in future periods to be materially different from any future results or performance suggested by the forward-looking statements in this release. These risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, the possibilities that the company may be unable to attract additional customers, funded research opportunities, product development opportunities or ventures through its sales and branding campaign, that the company may never earn sufficient revenues to be profitable and that the company's nanoparticle products may not be integrated into any major market groups and products, in addition to other risks identified in the company's most recent annual report on Form 10-K, as filed with the SEC. Such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this release. The company expressly disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements found herein to reflect any changes in company expectations or results or any change in events.


CONTACT: Altair Nanotechnologies

Tracy LaFollette, 307/587-8245



Investor Relations

Marty Tullio, 949/566-9860

RENO, Nev.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 10, 2002--
Renazorb's(TM) Successful Laboratory Tests For Phosphate Removal

Attract Attention of Major Pharmaceutical Companies

Altair Nanotechnologies (Nasdaq: ALTI, news) today announced that it has named its new pharmaceutical for the removal of phosphate ions in kidney dialysis patients Renazorb(TM).

Renazorb(TM) has been developed specifically for the treatment of elevated phosphate levels in patients with end stage renal disease undergoing kidney dialysis.

The new pharmaceutical is a lanthanum-based ceramic micro-structured material that effectively binds phosphate and is designed to remove these ions in the gastrointestinal tract without absorption of the drug into the bloodstream. Altair has already filed patent applications for Renazorb(TM).

"When we compared the phosphate binding of Renazorb(TM) with commercially available lanthanum carbonate tetra hydrate in the laboratory using simulated human stomach fluid containing phosphate, Renazorb's(TM) reaction rates for binding the phosphate were approximately twice those displayed by the benchmark material," said Altair President Dr. Rudi E. Moerck.

"In addition to the rapid removal of phosphate, the amount of Renazorb(TM) required to remove phosphate from the gastrointestinal tract was about 2.5 times less than the benchmark material. This finding is significant as it could reduce the amount of the drug used in dosing and may dramatically increase patient compliance."

Moerck went on to note that Renazorb(TM), a highly insoluble drug, showed undetectable amounts of free lanthanum in simulated stomach fluid.

Altair has executed four confidentiality agreements with major pharmaceutical companies and is currently negotiating a fifth agreement. Three pharmaceutical companies have shown interest in the use of Renazorb(TM) in a filtration device that could be used during kidney dialysis to remove phosphate directly from blood serum.

Two additional major international pharmaceutical companies have shown a general interest in using Altair's nanomaterials and patented porous nanostructures for drug delivery and pharmaceutical sustained release applications. In many cases new drug delivery systems allow pharmaceutical companies to extend patent protection on existing drugs.

According to Moerck, Altair's strategy is to provide laboratory and performance data to a number of pharmaceutical companies and to grant evaluation licenses to those companies that express interest in developing Renazorb(TM) as a drug. The company will also consider exclusive evaluation licenses and exclusive full drug licenses.

Altair Nanotechnologies Inc.

Nanotechnology is rapidly emerging as a unique industry sector. Altair Nanotechnologies is positioning itself through product innovation within this emerging industry to become a leading supplier of nanomaterials and technology worldwide. Altair owns a proprietary technology for making nanocrystalline materials of unique quality both economically and in large quantities.

The company is currently developing special nanomaterials with potential applications in pharmaceuticals, fuel cells, solar cells, advanced energy storage devices, thermal spray coatings, catalysts, cosmetics, paints and environmental remediation. For additional information on Altair's nanoparticle materials, visit www.altairnano.com.

Forward-Looking Statements

This release may contain forward-looking statements as well as historical information. Forward-looking statements, which are included in accordance with the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, may involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the company's actual results and performance in future periods to be materially different from any future results or performance suggested by the forward-looking statements in this release. These risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, the possibilities that the company may be unable to attract additional customers, funded research opportunities, product development opportunities or ventures through its sales and branding campaign, that the company may never earn sufficient revenues to be profitable and that the company's nanoparticle products may not be integrated into any major market groups and products, in addition to other risks identified in the company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, as filed with the SEC. Such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this release. The company expressly disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements found herein to reflect any changes in company expectations or results or any change in events.


Was haltet ihr von Naongen?? o.T.

14.09.02 07:43

Boh Krause, ein Jahr gewartet seit dem letzten

14.09.02 08:10
Posting? James Bond is back nach einem Jahr zu verwegener Uhrzeit. Wenn Du schon nach so langer Zeit wieder auftauchst, dann kauf Dir Montag APAC in den USA, zu 70% und ALTI zu 30%. Dann hat sich Dein Besuch hier gelohnt.
Ich leg mich jetzt ins Bett und schlafe.

hab einfach was gegen Luftballons ! v. 15.8.2002

15.09.02 01:29
ALTI net loss increased to $ 4,588,254 (with a $2,759,956 asset impairment charge) from $ 2,335,304.

Loss per share was $ 0.20 vs $ 0.12 last year.


Working Capital moved further into the red as a $2 million note due in March 31, 2003, became current. Working Capital is now $(2,563,495) vs $(81,154) on December 31, 2001.
The Company reported:

"We may not be able to raise sufficient capital to meet future obligations ...If we are unable to obtain sufficient capital, we may be unable to meet future obligations or adequately exploit existing or future opportunities, and may be forced to discontinue operations.

und die Angestellten werden mit neuen Aktien bezahlt...
der heutige Anstieg dürfte nicht von Dauer sein,wenn das Renazorb sie nicht rettet aus der finanziellen Misere,was Lizenzen voraussetzt

ALTI ist noch gefragt - 0,90 heute erreicht

17.09.02 20:49
Der Luftballon fliegt.

Doc, ALTI nicht seriös genug?

03.06.03 17:21
Meinen Thread zu ALTI hab ich seit einem halben Jahr zwar nicht mehr bedient, ich staune allerdings über Deine Einschätzung. Bist verärgert, weil nicht mehr drin?
Ich ärger mich auch über mich heute, werd jetzt rausgehen, und mich abreagieren.

Gruss E.
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