HK Parkview

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HK PARKVIEW . kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar

HK Parkview

09.10.07 09:55
..full risk..;-)

207 HK PARKVIEW 3.2 +2.2 +220.00% 5,586 1,610

The Hong Kong Parkview Group Limited is an investment holding company. Its principal subsidiaries are engaged in the decoration contractor and trading of furniture; provision of corporate management services, and investment holding. The Company’s operations are located in Hong Kong, The People’s Republic of China and United States.

Its subsidiaries include

Dragon Spirit Limited, Gallaria Furnishings International Limited, Hebo Urge Company Limited, Hong Kong Parkview (China) Limited, Hong Kong Parkview International Limited, Newmeadow Limited and Parkview Property Development Limited, among others.

On March 12, 2007, the Company disposed a subsidiary,

China Garden Limited,

which was engaged in investment holding.
HK Parkview 124366


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Olly D:

gibt es dazu news

09.10.07 10:36
warum der Wert so exorbitant steigt?

tolles Volumen :(

09.10.07 11:00

0 handel absoluter nonsens

09.10.07 17:12

Gewinn ist die Summe aus positiven Investitionen abzüglich negativer Investitionen

Parkview +27%

10.10.07 10:29
in EU / D kaum Handel HK

heute + 0.8 = 3.8 h$ = + 27% bei kl Vol von 6 mio

so dass der nonsens heute bei uns ca XXXXXeuro gebracht hat..und wir sind wieder raus...;-)

viel Glück
HK Parkview 124574

HK Parkview -13%

12.11.07 06:06
207 HK PARKVIEW 2 0.3 -13.04 83 38

grosser down Tag HSI-4,..%
HK Parkview 130639
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