TTGG -- T & G2 (Squared) (MO)
Class A Com ($0.001)
65 LaGrande Ave.
Berkeley Heights
NJ 07922-1466
Phone: 908-508-9008
Company Website:
James M. Farinella, Pres. & CEO
Shares Outstanding: 118,555,744 as of 2003-05-15
Estimated Market Cap: 16.005M as of 2003-10-06
Current Capital Change:
shs decreased by 1 for 8 split
Record Date:
Pay Date: 2002-02-21
Dividends: None
State of Incorporation: MO
Company Notes:
Formerly=International Mercantile Corp. until 2-02
Class Notes:
Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 31 split. Pay-date=7-31-97.
Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 7 split. Pay-date=8-11-00
Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 11 split. Pay date=07/12/2001.
Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:
T&G2 Receives Order for 30 Gaming Units in the Western Region of United States
BERNARDSVILLE, N.J., Sep 24, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- T & G2 (OTCBB:TTGG) announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary, Zingo Sales, Ltd. (ZINGO) received an initial order for 30 of its electronic bingo gaming units in the state of California. The gaming facility placed the order once local authorities approved Zingo's electronic bingo games.
The machines to be installed within the next 7 days, will utilize Zingo's fast action "Ultimate Games". As a result of the approval of Zingo's games, the Company anticipates additional orders in this lucrative market. This market has historically been a high-yielding market and the Company expects these trends to continue. Additionally, approvals and orders are anticipated shortly in other municipalities in this region.
The Company currently has approximately 100 gaming units installed and operating, with an additional 50 gaming units in inventory. The Company currently has sufficient cash to meet all current and future orders. Zingo anticipates generating approximately $90,000 per month in net cash flow once 300 gaming units are installed and operating.
"We are now at a point with the units installed and ordered that TTGG will be about break even as a company once cash flow reaches expected levels." stated T & G2's CEO, James M. Farinella, "The exciting thing is that we have not even begun to market in the many other regions of North America. Sales are not as much a concern as managing the explosive growth that we are experiencing."
About T&G2
T & G2 is an emerging, fast-paced, technology driven provider of leading edge systems and related software, specializing in two distinct, yet rapidly growing markets, Electronic Interactive Bingo Games and related Electronic Bingo Gaming Systems, and Personnel Time and Attendance Management.
The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a safe harbor for forward-looking statements made on behalf of the company. All such forward-looking statements are, by necessity, only estimates of future results and actual results achieved by T & G2 (TTGG) may differ materially from these statements due to a number of factors. TTGG assumes no obligations to update these forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting such statements. You should independently investigate and fully understand all risks before making investment decisions.
T & G2 Achieves listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange
BERKELEY HEIGHTS, N.J., Sep 22, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- T & G2 (OTCBB:TTGG) (BERLIN, FRANKFURT SYMBOL:TG6) (WKN 812 894) announced today that it has been granted permission to trade it's shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE). TTGG was also listed on the XETRA, which is the FSE's electronic trading system and is technically an exchange in itself.
The FSE is the 4th largest stock exchange in the world. The FSE is the most liquid market in Germany comprising over 80% of all German trading. With the listing on the FSE and the XETRA, TTGG gains wider market audience access for TTGG shares. Institutional access will mainly be attained through the XETRA trading system.
During the first week of September and for the second time, TTGG's President/CEO spent time on a comprehensive tour of Germany to introduce the Company to professionals involved in the German Markets. This expansive tour including meeting money managers, institutional investors, analysts and other professionals well versed in the German Markets. Additionally, TTGG attended the Frankfurt Small Cap Conference on September 2nd and 3rd.
James M. Farinella, President of T & G2, commented, "We are very pleased to have been approved for trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The Frankfurt Exchange will enhance the opportunity for German and European investors to become shareholders of T & G2 and will provide substantially improved liquidity in our common stock overall."
T & G2 is comprised of two wholly owned subsidiaries - Solutions Technology, Inc. an emerging leader in Time and Attendance using Biometrics and Zingo Sales, Ltd. a technologically advanced provider of electronic bingo that enhances the enjoyment of Bingo for players in Bingo and Casino style facilities.
The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a safe harbor for forward-looking statements made on behalf of the company. All such forward-looking statements are, by necessity, only estimates of future results and actual results achieved by T & G2 (TTGG) may differ materially from these statement due to a number of factors. TTGG assumes no obligations to update these forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting such statements. You should independently investigate and fully understand all risks before making investment decisions.
T & G2 Enters Into Bingo and Gaming-Facility Joint Venture; Enhances Recurring Revenue Stream
BERNARDSVILLE, N.J., Sep 15, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- T & G2 (OTCBB: TTGG) announced today that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Zingo Sales, Ltd. (ZINGO) has entered into a 50-50 joint-venture with a West Coast-based gaming company. The joint-venture, called "Buffalo Bingo" enable's Zingo to secure additional recurring revenue streams within its core business of electronic Class II bingo and related games and services market.
The Buffalo Bingo joint-venture is primarily set up to invest in Bingo and other gaming-related services. Every transaction entered into will be based on the generation of monthly recurring revenue streams to Zingo and T&G2.
Buffalo Bingo strengthens Zingo's relationships within the Class II gaming market and its ability to distribute its products throughout the gaming industry. Zingo will now participate in the revenue generated from all phases of the joint-venture's gaming operations. This includes the facility operations to game distribution. Buffalo Bingo has already invested in one such operation obtaining a 20% interest in the income generated from operations. Zingo, through Buffalo Bingo, has the exclusive right of first refusal to buy into additional facilities opened by this gaming operations company.
"To be able to strengthen our presence in the charitable bingo industry and improve our ability to distribute our full range of products is really special," said James M. Farinella, T&G2's Chief Executive Officer. "The Buffalo Bingo joint-venture greatly improves our ability to generate monthly cash flow."
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