Here's a lot more than 3 reasons for HRCT to be successful IMHO, OC. The 4th quarter earnings report will just be the cherry on top. For all this, you should be banished to go back under your rock forever.... not just a measly week:
1. Acquisitions
a)HuaQing - First acquisition for Hartcourt in the PC sales and Distribution field ..ShangHai HuaQing company has developed into a leading provider of IT, electronics and digital components, logistics management and other value added services..
Strategic Partnerships -Strong relationships with PC product makers, Sony, Intel, Phillips, Kingston etc... Sole distributor agent of Samsung Monitors in Shanghai..
**1)Pengyang - Recent acquisition by HuaQing ...Located in Shanghai, Pengyang is a major notebook retailer in Shanghai..The company is a major distributor and retailer for HP, IBM, BENQ, ASUS and Compower..The stores also carry notebooks and accessories of Samsung, Fujitsu, Compaq, Toshiba, and Intel.
**Sub of HuaQing
b)GuoWei - With over 180 employees, the company owns and operates 13 retail stores that cover 11 districts of Shanghai, Guowei Science and Technology Ltd. has been involved in the area of computer components sales, software development and design of integrated circuit and has become one of the dominant powers in China's computer industry.
Awards - The Best Medium & Small Technology Enterprises Award in Shanghai, 2000
The Best Metropolitan Agent for Gigabyte sales, 2000
Excellent Agent for Philips Monitor sales, 2000
The Best Agent for Intel Main Board sales in China, 2000
The Champion of Intel Main Board sales in Asia & Pacific Area, 2001
Excellent Agent for MSI products sales, 2001
c)ZhongNan - With well over 30% dominance of the local market, ZhongNan Group has developed into a well-trusted and respected specialty computer retail and marketing company with partnerships with many international and domestic brands. Nearing 200 employees, the company owns and operates 16 retail stores that cover all major cities in Zhejiang Province, including Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Taizhou, Ningbo, Jinhua, etc.
Zhongnan has established strategically partnerships with many world leading IT manufacturers and has become the "partner of choice" for many domestic and international brands including IBM, HP, DELL, Intel, Philips, Sony, Samsung, Legend, Asus, MSI, Haier, Hedy, etc.
d)NewHuaSun - Guangdong NewHuaSun Computer Co. With over 80 employees, the company owns and operates 5 flagship stores, and has over 60 independently owned franchised stores, and with subsidiary offices located in City of Shenzhen (Special Economic Region), City of Shantou (Guangdong Province) City of Changsha (capital of Hunan Province), City of Nanning (capital of Guangxi Province) and City of Haikou (capital of Hainan Province). The company was voted by as one of the top marketer in Southern China with the one of the largest market share in computer monitor marketing at 26.7%
Over the last 5 years, the company has established very strong partner relationships with one of the leading international IT companies - Samsung Electronics, as its exclusive distributor of Samsung computer monitors, which is currently the best selling monitors in China, for Southern China. In addition the company markets other computer components, laptops and digital products from Samsung and is at the present the largest general distributor for Samsung computer products in China. The company has over 300 distributors and 500 corporate clients across industries including China Mobile, China Southern Airlines, Sinopec, Guangzhou Honda Auto, China Merchant Bank, ZTE, and many leading China local listed companies, as well as many government departments and agencies.
e)Challenger Group - Beijing Challenger Group Through its partnership with IBM, Challenger aggressively expanded in the late 1990's and has become one of the leading companies in the IT distribution industry in Northern China. Its main products and services including IBM Unix Server, NT Server, laptop, desktop PC, storage devices, and corporate IT consulting services. The company currently has 130 employees, owns and operates five companies including Wanzhong Info Tech, Sihai Lanxiang Tech, Ruihua Electronic Tech, XingRun JiaYuan Science&Tech, and Helian Electronic Tech located in both Beijing and Shanghai. Challenger also sells its product through its online store at
Enjoying its strong territory coverage and solid partnership with IBM, Challenger is actively taking part in the fast growing IT industry in China. It is very confident about the promising outlook of the company and that of IT industry in China.
2. Personnel additions
a) Ms. Carrie Hartwick (Former Dell Finance Director) - President and CFO
b) Billy Wang (Manager NCH China) - Board of Directors
c) XiaoYang Li (Managing Partner King and Wood law firm) - Board of Directors
d) Geoffrey Wei (CFO GreenWare Tech...Also previously, interim CFO, Vice President and Chief accountant for Ntes) - Board of Directors
e) Julia Zhang (Former Albright firm Lawyer) - Legal Counsel
f) Richard Yan ( Former KPMG) - Finance Director
3. Increases in quarterly Revenue and Profits
a)Rev. 1st Quarter $ 5,722,349 Net loss ($186,916)
b)Rev. 2nd Quarter $ 28,112,109 Net Profit $463,387
c)Rev. 3rd Quarter $ 33,665,719 Net Profit $514,204
4. Share Price Increases
a) January 2, 2003 S/P .065 Close
b) December 2, 2003 S/P .64 Close
5. Reorganization of other Hrct companies
a) First 2 issues of China Report - Future plans to sell or merge with interested party.
b) Sinobull - Merge with GTI, Large Financial Data firm..Listing awaiting favorable market conditions.
c) FTL - Soon to be announced OTC listing and spin off to shareholders
6. Company goals for the next 12 months starting August 2003
a) 500 million in Revenue
b) Relocate to a major US exchange
Recent Hartcourt News Headlines
Hartcourt Announces Acquisition of Beijing Challenger Group of Companies,Key Distributor of IBM Products
Hartcourt and its subsidiary Huaqing Acquired Pengyang Computer Co., a Major Notebook Retailer in Shanghai, China
Former Finance Director of Dell (China) joins Hartcourt
Ms. Carrie Hartwick is appointed President and CFO
Revenue Increased to $33 Million in the Second Consecutive Profitable Quarter
Hartcourt Declares Dividend for Second Consecutive Year
Thursday October 9, 6:22 pm ET
(Voluntary Disclosure: Position- Long; ST Rating- Strong Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy)
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