Golden Cross Zockeraktie

Beiträge: 5
Zugriffe: 2.794 / Heute: 3
Golden Cross Res. 0,0005 € +0,00% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -98,57%

Golden Cross Zockeraktie

29.11.06 17:50
heute mit nur 42 % im PLus
eine Australische Explorer Aktie
Kurs o,o37   also ganz ganz billig ......
wenn die bis 1,oo euro kommt .....  dann kommt freude auf .. oder ?


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Golden Cross Zockeraktie

29.11.06 17:52

schaut selber nach was hier los ist ..

Golden Cross Zockeraktie

29.11.06 18:25

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Golden Cross Resources provided results for 26 holes received during October, most of which were drilled within, or testing the margins of, the latest optimised pit model at the Copper Hill copper-gold project in Australia. Significant results include 38 m of 0.95% Cu and 3.01 g/t Au in a 72 m interval grading 0.61% Cu and 1.86 g/t Ag from surface (Open Cut Section - hole GCHR238), and 22 m of 1.26% Cu and 0.36 g/t Au in a 286 m interval averaging 0.42% Cu and 0.40 g/t Ag from 31 m depth (Hill Top - hole GHCR108). Total drilling to date for 2006 is 28,061 m, including 4,173 m of diamond drilling in 19 holes and 23,888 m of RC drilling in 308 holes. Approximately 6,700 m of drilling remains to be completed in the current program, including 15 resource holes for 2,850 m and 20 exploration holes for 3,850 m.
(Complete Text of Nov 7, 2006 News Release) PDF


20.10.07 16:15
Werde wohl mal Montag eine 1. Position kaufen !

Sieht irgendwie einfach gut aus.


Keine Kaufempfehlung !

gibts da was neues?

27.08.11 22:24
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  4 Golden Cross Zockeraktie Ohio Italymaster 27.08.11 22:24
    a resource located in New South Wales, Australia iagaru   03.05.06 00:27
