Goldmarca Ltd. - Nachbar von Aurelian....

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Goldmarca Ltd. - Nachbar von Aurelian....

13.07.06 13:18
Goldmarca schürft ebenfalls in Ecuador in Nachbarschaft von Aurelian. Soweit ich gesehen habe, haben sie schon erste positive Bohrergebnisse. Ich werde den Wert ein wenig beobachten, denn es sieht ganz interessant aus.


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Was geht hier ab ?! + 143%

22.09.06 16:01
Hat jemand info?

große Goldfunde

22.09.06 16:24

PANAMA, Sep. 21, 2006 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --

Goldmarca Limited (TSX-V:GML) is pleased to announce that at Condor Gold Project in Ecuador, drill hole has intersected a high grade gold zone in the Los Cuyes sector of 308 METRES OF 2.57 GRAMS PER TONNE GOLD including 284 metres of 2.75 grams per tonne gold including 98 metres of 6.05 grams per tonne gold and 24 metres of 12.7 grams per tonne gold, 72.9 grams per tonne silver and 4.1% zinc. See Table 1 below and Figure 1: True width is estimated to be approximately to 60 % of the drill intercepts.

% -------------------------------------------------- DCU-17B 1411 448 53 -64 108 416 308 2.57 19.1 0.94 INCLUDING 108 392 284 2.75 20.2 0.99 ------------------------------------- INCLUDING 108 296 188 3.68 27.4 1.40 INCLUDING 198 296 98 6.05 34.7 1.80 INCLUDING 202 242 40 8.98 55.4 2.78 ------------------------------------- INCLUDING 202 226 24 12.7 72.9 4.10 -------------------------------------------------- >>
As previously reported at Los Cuyes sector Hole DCU-17 was abandoned at 232 meters in the higher grade mineralized zone due to operational problems. DCU-17B is a twin hole drilled to final depth of 448 metres and the results reported in this release updates the partial drill results reported for drill hole DCU-17 in news release dated August 21, 2006.

The drill results set out in Table 1 demonstrate the potential for higher grade mineralization at the Los Cuyes Sector in the Condor Gold Project, within the mineralized envelope of 500 metres length mapped, 300 metres in width and 300 to 400 metres deep. The Los Cuyes breccias represent a window of a large epithermal system "inside" a breccia camp with surface dimensions of 1.5 km by 1.5 km and 400 m in depth. The breccia camp includes: San Jose; Bonanza; Soledad; Guayas; Buena Esperanza; Brechas Negras; Gossan Luna; Los Cuyes; Pangui; and Reina del Cisne. See Figure 2: These breccias have been localized by mapping and by drilling and drill logs. The breccia mineralization is apparently structurally controlled. The geophysical programme at Condor has been completed and the anomalies are being interpreted for targeting future drilling. The plan is to continue to drill the known breccias to define resources and drill explorati on targets aided by previous drilling and geophysics. The Condor geological model (lower zone - breccias) has close similarities to the Pascua Gold Deposits in Chile (breccias - lower zone) with an additional disseminated type in upper zones in volcanoclastic cover.

Drilling is comprised of NQ diamond core with recovery close to 100%. The core samples are sawed in half and half the core was crushed and pulverized and then assayed for gold, silver and zinc at the ACME Laboratory Vancouver, Canada by fire assay with an ICPAES or gravimetric finish. Sample preparation was performed by ACME\'s sample preparation facility in Cuenca Ecuador. As part of quality-assurance, quality-control (QA/QC) certified standards of known gold content are inserted every 20 samples, blanks were inserted every 20 samples and field and laboratory blind duplicates taken every 20 samples. The other half of the core is retained on site for verification and reference purposes.

Dr. Howard Lahti, Ph.D. Geology, is acting as Qualified Person in compliance with National Instrument 43-101 with respect to this release. He has reviewed the contents for accuracy.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Robin Slaughter,

President and Chief Executive Officer

ABOUT GOLDMARCA: Goldmarca Limited (TSX-V: GML) is an international mining company that is engaged in adding value to gold and base metal projects with a primary focus on assets in South America and Australia. By applying unique technology and expertise, Goldmarca is focused on delivering a low-cost option to develop resource projects that can provide a one-year payback of all capital costs. Goldmarca is also listed on the Frankfurt and Berlin exchanges under the symbol "GDQ." For more information, please visit

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept

responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

Safe Harbor Statement:

Statements contained in this release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements which involve risk and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those, expressed in forward-looking statements including the following: changes in economic or environmental conditions and the Company\'s ability to execute its business model and strategic plans. The Company relies on litigation protection for forward-looking statements.

SOURCE: Goldmarca Limited

Robin Slaughter, President & CEO, (507) 66714370 or Nick Demare Director & CFO (604) 685-9316 or send email to

Copyright (C) 2006 CNW Group. All rights reserved.

Rebound ?! o. T.

27.09.06 18:41

plus 10% in 1h

27.09.06 19:26
auf 1,02 CAD. Wäre schön, wenn die psychologische 1-Dollar-Marke hält!  

Massive Akkumulation

29.09.06 17:58
In Kanada gehen reihenweise Blöcke von annähernd 100000 Stück über den Tisch, alle über dieNational Bank Financial Inc, und nun zieht auch der Kurs an: aktuell 1.06 CAD.


Trading Halt!

04.10.06 18:03
Goldmarca ist eben in Kanada vom Handel ausgesetzt worden!
Gibt es neue Bohrergebnisse?

Ergebnisse vom 17.10.:

21.10.06 18:45
Diesen Bericht habe ich in einem anderen Board gefunden. Ist in dieser Woche erschienen:

Goldmarca Limited: Geophysical Anomalies Indicate Drill Targets 300 to 500 Metres West of Aurelian Discovery at Eccolmetals
PANAMA CITY, PANAMA, Oct 17, 2006 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --
Further to news release of August 9 2006 at the Eccolmetals property Goldmarca Limited (TSX VENTURE:GML)(BERLIN:GDQ)(FWB:GDQ) is pleased to report the induced polarization survey has located zones of high chargeability that may represent sulphide mineralization at depth. Gold at the adjacent Aurelian property is associated with sulphide mineralization. The Eccolmetals property is 300 metres west of Aurelian\'s high-grade gold properties Fruta del Norte ("FDN") in the Condor Gold Belt Ecuador and indicates highly prospective zones for gold mineralization.

A first pass geophysical interpretation has been completed. The survey is being conducted by Geofisica Consultores SRL from Peru. See Figures 1 to 7 attached to this release. Preliminary geological interpretation by Goldmarca suggests the gold mineralization in the FDN discovery zone and adjacent properties is controlled by major faults and shear zones and preserved in graben structures where the sandstone cover the gold system from erosion. The geophysical anomalies coincide with previously reported prospective zones having favorable geology and structures. This coincidence further localizes the drill targets and gives them a higher ranking. The prospective zone been has mapped over the grid for 3km length and the geophysical survey has confirmed the prospective zone for the first 800 metres of length .some 500 metres wide and up to 400 metres depth. Another anomaly indicates structures or possible fault zone that may link to the Aurelian type in the east of the Eccolmetals property. Drill testing of the geophysical anomalies is justified. Goldmarca is planning to mobilize a drill rig to commence drilling in November 2006.

Work Programme Progress

The 46km of grid lines have been cut. 16km of induced polarization geophysical lines have been completed out of a planned 46km. The lines completed comprise four east west lines and two north south lines. Drill sites are being located.

Dr. Howard Lahti, Ph.D. Geology is acting as Qualified Person in compliance with National Instrument 43-101 with respect to this release. He has reviewed the contents for accuracy.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Robin Slaughter, President and Chief Executive Officer

ABOUT GOLDMARCA: Goldmarca Limited (TSX VENTURE:GML) is an international mining company that is engaged in adding value to gold and base metal projects with a primary focus on assets in South America and Australia. By applying unique technology and expertise, Goldmarca is focused on delivering a low-cost option to develop resource projects that can provide a one-year payback of all capital costs. Goldmarca is also listed on the Frankfurt and Berlin exchanges under the symbol "GDQ". For more information, please visit

Safe Harbor Statement: Statements contained in this release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements which involve risk and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those, expressed in forward-looking statements including the following: changes in economic or environmental conditions and the Company\'s ability to execute its business model and strategic plans. The Company relies on litigation protection for forward-looking statements.

To view the attached maps please click on the following link:

SOURCE: Goldmarca Limited

Goldmarca Limited Robin Slaughter President & CEO 507-66714370 Goldmarca Limited Nick Demare Director & CFO (604) 685-9316 Email: Website:

Copyright (C) 2006 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.
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  7 Goldmarca Ltd. - Nachbar von Aurelian.... Stanglwirt Stanglwirt 21.10.06 18:45
