Guten Abend wuensche ich euch

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Stox Dude:

Guten Abend wuensche ich euch

30.10.01 14:59
gut das ich gestern alle meine Calls verkauft habe, sowie meine
KK's vom 18-21-09-01.

Ab gestern besitze ich etwas Cash das darauf wartet wieder
angelegt zu werden. Momentan ist der Verwendungszweck der Moneymarket
und gut dort aufgeboben.

Meine Strategie ist, "keine" Puts zu kaufen da der Markt sich evtl.
drehen koennte und auf den richtigen Einstieg zu warten, aehnlich
wie am 18, 19,20 September '01 .

Sollte nochmal neue Tiefstaende getestet werden, wie einige namenhafte
Technical Analysts prophezeien, dann haben wir die doppelte Bodenbildung
gefunden und einer V-foermigen Kurserholung wuerde nichts mehr im Wege
stehen. Dies wuerde bedeuten, ich warte den November ab inkl. Rate Cut
und sehe dem weiterem Verlauf entgegen.

Natuerlich werde ich bei positiven Nachrichten sofort wieder einsteigen.

In diesem Sinne
Stox der Sidelined ist

Werte ,die heute steigen werden

30.10.01 15:03
extra für Dich (und wen es interessiert)
SURE Surebeam surged $2.75, or 21 percent, to $16 in pre-open trading, after saying it secured a $26 million contract from the U.S. Postal Service to provide antrax detection equipment and services. Under terms of the contract, SureBeam will be the primary subcontractor to The Titan Corporation and its newly established Office of Homeland Security, the prime contracor with the Postal Service.
SureBean had closed Friday up 55 cents at $13.25, a gain of 60 percent since the end of September

Gilead GILD tacked on $1.32 to $69. The company said late Friday that it had received U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for Viread, a new antiretroviral treatment of HIV infection. The approval comes six months after Gilead submitted the application to the FDA. Viread will be available in pharmacies within days.

ARIA Ariad Prarmaceuticals were catapulted $1.73, or 55 percent higher, to $4.90. The biotech firm said it discovered experimental compounds that could potentially be used to fight cancer. The Cambridge, Mass.-based company said the compounds appear to inhibit cellular signals that are linked to cancer.

Cisco CSCO climbed 51 cents, or 3 percent, to $17.34. Analyst B. Alexander Henderson at Salomon Smith Barney said recent data from the Cisco's suppliers indicates the company is reordering, indicating it will remain on stable footing at least through the end of the next quarter. "The information we have is not definitive, but we feel it is sufficient to suggest the company's positive stance on the October quarter is not an isolated event," Henderson said in a note to clients. "We may have over cut our numbers following the Sept. 11 events."

He raised his bottomline estimate for the Cisco's fiscal first quarter to 2 cents a share from breakeven. His fiscal 2002 EPS estimate was raised to 16 cents from 8 cents, and his 2003 EPS forecast was raised to 32 cents from 27 cents.

Stock futures pointed to a weak start for U.S. share markets. December S&P futures fell 1.30 to 1,100.70, which was about 5 3/4-points below fair value, according to figures provided by HL Camp & Company. Nasdaq 100 futures were up 4.00 at 1,455.50, but were still about 4-points below fair value
Attorney General John Ashcroft issued a terrorist alert late Monday for the next week but said he could not detail a potential target or method of attack.
In another development late Monday evening, New York officials said preliminary tests indicate a 61-year-old hospital stockroom employee has contracted inhalation anthrax.
In relation to the terrorist advisory, Ashcroft said, "The administration views this information as credible." Ashcroft said the advisory was designed to let law-enforcement officials at home and abroad know of a serious risk. The alert has been sent out to 28,000 law-enforcement agencies.
The last such advisory came Oct. 11, a month after terrorists hijacked four U.S. planes.  aus verschiedenen Meldungen
Stox Dude:

Kicky: Haette auch eine nette Liste

30.10.01 15:07
von Stoxx unter $10 die fair bewertet sind und bei einem Aufwaertstrend
angeblich eine Rakete sein sollte
Siegmund Fre.:

ID Stox Dude: Sie werden heute die 5000

30.10.01 15:08
ueberschreiten. Ich rate dringend, sich mit Beruhigungsmitteln zu staerken.
Stox Dude:

Danke Herr Freud, gerade erreicht, werde

30.10.01 15:10
nun den PC abschalten.


Meinen herzlichen Glückwunsch,Du oller Chinese

30.10.01 15:18
in Hongkong.Erstaunlich in der Kürze der Zeit ,und einiges war sogar sehr brauchbar  Gruss Kicky
Stox Dude:

Danke Kicky, aber nur einiges o.T.

30.10.01 15:19

mit dir würde ich meine letzte blondine teilen

30.10.01 15:20
aber leider kommt ja der winter *gggg
alles gute zum 5000.

Glückwunsch nach HongKong - 5.000 voll

30.10.01 15:24
Alles gute mein Lieber.............

Werde wohl im Februar mal wieder rüber kommen..


5000 die hat nicht jeder Glückwunsch!! o.T.

30.10.01 15:26
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