Gute Nachrichten

Beiträge: 15
Zugriffe: 1.170 / Heute: 1

Gute Nachrichten

09.10.02 22:42

Redback Networks überrascht positiv

Redback Networks präsentiert am Mittwoch in der Nachbörse einen pro forma Verlust von $40.9 Millionen oder 20 cents je Aktie nach $34.8 Millionen oder 28 cents im Vorjahr. Das Ergebnis wurde auf die Effekte verkaufter oder geschlossener Geschäftsbereiche adjustiert. Analysten hatten einen Verlust je Aktie von 23 cents erwartet, wodurch die Prognosen um 3 cents geschlagen werden konnten. Der Umsatz schrumpfte von $37 auf $17.4 Millionen.

Die Aktie steigt nachbörslich um 7.69% auf 28 cents, nachdem sie bereits im Handelsverlauf um 3.70% ansteigen konnte.

Rambus 9:

na toll, dann geht die Bude halt

09.10.02 22:51
2 Wochen später Pleite.


09.10.02 22:56
Das glaube ich nicht. Die Produkte von Redback sind absolute Spitzenklasse.
Redback leidet wie alle anderen Ausrüster an der Investitionszurückhaltung
der Telecom-Unternehmen.
Laß uns diesen Thread mal in einem Jahr hochholen, dann wirst du es sehen,
wie gut sich der Wert erholt haben wird.
Rambus 9:

Mit den Produkten magst Du recht haben, aber...

09.10.02 23:03
nur gute Produkte zu haben reicht nicht aus.
Es muß einen Markt für die Produkte geben.
Aber die Nachfrage der TK-Unternehmen kennst Du ja zur Zeit.
Daher die Frage: Wie lange hält das Unternehmen Verluste von $40 Mio bei $17 Mio Umsatz aus?
Diese Zahlenverhältnisse kennen wir doch von irgendwoher.

re: Rambus

09.10.02 23:14
Mit der cash-burn rate hast du natürlich recht.
Aber das weitere Geld wird von Nokia kommen. Diese haben sich über einen
Vertrag bestimmte Rechte einräumen lassen.
Rambus 9:

Wollen wir´s hoffen...

09.10.02 23:27
nicht, daß auf einmal der große Partner und Geldgeber abspringt.

Kennen wir doch auch von irgendwoher. - Gerade im TK-Sektor.
Sitting Bull:

Es muss Opfer geben und es

09.10.02 23:32
wird sie massenhaft geben. Erst wenn die Hälfte des Nasdaq 100 pleite ist, haben wir eine reale Chance. Umsatz halbiert und Verlust trotzdem nur geringfügig gemildert. Schwach, sehr schwach.

Gerade als E-mail erhalten

09.10.02 23:52
Thema: Redback Networks Announces Third Quarter 2002 Operating Results  
Datum: 09.10.02 22:33:53 (MEZ) - Mitteleurop. Sommerzeit
Internet-eMail: (Details)

Investor Alert

Redback Networks has added the following News Release to its Investor Relations web site.
Redback Networks Announces Third Quarter 2002 Operating Results
Date(s): 10/9/2002 4:22:00 PM

For a complete listing of our News Releases visit:

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 9, 2002--Redback Networks
Inc. (Nasdaq:RBAK), a leading provider of next-generation
broadband networking equipment, today announced results for the
quarter ended September 30, 2002. Net revenue for the third
quarter of 2002 was $17.4 million, compared to $40.1 million in
the prior fiscal quarter and $37.0 million for the same quarter in
the prior year.

Pro forma net loss for the quarter was $0.20 per share, compared
to a loss of $0.16 in fiscal Q2 2002 and a loss of $0.28 in the
third fiscal quarter of 2001. Pro forma results exclude certain
impairment charges, excess and obsolete inventory charges,
restructuring charges, stock and other compensation related
charges, amortization of intangibles and other items detailed
within the attached tables.

The GAAP net loss, including certain charges as detailed within
the attached tables, for the quarter ended September 30, 2002 was
$0.30 per share, compared to a loss of $0.40 in fiscal Q2 2002 and
$21.71 in the third fiscal quarter of 2001.

Redback will discuss these quarterly results in an investor
conference call today at 1:45 p.m. PT. The conference telephone
number is 847-619-6342. A replay of the conference call will be
available at 3:45 p.m. PT. Replay information will be available at
630-652-3019, access code: 6296261. Information on these calls can
also be found on Redback's web site,, under
Investor Center.

About Redback Networks Inc.

Redback Networks enables carriers and service providers to build
profitable next-generation broadband networks. The company's
product portfolio includes the industry-leading SMS(TM) family of
subscriber management systems, the SmartEdge(TM) platforms, as
well as a comprehensive set of network provisioning and management

Founded in 1996 and headquartered in San Jose, Calif., with sales
and technical support centers located worldwide, Redback Networks
maintains a growing and global customer base of more than 350
carriers and service providers, including major local exchange
carriers (LEC), inter-exchange carriers (IXCs), PTTs and service
providers. Recent news releases and other information can be found
on Redback's web site at

REDBACK is a trademark registered at the U.S. Patent & Trademark
Office and in other countries. All other products or services
mentioned are the trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks
or registered service marks of their respective owners.

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995

The statements contained in this press release that are not purely
historical are forward-looking statements within the meaning of
Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, including statements regarding Redback Networks'
expectations, beliefs, intentions or strategies regarding the
future. All forward-looking statements included in this document
are based upon information available to Redback Networks as of the
date hereof, and Redback Networks assumes no obligation to update
any such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements
involve risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results
to differ materially from those projected. These risks and other
risks relating to Redback Networks' business are set forth in the
documents filed by Redback Networks with the Securities and
Exchange Commission, specifically the most recent report on Form
10-K, Form 10-Q, and the other reports filed from time to time
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Redback Networks, Inc.
Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
(In thousands, except per share amounts)

Three Months Ended Nine Months
Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept.
2002 2001 2002

Net revenue $ 17,407 $ 37,001 $ 98,046 $
Cost of revenue 14,019 25,860 60,043
----------- ----------- ----------- --------
Pro forma gross
profit 3,388 11,141 38,003
----------- ----------- ----------- --------
Research and
development 20,018 25,934 63,136
general and
administrative 15,726 25,135 53,284
----------- ----------- ----------- --------
expenses 35,744 51,069 116,420
----------- ----------- ----------- --------
Pro forma loss
from operations (32,356) (39,928) (78,417)

Other income
(expense), net (2,452) (988) (11,829)
----------- ----------- ----------- --------
Pro forma net
loss $ (34,808) $ (40,916) $ (90,246) $
=========== =========== ===========
Pro forma net
loss per basic
and diluted
share $ (0.20) $ (0.28) $ (0.55) $
=========== =========== ===========
Shares used in
computing per
share data 173,517 145,475 162,630
=========== =========== ===========

These unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated statements of
operations exclude the following items required for presentation
accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the
States (GAAP), and may not be comparable to pro forma results from
other companies. The pro forma results provide additional
However, pro forma information is not a substitute for financial
information prepared in accordance with GAAP.

Three Months Ended Nine Months
Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept.
2002 2001 2002

Pro forma net
loss $ (34,808) $ (40,916) $ (90,246) $

Impairment of
goodwill -- (2,689,857) --
Amortization of
assets (1,870) (315,959) (10,058)
compensation (1,833) (4,370) (7,600)
Excess and
charge (14,375) (42,424) (34,375)
charges -- (53,379) (1,612)
impairments -- (1,079) --
fees and sign
on bonuses -- (4,283) --
Asset write downs
Transport) -- -- (8,801)
Asset impairment
and adverse
commitment -- (5,966) --
----------- ----------- ----------- --------
GAAP net loss $ (52,886) $(3,158,233) $ (152,692)
=========== =========== ===========

Redback Networks, Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
(In thousands, except per share amounts)

Three Months Ended Nine Months
Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept.
2002 2001 2002

Net revenue $ 17,407 $ 37,001 $ 98,046 $
Cost of revenue 30,213 69,837 103,390
----------- ----------- ----------- --------
Gross profit
(loss) (12,806) (32,836) (5,344)
----------- ----------- ----------- --------
Research and
development 20,018 26,605 67,372
general and
administrative 15,726 34,713 57,849
Impairment of
goodwill -- 2,689,857 --
charges -- 53,379 1,612
Amortization of
assets 51 314,406 1,086
compensation 1,833 4,370 7,600
----------- ----------- ----------- --------
expenses 37,628 3,123,330 135,519
----------- ----------- ----------- --------
Loss from
operations (50,434) (3,156,166) (140,863)

Other expense,
net (2,452) (2,067) (11,829)
----------- ----------- ----------- --------
Net loss $ (52,886) $(3,158,233) $ (152,692)
=========== =========== ===========
Net loss per
basic and
diluted share $ (0.30) $ (21.71) $ (0.94) $
=========== =========== ===========
Shares used in
computing per
share data 173,517 145,475 162,630
=========== =========== ===========

Redback Networks, Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
(In thousands)

September 30, December
2002 2001


Cash, cash equivalents and
investments(1) $ 138,388 $ 178,820
Accounts receivable, net 8,904 34,924
Inventories 17,052 67,954
Property and equipment, net 69,836 93,456
Goodwill and other intangibles 437,992 447,897
Other assets 44,579 43,296
----------- ----------
Total assets $ 716,751 $ 866,347

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

Accounts payable and accrued
liabilities $ 90,408 $ 143,477
Deferred revenue 9,792 9,539
Other liabilities 61,247 82,918
Convertible notes and other
borrowings 521,505 492,876

Stockholders' equity 33,799 137,537
----------- ----------
Total liabilities and
stockholders' equity $ 716,751 $ 866,347

(1) Cash, cash equivalents, and investments includes restricted
amounts totaling $41.3 million and $44 million as of September
2002 and December 31, 2001, respectively.

CONTACT: Redback Networks Cathi Fox, 408/750-8660 (Financial) Anne Smith, 408/750-5044 (Media)

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Heute mehr als 35% Plus

24.10.02 17:44
Weiss jemand warum oder hat das nur mit den guten Zahlen der Telekom-Unternehmen
zu tun ?

Und heute an der Nasdaq

01.11.02 22:23
weitere 40% Plus.
Nachbörslich schon bei 72 cents.

Unaufhaltsamer Anstieg

04.11.02 16:52
Redback gibt heute weiter Gas.
Jezt schon über 80 cents.
Kann ruhig so weiter gehen.

Heute schon wieder 25% Plus

06.11.02 15:52
Sind die letzten Wochen von 23 cents auf über einen Dollar gestiegen. Klasse

auftrag für nokia pusht redback

06.11.02 22:17
RedBack: Auftrag lässt Aktie über 20 Prozent ansteigen

Ein Auftrag, den der finnischeTelekommunikationskonzern Nokia erhalten hat, kann dieAktie der amerikanischen RedBack Networks Inc. amMittwoch positiv beeinflussen.

Nokia hat demnach bekanntgegeben, Tele2Sweden mitProdukten von RedBack zu beliefern. Der Dealbeinhaltet die SmartEdge 800 Router von RedBack undentsprechende weitere Services.

Obwohl keine finanziellen Details bekannt wurden,gewinnt die Aktie von RedBack deutlich an Wert. Der Kursgewinn beläuft sich aktuell auf 23,8 Prozent.

Heute schon wieder 15% Plus

07.11.02 12:31
Das ist eine tolle Entwicklung.

Heute an der Nasdaq

25.11.02 15:59
schon bei 1,05 Dollar.
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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