Highlands Pacific Ltd.

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Highlands Pacific Ltd.

09.04.07 15:05

Ein australisches Explorationsunternehmen.

Letzte News bezüglich Projekten: (in diesem Fall Frieda River Joint-Venture)

Auch ein technischer Rebound ist bei diesem Chart gut möglich.

Eine erste Position werde ich mir schonmal zulegen, sollte es noch tiefer gehen, so kaufe ich nach.

Weitere News sind alle auf der Hp verfügbar...viewl Spaß beim lesen. ;)


22 January 2007
Xstrata Copper (Xstrata) has exercised its option to acquire 81.82% of Highlands Pacific
Limited’s (Highlands) current interest in the Frieda River Project in Papua New Guinea. The
project, which includes Exploration Licences 58 and 1212 but, as explained below, excludes the
Nena Deposit (within EL 58), will operate as a joint venture between Xstrata 73.00%, Highlands
16.22% and OMRD Frieda Co Limited 10.78%.
The joint venture parties will now finalise a Joint Venture Operating Agreement on terms already
substantially agreed.
To maintain its interest in the project Xstrata must:
• by 23 January 2012, commission and arrange to have completed a feasibility study to a
standard reasonably required by major financial institutions in connection with
consideration of project financing;
• pay Highlands’ share of project expenditure until the completion of the feasibility study
unless Xstrata withdraws from the joint venture; and
• should the project be developed, include Highlands in any debt financing it arranges or
alternatively provide Highlands with a completion guarantee for any debt funding that
Highlands arranges.
Should Xstrata fail to complete the feasibility study or withdraw from the joint venture then all of
Xstrata’s interests in the Frieda River project will be transferred back to Highlands at no cost
At this time Xstrata has not exercised its option over the Nena Deposit which is located within
the Frieda River project tenements (EL 58) but excised from the Frieda River Option. To
exercise the Nena Deposit option Xstrata must make a payment of USD 10.8 million to
Highlands and then satisfy the same terms and conditions outlined above. The Nena Deposit
Option remains in place by virtue of Xstrata having exercised the Frieda River Option.
Managing Director Ian Holzberger noted that Highlands Pacific was pleased that Xstrata had
elected to exercise its option and enter into joint venture over the project.
“We see Xstrata’s involvement as a demonstration of the development potential of this world
class copper and gold deposit” Mr Holzberger said.
Separately, Xstrata has also elected to become the project operator effective from 22 January,
H I GHL ANDS PAC I F I C L I M I T E D ARBN 078 118 653
Incorporated in Papua New Guinea
Registered Office Registered Office in Australia
PO Box 1486, Port Moresby NCD 121 GPO Box 3086, Brisbane QLD 4001
Papua New Guinea Australia
Level 9 Pacific Place, Musgrave Street Level 4, 167 Eagle Street
Port Moresby NCD 121 Brisbane Qld 4000
Papua New Guinea Australia
Telephone: (675) 321 7633 Telephone: (617) 3239 7800
Fac simi le: (675) 321 7551 Fac simi le: (617) 3221 6727
Website:www.highlandspacific.com Email:info@highlandspacific.com
Highlands Pacific Group 22 January, 2007
About Frieda River
The Frieda River area is known to host a cluster of copper gold deposits including the large
Horse/Ivaal/Trukai porphyry deposit and the high grade Nena Deposit which collectively contain
approximately 16.7 billion pounds of copper and 14.3 million ounces of gold.
The project area is located in the north west of Papua New Guinea and has been the subject of
a long history of exploration.
During Xstrata’s option period, exploration successfully added an additional 100Mt @ 0.93%
copper equivalent to the combined porphyry resource, which is now estimated at 1.28 billion
tonnes @ 0.48% copper and 0.30 g/t Au (indicated and inferred) and increasing the Nena
resource by 35% to 71.8Mt @ 2.0% copper and 0.5g/t gold (measured and indicated).
Metallurgical studies have also focussed on viable processing options for the Nena deposit.
Highlands Pacific Ltd. 91858


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Jetzt wirds spannend

24.05.11 20:03
ist hier jemand ??????

Ordere 50000 in sydney diese N8

Ist irgenjemand hier dabei?
The train left the station
BIGBOCBANG in vorbereitung


24.05.11 20:51
THE Frieda River project, a gold and copper mine developed by Xstrata Mining Ltd and Highlands Pacific Ltd, is by making an educated guess, to have more than 11 million tonnes of copper and 18 million ounces of gold in its Nena, Horse/Ivaal/Trukai (HIT) and Koki deposits.

The project, presently subjected to a bankable or marketable expediency study (BFS) carried out by Xstrata, when in full motion will put Frieda on the map as one of the world’s top 15 copper mines.

Highlands Pacific managing director John Gooding said yesterday that the staging periouds of Frieda could be up to 20-30 years, with the first eight years giving 250,000 tonnes per annum of copper and 380,000 ounces per annum of gold.

“If you estimate its next year of operation, on or about the year 2018 on current schedules, Frieda will produce about 320,000 tonnes of copper and a massive 580,000 ounces of gold.

“This would place it in the top 10 if in production today,” he explained.

Gooding pointed out that Frieda has in-ground copper and gold resource potential for many decades of production.

“To put the current Frieda resource in framework, that is about double the current inventory at the fabulous Wafi-Golpu project which stock market analysts have placed valuations on in the billions of dollars,” he told shareholders at the annual general meeting.

Frieda River project, located between the East and West Sepik provinces, is 81.82% owned by Xstrata who are funding its BFS, and by Highlands Pacific (18.18%).

Gooding told that the other exploration project for Highlands Pacific on Star mountains had also reported significant copper gold gratings from its drilling programme.
The train left the station
BIGBOCBANG in vorbereitung

Allmählich scheint sich

31.10.17 16:12
der gestiegene Kobalt-Preis auf die Unternehmensbilanz auszuwirken. Man liest, dass Batteriehersteller zunehmend Probleme haben, an das notwendige Material außerhalb der menschenverachtenden Verhältnisse in den Kongominen zu kommen.

Bin ich der Einzige

12.12.17 18:50
hier im Forum. Dabei macht die Entwicklung des Co-Preises reine Freude.
Auch wenn der Kurs vom Höchststand wieder zurückgekommen ist, denke ich doch, dass in den nächsten Monaten auch Highlands und damit der Kurs wieder stärker profitieren werden.

Nicht der einzige. Bin auch da mal rein.

17.12.17 13:13

Das hat doch Potenzial

17.12.17 13:14

Bei der Entwicklung der Kobaltpreise müsste

19.12.17 07:52
eigentlich stärker nach oben gehen.

Nickelpreis bewegt sich

21.12.17 07:19
teilweise auch nach oben. Die Aktie sollte allmählich nach oben springen.


03.01.18 12:09
Die Umsätze sind sehr gering - selten Käufe... Ansonsten würde ich hier auch mal einen Fuß reinsetzen. Pro:
Cobalt, Erfahrung, Perspektive

Wenn die Umsätze

03.01.18 18:39
nach oben gehen, kann es vielleicht zu spät sein.
Habe mich für Highlands entschieden, weil man im Gegensatz zu Anderen Minen schon in der Produktion ist und bei weiter steigendem Cobalt-Preisen bald schwarze Zahlen schreiben dürfte.

Verstehe nicht, weshalb der Kurs so hängt.

14.03.18 08:43
Die Preise für Kobalt steigen und steigen. Das müsste sich doch allmählich positiv für das Papier auswirken. Weiß jemand mehr?


06.04.18 14:54
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  12 Highlands Pacific Ltd. Nimbus2007 Shorty2018 25.04.21 02:56
