#1 von Preisfuchs 14.04.04 20:08:05 Beitrag Nr.: 12.745.076 12745076
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NALG is set to move much higher this week with significant short term trading profts predicted after last Thursdays, predicted run-up. Don`t miss out on this move this week
Nor-American Liability Corp (OTCBB: NALG)
Current Price: \$0.80
Short Term Target: \$3.25
12month Target: \$10.00
Approx. Float: 1 million
A Few Reasons to Own NALG:
1. NALG provides Doctors, Lawyers and professionals a way to self-insure themselves against malpractice and other common law suits.
2. Doctors are capable of saving over 50% in premium costs using NALG`s re1nsurance/self underwriting plan.
3. NALG has formed a joint venture partnership with a well-known international 1nsurance fund and will be able to begin creating policies nationwide this year.
4. The medical underwriting re1nsurance business NALG can capture totals more than \$1 billion annually for the next several years.
5. Additional service products to manage re1nsurance policies for NALG clients will provide will drive a subscription revenue based service component of the Company expected to exceed \$25 million within 24 months.
6. 1nsurance is a TRILLION Dollar Industry........... and Doctors pay the highest rates, and they are climbing every day. NALG offrs a solution to insrrgent premiums and escalating claims and is a company poised to capture a HUGE part of that IMMENSE market.
7. Headed by WORLD CLASS management with over 100 years of combined Ph.D., MBA and fortune 500 company 1nsurance executives, there simply is no better qualified management team at the helm ! These people know SUCCESS and will translate that experience into shareholder value.
This company deserves your immediate attention
ABOUT NALG - The Nor-American-Liability Corp." NALG" was created to support the development of Captive 1nsurance programs, asset protection and group or association re1nsurance programs. The company provides access to the worlds leading re1nsurance providers, and is structured to leverage a team of professionals to evaluate, develop and manage Captive 1nsurance programs. NALC, has beeen set up t0 provide coverage at a lower cost point than other programs available through the general 1nsurance market.
NALC, has identified and is completing the integration of a proprietary and specialty third party developed Middleware, Software and Interface infrastructure that will link directly with front-end sales agencies and provide up t0 date policy legislation, policy and form management, market1ng and sales materials, legal and accounting information, and all the tools necessary for the independent or group agency to effectively and successfully market the captive and traditional 1nsurance offerings of NALC,.
The NALC, Middleware enables NALC, to independently track, administer, bill, do real-time policy assessment, add additional offerings and scale the NALC, offering to virtually any database. The Middleware resides in an open platform environment and links all applicable Reinsurers, asset management groups, accuaries, auditors, financial advisors and other organizations regardless of the nature of the database and provides a seamless information interface to NALC,.
The success of every sound and profitable business is directly attributable to the tools utilized to vertically administer and manage all the elements of the enterprise.
NALC`s management and executive have developed many of the largest database environments in the Re1nsurance, 1nsurance Database Development and Management Sector. NALC, is the culmination of these many years of expertise. NA,LC has assembled team of existing market1ng agencies to procure the policy growth for the Company. NAL,C has secured direct Re1nsurance partners that have agreed to underwrite the policies of NAL,C. NAL,C further indemnify and reduce the Partnered Reinsurers risk by backing 95% of the Partnered Reinsures risk on any policy through NALC`s own asset Re1nsurance Instrument. This translates into lower potential premiums being offered to NAL,C policy holders.Valuation
Don`t be sorry next week that you forgot to buy this one! Nor-American Liability Corp. is uniquely positioned and capitalizing on the rapidly expanding Captive and re1nsurance market. Here is the best part ! There are only approximately 150,000 shares in the trading float! When this Stock moves....... WATCH OUT! ...this is your chance to get in, at its low. NALG is a high growth microcap issue and should be purchased by stock traders and those that can afford to make quick money on these fast moving issues. This is your chance to get your hands on one of these fast moving stocks and take short term prof1ts. This stock could reach \$2 this week.
Investors take note, Get in early !
Forward looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as: " projects" , " foresee" , " expects" , " estimates," " believes," " understands" " will" , " anticipates," or that by statements indicating certain actions " may," " could," or " might" occur. All information provided within this email pertaining to investing, stocks, securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice. WE advise all readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email. None of the material within this report shall be construed as any kind of investment advice.In complance with Section 17(b), we disclose the holding of independently purchased shares of the company mentioned prior to the publication of this report. We have also been paid from a third party 15,000 shares of fre trading stock . Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation of these shares while you are biying the stock.
good trade
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NALG is set to move much higher this week with significant short term trading profts predicted after last Thursdays, predicted run-up. Don`t miss out on this move this week
Nor-American Liability Corp (OTCBB: NALG)
Current Price: \$0.80
Short Term Target: \$3.25
12month Target: \$10.00
Approx. Float: 1 million
A Few Reasons to Own NALG:
1. NALG provides Doctors, Lawyers and professionals a way to self-insure themselves against malpractice and other common law suits.
2. Doctors are capable of saving over 50% in premium costs using NALG`s re1nsurance/self underwriting plan.
3. NALG has formed a joint venture partnership with a well-known international 1nsurance fund and will be able to begin creating policies nationwide this year.
4. The medical underwriting re1nsurance business NALG can capture totals more than \$1 billion annually for the next several years.
5. Additional service products to manage re1nsurance policies for NALG clients will provide will drive a subscription revenue based service component of the Company expected to exceed \$25 million within 24 months.
6. 1nsurance is a TRILLION Dollar Industry........... and Doctors pay the highest rates, and they are climbing every day. NALG offrs a solution to insrrgent premiums and escalating claims and is a company poised to capture a HUGE part of that IMMENSE market.
7. Headed by WORLD CLASS management with over 100 years of combined Ph.D., MBA and fortune 500 company 1nsurance executives, there simply is no better qualified management team at the helm ! These people know SUCCESS and will translate that experience into shareholder value.
This company deserves your immediate attention
ABOUT NALG - The Nor-American-Liability Corp." NALG" was created to support the development of Captive 1nsurance programs, asset protection and group or association re1nsurance programs. The company provides access to the worlds leading re1nsurance providers, and is structured to leverage a team of professionals to evaluate, develop and manage Captive 1nsurance programs. NALC, has beeen set up t0 provide coverage at a lower cost point than other programs available through the general 1nsurance market.
NALC, has identified and is completing the integration of a proprietary and specialty third party developed Middleware, Software and Interface infrastructure that will link directly with front-end sales agencies and provide up t0 date policy legislation, policy and form management, market1ng and sales materials, legal and accounting information, and all the tools necessary for the independent or group agency to effectively and successfully market the captive and traditional 1nsurance offerings of NALC,.
The NALC, Middleware enables NALC, to independently track, administer, bill, do real-time policy assessment, add additional offerings and scale the NALC, offering to virtually any database. The Middleware resides in an open platform environment and links all applicable Reinsurers, asset management groups, accuaries, auditors, financial advisors and other organizations regardless of the nature of the database and provides a seamless information interface to NALC,.
The success of every sound and profitable business is directly attributable to the tools utilized to vertically administer and manage all the elements of the enterprise.
NALC`s management and executive have developed many of the largest database environments in the Re1nsurance, 1nsurance Database Development and Management Sector. NALC, is the culmination of these many years of expertise. NA,LC has assembled team of existing market1ng agencies to procure the policy growth for the Company. NAL,C has secured direct Re1nsurance partners that have agreed to underwrite the policies of NAL,C. NAL,C further indemnify and reduce the Partnered Reinsurers risk by backing 95% of the Partnered Reinsures risk on any policy through NALC`s own asset Re1nsurance Instrument. This translates into lower potential premiums being offered to NAL,C policy holders.Valuation
Don`t be sorry next week that you forgot to buy this one! Nor-American Liability Corp. is uniquely positioned and capitalizing on the rapidly expanding Captive and re1nsurance market. Here is the best part ! There are only approximately 150,000 shares in the trading float! When this Stock moves....... WATCH OUT! ...this is your chance to get in, at its low. NALG is a high growth microcap issue and should be purchased by stock traders and those that can afford to make quick money on these fast moving issues. This is your chance to get your hands on one of these fast moving stocks and take short term prof1ts. This stock could reach \$2 this week.
Investors take note, Get in early !
Forward looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as: " projects" , " foresee" , " expects" , " estimates," " believes," " understands" " will" , " anticipates," or that by statements indicating certain actions " may," " could," or " might" occur. All information provided within this email pertaining to investing, stocks, securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice. WE advise all readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email. None of the material within this report shall be construed as any kind of investment advice.In complance with Section 17(b), we disclose the holding of independently purchased shares of the company mentioned prior to the publication of this report. We have also been paid from a third party 15,000 shares of fre trading stock . Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation of these shares while you are biying the stock.
good trade