IFINIX CORP NEW (INXR) Subpenny bricht aus !

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Zugriffe: 2.636 / Heute: 1

IFINIX CORP NEW (INXR) Subpenny bricht aus !

12.01.07 01:02
US-OTCBB-Tickersymbol: INXR
Aktueller US-Kurs : $0.0004
News: finance.yahoo.com/q?s=INXR.pk
Chart: stockcharts.com/gallery/?INXR
IFINIX CORP NEW (INXR) Subpenny bricht aus ! 3020684www.advfn.com/...id=staticchart&s=NO^INXR&p=0&t=1&dm=0&vol=1&" style="max-width:560px" >
IFINIX CORP NEW (INXR) Subpenny bricht aus ! 3020684charting.nasdaq.com/ext/...?2-1-14-0-0-53-03NA000000INXR-&SF:6|5-WD=484-HT=395-" style="max-width:560px" >
44 Beiträge ausgeblendet.
Seite: Übersicht Alle 1 2 3



29.01.07 20:49
$ .0012


31.01.07 05:07
SK $.0010 Volumen 130.5M
Habe heute meine Position bei INXR und PLYCF heute aufgestockt.

INXR interview:

31.01.07 05:07
INXR interview:


31.01.07 17:46
.0008x.0009 1x2 die $ .0010 sollten bald gebrochen werden


01.02.07 03:52
SK $ .0009


01.02.07 03:53
IFINIX CORP NEW (INXR) Subpenny bricht aus ! 3063084i7.tinypic.com/33yrmf4.gif" style="max-width:560px" >  


02.02.07 02:00
Jungs ich kann Euch nur sagen, seht zu dass ihr in INXR bleibt und keine Stücke aus der Hand gebt.
Wir werden nächste Woche rocken imo

Gruß the key


02.02.07 02:01
IFINIX CORP NEW (INXR) Subpenny bricht aus ! 3065910i5.tinypic.com/2mm9vzs.gif" style="max-width:560px" >


02.02.07 02:02
SK .0010 Volumen 70.3M


03.02.07 01:17
IFINIX CORP NEW (INXR) Subpenny bricht aus ! 3068334i15.tinypic.com/4dpo2sm.gif" style="max-width:560px" >


06.02.07 00:07
IFINIX CORP NEW (INXR) Subpenny bricht aus ! 3072957i7.tinypic.com/2u6o042.gif" style="max-width:560px" >
IFINIX CORP NEW (INXR) Subpenny bricht aus ! 3072957i5.tinypic.com/2d8osie.gif" style="max-width:560px" >


06.02.07 20:03
.0011x.0012 1x2


08.02.07 03:55
Schlusskurs .0010

aktueller chart

08.02.07 03:56
IFINIX CORP NEW (INXR) Subpenny bricht aus ! 3078002i9.tinypic.com/2e1yw4y.gif" style="max-width:560px" >


08.02.07 04:00
was machst du denn hier ganz allein?

Die gibst dir aber sehr größe Mühe mit deinen Grafiken...

Liebe Grüße


08.02.07 19:54
ist nur selbstunterhaltung.
Nicht weiter schlimm lol

INXR .0008 x .0009 4x3

Filing fürs OTCBB Listing

08.02.07 20:26
hier ist das OTCBB pinksheet filing:
bitte in den Browser hinein copieren und nicht anklicken.


08.02.07 20:33
Segmentwechsel vom pinkie zum OTCBB kann jeden Tag kommen.
Siehe oberen Link


21.02.07 22:37
nach dem Hyp richtung $ .0027
Sehe ich erst wieder Einstiegskurse bei $ 0.0014

Produktrelease 16.07.07

15.07.07 23:43

iFinix RealTime is a dynamic suite of real time data feeds and analytical tools for traders. With extensive charting abilities, indicators and alerts, iFinix RealTime is a flexible environment you can customize to maximize your trading potential.

With our customizable quote page you can perform simple to complex calculations while working real time information from over 100 market. iFinix RealTime lets you view the market pressure and price movement configured.

With the planned incorporation of an advanced stock screener that filters stocks using our proprietary algorithms users of iFinix RealTime will be able to search and identify trading opportunities. Configurable real time stock filters give you more than 130 parameters for a powerful quantitative market data management package that also provides exclusive data profiling and analysis of publicly traded companies. *



* Highly customized Quote Page, with spread sheet functionality: this feature permits you to perform complex calculations* within the application.
* Finix RealTime boasts of Advanced Charting system, which is second to none. It also offers a gamut of charts and over 100 studies and indicators. *
* This feature enables you to chart out your own analysis. What’s more, you can also create your own studies and indicators and apply them to any chart.

* Time & Sales: We provide real-time information of over 100 markets without delays. It enables you to view the complete information on each trade or just a summary of data you choose.
* News: We have excellent market coverage, which are found in an easily searchable format. *
* Market Makers: It lets you view market pressure and price movement in our book window.
* With sophisticated options analysis, we offer a host of studies for the options trader, including a program function designed exclusively to display options.
* Fundamental Data: It provides fundamental analysis and profile data on companies worldwide. *

*not currently available in this version.

Achtet auf die mögliche News morgen, denn wenn die kommt, dann dürfte es ab Morgen weiter aufwärts gehen.

Aktuell sehe ich bei .0022 einen Wiederstand, der nächste bei .0027. Danach ist erst mal der Himmel das Limit.

Die Produkteinführung wird aber nicht unbedingt langen um beide Wiederstände zu brechen. Die .0022 wird meiner Ansicht nach Morgen wohl angetestet werden.

Was veranlasst mich dazu:

Es ist einfach der komplette Newsverlauf seit etwa Dezember letzten Jahre und auch noch vereinzelte davor.
Es wurd nie übertrieben in den News gesprochen, so dass man nicht denken könnte, es wäre "nur" ein Scam.
Ebenfalls wird in den US-Boards Ifinix mittlerweilen heiß diskutiert und durch den letzten Anstieg ab Januar ist INXR für gute Kurssteigerungen bekannt.

Nun fragt ihr euch ggf, weshalb ist dann der Kurs wieder so eingebrochen? Dazu kome ich später noch darauf zurück.

Auch für die Zukunft ist INXR für mich eine Aktie, die sich für die Watchlist sehr gut eignet.

Es gibt logische Abläufe und Informationen seitens des Unternehmens in den News, die auf weitere News in diesem Jahr hinweisen. un der Phantasie sind dabei so gut wie kaum grenzen gesetzt. Und das ist wichtig für ein Pinksheet.

Weitere Trader-Produkte sollen noch dieses Jahr auf den Markt kommen:

The company announced that it's "on track" for meeting three major objectives of the 2007 Business Plan. These are:

-- By end of second-quarter 2007 to launch iFinix RealTime information
platform with the technical team needed to provide ongoing customer
-- By end of second-quarter 2007 to launch marketing program for iFinix RealTime information platform; and
-- By end of third-quarter 2007 to launch iFinix Trader and eFinix.

Das heißt, es sollen Ifinix Trader und eFinix (Webbasierende Plattform) dieses Jahr auf den Markt kommen.

Ifnix Realtime ist auf Basis C++ programmiert und keine öfters mal störanfällige Java-Apllikation. Zusätzlich will INXR das Traden mit bis zu 6 Nachkommastellen ermöglichen, das beim nächsten Update noch dieses Jahr enthalten sein soll, sowei die integrierung eines Vidoechats oder allgemeinen Chat mit Videoübertragungen, von z.B. Interviews integrieren.

Weiters sollen die oben genannten Produkte geschützt werden:

iFinix Corp. Files Application to Register Trademark

JAMAICA, NY--(MARKET WIRE)--May 8, 2007 -- iFinix Corp. (Other OTC:INXR.PK - News), a provider of real-time, financial information and services to active traders and to the securities industry, has filed an application to register iFinix as its trademark (iFinix(TM)) for its suite of software products for financial market analysis, real-time decision support, intelligent routing and real-time data streaming to be used in trading stocks, options, commodities, currencies and futures.

The company reported that its trademark application is for the iFinix RealTime Information Platform, eFinix Web-Based Information Platform and iFinix Trader. By registering its iFinix trademark, iFinix will establish itself as a quality provider of information services and products and remind securities industry participants and active traders that its state of the art computer software programs are designed to be one step ahead of its competitors.

Ifinix besitzt das Recht von 10-20% der Einnahmen von Deepsealogistic und 100% von R&B Computer. Welche sich in den kommenden Monaten und Jahren ebenfalls positiv auf INXR auswirken und somit zusätzlich News bringen.
INXR ist immer noch ein Pinksheet, das durch News gute Kurssteigerungen mit sich bringen kann.

INXR plant schon längers ein OTC-Listing, was man an dem Newsverlauf gut sehen kann:

15. November 2005
Ifinix Engages Spartan Securities as Investment Banking Advisor, Spartan to File Sec Form 211 Covering Ifinix Corp

QUEENS VILLAGE, N.Y. -- Ifinix Corp. (PK:INXR) announced that it has engaged Spartan Securities Group, Ltd., St. Petersburg, FL to advise it on investment banking matters as the Company grows into a fully-reporting entity. Spartan has agreed to sponsor and file SEC Form 15c2-11 (Form 211) listing application with NASD on behalf of Ifinix.

"As our company grows, we believe the right advisor is crucial to help guide us properly through our next levels. We are confident of Spartan's capabilities to assist Ifinix in its strategic growth initiatives," stated Douglas Hugh Spadaro C.E.O. of Ifinix.

Spartan makes no representation as to the timeliness of, and/or approval by NASD of said SEC Form 15c2-11 application.

November 2006
Ifinix Corporation Posts Form 211 Disclosure Statement and Company Financial Information Update

Ifinix Corporation (PINKSHEETS: INXR) The management of Ifinix is pleased to announce that it has submitted its Form 211 corporate disclosure statement and most up-to-date financial information to Pink Sheets LLC. This information statement provides the company's current and potential shareholders with the most recent and up-to-date information for Ifinix Corporation.

Management has also subscribed to Pink Sheets news service to publish and distribute its financial information and adequate current information for increased public availability.

"Our intention is to be diligent in filing and updating our shareholders, prospective shareholders and the investing public with thorough disclosure of the current status and growth of the company," said Drew Budhu, Chairman of Ifinix Corporation.

Dezember 2006
iFinix Hires CFO Professional Services, LLC

The Board of Directors of iFinix Corporation (PINKSHEETS: INXR) is pleased to announce that it has engaged CFO Professional Services, LLC (CFO) as the Company's interim solution to the role of Chief Financial Officer. CFO has committed one of their partners, Mr. Scott Moore, as the lead supervising partner to the Company. Mr. Moore has been a Certified Public Accountant for more then 20 years and has worked in senior auditing roles at such highly respected national and regional accounting firms as Deloitte Haskins & Sells and Harper, Van Scoik & Company, LLP. Most recently Mr. Moore spent five years as the Chief Financial Officer for eAutoclaims, Inc., an Internet-based provider of vehicle collision claims services for the insurance industry.

CFO's responsibilities will include preparing financial statements, audit schedules and financial analysis, preparing registration statements, supervising and coordinating all subsequent quarterly and annual reviews and filings with independent accountants and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and establishing and monitoring the necessary controls outlined by Sarbanes Oxley legislation.

iFinix 's Chairman Drew Budhu stated, "We are confident that CFO will provide our company with the finance leadership and insights that will help us attain our near-term goals, which include the completion of the Company's 15c211 filings, proper preparation for our SEC compliant audit and the registration statement necessary to become a fully reporting company. We are delighted to have them join the iFinix team."

Dezember 2006
The Board of Directors of iFinix Corporation Announces Shareholder Update

The Board of Directors of iFinix Corporation (PINKSHEETS: INXR) today issued the following shareholder update.

Dear Valued Shareholders:

With 2006 coming to a close, it is an excellent time to review the milestones the company has achieved this year, which the management believes positions iFinix for significant growth in 2007.

1. We obtained interim financing to stabilize operations and streamlined expenses, and at the same time maintaining a moderate level of dilution.

2. We filed out 15c-211 in November 2006 as the first step to be a fully reporting company with a view towards a listing on a more visible exchange.

3. The company reached significant milestones in the development and proprietary design of the Phoenix Suite of Products. We have launched our first product, Phoenix Analyst, which will be available to individual investors, broker dealers, and institutions. We are confident that we will achieve significant market penetration thru the distribution channels we are currently putting into place.

The Company is in the process of implementing the following for 2007:

1. Securing sales agreements with brokerage companies; (ein Hinweis auf bevorstehende News, die letzte Woche schon das erste Mal eingetroffen sind.)

2. Securing joint venture agreements with broker dealers;

3. Listing the company on OTCBB and with Standard & Poor's;

4. Creating a brand name for iFinix in the financial industry;

5. Consumate acquisitions of target companies with whom we are currently negoiciating.

23. Januar 2007
iFinix Announces Progress on Preparation of Its Financials and Plans for Move to OTCBB

As previously announced, iFinix Corp (PINKSHEETS: INXR) has filed its form 15c211 disclosure statement to become a fully reporting company and has retained CFO Professional Services, LLC to help prepare the required financial statements to become a fully reporting company. CFO Professional Services, LLC is in the process of working with iFinix on these financial statements. Once completed, iFinix will be able to move forward to becoming a fully reporting company, allowing iFinix to file its financial statements with the SEC and provide full disclosure and transparency to the investing public.

At the suggestion of company counsel and the approval of the board of directors it is the company's intent to seek listing on the OTCBB and will begin the application process as soon as practicable.

In commenting on iFinix Corporation's future, Dhruvnanand Budhu said, "We appreciate the loyalty expressed by our many stockholders over the years and intend to maintain open channels as to fully inform them of our progress. We look forward to some very exciting developments and accomplishments in the coming months."

Januar 2007
IFinix Corporation Hits CEOCorner at InvestSourceInc.com

InvestSource, Inc. invites the public to hear what Doug Spadaro, CEO of iFinix Corporation (PINKSHEETS: INXR), has to say about his company. Mr. Spadaro was featured in a recent installment of CEOCorner, "The Fastest 60 Seconds in the Small Cap Market." Details of the interview can be heard at the iFinix company profile on the InvestSource, Incorporated (ISI) website at www.investsourceinc.com , or on the CEOCorner website at www.ceo-corner.com .

Over the course of the interview, Mr. Spadaro discussed the company's recent progress towards its goal of becoming listed on the OTC Bulletin Board. Mr. Spadaro expressed confidence that this current direction should improve the company's presence in the public market. He was keen to point out the contributions of R&B Computer Systems ( www.r-bcomputer.com ), a wholly owned subsidiary responsible for the development and support of the Phoenix suite of products. Mr. Spadaro expressed confidence that with its own highly experienced management, R&B will expand its own revenue base in 2007, and in the immediate prospects of iFinix as the company aggressively markets its suite of powerful, integrated business applications.

Das war der bisherige Ablauf zum OTC-Listing, der nach vieler Münder dieses Jahr noch kommen wird.

Weshalb brach der Kurs vom letzten Hoch von .0027 weider so stark ein, aber hielt sich bei .0003 außerordentlich stark:

Es war eine angekündigte Verwässerung, die seit etwa 2 Wochen den Anschein hat, das sie tatsächlich vorbei ist. Dennoch muss man sein Augenmwerk weiterhin auf Verwässerung legen.

Ziel waren es laut Aussagen im IHUB: 1.000.000$ zusammenzubekommen, um die Produkteinführung und den dazugehörigen Kosten, wie z.B. Werbung zu decken.

Laut Gerüchte soll das Ziel erreicht sein, was man auch am Chart etwa sehen, kann das nicht mehr verwässert wird.
Die verschiedenen Werbungen laufen schon seit Wochen in Form von Bannern auf verschiedenen Finanzplattformen, wie z.B IHUB, bloomberg und auch TV-Werbung lief nach Angaben von mehrenen Usern auf Bloomberg.

Hier kann man sich die verschiedenen Werbungen betrachten: http://www.ifinix.com/public/html/media.htm und auch auf der Eingangsseite das Intro von www.ifinix.com

Fortsetzung vorheriges Posting

15.07.07 23:45
Finde es gerade nicht mehr, wo eine Verwässerung letztes Jahr angekündigt wurde. Es war etwa Ende letzten Jahres.

Es wurden die AS auf 10 Millionen erhöht und die letzten Angaben zu OS sind etwa 1,4 Milliarden.

Hier ist der einzige Knackpunkt: Die AS

Man schätzt inzwischen zwischen 2,4 Milliarden und 4,5 Milliarden OS. Endgültig wird man es erst am 23. Juli wissen. Und bis dahin ist noch viel PLatz, Zwecks Newseinführung.

Was aber vorher Sinn machen würde: das angekündigte Form 504 zu bringen. Ich gehe davon aus, das diese Woche ein idealer Zeitpunkt wäre, die Beendigung der Verwässerung bekanntzugeben.

Weshalb stört mich die Verwässerung nicht besonders:

Weil einfach bis zur Bekanntgabe der neuen OS noch ein Woche Zeit bleibt und bis dahin easy 100% erreicht werden können.

Wenn dann och ein weiter News mit MOU LOI oder gar Vertrag (was ich noch nicht glaube, da ja auch die Unternehmen erst mal die Software in freier Wildbahn testen müssen) kommt, dann gibts nochmals einen Schub.

Ab Morgen wird wohl INXR selber die ersten Einnahmen generieren.
Erst Übergaben der Kreditkarteninformationen liefen schon letzte Woche, somit kann man sagen, die ersten Einnahemn sind jetzt schon gemacht worden.

Macht man mal eine einfache Rechnung, die ich mal vor längerer Zeit machte:

Wieviel zahlende User es gibt, kann wohl keiner sagen.
Erst mal die einzelnen, die sich dort selber anmelden werden.
Dürfte erst mal nicht viel sein. Dafür sind nun die 3 Monate kostenlos Ifinix Realtime super, weil sich dann die Leute mit anderen darüber unterhalten.

Und es kommt darauf an, mit wem sie das Pilotprojekt zum Testen der Alphasoftware durchgeführt haben. Bei diesem Projekt ergab die Summe schon 2.000.000 Dollar Umsatz.
Wichtig ist in diesem Punkt: Verträge mit Broker(n).
Es ist ggf. auch angedacht, das sie selber mal zu einem Broker werden. Darüber wurde aber nicht weiter berichtet.

Das gute daran ist, die brauchen keine Rohstoffe, keine vorgefertigten Erzeugnisse oder sonst was einkaufen.
Die müssen nur ihre Software auf den Markt schmeißen, dafür werben, ein paar Vertriebsleute einstellen, Support stellen und Programmierer (Chefprogrammierer bei INXR direkt und der Rest in Indien (R&B Abteilung Indien)) in Anstellung haben, sowie Personal für den restlichen Papieraufwand.
Die haben somit kaum Betriebskosten.

Eine Beispielrechnung:
Ifinix Realtime: 60$ / Monat = 720$ / Jahr
10.000 Benutzer: 720*10.000 = 7,2 Millionen $ Brutto
Profit soll man mit 30% rechnen können: 2,16 Millionen $ Netto
2,16 Millionen $ / letzte Angabe AS 1,4 Millionen = Buchwert: 0 ,0015 $
Bei einem Softwareunternehmen soll man ein KGV 10 hernehmen dürfen: 0,0015 $ * 10 = 0,015$

Bei 2 Milliarden OS ~ 0,01 $
Bei 3 Milliarden OS = 0,0072 $

Das sind jetzt 10.000 User und nur eine Software (Ifinix Realtime)

Ifnix will Ende kommendes Quartal Efinix und Ifnix Trader auf den Markt bringen. Das sind nochmals jeweils 60$.
So dürften wir relativ schnell an die 10.000 kommen.

Tradeswapper war vor Ort bei IFINX

15.07.07 23:46
Der erste Bericht:

Posted by: TradeSwapper
In reply to: None
Date:2/2/2007 3:49:39 PM
Post #of 12947

Greetings. I have met with INXR management and the short version is I'm very to have bought into this stock now because they were very earnest and appear to have a serious plan for delivering product and marketing. I'd say we are in good shape at these levels awaiting for the company to continue their communications with us.

I believe INXR may be savvy about providing tools that many of us who prospect for good finds in the penny stock world can use. If they deliver I believe Alphatrade will be in for some stiff competition. This should be available as a web enabled platform at a comparable pricing point with additional features that Alphatrade does not have or would charge extra for. I, for one, would love a robust microcap/pink-enabled data feed with Level 2, T&S, advanced screening and alert features.

I have been asked about their affiliation with CMA and what I now understand much better is CMA is very successful in Brazil. iFinix has a partnership with CMA whereby they have redone much of the older code in VC++ with contemporary coding. INXR interfaces should soon revamp the whole appearance of the original CMA platform. Because of this CMA has an abiding interest in the development efforts of iFinix.

I asked the company to explain this better than I can and hope they will do so ASAP, but the essence for me is they are not just Private Labling a product, they are working with a platform already used by hundreds of thousands of users in South America and modernizing it for the North American markets. I believe CMA's interest then is INXR's improvements can be leveraged to an existing user base though I'm not sure if that entails a royalty stream for INXR or CMA taking an equity interest in the future of the company (which would be a very big positive I think).

My impression of Dru and Doug was they are very earnest. My understanding of the history of the company is they got mishandled by earlier financiers who executed a dump of their shares and iFinix never got the funds from the equity raise. This set iFinix back a couple of years ago. I wanted to know what was different this time and they said they will protect their share structure while they grow the company. They did dilute in 2006 at a disadvantage but they retained the funds for their business and take very little in salary.

I asked them if they would be fully open about their share structure and they said yes. I have asked them to have their transfer agent be authorized to disclose their share structure. They seemed to believe this could be beneficial and I hope they will also address this soon. The two principals each own 250M shares approximately so there is 1/3rd of the OS held by insiders. This is very good.

They are very adamant about going to the OTC. They seem to have been through the fire once before and they hate being on the pinks and the financials are being worked on now by Scott Moore with the intention of having Spartan Securities sponsor the paperwork and processed ASAP. I will be making an appointment to discuss this with Spartan officials to confirm all of this in a week or so. They seem genuine. When I stressed how important good future share structure management is and the listing is they were all ears and not in the least bit resistant to my exhortations. They do seem legit thus far and remember that I did initially greenlight my DD on the CFO as being legit so it is looking good.

They affirmed they have an advertising firm lined up that is preparation for a print and TV campaign. I don't have a time frame for this.

My sense of the story right now is we are moving along towards an OTC listing. If that goes smoothly we could be holding INXR.OB next month but don't hold me to it. With that accomplished I'd be looking for a very interesting road ahead for this company. There should be some further arrangements coming about brokerage relationships and perhaps new data feeds. What really excites me is we may have on our hands a company that will serve microcap traders and investors as a target audience and that could really fuel this stock greatly. For a 1/10th of a cent I get to be in on that so I'm very happy about this right now.

These are my quick notes written on the run and I will amend it later if any other thoughts come to mind. In sum, this seems like a legit company to me. That was the bottom line. That is square one. That looks like a solid assumption thus far so we can be content about that right now while we wait for further communications from INXR. They are shareholder friendly thus far too so I'm rooting for them and for us too.

I've got a super busy schedule and tried to knock out this first post so I caught you today and it frees me up a bit more this weekend as I still have much to do. I'll try to do some board moderation first, then I'll try to get caught up with INXR-related replies and queries late Sunday night or early Monday morning.

All the best

Fortsetzung Teil 2:

Posted by: TradeSwapper
In reply to: None
Date:2/5/2007 9:15:11 AM
Post #of 13188

Good Morning

I'm going to work now on revising and updating my notes from meeting INXR management. I will try to post that within the next few hours.

In the meantime, some more general thoughts.

I see the buzz growing. The flippers and momo traders will come and go within 1-3 days and be gone again. Much of the chatter about technical indicators is coming from people with those very short time frames. Therefore those of you who believe you are going to be making far more than you would from a quick flip I suggest you look at much of what is said on each spike as white noise and stick to your plan for your position and personal targets.

Many have suddenly said what difference does it make if you pay an increment of a hundreth of a cent more to get a position. I'd have to agree with that viewpoint now since I believe this stock will transcend any highs it sets in the next few days and go on to bigger gains. If I am correct, then it really should not be a big deal to get your position within a range of prices as your entry could very well still be viewed as at the lower end of the overall and higher range INXR will show later in February and March.

As I said in my last post, the company seems quite real. One thing I will also post about in my next post is one thing of great importance. I thought after the Friday meeting I understood the arrangement with CMA. I was wrong. It is better than that. The fact as I have cleared up in follow-up conversations with Drew Budhu is IFinix coded their platform themselves from the ground up and the code is completely proprietary. The only thing they get from CMA is the majority of their data feeds (Naz, NYSE, etc.) because it is cheaper for INXR as a start-up because CMA has a huge Brazilian client base they pipe real time data to. INXR has additionally improved upon CMA's server code to increase the latency and it is done in C++ which is very fast.

This should relieve many people. INXR's product is solely theirs and adds proprietary value to the company (as it is owned by INXR, not an individual which is one thing I was certain to ask).

More notes and thoughts to come. For now, keep your sights on the time frames ahead because there should be strong developments ahead from the company and I'm looking forward to seeing the wave of flippers get out again this week and then chase it again to pile back in. That is one the few things I'm willing to predict, but I do see it happening.

Fortsetzung Teil 3:

Posted by: TradeSwapper
In reply to: None
Date:2/7/2007 10:07:18 PM
Post #of 13933


I posted the previous post about my meeting with INXR management:


During the remaining time spent on my trip, I had further occasion to meet with Drew Budhu and refine my understanding of what iFinix is about and has going on. I'd like to cook it down to some essential points here and update my understanding as expressed in the first post.


(A) Phoenix Analyst - This is a real time product that operates from a desktop installation capable of extensive tracking lists in real time and level 2 and time and sales.

(B) Phoenix Pro - Trading platform that would essentially be tied into participating broker-dealer's execution services.

(C) Scanner - This was listed as a separate stand-alone real time market scanner, filter, alert and screening tool.

(D) Efinix - This is currently being coded


Phoenix products do not seem to be resource hogs which is a good thing. They are supposed to be running on C++ code making them fast and resulting in superior data latency. The response of ticker quotes seems rapid and may be faster than some competing products and brokerage streamers.

The feature sets are pretty rich with plenty of drop-down lists and configuration options, probably much more than many products on the market.

I was told the charting module was created from scratch. The chart module does seem to work from my review and may be a handy intra-day charting tool.

I consider the Analyst product to be a market competitor of MicroCapFeed and QuoteTracker.

Efinix product will be the java based streaming quote product that is most closely comparable to Alphatrade, though I think people will be very interested in Analyst for similar reasons.

Coding team is supposed to be comprised of Drew & Ricardo from the company as project managers and 2 teams of half a dozen programmers each in India who are currently making final revisions to Phoenix products (not sure demo downloads are current and will remind company of this if so) and Efinix java product, respectively. I did speak to a fellow in India put on the phone by Drew, but frankly I can't derive any additional conclusions pro or con from that brief exposure on the phone.

I have pushed for them to fold the scanner into the Analyst product to give the user a more complete real time data product and more bang for the buck. If they do that, it could delay the product a week or two, but the robustness of the product then could really get market share so it would be a smart move in my opinion.


Most of their data feeds will be from partnership with CMA. CMA is supposed to provide data feeds to a very big user base in South America, specifically Brazil. INXR benefits from this affiliation cost-wise as they get a significant break on data costs (a very large part of the cost structure of this start-up). CMA should provide the bulk of the data feeds for Naz, AMEX, NYSE, etc.

PinkSheets.com will directly provide the data feeds for Pink Sheet quotes and you will be able to get this with Level 2 and T&S on Pinks.

TBD - Canadian & miscellaneous foreign data feeds may be made available later depending on demand.


I said to Drew Budhu some people wondered how much of the code for their products was proprietary and how much came from CMA and he seemed surprised people thought the coding was not done by iFinix which is what he stressed several times.

He said the proprietary code resides within INXR and is not privately owned by him and that the proprietary value is something that accrues to shareholders. OK, sounds good.

He said CMA has even relied on them to upgrade and render back-end server code in C++ that would be used to serve CMA's own customer base. Again, I asked them to explain this better to their shareholders whenever they can.


As I wrote earlier, my understanding of the history of the company is they got mishandled by earlier financiers who executed a dump of their shares and iFinix never got the funds from the equity raise. This set iFinix back a couple of years ago. They subsquently diluted in 2006 to survive, but at least they claim they retained the funds for their business and take very little in salary.

I asked them if they would be fully open about their share structure and they said yes. I have asked them to have their transfer agent be authorized to disclose their share structure. They seemed to believe this could be beneficial and I hope they will also address this soon. I was told Budhu and Spadaro each own 250M shares approximately so there is 1/3rd of the OS held by insiders.


It definitely seems to be underway and they have publicly posted some of the documents required to apply and they made the initial filings. I think they may even be preparing for Blue Sky filings (makes you tradeable in each of the 50 U.S. States that are applied for and approved) in advance of their listing.

They do seem legit thus far and remember that I did initially greenlight my DD on the CFO as being legit so it is looking good. I will try to follow up on the status this in coming weeks. I don't have any pressing need to predict timing on this.

I am most interested the rest of this month in seeing how the company defines their product strategy so we can see a plan for product hitting the market, being actively used and creating real consumer buzz by the time a listing occurs.


They affirmed they have an advertising firm lined up that is preparation for a print and TV campaign. We saw a subsequent PR confirming this.


R&B - My take on this is it was essentially a corporate entity that encapsulated Drew Budhu's work as a programming consultant. It was folded into the company to provide both some revenues and to act as a vehicle for future revenues from any consulting work performed. My personal bias is this is fine, but I will remain most interested in timely focus on their financial products platform at this time.

Additionally, if they were to add in any further income producing opportunities unrelated to the financial suite of products, my understanding is it would be operated from within the R&B subsidiary to keep proper separation and maintain focus. Craig is responsible now for R&B in terms of either recruiting consulting contracts or bringing in other income producing business.

FastFIX - This was actually PR'd in 2006 and does exist actually. INXR would get 10% of all future revenues of this company when they go live and generate business. I was introduced to the principal named Vijay and he seemed very presentable and sincere.

In a nutshell, Drew coded for him a web-based application that acts as a matchmaker for shipping brokers seeking to locate excess shipping capacity to match up the deliveries of raw industrial materials (as opposed to cargo container shipping) for global buyers and sellers. There appears to be a major market niche not yet fully exploited for such a service.

I found FASTFix very interesting from a potential business perspective and also because perhaps it evidenced INXR principal Budhu's programming skills. I was demo'd that application and could see how it might be used. It is not going to be actively marketed until the second half of 2007 according to them.

I would discount the likelihood of this contributing anything to INXR's bottom line in 2007, but it may be a sleeper later. It should not distract from the main activity of INXR and it won't. But it did seem to confirm the validity of one PR issued in 2006 regarding this which was another small piece of validation.


I think AlphaTrade rests on their laurels and their market share can be rapidly cannibalized by someone providing a steady Pink Sheet feed with a better overall feature set. That is why I look for INXR to get a fully-enhanced desktop-based Analyst out to market and actively promoted in the near future. After that release is firm, then Efinix will come out later and be most directly resembling AlphaTrade due to its web-based java interface.

The Analyst market introduction should be a good lead-in then for next promoting trading through their Pro platform. That means we could be looking for announcements of sponsoring brokers who will hook the Phoenix platform into their brokerage. Then you'd be able to open an account and execute trades.

This could amount to one very aggressive brokerage that wants to promote these products to drive business to their brokerage. If that is the case and the executions are fast and the commissions price right that could be a winner that really drives market awareness of Ifinix product and generates royalties on a commission split. Or there could be many brokerages announced over time which would be exciting too. I will be looking for this to come pretty soon, but first I want to seem them go after the real time data delivery segment which is ripe for the picking.

Within these overall scheme of bringing their product suite to market should be various forms of marketing as expected with the assistance of Ed Yeaker Associates.

And somewhere during this continuum should fall an OTC uplisting.

And a successful show of evidence of alignment with shareholders by the company should inspire us all to support their products by using them ourselves. I believe some of their greatest marketing success would come from word of mouth from users. It is for this reason I have advised them to consider their best interests to be served by serving their shareholders who could indeed become their best marketers if everything comes to pass as it should.

From what I've seen thus far, these guys are definitely trying to get many things off the ground and flying soon. The market is warming up to their stock and I expect this to be considered a very cheap entry soon. I see it is under heavy accumulation and I smell some really good moves coming that may or may not coincide with news which I do not care to time or trade on. I think we are in good shape here. Good luck to all

Fortsetzung Teil 4
Posted by: TradeSwapper
In reply to: None
Date:2/11/2007 7:26:37 PM
Post #of 14396

About getting an OTC listing

First, regarding what is legitimate and what is not. An OTC listing does not occur rapidly. I have not and will not predicate my having a position in INXR on the timing of approval of an OTC listing. My first post discussed my first step in seeking to ascertain that the company was legit and that inquiry actually did touch on the topic of getting a listing.

I verified that the CFO services contracted for by INXR in the person of Mr. Moore were in fact real.

Whether any here realize it or not, this gentleman does assist other public companies with similar needs. The association with Spartan did not just pop up for the first time with INXR. This can be verified.

What would you want to see to believe there is forward progress then? Prior to any such listing, any public disclosure of financials would be excellent. They have already made efforts to develop a greater level of transparency so if they continue that trend that would be both very positive and perhaps additional indication of intent to carry through plans to uplist.

In fact, any kind of continued moves toward transparency that shows the company's desire to align themselves with shareholders are, in my opinion, fine indicators of a future uplisting. I think looking for this kind of trend in company conduct is going to be much more important than attempting to guess when a listing may occur.

Yes, an OTC lising surely matters, but when does it matter? Is this month or March as critical as some would lead you to believe? Perhaps, but I certainly don't give it the same weight timing-wise as some do. Give this serious thought because it is my suggestion there is much more going on here than just speculation on when to trade a stock based on an uplisting.

Let's consider what is most important well in advance of considerations about listing on another exchange.

What is it that would be most important for the viability of the company and their products regardless of what exchange they are on?

Yes, a good business plan supporting good products.

If we start to see a solid execution of a well thought out strategy that leads to the first serious market introduction of products from the iFinix suite that is what makes any future listing powerful.

In fact, I would personally rather see steady progress and company developments and market buzz built on the merit of the product and its campaign and strong consumer word of mouth well in advance of any OTC listing. Why have a listing come just now? It would be a waste in my opinion. Let's watch this percolate and build before wishing for the listing. This could trend for a long time in fact.

I actually believe our capacity to get to pennies per share is going to be based way more on those aspects than it is predicated on some kind of run-up now based on speculation about an immediately impending uplisting. I think it is not realistic and even more so not what we should wish for at this juncture yet. More power is derived from a listing confirmation if built upon a growing and solid foundation we can see coming this month and next from INXR.

What I think the uplisting will do when it happens, after we've witnessed the validation and market acceptance of INXR as a company with a strong future, is then provide far greater stability to what should a share price that has greatly appreciated from current levels.

People rightfully say some companies with higher share OS and a crap business trade for pennies per share so why shouldn't INXR? Good question, yes, but the key for me is focusing too on what would get us there and then keep us far higher than where we came from when much higher share prices are reached.

I think we would get to the pennies by virtue of valid excitement about INXR the company. Maybe then we compare ourselves way more favorably fundamentally too to those other companies that have run up to higher levels.

The OTC listing will be more valuable to all of us if it occurs well beyond the current moment and at a time when the company is highly visible to the public as many of us believe it will soon be.

Better for the company to have an already healthier valuation and then solidify it with the listing on the OTC. I believe holding this stock because you want to trade on an OTC announcement is missing the real picture. I believe INXR is a way more powerful stock story in the making than just that one element.

Fortsetzung Teil 5:

Posted by: TradeSwapper
In reply to: None
Date:3/5/2007 8:51:49 AM
Post #of 18593


This is a preliminary message to get the essential thoughts down and then I will expand on them in the next day or so. I will post further about my understanding of their platform and technology approach based on what I could comprehend. These are just my comments and are not sponsored by the company.

I met Drew Budhu in Florida and accompanied him on meetings with Spartan Securities and with Larry Colton who is working with Scott Moore's accountancy CFO Professional Services.

At Spartan I met Managing Director Carl Dilley who would be responsible for all uplisting requirements as the sponsoring broker-dealer for INXR to go to the OTCBB. I also met the man who would be the head trader responsible for making a market in INXR during the first month and after on the OTC bulletin boards. If you are not familiar with the process, the first month only the sponsoring broker makes a market in the stock. Thereafter, other MMs will appear on a stock's level 2. That does not prohibit the sponsor from handling orders for other MMs during that time, but that is how it works.

Besides having a trading desk, Spartan has a significant business in doing uplistings. They are also a very active transfer agent which is one of their key businesses. They run a very tight ship and expressed they perform all duties in full compliance with all regulatory procedures as is their mandate and they don't deviate from any rules and regulations. I was impressed by the professionalism shown in this meeting.

Spartan handles the registration for uplisting with the NASD. During that time, the NASD comes back with a set of questions for the company to answer. Some companies treat this as a quiet period and discuss less with shareholders during that time. Mr. Dilley said that any press release issued during this review period is subject to immediate demands for proof of substance by the NASD and it is the sponsoring broker-dealer's obligation to facilitate those requests for data, including the financials being prepared by the company.

Thus they are the middleman for moving to a new exchange and that is the role Spartan is designated for. I do not have information to convey on specific actions taken by the company in that regard other than I do not think it would be fair for anyone on a public forum to suggest we go to the OTC this month and I can at least make that assumption (my own only) based on the next meeting held.

I met with Larry Colton, the current CFO of eautoclaim.com, which is itself a publicly traded company. He was Comptroller of the same company when Scott Moore was its CFO. When Mr. Moore left the company to found his own accountancy two years ago, Mr. Colton stepped up into the CFO role. His close working relationship with Mr. Moore means he provides some of his professional expertise to the independent accountancy as well. Thus, Mr. Colton was in attendance as the acting accountant in charge of preparation of the company financials.

He was a highly credible man and clearly playing everything by the book. Nobody I met was presenting themselves as anyone other than a professional hired by INXR to fulfill the duties required to move iFinix's corporate agenda forward. We discussed the business of his current company and it was very clear to me he was a stickler on compliance issues and was an asset to INXR.

What I understand is all of the necessary documentation is being assembled by accountants that work with the company in the New York area and they are preparing that data for submission to Mr. Colton and Mr. Moore. Then they will produce the actual financials spoken of by the company. Since I figure that is not due out immediately, but sometime in upcoming weeks I thought it was fair to say at the very least that Spartan would be lacking the additional necessary document to proceed with their duties.

In regards to those people I met, there was no discomfort on my part with their presentation and I am confident they are true professionals who would not willingly have any part of any sort of scam. Just want to get that said. They were fine and respectable contributors to whatever INXR is aiming to accomplish.

That is basically the official context for my visit here with Mr. Budhu. The rest that I'd like to comment on that seems relevant to me I'll do the broad strokes now and then come back and expand on them and update this update so to speak. For now, some thoughts ..........

They are extremely keen on pointing out the great efforts they have gone to to produce their own product from the ground up and the value they place on this in terms of delivering a solid product that will do well, a code base that is uniquely theirs and is therefore a valuable asset base. I would infer from that to be a primary valuation consideration right now.

From spending plenty of time on this topic, I would say that if this proves correct, then we should be looking to at least start achieving a base level $10-20M market cap if they are debt free which would be a starting point of anywhere from half a cent to a cent and half per share without taking into account other factors.

This is a key value proposition I will address further soon. I will discuss to the best of my ability the underlying technical premises implied in this notion based on my conversations. And I will try to recall to the best of my ability the feature sets I was demo'd this past week and by which I can give us all a better viewpoint on the upcoming product to go by. It looks good and like we have a competitive product to look forward to.

It seems to me I probably caught Mr. Budhu in the last window before everything really gets insanely busy for his team and I'm glad I did get another chance to do so. I know he has to go to India for continued work and oversight with his development team there and to get the technical support staff geared up to serve iFinix users. I get the impression his heavy workload also includes dealing with their data vendors and partners and potential partnerships as well. Therefore, I was glad to advance shareholder interests and concerns one more time and now leave it up to them to move forward.

I'll update this with new posts, especially what I could glean technologically that would probably interest many to read. Excuse me if I'm not posting as heavily as I did sometimes in the past, but those weeks were light in comparison to my combined workloads right now and I'm doing my absolute best to stay on top of it all.

All the best

The Bosses Resume Running INXR. " The Best of The Best!"

CEO Doug Spadaro's resume'>>>>>>>>>>

INFO on the CEO - Doug Spadaro

Mr. Spadaro brings over 25 years of experience in both management and financials services. Mr. Spadaro has held management positions in such companies as Citicorp, Bear Stearns, ABN/AMRO and Paget Securities Group.

During his tenure at Citicorp as a Vice President and Senior Consultant of the World Banking Group, his group was able to identify and negotiate contracts with various European and Asian companies for a total revenue stream of over $750 million dollars. At Paget Securities Group, Mr. Spadaro expanded m
anagement staff from 9 to 30 individuals and increased territory size from 9 to 30 states. Through Mr. Spadaro's efforts total sales exceeded $123 million dollars. While at ABN/AMRO, Mr. Spadaro was a Vice President and managed a division in business development within New York metro market for institutional banking clients. During his management, he expanded his territory and increased sales from $187 million to over $400 million.

When asked about his role new role at Ifinix, Mr. Spadaro Said" Working with technologically innovation company such as Ifinix will be both exciting and rewarding. Ifinix is a true leader in its field and has the potential to play a dominant role in the IT arena. Being able to develop software and systems for both the Mac and PC environments shows the company's great flexibility and diversity. With our acquisition of R&B Computer both domestic and foreign, Ifinix will be the company to watch over the next five years."

"Mr. Spadaro's depth of experience in building and running productive organizations of all sizes makes him the ideal choice for this position," said Dhruvanand Budhu, Chairman of Ifinix. "We're excited to see him bring his formidable abilities and vision to bear on Ifinix's behalf in this exciting and rapidly evolving market."

Ob das die nächsten 15 Jahre zum Renner wird, kann ich noch nicht vertreten, aber das Sie die nächsten Monate zum Renner wird, das mag ich nicht zu bezweifeln.

Zeitlicher Ablauf zwecks OTC-Listing

15.07.07 23:47
For new Users -- OTC-LISTING

15. November 2005
Ifinix Engages Spartan Securities as Investment Banking Advisor, Spartan to File Sec Form 211 Covering Ifinix Corp

QUEENS VILLAGE, N.Y. -- Ifinix Corp. (PK:INXR) announced that it has engaged Spartan Securities Group, Ltd., St. Petersburg, FL to advise it on investment banking matters as the Company grows into a fully-reporting entity. Spartan has agreed to sponsor and file SEC Form 15c2-11 (Form 211) listing application with NASD on behalf of Ifinix.

"As our company grows, we believe the right advisor is crucial to help guide us properly through our next levels. We are confident of Spartan's capabilities to assist Ifinix in its strategic growth initiatives," stated Douglas Hugh Spadaro C.E.O. of Ifinix.

Spartan makes no representation as to the timeliness of, and/or approval by NASD of said SEC Form 15c2-11 application.

November 2006
Ifinix Corporation Posts Form 211 Disclosure Statement and Company Financial Information Update

Ifinix Corporation (PINKSHEETS: INXR) The management of Ifinix is pleased to announce that it has submitted its Form 211 corporate disclosure statement and most up-to-date financial information to Pink Sheets LLC. This information statement provides the company's current and potential shareholders with the most recent and up-to-date information for Ifinix Corporation.

Management has also subscribed to Pink Sheets news service to publish and distribute its financial information and adequate current information for increased public availability.

"Our intention is to be diligent in filing and updating our shareholders, prospective shareholders and the investing public with thorough disclosure of the current status and growth of the company," said Drew Budhu, Chairman of Ifinix Corporation.

Dezember 2006
iFinix Hires CFO Professional Services, LLC

The Board of Directors of iFinix Corporation (PINKSHEETS: INXR) is pleased to announce that it has engaged CFO Professional Services, LLC (CFO) as the Company's interim solution to the role of Chief Financial Officer. CFO has committed one of their partners, Mr. Scott Moore, as the lead supervising partner to the Company. Mr. Moore has been a Certified Public Accountant for more then 20 years and has worked in senior auditing roles at such highly respected national and regional accounting firms as Deloitte Haskins & Sells and Harper, Van Scoik & Company, LLP. Most recently Mr. Moore spent five years as the Chief Financial Officer for eAutoclaims, Inc., an Internet-based provider of vehicle collision claims services for the insurance industry.

CFO's responsibilities will include preparing financial statements, audit schedules and financial analysis, preparing registration statements, supervising and coordinating all subsequent quarterly and annual reviews and filings with independent accountants and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and establishing and monitoring the necessary controls outlined by Sarbanes Oxley legislation.

iFinix 's Chairman Drew Budhu stated, "We are confident that CFO will provide our company with the finance leadership and insights that will help us attain our near-term goals, which include the completion of the Company's 15c211 filings, proper preparation for our SEC compliant audit and the registration statement necessary to become a fully reporting company. We are delighted to have them join the iFinix team."

Dezember 2006
The Board of Directors of iFinix Corporation Announces Shareholder Update

The Board of Directors of iFinix Corporation (PINKSHEETS: INXR) today issued the following shareholder update.

Dear Valued Shareholders:

With 2006 coming to a close, it is an excellent time to review the milestones the company has achieved this year, which the management believes positions iFinix for significant growth in 2007.

1. We obtained interim financing to stabilize operations and streamlined expenses, and at the same time maintaining a moderate level of dilution.

2. We filed out 15c-211 in November 2006 as the first step to be a fully reporting company with a view towards a listing on a more visible exchange.

3. The company reached significant milestones in the development and proprietary design of the Phoenix Suite of Products. We have launched our first product, Phoenix Analyst, which will be available to individual investors, broker dealers, and institutions. We are confident that we will achieve significant market penetration thru the distribution channels we are currently putting into place.

The Company is in the process of implementing the following for 2007:

1. Securing sales agreements with brokerage companies;

2. Securing joint venture agreements with broker dealers;

3. Listing the company on OTCBB and with Standard & Poor's;

4. Creating a brand name for iFinix in the financial industry;

5. Consumate acquisitions of target companies with whom we are currently negoiciating.

23. Januar 2007
iFinix Announces Progress on Preparation of Its Financials and Plans for Move to OTCBB

As previously announced, iFinix Corp (PINKSHEETS: INXR) has filed its form 15c211 disclosure statement to become a fully reporting company and has retained CFO Professional Services, LLC to help prepare the required financial statements to become a fully reporting company. CFO Professional Services, LLC is in the process of working with iFinix on these financial statements. Once completed, iFinix will be able to move forward to becoming a fully reporting company, allowing iFinix to file its financial statements with the SEC and provide full disclosure and transparency to the investing public.

At the suggestion of company counsel and the approval of the board of directors it is the company's intent to seek listing on the OTCBB and will begin the application process as soon as practicable.

In commenting on iFinix Corporation's future, Dhruvnanand Budhu said, "We appreciate the loyalty expressed by our many stockholders over the years and intend to maintain open channels as to fully inform them of our progress. We look forward to some very exciting developments and accomplishments in the coming months."

Januar 2007
IFinix Corporation Hits CEOCorner at InvestSourceInc.com

InvestSource, Inc. invites the public to hear what Doug Spadaro, CEO of iFinix Corporation (PINKSHEETS: INXR), has to say about his company. Mr. Spadaro was featured in a recent installment of CEOCorner, "The Fastest 60 Seconds in the Small Cap Market." Details of the interview can be heard at the iFinix company profile on the InvestSource, Incorporated (ISI) website at www.investsourceinc.com , or on the CEOCorner website at www.ceo-corner.com .

Over the course of the interview, Mr. Spadaro discussed the company's recent progress towards its goal of becoming listed on the OTC Bulletin Board. Mr. Spadaro expressed confidence that this current direction should improve the company's presence in the public market. He was keen to point out the contributions of R&B Computer Systems ( www.r-bcomputer.com ), a wholly owned subsidiary responsible for the development and support of the Phoenix suite of products. Mr. Spadaro expressed confidence that with its own highly experienced management, R&B will expand its own revenue base in 2007, and in the immediate prospects of iFinix as the company aggressively markets its suite of powerful, integrated business applications.

Next Step: 23 July, 2007 All old and actuall financels in the pocket

Informationen zum letzten LOI

15.07.07 23:49


Our business operations currently consist of managing our only operating
business, International Monetary Corporation/Legend Securities, Inc. Legend
Securities, Inc.'s principal business is stock brokerage. We own 68.13% of
International Monetary Corporation which owns 99% of Legend Securities, Inc. We acquired our interest in August 2001. We own a majority of the shares in IMC and IMC is the majority shareholder in Legend Securities and therefore we have control of both entities. IMC is a holding company currently existing for the sole purpose of owning Legend Securities. Although IMC may have other business activities in the future there are no such plans at this time. Legend is a full service Broker Dealer registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD). Our President Anthony Fusco acts as an officer and director of both companies for the benefit of Stocktrade. Mr. Fusco works full time for Legend as the Chief Executive Officer and in such capacity controls the general direction in which the Legend operates. He participates in the staffing, policy and procedures of Legend. Legend has approximately twenty NASD registered brokers at this time who are independent contractors and therefore not Legend employees. Legend also has five people who serve as management and administration to support its brokers. Legend has offices located at 39 Broadway, Suite 740, New York, New York 10006. Their phone number is (212) 344 5747. We presently intend to maintain our interest in IMC/Legend.

2006 hat STOCKTRADE NETWORK INC. eine Mehrheit von International Monetary Corporation gehalten und die wiederum hielten 99% von Legend Securities.


CIT Team

Anthony Fusco
Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President
Collective Infrastructure Technology, Inc.
Mr. Fusco has 20 years experience in management, accounting and financial markets. Mr. Fusco has been the Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, and Director of Collective Infrastructure Technology, Inc. (“CIT”) since our inception in November 2001.
Mr. Fusco is also the current President of Stocktrade Network, Inc (“Stocktrade”). Stocktrade is a holding company that has investments and directs management participation in several companies. Mr. Fusco founded Northport Holding, Inc., (“Northport”) in June 1997. Northport merged with Stocktrade in January 2000. During his tenure as President of Northport and Stocktrade, he created all policies and procedures for financing, managing, operating, accounting, and marketing the company. Mr. Fusco negotiated all aspects of many acquisitions, mergers, and joint ventures: Including Lieber and Weissman Securities, LLC (proprietary securities trading firm), Technology Solutions International, LLC (software development company specializing in securities order routing and execution systems), and Legend Securities, Inc. (NASD registered broker-dealer) Since December 2000, Mr. Fusco is the acting Chief Operating Officer for Legend Securities, Inc. He is responsible for the general direction of Legend, including policies, staffing, and procedures. Mr. Fusco holds Series 7, Series 63, Series 55 and Series 24 securities licenses.
From November 1998 through December 2000 Mr. Fusco was a Managing- Member of Lieber and Weissman Securities, LLC (“LWS”). His responsibilities included the management of the entire company on a daily basis, including supervising all compliance issues with regulatory authorities; interaction with all vendors, clearing firms, accountants, attorneys, and service bureaus; and created and supervised all trading, accounting, marketing, legal, and risk management. He was personally responsible for increasing revenues by over 150% and profits by over 500% in the first year as chief executive.
From 1990 through 1996, Mr. Fusco was Senior Vice President at Tullet and Tokyo FOREX, Inc. with offices located in New York, New York. He was responsible for the firm’s Spot FOREX activity and directly responsible for 10 departments with over 100 FOREX brokers.
In 1986, Mr. Fusco earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from St. John’s University in New York City. Possess high degree of proficiency in financial markets securities law, accounting, corporate law, and computer technology.

Collective Infrastructure Technology, Inc.
39 Broadway, Suite 740, New York, New York, 10006


Clearing Broker
Identifiers Executing Broker
Alpha Numeric Alpha Numeric
Delete Last Trade Date, June 18, 2007:
Triad Securities Corp QRCC 0158 TIAB
Add First Trade Date, June 12, 2007:
Torc Investments and Research LLC PFSI 0234 TORG
Add First Trade Date, June 15, 2007:
Legend Securities, Inc. WEDB 0103 LEGD

Stocktrade Network Inc. own 68.13% of International Monetary Corporation which owns 99% of Legend Securities, Inc.

Some information about International Monetary Corporation:

International Monetary Systems Ltd - Company Profile Snapshot
Company Profile: International Monetary Systems Ltd
Ticker: INLM
Exchanges: OTC
2006 Sales: 8,782,700
Major Industry: Miscellaneous
Sub Industry: Service Organizations
Employees: 22

Business Description
International Monetary Systems Ltd. The Group's principal activities are to acquire, own, manage and operate trade exchanges and other related businesses. Its barter trade exchange business has over 15,000 businesses that regularly trade their goods and services with each other. This business is provided with an effective revenue management tool, which enables them to identify and capture incremental income, liquidate surplus inventories and capitalize on their excess capacity. It also provides an effective means by which a member may enter new markets, gain trial usage by potential customers, or increase market share. The barter trade exchange operates in the United States and Canada.

Trustees Emeriti

Edgar Eisner
New York, N.Y.
International Monetary Corporation, New York

(3) Bhalla V K - International Monetary Corporation

Nasrullah Khan, who said he represented a group of investors organized as the International Monetary Corporation (IMC)

Stocktrade Network Inc.
Detailed Stocktrade Network Inc Company Profile
This company profile is for the private company Stocktrade Network Inc, located in New York, NY. Stocktrade Network Inc's line of business is financial & investment services.
Company Profile: Stocktrade Network Inc

Year Started:1996
State of Incorporation:N/A
Location Type:Single Location
Stock Symbol:N/A
Stock Exchange:N/A
Also Does Business As:N/A
SIC #Code:7389
Est. Annual Sales:$1,285,039
Est. Employees:4
Est. Employees at Location:3
Contact Name:Anthony Fusco
Contact Title Zunge rausstrecken resident


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