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05.12.05 11:57
Meine Favoriten zur zeit: Aixtron(stark gefallen, LED-Geschäft boomt-LCD Fernseher und GOLDEN STAR RES LTD/WKN: 888002, Goldrichtig, diese Firma sitzt auf eine regelrechte Goldgrübe. Das Geschäft mit Gold, keine Schulden, billige Arbeitskräfte in Afrika. Meine Meinung nach wird sich diese Aktie demnächst mindestens verdoppeln. Am 15Dezember kommen wichtige Nachrichten, in 2006 gibt es eine Menge zu berichten. Sie haben viel eingekauft, jetzt wird Geld mit Gold gemacht. Goldpreis 505,30$Golden Star is a fast-growing gold mining company with its operating mines on the prolific Ashanti Gold Belt in Ghana, West Africa. 2005 production is forecast to be about 200,000 ounces. Significant growth is planned for 2007 when production is expected to be over 500,000 ounces after the Bogoso expansion project comes on stream.Elements to support this growth have fallen into place: Wassa reached design production rate in Q1 2005; the powerline connection to the national grid is complete - a big cost saving; and construction on the Bogoso sulfide expansion plant has begun and is expected to be completed year-end 2006.At year-end 2004, Golden Star had 3.8 million ounces in reserves and, in addition, 150% more than that in its resource categories, all within trucking distance of current processing plants. Golden Star holds a 90% equity interest in both the Bogoso/Prestea and Wassa open-pit gold mines in Ghana. In addition, the Company has a majority interest in the currently inactive Prestea Underground mine in Ghana as well as gold exploration interests elsewhere in West Africa and in the Guiana Shield of South America. Golden Star has approximately 142 million common shares outstanding.Die Analysten von CIBC World Markets stufen die Aktie von Golden Star Resources (ISIN CA38119T1049/ WKN 888002) in einer Ersteinschätzung mit "sector perform" ein. Das Kursziel liege bei 3,40 USD.DENVER, Mar 29, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Golden Star Resources Ltd. (TSX:GSC)(AMEX:GSS) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Societe d'Etat pour le Developpement Minier de la Cote d'Ivoire Mines ('SO.DE.MI."), the Cote d'Ivoire State Mining and Exploration Company, to acquire the Afema (also previously known as the Aboiso) property in south-east Cote d'Ivoire.The Afema property covers an area of 2,012 square kilometers of prospective Birimian rocks which represent the extension of the Sefwi Belt meta-volcanics and the Kumasi Basin meta-sedimentary rocks into Cote d'Ivoire. In Ghana, this 'belt-basin' contact hosts the multi-million ounce Chirano and Bibiani Gold Deposits. A map is attached and is otherwise available on our web site at    
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