Hat jemand von Euch Infos zu dem Wert mit dem US-Kürzel ICOM für mich? Danke. o.T.

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Hat jemand von Euch Infos zu dem Wert mit dem US-Kürzel ICOM für mic.

18.05.00 21:19


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Na, da habe ich doch glatt selber was interessantes gefunden...

18.05.00 22:24
                                                                      MAY 16, 2000

                   Intelect Communications Inc. (ICOM)

                   Investors have their eyes on opportunities in smaller capitalization optical
                   equipment makers, one of which is Intelect Communications (Nasdaq: ICOM)
                   www.intelectcom.com. Intelect claims to make an optical multiprotocol
                   access box that is more flexible than those from other vendors.

                   ICOM is one of those stock tips that bubbles up on the Internet, a grass-roots
                   pick with many individual investors. The stock has been labeled as a "member
                   favorite" on Clearstation www.clearstation.com, the fanatical investment
                   community owned by E-Trade www.etrade.com. Also, a money manager
                   with a good track record recently mentioned ICOM. The stock was briefly held in
                   the Open Fund, an investment fund that has shown a penchant for optical players
                   and publicly displays its trades on the Internet at Metamarkets.com
                   www.metamarkets.com. The Open Fund liquidated its position after a gain
                   before the April crash.

                   During the technology crash in March and April, shares of Intelect fell back to
                   earth. Once trading over $9, the stock now trades in the range of $2.50 a share,
                   making it more attractive to those willing to stomach the risk of a smaller name
                   player in the optical space.

                   Several large institutional players have entered ICOM in the last year. For
                   example, Driehaus Capital Management Inc. www.driehaus.com and
                   Goldman Sachs www.gs.com took positions in December, 1999, and
                   Weiss, Peck & Greer www.wpginvest.com took a large position as recently
                   as March of 2000 (disclosure: Weiss, Peck & Greer is an investor in Light
                   Reading), according to Stockpoint www.stockpoint.com. Tim Stobaugh, an
                   analyst with Stonegate Securities Inc. www.stonegateinc.com, likes the
                   stock and calls it "undervalued" at its current price. He says their box allows
                   carriers to drop in cards for various network technologies. "The protocols can be
                   dopped in and out of the box so it's very flexible," says Stobaugh.

                   In the first quarter ending March 31, the company reported revenues of 4.6 million
                   versus $3.1 million in the previous year's quarter. The net loss for the first quarter
                   of 2000 was $4.6 million compared to a loss of $7.9 million in the first quarter of

                   --R. Scott Raynovich, executive editor Light Reading

Quelle: www.lightreading.com/document.asp?doc_id=658


19.05.00 11:28
Einschätzungen zu diesem Wert vorhanden? Geschäftsbereich bzw. aktientechnisch betrachtet der Chart? Danke.

Danke für die zahlreichen antworten!!! o.T.

19.05.00 15:37

Nur zur Information

21.05.00 15:19
Ich habe mir ein paar Stücke am Freitag ins Depot gelegt.

Re: Hat jemand von Euch Infos zu dem Wert mit dem US-Kürzel IC.

21.05.00 15:44
Reden wir von dem gleichen Unternehmen ?



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21.05.00 16:18
Hi Melli aus dem schönen Hamburg,

Nein, es handelt sich um ein anderes Unternehmen. Das Kürzel ist ICOM, gehandelt wird der Wert an der Nasdaq, das Unternehmen heisst Intelect Communications und ist im Glasfaserbereich tätig. Der Wert ist mir als aussichtsreiches Investment empfohlen worden und ich habe mir mal ein paar Aktien gekauft. Ist sicherlich ein sehr spekulativer Wert, wie man an dem Chart erkennnen kann. Aber no risk no gain, habe ich mir gesagt. In einem Jahr können die irgendwo stehen, zwischen 50 Cent und 50 Dollar. Das weiss jetzt keiner.
Schaun wir einfach mal.
Gruß nach HH


Re: Hat jemand von Euch Infos zu dem Wert mit dem US-Kürzel IC.

22.05.00 12:55
Hallo Hugo,

ich glaube der Wert ist unterbewertet. Aber jetzt zu kaufen ist zu früh.
Hättest mal warten sollen, bis er mindestens 1 Euro steigt. Bei 2,30
kannst du zukaufen.


22.05.00 13:23
Zukaufen kann ich immer noch, aber bei www.Ragingbull.com wird der Wert auch verstärkt diskutiert. Daher denke ich, das es erst mal Richtung Norden geht. Kursziele, die dort genannt werden, 100 $, halte ich aber auf Sicht von 12 Monaten für unrealistisch.


Re: Hat jemand von Euch Infos zu dem Wert mit dem US-Kürzel ICOM für.

22.05.00 15:24
du musst das COMPX oben wegwischen ,stattdessen ICOM eintragen und kannst Candlesticks und bollinger Bands eingeben.Ich würde denken dass eine Boden- bildung im 60Tage-chart kommen könnte,sofern die 2,5 halten.


22.05.00 16:13
2,50 nicht gehalten.  Bei dem Umfeld...
Danke für den Link...


News vom 17.5.

22.05.00 23:16
Intelect Expands OmniLYNX Into Premises and BLEC Markets Partner Agreements Focus on Optical Networking in Premises, Shared Tenant And Campus Applications

RICHARDSON,  Texas, May 17, 2000 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ --  Intelect
Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: ICOM), a leader in intelligent optical networking
solutions, today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Intelect Network
Technologies, is broadening the reach of its OmniLYNX product line into rapidly
growing applications for broadband optical networking in commercial complexes,
shared- tenant networks and multi-unit developments.

Intelect Network Technologies has signed a new distribution agreement with
CommSpan, Inc., a provider of communication infrastructure products and services
specializing in network integration and wireless solutions, and has expanded a
prior relationship into a Master Supply Agreement with Scientech, Inc., one of
the country's principal integrators of telecommunications equipment.
Additionally, Intelect is in the process of training sales and technical staff
of EuroTelecom for similar operations in Europe and the Middle East.

Current industry trends indicate an increased focus on the "last mile" migration
of fiber optic networks for high-bandwidth applications in buildings, business
campuses and multi-tenant facilities -- the so-called building local exchange
carriers (BLECs). The same market drivers forcing greater bandwidth for
telecommunications networks and services are now forcing the same expansion at
the premise level. As a result, these companies have developed business models
focusing their marketing and sales activities on designing and installing
optical networks within commercial complexes, shared- tenant facilities and
multi-unit developments.

CommSpan operates at the premises level focusing on the integration of broadband
services for many customers including Home Depot; Raytheon Constructors, Inc.;
Sony Disc Manufacturing; and Reynolds and Reynolds. CommSpan's customers require
the increased bandwidth and versatility that OmniLYNX provides. Ultimately,
OmniLYNX was chosen for its ability to integrate broadband services up to and
within the premises and to capitalize on the convergence of voice, video, data
and IP over fiber.


Guten morgen Hugo. Das klingt doch gut, indess wieder gestiegen.

23.05.00 08:13

Dreamboy und Kicky

23.05.00 10:12
Danke für die Meldung. Diese Branche wird wiederentdeckt werden. Daher auch mein Investment in Intelect. Auf CBN war gestern ein interessanter Bericht. Wenn ich ihn im Internet irgendwo noch auftreiben kann, werde ich ihn oder eine Link hier posten. Bis dann und Viel Glück all denen, die in diesem Wert long sind.



Dreamboy und Kicky

23.05.00 10:12
Danke für die Meldung. Diese Branche wird wiederentdeckt werden. Daher auch mein Investment in Intelect. Auf CBN war gestern ein interessanter Bericht. Wenn ich ihn im Internet irgendwo noch auftreiben kann, werde ich ihn oder eine Link hier posten. Bis dann und Viel Glück all denen, die in diesem Wert long sind.



aktuell bei $ 2,25. Ist außer mir noch jemand hier in diesen Wert investier.

23.05.00 16:54

Es geht wieder aufwärts

26.05.00 10:10
Hi Hugo,

hast du ein Glück, wie ich gehört habe, werden sie wieder steigen.
Na dann kannst du dir ja bald doch den 911er leisten.


26.05.00 12:50
May 25, 2000 13:39

Intelect Lands Second Contract for Texas Dept. of Transportation; OmniLYNX Chosen for
Optical Metropolitan Area Network in Austin for Texas Department of Transportation ('TxDOT')
Traffic Systems Operations

RICHARDSON, Texas, May 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Intelect Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq: ICOM), a leader in intelligent optical networking
solutions, today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Intelect Network Technologies, has received a contract valued at more than
$700,000 to provide its OmniLYNX products for video and data optical networking in the TxDOT traffic management system encompassing the
Austin area along U. S. Highway 290, State Highway 71, State Highway Loop 1 and Interstate Highway 35. Intelect will be supplying Fort
Worth-based Paradigm Traffic Management Systems for its systems integration and installation contract with TxDOT.

Bill Barnett, president of Intelect Network Technologies, commented, "The OmniLYNX product line is the ideal platform for TxDOT's traffic
systems management objectives and operations model. Intelect and Paradigm have installed a similar system for TxDOT in Corpus Christi and
are looking forward to additional opportunities throughout the state.

"This revolutionary access platform is designed for virtually any type of voice, data or video service to be delivered from one piece of equipment,"
Barnett continued. "Enhanced by support for voice and video communications in the same network, OmniLYNX products provide a single, more
manageable system for traffic flow information control. These strengths have positioned OmniLYNX as a premier optical network product for

intelligence purpose built optical networks with legacy systems in Minnesota, Ohio, Connecticut, Illinois, Virginia, Florida, Alabama, New Jersey,
New York, Alaska and Washington."

OmniLYNX will provide TxDOT Austin District with a fully integrated video, data and voice optical network. Intelect's patented, internally encoded,
decoded and switched video interface on its OmniLYNX suite of products will provide Austin District seamless integration of the existing
Javelin-based analog video system. Additionally, each video channel is scalable from 1.5Mbps to 12Mbps providing the District with an extremely
high quality, full frame rate video picture that, until now, could only be achieved by dedicating fiber optic cable to every video camera in the
system and connecting every camera directly to a Javelin Video Matrix Switch.

The OmniLYNX system will also provide TxDOT with a multi-drop 10 BaseT Ethernet connection for transporting LAN traffic. It also will provide
multiple multi-drop RS-232 connections for camera Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) control to transport data for the District's Local Control Units (LCU),
allowing the equipment to interface with systems loop detectors, ramp meters and other traffic management devices.

With an installed customer base of more than 4,000 systems for customers worldwide, Intelect's OmniLYNX product family supports a wide array
of data interfaces, allowing diverse types of systems to be easily integrated into one network. The advantage OmniLYNX provides to TxDOT
includes a voice connection at every node location to provide for Maintenance Phone communications from the field. TxDOT required the SONET
standard system that OmniLYNX offers using fully redundant Bi-Directional Self Healing Ring technology for a highly reliable network able to
sustain total loss of fiber between nodes with no detectable interruption of any service throughout the entire system.

About Intelect Communications

Based in Richardson, Texas, Intelect Communications is a leader in intelligent optical networks with the industry's only multi-protocol fiber optic
access solution that has built-in flexibility and sets the standard in simplifying network operation. Delivering products today that others promise in
the future, Intelect's products allow for a broad array of services and bandwidth efficiency, providing carriers with a competitive time-to-market
advantage. With network management software supporting both TL-1 and SNMP, and a NEBS-compliant platform, the company's OmniLYNX
product suite offers an unprecedented range of protocols and services in a single shelf for both private and public networks. The OmniLYNX
architecture is designed to support SONET OC-1/OC-3/OC-12, SDH STM-1/STM-4, xDSL, ISDN-BRI, ATM transport, IP- over-Sonet, DS1 and
DS3. Services offered at the customer-premise include FXS/FXO/2W & 4W E&M, low speed data (RS-232, RS-422, RS-449, V.35), Ethernet
10/100M and Video. Further information about Intelect Communications can be accessed at www.intelect.com.

HUGO: News für Dich!

26.05.00 12:53
Moin Hugo,

morgen 19 Uhr in O. Den G. hab ich besorgt.

Was hältst Du von den Brennstoffzellen-Papieren? Ist sicherlich was langfristiges, könnte aber tatsächlich ordentlich Performance bringen (s. Thread unten)? Ballard Power klingt interessant...


Re: Hat jemand von Euch Infos zu dem Wert mit dem US-Kürzel ICOM für .

26.05.00 12:58
Auf nach Oschersleben mit den Gänsen ;-)
Melde mich heute Abend und schau Dir mal ICOM an.

Hugo, hast du schon gesehen SVC geht in den Keller, ist knapp bei.

29.05.00 12:57


29.05.00 13:24
Habe ich gesehen. HAbe mir ja auch 250 Stück zugelegt. Alle Werte gehen ins Minus, die ich mir ins Depot lege. komischer weise schaffe ich es aber immer wieder mit gewinnen zwischen 20 und 400% auszusteigen. Nur ein mal pech gehabt.

Kicky, L.C., Melli und Dreamboy, habe gerade noch einen Artikel zugemai.

29.05.00 17:25
der nicht uninteressant ist, glaube ich.


May 25, 2000 06:01

Sweetness and light: how the Web has opened up opportunities in optical components

Like every other company touched by the Internet's growth, fiber-optic components makers are going through a sea change. Though some
companies are spending billions to make these essential ingredients for tomorrow's networks, carriers are buying up equipment at a pace that
puts optical component supply well behind demand.
The need for so many tiny, complex devices to build the Internet's infrastructure has caused many established firms in optics-related
businesses to change their course dramatically over a few short years so they won't miss a chance at unprecedented growth. Likewise, even as
there's a heightened pace of mergers and factory expansion among the industry's giants, there's never been a better time for well-funded, tightly
focused startups to make a charge at this market.THE BASIC RECIPEIt's helpful, though, to first explain what optical components are and
where they fit into the grand scheme of the Internet's growth. Optical components are the most basic ingredients in the different optical systems
used to move data through glass fibers by light.In general, optical systems, whether used to provide bandwidth to large cities or shoot data
across the continent, are made from the same basic materials. And, from the transmission of light to the point where it's received and converted
to electrical signals, there are dozens of components (gratings, dispersion compensators, and attenuators, to name a few) that come into play.

To get data across a fiber-optic network, it must first be crammed into a beam of light, created by a laser that sends the data along a specific wavelength.
Multiplexers are then used to combine several wavelengths onto a single glass fiber so the data can be transported more efficiently. Next, amplifiers are used to keep the light beams from reducing in strength or separating (resulting in lost or missing data). Then, demultiplexers pull several streams of data out of one light beam.
Finally, receivers change the optical signal into an electrical signal so, for example, PCs can use the data. The increased use of the Internet to carry voice, data, and video traffic is causing an insatiable demand for bandwidth. To pump up the data transfer capacity of their networks, carriers are building out fiber optic networks as quickly as they can. Companies such as Cisco (Nasdaq: CSCO), Lucent Technologies (NYSE: LU), Nortel Networks (NYSE: NT), Alcatel (NYSE: ALA), and others make the optical networking gear needed in these networks.With the exception of Cisco, the companies listed above also make many of the components needed in optical networking systems. Other firms, including Agilent Technologies (NYSE: A), Corning (NYSE: GLW), E-Tek (Nasdaq: ETEK), JDS Uniphase (Nasdaq: JDSU), and SDL (Nasdaq: SDLI), make and sell components to each other, as well as the various optical networking companies.As far as the potential of the market is concerned, even the most conservative analysts are predicting a blockbuster year for components companies. Ryan Hankin Kent (RHK), a
telecommunications analysis firm, predicts that the worldwide market for optical components will grow from $6.6 billion in 1999 to more than
$23 billion in 2003.Within that sector, the fastest growth is coming from components used to make dense wave division multiplexing (DWDM)
gear, which increases the number of wave lengths on a single beam of light. RHK predicts the market for terrestrial DWDM components, which grew 80 percent from 1998 to 1999 to reach $1.4 billion, will become an $8.6 billion market by 2003.Nevertheless, supply problems, along with complications regarding how companies should automate manufacturing for such new technologies, isn't dampening spirits in this business. Instead, the demand is forcing established companies to mutate beyond recognition while opening the doors to a new crop of startups. "We didn't just wake up one day and decide we should go make optoelectronic products," says Donald Scifres, who helped found SDL in 1983. "Still, I've never been in a field where the demand is growing so fast."

Ich hoffe, ausser mir sind noch mehr in Intelect investiert:

31.05.00 15:27
May 31, 2000 09:04

Intelect Receives Over $800K in Orders for DSP Products as Key Business Initiative Gains

New Orders Push DSP Year-to-Date Bookings Over the $2M Mark

RICHARDSON, Texas, May 31 /PRNewswire/ -- Intelect Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq: ICOM) today announced that its wholly owned
subsidiary, DNA Enterprises, Inc., recently received orders in excess of $800,000 for digital signal processing (DSP) products through its
distribution channel partner, Pentek, Inc.

The orders relate to DNA's industry-leading line of high-performance, multiprocessor circuit boards based on Texas Instruments' C6000 digital
signal processors. The orders call for several different configurations of DNA's established line of quad-processor VME products to be supplied
over the next two quarters. The boards are targeted for a variety of applications in telecommunications, instrumentation, imaging and
intelligence gathering.

"These latest orders are clear evidence of the market acceptance of our current C6000 product line," stated John Radford, president of DNA
Enterprises. "Our market penetration with these products has been steadily increasing as we see mounting demand for our C6000 products.
The success being achieved by our established product line is very encouraging as we begin the initial shipments of our next generation
products based on the PowerPC processor family. Interest is definitely building in our PowerPC line and I am particularly excited about the
opportunity for our flagship quad PowerPC 750 board that we're scheduled to launch in July."

Early this year DNA introduced its new PowerPC line of board-level products designed to meet the most demanding requirements of high

performance computing and digital signal processing applications. The first products in this new line are single and quad processor VME boards
based on the PowerPC 750 from Motorola/IBM. These products are sold under the DNA name by a network of sales representatives located
throughout the U.S. and internationally through a value-added channel partner based in the United Kingdom. The PowerPC product line
augments DNA's current VME and PCI products based on the TI C6000 processors, providing a broad spectrum of solutions for the commercial,
industrial and defense market sectors.

About DNA Enterprises

Located in Richardson, Texas, DNA Enterprises is a premier engineering design services company providing high-value product development
resources to the telecommunications industry. Established in 1981, DNA offers a broad range of hardware and software design services to
clients, helping them meet the cost, performance, and time-to-market requirements of their product development programs. In addition, DNA
offers an array of standard board- level products designed for high performance computing and digital signal processing applications based on
the TI C6000 family of DSP processors and the Motorola/IBM family of PowerPC RISC processors. DNA products are used in
telecommunications, instrumentation, imaging, intelligence gathering and military/aerospace applications.

Except for the historical information contained herein, the statements in this announcement are forward looking statements which involve risks
and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, the forward looking statements.
Factors that might cause such a difference include, but are not limited to, those relating to: general economic conditions in the markets in
which the Company operates; success in the development and market acceptance of new and existing products; dependence on suppliers,
third party manufacturers and channels of distribution; customer and product concentration; fluctuations in customer demand; maintaining
access to external sources of capital; overall management of the Company's expansion; and other risk factors detailed from time to time in the
Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  

Es geht los!

02.06.00 15:27
Hoffe, dass ich Euch nicht mit dem Posting nerve, aber mit dem Wert ist Geld zu verdienen!



Sprint Selects Intelect for Critical European Network

02.06.00 16:18
June 02, 2000 10:15

Sprint Selects Intelect for Critical European Network; OmniLYNX Chosen for Network by Sprint
Government Systems Division

RICHARDSON, Texas, June 2 /PRNewswire/ -- Intelect Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: ICOM), a leader in intelligent optical networking
solutions, today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Intelect Network Technologies, has received an initial contract valued at nearly
$200,000 to provide its OmniLYNX products for secure broadband networking for video teleconferencing and satellite data communications for a
U.S. military application.

Intelect will be supplying Sprint (FON) with its OmniLYNX products for a fiber optic telecommunications network contract with the U.S. Army
5th Signal Command at the Butmir NATO installation in Bosnia. In addition, Intelect is currently in discussions with Sprint's Government
Systems Division to be a distributor of the complete OmniLYNX suite of products.

After an exhaustive search, the U.S. Army and Sprint Government Systems chose Intelect Network Technologies and its OmniLYNX broadband
fiber optic solution. Sprint needed a company with a product line that offered a broad array of standards-based interfaces, reliability, and
protection features for both SONET and SDH protocol compliant platforms. In addition, they required a company with the ability to respond to a
mission critical environment, such as the one in Bosnia.

Joel Dougherty, Sprint Government Systems Division project manager for the Butmir installation, stated, "OmniLYNX was just the right system
at just the right time."

Sprint chose Intelect's complete OmniLYNX product line for its ability to provide multiple clear channel E-1 trunks so that both classified and

unclassified voice traffic for the U.S. Army can be transported within the same network using the same interface module. The OmniLYNX
multiple access platform also includes an RS-449 interface for standard connectivity for both classified and unclassified data services, video
teleconferencing (VTC) and satellite data communications. The 10/100 Ethernet interface features include multi-drop, auto sensing, and
"switched mode" operation that significantly reduces overall Ethernet packet traffic within the network and will differentiate between local and
non-local traffic.

Bill Barnett, president of Intelect Network Technologies, said, "The OmniLYNX product line is ideally suited for this Sprint application. From its
inception, OmniLYNX was designed to carry voice, data and video traffic as simply as current networks carry just voice today. With OmniLYNX,
all of these services can be easily managed in the same network. OmniLYNX products provide a single, more manageable system for traffic flow
information control. Being SONET and SDH compliant, OmniLYNX provides a fully protected, reliable fiber optic network that offers more
features, versatility, and scalability than any product of its kind on the market today."

OmniLYNX allows for guaranteed quality of service (QOS) on critical voice traffic and provides flexibility in bandwidth allocation permitting
IP-based permanent virtual circuits (PVC) to easily be implemented without interfering with that traffic. With an installed customer base of more
than 4,000 systems for customers worldwide, Intelect's OmniLYNX product family supports a wide array of data interfaces, allowing diverse
types of systems to be easily integrated into one network.

Sprint required the SONET and SDH standard systems that OmniLYNX offers using fully redundant Bi-Directional Self Healing Ring technology
for a highly reliable network able to sustain total loss of fiber between nodes with no detectable interruption of any service throughout the entire
system. OmniLYNX is powered by redundant, internal power supply modules that accept all standard voltage level and frequencies available
worldwide. This revolutionary access platform is designed for virtually any type of voice, data or video broadband service to be delivered from one
piece of equipment.

About Intelect Communications

Based in Richardson, Texas, Intelect Communications is a leader in intelligent optical networks with the industry's only multi-protocol fiber optic
access solution that has built-in flexibility and sets the standard in simplifying network operation. Delivering products today that others promise
in the future, Intelect's products allow for a broad array of services and bandwidth efficiency, providing carriers with a competitive time-to-market
advantage. With network management software supporting both TL-1 and SNMP, and a NEBS-compliant platform, the company's OmniLYNX
product suite offers an unprecedented range of protocols and services in a single shelf for both private and public networks. The OmniLYNX
architecture is designed to support SONET OC-1/OC-3/OC-12, SDH STM-1/STM-4, xDSL, ISDN-BRI, ATM transport, IP- over-Sonet, DS1 and
DS3. Services offered at the customer-premise include FXS/FXO/2W & 4W E&M, low speed data (RS-232, RS-422, RS-449, V.35), Ethernet
10/100M and Video. Further information about Intelect Communications can be accessed at www.intelect.com.  

Hallo Hugo und super Tipppppp dein ICOM

06.06.00 14:27
Wie gut, dass ich bei 1,80 eingestiegen bin.
Ich denke die Zeichen sind eindeutig.
Danke nochmal.

Noch ne Nachricht,Chart sieht auch sehr gut aus

06.06.00 14:44
RICHARDSON, Texas, June 2 /PRNewswire/ -- Intelect Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: ICOM - news), a leader in intelligent optical networking solutions, today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Intelect Network Technologies, has received an initial contract valued at nearly $200,000 to provide its OmniLYNX products for secure broadband networking for video teleconferencing and satellite data communications for a U.S. military application.

Intelect will be supplying Sprint (FON) with its OmniLYNX products for a fiber optic telecommunications network contract with the U.S. Army 5th Signal Command at the Butmir NATO installation in Bosnia. In addition, Intelect is currently in discussions with Sprint's Government Systems Division to be a distributor of the complete OmniLYNX suite of products.

After an exhaustive search, the U.S. Army and Sprint Government Systems chose Intelect Network Technologies and its OmniLYNX broadband fiber optic solution. Sprint needed a company with a product line that offered a broad array of standards-based interfaces, reliability, and protection features for both SONET and SDH protocol compliant platforms. In addition, they required a company with the ability to respond to a mission critical environment, such as the one in Bosnia.

Joel Dougherty, Sprint Government Systems Division project manager for the Butmir installation, stated, ``OmniLYNX was just the right system at just the right time.''

Sprint chose Intelect's complete OmniLYNX product line for its ability to provide multiple clear channel E-1 trunks so that both classified and unclassified voice traffic for the U.S. Army can be transported within the same network using the same interface module. The OmniLYNX multiple access platform also includes an RS-449 interface for standard connectivity for both classified and unclassified data services, video teleconferencing (VTC) and satellite data communications. The 10/100 Ethernet interface features include multi-drop, auto sensing, and ``switched mode'' operation that significantly reduces overall Ethernet packet traffic within the network and will differentiate between local and non-local traffic.
aber soviel ich weiss,gibts die ja nur in USA oder gibt es eine WKN?

Kicky: WKN lautet 866015, Umsätze nur in USA. Dreamboy: Nichts zu dan.

06.06.00 15:26
866015, Umsätze nur in USA. Dreamboy: Nichts zu dan.">

Hallo Hugo, Jetzt werde ich zukaufen. ICOM behauptet sich tatsächli.

08.06.00 08:40


19.09.22 16:17
tag houte habe ich
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  34 Habe am Freitag 3SAT-Börse gesehen. Was könnte der Herr F. damit gemeint... Karlchen_I cora49 19.09.22 16:18
  30 Hat jemand von Euch Infos zu dem Wert mit dem US-Kürzel ICOM für mich? Danke. o.T. hugo cora49 19.09.22 16:17
  6 SVC Aufnahme in den NEMAX 50 wahrscheinlich ! ! ! Rabitt cora49 19.09.22 16:16
  13 Adcon... groessenwahn cora49 19.09.22 16:15
  2 Hat eigentlich einer ein Meinung zu itelligence ? Prior_I cora49 19.09.22 16:15
