Kennt jemand News zu der Firma?YingliGreenEnergy

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Kennt jemand News zu der Firma?YingliGreenEnergy

07.01.08 00:40
Hallo, ich bin am Überlegen, ob ich in diese chinesische Solarfirma investieren soll.

Denn ich denke Solar hat gerade in China Zukunft. Schwanke aber zwischen JA Solar und Yingli. Hat jemand hier mehr Infos über diese Firma? Wäre sehr nett. Danke

price target on Yingli Green Energy $65

14.01.08 15:08
Piper Jaffray Adds Yingli Green Energy (YGE) to Alpha List

Piper Jaffray raises its price target on Yingli Green Energy (NYSE: YGE) from $20 to $65, keeping a Buy rating on the stock and adding the Company to the firm's Alpha List.

The firm recently toured Yingli's Boading, China plant and met with management, which greatly increased Piper Jaffray's confidence in Yingli. The firm said Yingli will be able to meet its FY09 EPS expectations of $2.63, with upside likely supported by low-cost leadership, high-quality production, low polysilicon supply risk in the near-term, and additional manufacturing expansion in the first half of '08.

Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited, through its subsidiary, Baoding Tianwei Yingli New Energy Resources Co., Ltd., engages in the design, development, marketing, manufacturing, and installation and sale of photovoltaic products in the People's Republic of China and internationally

YGE 23.89$ +2.81 (13.33%)

05.02.08 07:03
Yingli Green Energy Announces 2008 Guidance for Photovoltaic Module
Shipments and Attainment of Significant Operating Milestone
8:27a ET February 4, 2008 (Business Wire)
Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited (NYSE: YGE) ("Yingli Green
Energy" or the "Company"), one of the world's leading vertically
integrated photovoltaic (PV) product manufacturers, today announced
guidance for its 2008 PV module shipments and the achievement of a
significant operating milestone.

Based on the Company's current forecast on anticipated manufacturing
capacity, operating efficiency and customer demand, the Company
currently expects its PV module shipment target for the full year of
2008 to be in the estimated range of approximately 255MW and 265MW.

The Company also announced that it has successfully reduced the
thickness of its wafers from 200 microns in 2007 to 180 microns at the
beginning of February 2008. The Company expects this reduction in
wafer thickness to benefit Yingli Green Energy by reducing its
polysilicon usage per watt, increasing wafer output per ingot and
contributing to a reduction in cost of goods sold.

Based on its current polysilicon supply contracts and the potential
higher yield in its production process from reduced wafer thickness,
the Company believes it has now secured more than 70% of its expected
polysilicon needs for 2008, of which the majority is virgin

"We are pleased to announce the reduction in our wafer thickness and
that over 70% of our estimated polysilicon needs for 2008 has been
contracted," commented Mr. Liansheng Miao, Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of Yingli Green Energy. "Our continued efforts to
improve operating efficiencies and reduce wafer thickness have
demonstrated the success of our R&D and other strategic initiatives
and we believe these achievements will help us to be more competitive
in 2008."  


05.02.08 07:29
Kennt jemand News zu der Firma?YingliGreenEnergy Mausi70 07.01.08 00:40  

Hallo, ich bin am Überlegen, ob ich in diese chinesische Solarfirma investieren soll.

ohne worte :-)))


Trading News, Tests & Handelssysteme >>>

Hallo Parocorp

08.02.08 11:07
Guten Tag,
also ich bin auch eingestiegen mit 500 Stück bein Yingli zu 14,50€.
Ich bin sehr überzeugt von dieser Firma. Aber die letzten 2 Tage ist sie ziemlich abgestürzt; ich weiß aber in Gottes Namen nicht warum.
Also ich bin überzeugt von Yingli und kann sie die empfehlen.



13.05.08 11:58

Minneapolis ( AG) - Die Analysten von Piper Jaffray stufen die Aktie von Yingli Green Energy (ISIN A0MR90) unverändert mit "buy" ein. Das Kursziel werde bei 65 USD gesehen. Das Erdbeben in China habe zu keinen Beeinträchtigungen geführt. (13.05.2008/ac/a/u) Analyse-Datum: 13.05.2008

Mich würde interessieren, welches die Solar-

28.05.08 13:20
silizium-Lieferanten für die chinesischen Solarunternehmen sind. Hat jemand Informationen? Ich denke, hier handelt es sich um die "Hacken und Schaufeln" der Solarindustrie, den Anfang der Wertschöpfungskette und einen Flaschenhals (zumindest temporär). Stellen die ihr Silizium selbst her, oder kaufen sie es im Ausland ein?


28.05.08 20:07

Yingli solar hat am 23.5. bekannt gegeben, die Herstellung von Polysilizium zu starten. So soll ab 2009 auch die Siliziumproduktion im eigenen Hause stattfinden. Diese Investition hat auch zum Rückgang des Kurses geführt, denke ich. Woher sie ihr Silizium mon´mentan bezihen, weiss ich nicht, aber die Module haben hierzulande ein Zertifikat. 


Yingli unterzeichnet Liefervertrag für Polysilizium...

10.06.08 15:23

...und scheint damit den Plan von letzter Woche, selbst in die Produktion einzusteigen, aufzugeben. Das ist gut, da die Investition sehr hoch und die Preise für Polysilizium höchstwahrscheinlich fallen werden.


Yingli Green Energy signs deal to buy polysilicon from Sailing New Energy Resources NEW YORK (AP) -- Chinese solar module maker Yingli Green Energy Holding Co. Ltd. said Wednesday it will buy polysilicon from Sailing New Energy Resources Co. Ltd.

Terms of the supply contract were not disclosed.

Polysilicon is the main ingredient in solar, or photovoltaic, cells. A current undersupply of the material has caused prices to rise recently.

Sailing, based in Chongqing, China, will supply polysilicon to Yingli Green Energy from the fourth quarter of 2008 through the end of 2010.

The total amount of polysilicon to be supplied under this contract will allow Yingli Green Energy to produce a total of 160 megawatts to 200 megawatts of photovoltaic modules.

A one-megawatt plant running continuously at full capacity can power 778 households each year, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.


weshalb sollte man gerade in Yingli investieren?

23.06.08 10:23
was ist mit den anderen chinesischen Photovoltaik-Unternehmen? Was passiert, wenn die Aktienkurse allgemein weltweit weiter fallen?


es gibt drei "Knockouts", aber schaut euch mal

23.06.08 11:33
die Spreads an, z.B. AA0Y4X
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  10 Kennt jemand News zu der Firma?YingliGreenEnergy Mausi70 Mausi70 25.04.21 13:22
