iFinix RealTime is a dynamic suite of real time data feeds and analytical tools for traders. With extensive charting abilities, indicators and alerts, iFinix RealTime is a flexible environment you can customize to maximize your trading potential.
With our customizable quote page you can perform simple to complex calculations while working real time information from over 100 market. iFinix RealTime lets you view the market pressure and price movement configured.
With the planned incorporation of an advanced stock screener that filters stocks using our proprietary algorithms users of iFinix RealTime will be able to search and identify trading opportunities. Configurable real time stock filters give you more than 130 parameters for a powerful quantitative market data management package that also provides exclusive data profiling and analysis of publicly traded companies. *
* Highly customized Quote Page, with spread sheet functionality: this feature permits you to perform complex calculations* within the application.
* Finix RealTime boasts of Advanced Charting system, which is second to none. It also offers a gamut of charts and over 100 studies and indicators. *
* This feature enables you to chart out your own analysis. What’s more, you can also create your own studies and indicators and apply them to any chart.
* Time & Sales: We provide real-time information of over 100 markets without delays. It enables you to view the complete information on each trade or just a summary of data you choose.
* News: We have excellent market coverage, which are found in an easily searchable format. *
* Market Makers: It lets you view market pressure and price movement in our book window.
* With sophisticated options analysis, we offer a host of studies for the options trader, including a program function designed exclusively to display options.
* Fundamental Data: It provides fundamental analysis and profile data on companies worldwide. *
*not currently available in this version.
Achtet auf die mögliche News morgen, denn wenn die kommt, dann dürfte es ab Morgen weiter aufwärts gehen.
Aktuell sehe ich bei .0022 einen Wiederstand, der nächste bei .0027. Danach ist erst mal der Himmel das Limit.
Die Produkteinführung wird aber nicht unbedingt langen um beide Wiederstände zu brechen. Die .0022 wird meiner Ansicht nach Morgen wohl angetestet werden.
Was veranlasst mich dazu:
Es ist einfach der komplette Newsverlauf seit etwa Dezember letzten Jahre und auch noch vereinzelte davor.
Es wurd nie übertrieben in den News gesprochen, so dass man nicht denken könnte, es wäre "nur" ein Scam.
Ebenfalls wird in den US-Boards Ifinix mittlerweilen heiß diskutiert und durch den letzten Anstieg ab Januar ist INXR für gute Kurssteigerungen bekannt.
Nun fragt ihr euch ggf, weshalb ist dann der Kurs wieder so eingebrochen? Dazu kome ich später noch darauf zurück.
Auch für die Zukunft ist INXR für mich eine Aktie, die sich für die Watchlist sehr gut eignet.
Es gibt logische Abläufe und Informationen seitens des Unternehmens in den News, die auf weitere News in diesem Jahr hinweisen. un der Phantasie sind dabei so gut wie kaum grenzen gesetzt. Und das ist wichtig für ein Pinksheet.
http://biz.yahoo.com/iw/070424/0243068.htmlWeitere Trader-Produkte sollen noch dieses Jahr auf den Markt kommen:
The company announced that it's "on track" for meeting three major objectives of the 2007 Business Plan. These are:
-- By end of second-quarter 2007 to launch iFinix RealTime information
platform with the technical team needed to provide ongoing customer
-- By end of second-quarter 2007 to launch marketing program for iFinix RealTime information platform; and
-- By end of third-quarter 2007 to launch iFinix Trader and eFinix.
Das heißt, es sollen Ifinix Trader und eFinix (Webbasierende Plattform) dieses Jahr auf den Markt kommen.
Ifnix Realtime ist auf Basis C++ programmiert und keine öfters mal störanfällige Java-Apllikation. Zusätzlich will INXR das Traden mit bis zu 6 Nachkommastellen ermöglichen, das beim nächsten Update noch dieses Jahr enthalten sein soll, sowei die integrierung eines Vidoechats oder allgemeinen Chat mit Videoübertragungen, von z.B. Interviews integrieren.
Weiters sollen die oben genannten Produkte geschützt werden:
http://biz.yahoo.com/iw/070508/0249892.htmliFinix Corp. Files Application to Register Trademark
JAMAICA, NY--(MARKET WIRE)--May 8, 2007 -- iFinix Corp. (Other OTC:INXR.PK - News), a provider of real-time, financial information and services to active traders and to the securities industry, has filed an application to register iFinix as its trademark (iFinix(TM)) for its suite of software products for financial market analysis, real-time decision support, intelligent routing and real-time data streaming to be used in trading stocks, options, commodities, currencies and futures.
The company reported that its trademark application is for the iFinix RealTime Information Platform, eFinix Web-Based Information Platform and iFinix Trader. By registering its iFinix trademark, iFinix will establish itself as a quality provider of information services and products and remind securities industry participants and active traders that its state of the art computer software programs are designed to be one step ahead of its competitors.
http://pinksheets.com/pdfservlet?id=9248Ifinix besitzt das Recht von 10-20% der Einnahmen von Deepsealogistic und 100% von R&B Computer. Welche sich in den kommenden Monaten und Jahren ebenfalls positiv auf INXR auswirken und somit zusätzlich News bringen.
INXR ist immer noch ein Pinksheet, das durch News gute Kurssteigerungen mit sich bringen kann.
INXR plant schon längers ein OTC-Listing, was man an dem Newsverlauf gut sehen kann:
15. November 2005
Ifinix Engages Spartan Securities as Investment Banking Advisor, Spartan to File Sec Form 211 Covering Ifinix Corp
QUEENS VILLAGE, N.Y. -- Ifinix Corp. (PK:INXR) announced that it has engaged Spartan Securities Group, Ltd., St. Petersburg, FL to advise it on investment banking matters as the Company grows into a fully-reporting entity. Spartan has agreed to sponsor and file SEC Form 15c2-11 (Form 211) listing application with NASD on behalf of Ifinix.
"As our company grows, we believe the right advisor is crucial to help guide us properly through our next levels. We are confident of Spartan's capabilities to assist Ifinix in its strategic growth initiatives," stated Douglas Hugh Spadaro C.E.O. of Ifinix.
Spartan makes no representation as to the timeliness of, and/or approval by NASD of said SEC Form 15c2-11 application.
November 2006
Ifinix Corporation Posts Form 211 Disclosure Statement and Company Financial Information Update
Ifinix Corporation (PINKSHEETS: INXR) The management of Ifinix is pleased to announce that it has submitted its Form 211 corporate disclosure statement and most up-to-date financial information to Pink Sheets LLC. This information statement provides the company's current and potential shareholders with the most recent and up-to-date information for Ifinix Corporation.
Management has also subscribed to Pink Sheets news service to publish and distribute its financial information and adequate current information for increased public availability.
"Our intention is to be diligent in filing and updating our shareholders, prospective shareholders and the investing public with thorough disclosure of the current status and growth of the company," said Drew Budhu, Chairman of Ifinix Corporation.
Dezember 2006
iFinix Hires CFO Professional Services, LLC
The Board of Directors of iFinix Corporation (PINKSHEETS: INXR) is pleased to announce that it has engaged CFO Professional Services, LLC (CFO) as the Company's interim solution to the role of Chief Financial Officer. CFO has committed one of their partners, Mr. Scott Moore, as the lead supervising partner to the Company. Mr. Moore has been a Certified Public Accountant for more then 20 years and has worked in senior auditing roles at such highly respected national and regional accounting firms as Deloitte Haskins & Sells and Harper, Van Scoik & Company, LLP. Most recently Mr. Moore spent five years as the Chief Financial Officer for eAutoclaims, Inc., an Internet-based provider of vehicle collision claims services for the insurance industry.
CFO's responsibilities will include preparing financial statements, audit schedules and financial analysis, preparing registration statements, supervising and coordinating all subsequent quarterly and annual reviews and filings with independent accountants and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and establishing and monitoring the necessary controls outlined by Sarbanes Oxley legislation.
iFinix 's Chairman Drew Budhu stated, "We are confident that CFO will provide our company with the finance leadership and insights that will help us attain our near-term goals, which include the completion of the Company's 15c211 filings, proper preparation for our SEC compliant audit and the registration statement necessary to become a fully reporting company. We are delighted to have them join the iFinix team."
Dezember 2006
The Board of Directors of iFinix Corporation Announces Shareholder Update
The Board of Directors of iFinix Corporation (PINKSHEETS: INXR) today issued the following shareholder update.
Dear Valued Shareholders:
With 2006 coming to a close, it is an excellent time to review the milestones the company has achieved this year, which the management believes positions iFinix for significant growth in 2007.
1. We obtained interim financing to stabilize operations and streamlined expenses, and at the same time maintaining a moderate level of dilution.
2. We filed out 15c-211 in November 2006 as the first step to be a fully reporting company with a view towards a listing on a more visible exchange.
3. The company reached significant milestones in the development and proprietary design of the Phoenix Suite of Products. We have launched our first product, Phoenix Analyst, which will be available to individual investors, broker dealers, and institutions. We are confident that we will achieve significant market penetration thru the distribution channels we are currently putting into place.
The Company is in the process of implementing the following for 2007:
1. Securing sales agreements with brokerage companies; (ein Hinweis auf bevorstehende News, die letzte Woche schon das erste Mal eingetroffen sind.)
2. Securing joint venture agreements with broker dealers;
3. Listing the company on OTCBB and with Standard & Poor's;
4. Creating a brand name for iFinix in the financial industry;
5. Consumate acquisitions of target companies with whom we are currently negoiciating.
23. Januar 2007
iFinix Announces Progress on Preparation of Its Financials and Plans for Move to OTCBB
As previously announced, iFinix Corp (PINKSHEETS: INXR) has filed its form 15c211 disclosure statement to become a fully reporting company and has retained CFO Professional Services, LLC to help prepare the required financial statements to become a fully reporting company. CFO Professional Services, LLC is in the process of working with iFinix on these financial statements. Once completed, iFinix will be able to move forward to becoming a fully reporting company, allowing iFinix to file its financial statements with the SEC and provide full disclosure and transparency to the investing public.
At the suggestion of company counsel and the approval of the board of directors it is the company's intent to seek listing on the OTCBB and will begin the application process as soon as practicable.
In commenting on iFinix Corporation's future, Dhruvnanand Budhu said, "We appreciate the loyalty expressed by our many stockholders over the years and intend to maintain open channels as to fully inform them of our progress. We look forward to some very exciting developments and accomplishments in the coming months."
Januar 2007
IFinix Corporation Hits CEOCorner at InvestSourceInc.com
InvestSource, Inc. invites the public to hear what Doug Spadaro, CEO of iFinix Corporation (PINKSHEETS: INXR), has to say about his company. Mr. Spadaro was featured in a recent installment of CEOCorner, "The Fastest 60 Seconds in the Small Cap Market." Details of the interview can be heard at the iFinix company profile on the InvestSource, Incorporated (ISI) website at
www.investsourceinc.com , or on the CEOCorner website at
www.ceo-corner.com .
Over the course of the interview, Mr. Spadaro discussed the company's recent progress towards its goal of becoming listed on the OTC Bulletin Board. Mr. Spadaro expressed confidence that this current direction should improve the company's presence in the public market. He was keen to point out the contributions of R&B Computer Systems (
www.r-bcomputer.com ), a wholly owned subsidiary responsible for the development and support of the Phoenix suite of products. Mr. Spadaro expressed confidence that with its own highly experienced management, R&B will expand its own revenue base in 2007, and in the immediate prospects of iFinix as the company aggressively markets its suite of powerful, integrated business applications.
Das war der bisherige Ablauf zum OTC-Listing, der nach vieler Münder dieses Jahr noch kommen wird.
Weshalb brach der Kurs vom letzten Hoch von .0027 weider so stark ein, aber hielt sich bei .0003 außerordentlich stark:
Es war eine angekündigte Verwässerung, die seit etwa 2 Wochen den Anschein hat, das sie tatsächlich vorbei ist. Dennoch muss man sein Augenmwerk weiterhin auf Verwässerung legen.
Ziel waren es laut Aussagen im IHUB: 1.000.000$ zusammenzubekommen, um die Produkteinführung und den dazugehörigen Kosten, wie z.B. Werbung zu decken.
Laut Gerüchte soll das Ziel erreicht sein, was man auch am Chart etwa sehen, kann das nicht mehr verwässert wird.
Die verschiedenen Werbungen laufen schon seit Wochen in Form von Bannern auf verschiedenen Finanzplattformen, wie z.B IHUB, bloomberg und auch TV-Werbung lief nach Angaben von mehrenen Usern auf Bloomberg.
Hier kann man sich die verschiedenen Werbungen betrachten:
http://www.ifinix.com/public/html/media.htm und auch auf der Eingangsseite das Intro von