drill in excess of 100,000 metres throughout 2011
Deepest Drill Hole at Central Bore Deposit
Delivers High Grade Gold Mineralisation
Gold Road Resources Limited (“Gold Road” or “the Company”) (ASX: GOR) is
pleased to announce an exceptional intercept of 13 metres down the hole (~4
metre true width) @ 40.1g/t Au from 426 metres or 5 metres @ 104 g/t Au,
including 1 metre @ 480g/t Au, from the deepest hole drilled to date at Central
Bore. The intercept is below the Imperial Shoot, approximately 400 metres below
surface and 75 metres below the previous deepest gold intercept in the shoot.
Abundant visible gold was panned off from the mineralised samples. It is believed
that the preliminary result from the best intercept (>1,000g/t Au) might indicate a
presence of coarse gold. Further tests are still in progress.
In the current RC drilling program, Gold Road has completed 8 out of 50 holes at
the Central Bore Deposit. The program has been designed to better define the
extent of the mineralisation along strike and at depth.
Gold Road plans to drill in excess of 100,000 metres throughout 2011, focussing
primarily on Central Bore, Justinian, Hann and Attila as well as new gold targets.
Currently all three drill rigs (one RAB and two RC) are located in close proximity at
the Central Bore and Justinian projects. The monthly drill results update will be
released later in June, which will include further assay results from Justinian and
Central Bore.
For further information please visit www.goldroad.com.au or contact:
Ian Murray
Executive Chairman
Telephone: +61 (0) 438 384 735
Paul Downie/ Melanie Gray Stokes
Deepest Drill Hole at Central Bore Deposit
Delivers High Grade Gold Mineralisation
Gold Road Resources Limited (“Gold Road” or “the Company”) (ASX: GOR) is
pleased to announce an exceptional intercept of 13 metres down the hole (~4
metre true width) @ 40.1g/t Au from 426 metres or 5 metres @ 104 g/t Au,
including 1 metre @ 480g/t Au, from the deepest hole drilled to date at Central
Bore. The intercept is below the Imperial Shoot, approximately 400 metres below
surface and 75 metres below the previous deepest gold intercept in the shoot.
Abundant visible gold was panned off from the mineralised samples. It is believed
that the preliminary result from the best intercept (>1,000g/t Au) might indicate a
presence of coarse gold. Further tests are still in progress.
In the current RC drilling program, Gold Road has completed 8 out of 50 holes at
the Central Bore Deposit. The program has been designed to better define the
extent of the mineralisation along strike and at depth.
Gold Road plans to drill in excess of 100,000 metres throughout 2011, focussing
primarily on Central Bore, Justinian, Hann and Attila as well as new gold targets.
Currently all three drill rigs (one RAB and two RC) are located in close proximity at
the Central Bore and Justinian projects. The monthly drill results update will be
released later in June, which will include further assay results from Justinian and
Central Bore.
For further information please visit www.goldroad.com.au or contact:
Ian Murray
Executive Chairman
Telephone: +61 (0) 438 384 735
Paul Downie/ Melanie Gray Stokes