**Interessanter Wert Breakwater**

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**Interessanter Wert Breakwater**

07.03.06 12:08

Enorm hohe Trades in den letzten Tagen!!!

Kursziel sollte in den kommenden Wochen bei etwa 1,5 USD liegen!

Dies ist keine Kaufempfehlung nur meine Einschätzung aus Quellen!

Hab mit ein paar ins Depot aufgenommen und werde abwarten was sich tut.

Aktuelle News

Mar 02, 2006 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) --
Market Gainer is quickly emerging as the one stop shop for international small-cap investors looking to stay a step ahead of the markets. Today's upward activity on Breakwater Resources Ltd. (TSX:BWR), has grabbed the attention of our research team. Our goal is to create a community of international investors who consistently and effectively capitalize on the enormous gains that the small-cap Canadian and American exchanges offer.

Breakwater Resources Ltd. (TSX:BWR), announced that it will webcast, on a live, listen-only basis, its conference call covering its year-end 2005 financial and operating results, on Tuesday, March 7, 2006 commencing at 11:00 a.m. (EST). The call will be hosted by George Pirie, President and Chief Executive Officer. You are cordially invited to listen to the audio webcast through www.newswire.ca/en/webcast. After the broadcast, an archive of the webcast will be available on www.newswire.ca. Interested persons who are unable to connect to the webcast can listen to the conference call by dialing 1-416-644-3421 (local/international) or 1-800-796-7558.

Shares of Breakwater Resources Ltd. are up over 3.5% this morning following this announcement.

M.G will continue doing research Breakwater Resources Ltd. (TSX:BWR), both short term and long term, and invite any shareholders to our site, where you can partake in communicating with other investors on the company.

The information provided is brief and informative however becoming a member to our site will give you access to all the on-going information we come across on both of the above mentioned companies.

Investors seeking a resource to further their investment knowledge and be informed of exciting opportunity should take the easy step of becoming a member to www.marketgainer.com. Our service is free and at no time will we ever push any sort of annual subscription on you. The Market Gainer motto is "Our Success depends on Yours!" This information has been brought to your attention by the research team at www.marketgainer.com and comes from an unbiased perspective. Although we are a boutique research firm, we have not made any investments in the above mentioned companies.

The Financial Information and Financial Content provided by Marketgainer.com is for informational purposes only and should not be used or construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or endorsement, recommendations, or sponsorship of any company or security by Marketgainer.com. You acknowledge and agree that any request for information is unsolicited and shall neither constitute nor be construed as investment advice by Marketgainer.com to you. It is strongly recommended that you seek outside advice from a qualified securities professional prior to making any securities investment. Marketgainer.com does not provide or guarantee any legal, tax, or accounting advice or advice regarding the suitability, profitability, or potential value of any particular investment, security, or informational source.

M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at www.presswire.net on the world wide web. Inquiries to info@m2.com.

(Verkleinert auf 88%) vergrößern
**Interessanter Wert Breakwater** 32115

kauf in USA

07.03.06 12:15
Berlin ist keine zu empfehlende Kaufbörse! Kurse bis 0,85 USD sind geschenkte Kurse!

Na wer sagts denn?!

21.03.06 17:19
Wer zu 0,85 oder tiefer rein ist wie ich es sagt, konnte sich jetzt in einer woche schon 25 % sichern! Also dran bleiben, es geht weiter!

(Verkleinert auf 88%) vergrößern
**Interessanter Wert Breakwater** 33935

30% bis heute! o. T.

21.03.06 20:32

1,12! Höchstkurs seit 5 Jahren!

24.03.06 16:44
Immernoch weiter dabei bleiben!

&&Tageshöchstkurs!! 1,22 jetzt schon fast 50%! &&

27.03.06 21:05
Wer ist mitgegangen?

kein Interesse, schade... o. T.

28.03.06 11:07

gestern mit 1,35 geschlossen knapp 60% seit ...

06.04.06 15:41
...meiner Empfehlung, aber so wie ich das sehe, ist keiner mitgegangen, oder? Naja ich bleibe dabei!
Gute Aktie!  

letzte Woche höchstkurs schon 72%!!

10.04.06 10:39
Keinen Interessiert es!

Neues Hoch bei 1,50! (80%!!) o. T.

09.05.06 20:27
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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