Inca Pacific Resourc.A0DLFF

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Inca Pacific Resourc.A0DLFF

06.05.07 16:23
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07.05.07 19:50



Inca Pacific completes 11,167 m drilling at Magistral

2007-05-07 09:17 ET - News Release

Mr. Anthony Floyd reports


Inca Pacific Resources Inc. continues to progress with the preparation of a final feasibility study (FFS) for its Magistral copper-molybdenum project in Ancash, Peru. The drilling program (infill, condemnation and geotechnical) has been completed. The program consisted of 11,167 metres in 66 new holes. Drilling at Magistral since discovery now totals 65,214.28 metres in 286 holes.

Mine Development Associates is currently updating the geological model in preparation for completing a new resource estimate. This will be followed by open-pit design work and an estimate of proven and probable reserves in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 requirements. Vector Engineering is continuing work on facility design, tailings dam configuration, waste dump, topsoil storage facility and haul roads. G&T Metallurgical Services, under the supervision of Samuel Engineering, is nearing completion of the phase 2 metallurgical work and phase 3 (pilot testing) is under way. In addition, the first regulatory public workshops were held in the neighbouring towns of Conchucos and Pampas.

MTB Project Management Professionals, of Denver, which is managing the FFS, has advised the company that the FFS is estimated to be complete by Oct. 30, 2007. In parallel, the environmental impact assessment is estimated to be complete by Nov. 26, 2007. The process to select a strategic partner to assist in the development of the project continues. To date, confidentiality agreements have been signed with 11 different parties. Four groups have made site visits and more are planned for May.

The Magistral deposit contains measured and indicated resources estimated at 189 million tonnes grading 0.51 per cent Cu and 0.05 per cent Mo containing 2.14 billion pounds of copper and 216 million pounds of molybdenum. The inferred resources were estimated at 56 million tonnes grading 0.56 per cent Cu and 0.02 per cent Mo containing 688 million pounds of copper and 29 million pounds of molybdenum. This mineral resource estimate was filed on SEDAR on Dec. 22, 2005. The qualified persons were Steven Ristorcelli, CPG, and George Sivertz, PGeo.

We seek Safe Harbor.





07.05.07 20:39
Heute + 12 % in Canada

Kein Handel in Berlin?

07.05.07 21:28
Verpassen wir hier eine Moly Rakete?


07.05.07 21:32
Musst Eric Sprott erwähnen, dann bekommst du mehr Resonanz :)

Wenn ich mich recht erinnere. Sollte ich falsch liegen gebt mir einen schwarzen Stern.


07.05.07 21:35
Warum keine Kursanzeigen in Berlin

Kein Plan, sorry.

07.05.07 21:55

Schon wieder zugelegt

08.05.07 21:36
Bei uns kein Handel

Schon wieder 5%

14.05.07 22:17

In Kanada,

15.05.07 20:42
schon wieder 11%

Sprott to buy 16 million Inca Pacific shares from

28.05.07 18:14

Einstieg Sprott

28.05.07 18:15

Sprott to buy 16 million Inca Pacific shares from RAB

2007-05-28 08:57 ET - News Release

See News Release (C-MLY) Sprott Molybdenum Participation Corp

An anonymous director of Sprott reports


Sprott Molybdenum Participation Corp. has entered into an option agreement with RAB Special Situations (Master) Fund Ltd. Under the agreement, the corporation has the right to purchase up to 15,997,760 common shares of Inca Pacific Resources Inc., currently held by RAB. The corporation will pay to RAB 21 cents per share in cash ($3,359,530 in total) to acquire the option. The option may be exercised at any time and from time to time until 5 pm (Toronto time) on July 24, 2007, at an exercise price of $1.79 per share. The exercise price for each Inca share purchased shall be satisfied as 79 cents in cash and up to $1 shall be satisfied by the issuance of common shares of the corporation based on the volume-weighted average price of the common shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange over the 20 previous trading days. In the event that the corporation exercises the option it will have effectively paid a total purchase price for each Inca share of $2, 50 per cent in cash and 50 per cent in shares of the corporation. Issuance of the shares of the corporation is subject to receiving all necessary regulatory approvals including that of the TSX.

The corporation currently owns 3,319,833 Inca shares, representing approximately 9 per cent of the 36,368,808 Inca shares outstanding. Following the acquisition of the option, the corporation will be deemed to own the 15,997,760 Inca shares which it can acquire under the option and as a result will be considered to own a total of 19,317,593 Inca shares representing approximately 53 per cent of the Inca shares outstanding. In the event that the corporation acquires any Inca shares upon the exercise of the option, such shares will be acquired for investment purposes and not with a view to exercising control over Inca or being actively involved in its management. Depending on market and other conditions, the corporation may from time to time in the future increase or decrease its ownership, control or direction over the Inca shares or other securities of Inca, through market transactions, private agreements or otherwise.

The corporation has also entered into a voting trust agreement with Inca pursuant to which the corporation will agree to vote any Inca shares it holds in excess of 20 per cent of the outstanding Inca shares in favour of matters management brings before the shareholders. The agreement has a term of one year and is renewable for successive one-year terms.

Erholung von Benton

03.07.07 18:14
11:33:27  V  1.38  +0.10  5,000  36  Latimer  1  Anonymous  K  

11:03:50  V  1.37  +0.09  700  7  TD Sec  88  E-TRADE  K  

11:02:35  V  1.28  +0.05  50  95  Wolverton  2  RBC  E  

11:02:35  V  1.33  +0.05  3,500  74  GMP  7  TD Sec  K  

11:02:01  V  1.35  +0.07  50,000  74  GMP  2  RBC  K  

11:02:01  V  1.34  +0.06  5,000  74  GMP  1  Anonymous  K  

10:55:39  V  1.32  +0.04  2,500  1  Anonymous  7  TD Sec  K  

10:05:18  V  1.30  +0.02  600  79  CIBC  1  Anonymous  K  

10:04:43  V  1.30  +0.02  5,000  79  CIBC  1  Anonymous  K  

09:56:51  V  1.36  +0.08  4,400  89  Raymond James  1  Anonymous  K  


13.07.07 10:47

Inca Pacific wrestles with delays at Magistral 2007-07-12 10:37 ET - News Release Mr. Anthony Floyd reports INCA PACIFIC GRANTED KEY MODIFICATIONS TO ITS AGREEMENT WITH GOVERNMENT OF PERU Inca Pacific Resources Inc. has been granted the following modifications from Proinversion and Activos Mineros S.A.C., representing the government of Peru (GOP) with respect to its agreements concerning the core claims at the Magistral copper-molybdenum property: An extension until Dec. 31, 2007, of its requirement to file a feasibility study. An extension until Feb. 28, 2008, of its requirement to provide one or more letters from major financial institutions stating that the feasibility study is a bankable feasibility study. An extension until the later of Feb. 28, 2008, or approval by the GOP of the feasibility study, of its requirement to grant the GOP certain annual performance guarantees concerning the investment commitment during the permitting and construction of the mine. Upon execution of formal documentation of the above modifications the company will pay the GOP the sum of $200,000 (U.S.) and upon achievement of commercial production the company will pay the sum of $5-million (U.S.) into a trust account for the benefit of the communities in the immediate area of influence of Magistral. Anthony Floyd, president and chief executive officer, said: "We are pleased that the government of Peru recognizes that the company is doing everything within its control to move Magistral toward production notwithstanding the many constraints facing the mining industry at this time." Juan Valdivia, Minister of Mines of Peru, said: "The government of Peru recognizes Magistral could generate significant taxes and royalties to the benefit of all Peruvians if it becomes a mine therefore I agree with the additional term granted by Proinversion to Inca for completing its feasibility studies and source financing to construct a mine. The fact that we shall create a trust fund for the communities near Magistral demonstrates that both the government and the company recognize the importance of fostering sustainable development around mining projects." Inca Pacific has invested over $18-million (U.S.) on exploration and development of the Magistral property. It currently has over 50 local people employed at site plus four engineering firms working to complete the feasibility



26.10.07 20:11
Warten auf den Durchbruch

News vom 3.12

07.12.07 14:39

Inca Pacific completes Magistral feasibility study

2007-12-03 11:09 ET - News Release

Mr. Anthony Floyd reports


Inca Pacific Resources Inc. has released the results of a final feasibility study for its 100-per-cent-owned Magistral copper-molybdenum project located in Ancash, Peru.

The final feasibility study has confirmed the technical and economic viability of the project. Highlights of the study are included in table one attached. (All dollar figures are in United States currency.)

NPV (after tax and 8-per-cent discount rate)               $146.0-million
IRR (after tax)                                                      14.9%
Capital payback                                                 3.3 years
Initial capital expenditure (before IGV(i))                  $402-million
including a 14-per-cent contingency
LOM C-1 cash costs (net of Mo and
Ag byproduct credits)                                  $0.28 per pound Cu
Mill capacity (nominal)                                        20,000 tpd

Annual throughput                                    seven million tonnes
Mine life                                                        15 years
Strip ratio (including preproduction waste)                         2.2:1
LOM(i) average annual copper-in-concentrate production      34,100 tonnes
LOM(i) average annual molybdenum-in-concentrate production   2,860 tonnes

(i)LOM equals life of mine, IGV equals value-added tax

Anthony Floyd, president and chief executive officer, said: "I am very pleased that, while capital costs have escalated, we do have a robust project with a rapid payback. In the case of copper our engineering consultants have realistically balanced conservative long-term prices with higher ones indicated by the futures market for 2011 and 2012. In the case of molybdenum they have balanced conservative long-term prices with higher short-term ones predicted by a very rigorous and current supply and demand study."

The FFS was managed by MTB Project Management Professionals Inc. and included work by Samuel Engineering Inc. (SE), Mine Development Associates (MDA) and Vector Peru (Vector). Richard Kunter, Neil Prenn, Steve Ristorcelli and Scott Elfen from SE, MDA, MDA and Vector respectively were the independent qualified persons responsible for the preparation of the FFS. The FFS includes a new National Instrument 43-101 mineral resource estimate for Magistral, and a corresponding block model, which were used by MDA to develop a mine plan and production schedule for the project. The FFS will be available on Inca Pacific's website within 45 days. Richard Kunter, one of the independent qualified persons within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 that prepared the final feasibility study, has reviewed and approved the content of this news release.

Inca Pacific will host a conference call on Monday, Dec. 3, 2007, at 9 a.m. (Pacific Time) or noon (Eastern Time) to discuss these results. Call-in information is provided at the bottom of this news release.

Project economics

A project specific market study by H&H Metals Corporation, a metals trader, was conducted to provide pricing, treatment and refining charges, and freight for Magistral's concentrate production and grades. The results of this market study are the basis for the economic evaluation model. MTB developed a cash flow valuation model for the project based upon the geological and engineering work completed to date.

Year         Copper price per lb  Molybdenum price per  Silver price per
                             in                 lb in           troy oz
                            US$                   US$               US$

2011 and 2012               2.76                 22.38             12.00
2013 to 2025               1.50                 12.00             12.00

These price forecasts are considerably lower than current prices which, as of Nov. 29, 2007, were $3.08 per pound for copper, $33.00 per pound for molybdenum and $14.20 per ounce for silver. The first year of production is assumed to be 2011. Copper concentrate treatment charges and copper concentrate refining charges were assumed to be $80 per tonne and eight cents per pound respectively.

Discount rate (real)                 NPV

0%                        $584.0-million
5%                        $259.3-million
8%                        $146.0-million
10%                       $ 90.9-million
12%                       $ 47.5-million

                        ARE NOT PRESENTED.
                      (millions of dollars)

Metal price/oz  Cu $1.00   Cu $1.25  Cu $1.50  Cu $1.75  Cu $ 2.00

Mo      $16.00     $98.0     $155.0    $212.0    $268.7     $324.9
Mo      $14.00     $65.0     $122.0    $179.1    $236.0     $292.5
Mo      $12.00     $32.2      $88.7    $146.0    $203.2     $260.0
Mo      $10.00      $4.5      $55.4    $112.8    $170.3     $227.3
Mo       $8.00      $0.8      $22.6     $79.4    $137.1     $194.5

                 SAME AS THE BASE CASE

Metal price/lb   Cu $1.00   Cu $1.25  Cu $1.50  Cu $1.75  Cu $ 2.00
Mo      $16.00      13.0%      15.3%     17.3%     19.1%      20.7%
Mo      $14.00      11.5%      14.0%     16.1%     18.0%      19.8%
Mo      $12.00       9.9%      12.6%     14.9%     17.0%      18.8%
Mo      $10.00       8.3%      11.0%     13.6%     15.8%      17.8%
Mo       $8.00       8.1%       9.3%     12.2%     14.6%      16.7%

Mineral resources and reserves

MDA updated the resource model and the corresponding block model in 2007 to develop a mine plan and production schedule for the project. The estimation in all cases included a nearest neighbour, Krige, and inverse-distance interpolation, but in all cases the inverse-distance model was selected as the final and reported model. MDA used mineral domains defined by grade and geology to control the estimation. Estimation parameters were chosen to be appropriate for the drill spacing, geologic complexity, sample locations and parameters defined by point validation and correlograms. The new NI 43-101 mineral resource estimate is based on assay results from 65,214 metres of core drilling in 286 holes and at a 0.4-per-cent copper equivalent(i) cut-off is as follows:

                       Tonnes  Grade         Copper   Grade     Molybdenum
Resource category     millions  (% Cu)   millions lb   (% Mo)   millions lb

Measured                 108.8   0.52           1237   0.055            133
Indicated                 86.7   0.51            974   0.047             90
Measured and indicated   195.5   0.51          2,211   0.052            223
Inferred                  55.4   0.55            673   0.023             28

(i) Copper equivalent calculation of 5 to 1 reflects metal prices used in
   the prefeasibility study ($1.20 (U.S.) per pound Cu, $6 (U.S.) per pound Mo)
   with no adjustment for metallurgical recoveries and relative processing and
   smelting costs.

Using Whittle (Lerchs-Grossman) optimizations of potential economic pit limits on only the measured and indicated resource, MDA determined the mine plan and production schedule. The estimate of mineral reserves within the pit phases was reported using an internal net smelter return cut-off value of $5.25. The table below shows the mineral reserves within the designed ultimate pit based on the MDA resource model.

                         AS OF TODAY'S DATE TO BE:

                       Tonnes  Grade         Copper   Grade     Molybdenum
Reserve category      millions  (% Cu)   millions lb   (% Mo)   millions lb

Proven                    76.1   0.48            805   0.051             86
Probable                  37.4   0.51            421   0.047             39
Proven and probable      113.5   0.49           1226   0.050            125

Mining and milling

The project will use conventional mining and milling processes. The open pit is scheduled to deliver a nominal 20,000 tonnes per day (seven million tonnes per year) of sulphide ore to the primary crusher for 15 years. The processing plant is forecast to produce, on average, 34,178 tonnes (75.2 million pounds) per year of copper in concentrate, 2,860 tonnes (6.3 million pounds) per year of molybdenum in concentrate and 380,000 ounces per year of silver in copper concentrate. Average LOM metallurgical recoveries have been estimated to be 95 per cent for copper and 79 per cent for molybdenum, producing a copper concentrate grading on average 33.5 per cent copper and 117 grams per tonne silver and molybdenum concentrate grading 53 per cent molybdenum. The copper concentrate will attract minor penalties for arsenic. In all years the arsenic content will average less than 0.5 per cent except in year 12 when it will average 0.74 per cent.

Capital costs

SE developed capital cost estimates for the proposed mining and processing operation at Magistral. The following table summarizes the capital cost estimates in the FFS for the project:

Direct capital costs                        $258-million
Indirect capital costs                      $109-million
Owner s direct and indirect capital costs    $34-million
Closure cost-annual advance payment           $1-million
Total (base case)                           $402-million
Upfront working capital                       $2-million
LOM sustaining capital                      $169-million

The total (base case) capital cost estimates contain a contingency of $50-million (14 per cent) and excludes IGV. The estimates have been compiled with an accuracy level of minus-4 per cent to over 14 per cent.

There has been a material increase in capital costs since the publication of our preliminary feasibility study (PFS) in October, 2006.

                              PFS          FFS      Increase
Item description          millions     millions     (decrease)

Direct costs
Mining                       $54.3        $21.4      (61%)(i)
Process                      $86.4       $137.0           59%
Infrastructure               $81.2       $107.7           33%
Subtotal direct costs       $221.8       $266.1           20%
Indirect costs               $15.5       $101.0          552%
Owner's costs                $22.0        $34.2           56%
Total capital               $259.3       $401.3           55%

(i) Owner mine equipment purchases were deferred due to
   contract mining being employed in years minus one and
   minus two (preproduction).

Operating costs

The results of the FFS show that a mine at Magistral will be a low-cost operation. The FFS estimates that the cash costs (net of Mo and Ag byproducts) over the life of the mine will average 28 cents per pound of copper payable. Cash costs include mining, processing, mine site administration costs, all costs associated, with delivery of concentrates to smelters, and all treatment and refining charges. The LOM operating cost estimate is $8.31 per tonne, not including contingency. Operating costs in the cash flow include a 10-per-cent contingency on estimated cost.


Magistral is 261 kilometres by road from the port of Salaverry from which concentrate will be shipped to smelters. Seventy-seven kilometres of the road will require upgrading and 28 kilometres of new road will need to be constructed to allow the passage of 40-tonne trucks. Electrical power for the project will require the construction of a 51-kilometre power line (138 kilovolt) from the existing grid at Sihuas to Magistral. Water will be sourced locally from the Magistral valley and also recycled from the tailings impoundment.


The project will use World Bank guidelines for environmental management practice, development and design. Preliminary baseline studies completed to date have included initial surface water quality sampling, archaeological studies, socio-economic reviews and biological, and revegetation studies. A water-treatment plant will be constructed to process discharges from the tailings impoundment.

Employment and taxes

The project will create 1,200 temporary construction jobs and 231 permanent jobs. Over the life of the mine, the project should generate $278-million (U.S) in taxes and $90-million (U.S) in royalties.


The company anticipates that it will take 12 months to obtain approval of its environmental impact assessment (EIA) and obtain all permits to allow site construction to commence. It will then take a further 24 months to complete site construction of the project. Production is anticipated to commence in the first quarter of 2011. Under its agreement with the government of Peru, the company must commence commercial production by the end of 2011.

Next steps

The company intends to deliver the final feasibility study to the GOP on or before Dec. 31, 2007. The final feasibility study, in NI 43-101 format, will be available on Inca Pacific's website and SEDAR within 45 days.

The project is situated on lands owned by the community of Conchucos. The community of Conchucos has voted to grant the company a surface right to allow development of the project. The company is optimistic that it will obtain this surface right on fair terms and in such a manner that will benefit the community and promote sustainable development in the region.

The company has appointed Pincock, Allen & Holt as independent engineer to review the final feasibility study and to express an opinion as to whether the study is in a form and content that would allow major financial institutions to provide all or part of the debt and/or equity financing for the construction of the Magistral project.

On or before Feb. 28, 2008, the company must provide the GOP with one or more letters from major financial institutions stating that the feasibility study is a bankable feasibility study.

Conference call

Call in details for the conference call to be held on Monday, Dec. 3, 2007, at 9 a.m. (Pacific Time) or noon (Eastern Time) are:

North American toll-free:  866-322-2356

International:  416-640-3405

A replay of this conference call will be available on Inca Pacific's website. The replay numbers are:

North American toll-free:  888-203-1112

International:  647-436-0148

Replay code:  7452209

We seek Safe Harbor.
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