GBDX - Möglicher Buyout $.05-$.10 - Chart gibt Kaufsignal bei $0.0070 - Seite 51 - GBDX - Strong Buy and Hold $$$$$$$$$$
Total Capital Stock Authorized 07/06/2007 Effective Date: Total Authorized Capital Shares: 1,500,000,000
AS Changed to 1,800,000 in Sept 2007 added 30 Oct 2007
Transfer Agent: 1st Global Stock Transfer LLC
7361 Prairie Falcon Road, Suite 110 Las Vegas, NV 89128
Phone: (702) 656-4919
President/Treasurer/Director - VECHESLAVA BEURIKOV
Sales office:
Global Diamond Exchange Inc.
The Global Jewelers Building
2 West 46th Street, Suite 704
New York, NY 10036
(212) 221 0910
Administrative office:
Global Diamond Exchange
Rockefeller Plaza Center - 7th Floor
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
(646) 756-2866 - phone
(646) 756-2999 - fax
Global Diamond Exchange has reopened its wholesale operation in New York. The office is in the same exact building that they occupied over twelve years ago. The company, which has been in operation for over 17 years, exports rough and cut diamonds from the Russian Federation and other diamond producing regions. Global is pleased to be back in the “New York Diamond District” which supplies over 90% of all diamonds to North America.
Global Diamond Exchange Announces Joint Venture Partner
Nov 21, 2006 09:15:29 (ET)
NEW YORK, NY, Nov 21, 2006 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Global Diamond Exchange (PINKSHEETS: GBDX) is pleased to announce the details of a joint venture partner. The partner, who will increase Global's allotment of rough, cut and polished diamonds, is "Diamond Certificate" -- a Russian joint stock company.
Diamond Certificate consists of and is owned by several groups including -- Smolensk Brilliants Association -- A union of 8 diamond cutting facilities in Smolensk; The Smolensk Government Facility "Crystal" -- The largest Diamond cutting facility in the Russian Federation employing over 4000 diamond cutters; The Sheremetyevo Insurance company, part of the Russian Federation; Olympus -- which is a variety of private and corporate entities that control the world's largest diamond mine; one of the largest banks in Russia, the Mezvynarodnij Aktsonirnij Bank, from Moscow, also part of the Russian Federation; and a private individual with over twenty-five years of diamond experience dating back to the 1980s.
Under the terms of the agreement, Global Diamond Exchange will provide the marketing, sales, and office locations. Diamond Certificate will provide acquisition of rough diamonds, supervision of the cutting and polishing, the exporting of the finished or rough product and/or the purchase of finished goods, along with the custom exports.
Global Diamond's Second Order Estimated at $1.5 Million in Wholesale Revenue
November 29, 2006 - 9:25 AM EST
Global Diamond Exchange (PINKSHEETS: GBDX) is pleased to announce that it has requested that at least 70% of the second allotment be between one and three carat round cut diamonds. This is all predicated on the final cut and polish with a value of the second order being approximately 1.5 million dollars based on the New York wholesale prices. This is according to the Rappaport Sheets, the leading authority of wholesale diamond prices and demand. The company has also set a goal to have orders cut, processed and delivered for sale on a more frequent basis than the first two orders, in which demand was greater than initially anticipated.
Furthermore, just to clear up some confusion as to the timing of Global's second order. The company sold its first shipment of diamonds in November. Typically, retailers will use the diamonds for the upcoming holiday season. The second order will be used by retailers for the New Year season and forward into 2007. Being a wholesaler, Global Diamond's product is constantly in demand, though seasonal dates do affect business in the normal business cycle. However, Global does not rely exclusively on Christmas season or Wedding Season the same way retailers who sell directly to the consumers. So long as there is a general demand for fine diamonds, there will always be a need for Global's product.
January 24, 2007 - 10:09 AM EST
Rapaport: Global Diamond Exchange Sells 2nd Shipment, Orders 3rd
By Jeff Miller Posted: 01/24/07 11:14
RAPAPORT... The Global Diamond Exchange reported in a statement that its second shipment of diamonds was sold out upon delivery and that a third shipment has now been requested. The company estimated the value of goods sold was about $1.4 million (for 162.87 carats,) and that the same buyer purchased the company's first order, which took place in November 2006.
"The initial allotment was for 698 carats and was sold out within a week of its showing," the company stated November 15, 2006. "A much larger second order has already been placed and will arrive in New York shortly."
"The group (buyer) has asked not be identified at this time but will continue to purchase fine quality stones from Global Diamond Exchange," the company reported. Global Diamond Exchange did not return phone calls from Rapaport News as of press time, but according to its website the company imports diamonds from Russia.
On January 11, 2007, the company stated that it had shipped order No.2 to the Gemological Institute of America for grading.
The company expects order No.3 to arrive in New York for grading and sale at the end of February or early March, according to the statement.
At midday January 24, shares of the company rose from 0.006-cents to 0.007-cents in heavy trading of 11 million shares. The company has retired more than 6 billion shares in the past two months.
On November 21, 2006, Global Diamond Exchange announced a joint venture partnership "who will increase Global's allotment of rough, cut and polished diamonds," with "Diamond Certificate -- a Russian joint stock company."
As described by the wholesaler, "Diamond Certificate consists of and is owned by several groups including; Smolensk Brilliants Association, a union of eight diamond cutting facilities in Smolensk; The Smolensk Government Facility 'Crystal,' the largest diamond cutting facility in the Russian Federation employing over 4,000 diamond cutters; The Sheremetyevo Insurance company, part of the Russian Federation; Olympus, which is a variety of private and corporate entities that control the world's largest diamond mine; one of the largest banks in Russia -- the Mezvynarodnij Aktsonirnij Bank, from Moscow, also part of the Russian Federation; and a private individual with over twenty-five years of diamond experience dating back to the 1980s."
Global Diamond Exchange reported it provides marketing, sales, and office locations for the partnership and Diamond Certificate provides the acquisition of rough diamonds, supervision of the cutting and polishing, the exporting of the finished or rough product and/or the purchase of finished goods, along with handling customs.
Global Diamond Exchange Inc. Export Ceiling Raised
Wednesday February 21, 10:34 am ET
NEW YORK, Feb. 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Global Diamond Exchange Inc. (OTC: GBDX - News) is pleased to announce that due to recent decrees from the Russian government, the existing ceiling on the company's rough exports has been lifted. This new decree allows Global to export rough stones with or with out polishing and cutting, as well as opening up tremendous opportunities for additional business.
The original export ceiling for rough stones for Global Diamond purchases was a ratio of 15% rough to 85% cut and polished. The company was restricted on the amount of rough stones it could export. The new decree enables the company to purchase and export rough stones for cutting anywhere it desires and not be limited to a 15% quota. Global acknowledges that the Russian cutters are among the best in the world and will continue to use local cutters when ever possible. However, the new decree gives the company greater flexibility to match the demands of its customers without consideration to scheduling and availability of the local cutters.
Information that means Business
[b]All News Releases:
Matt[Admin]'s Rules on Posting Here:
Some history concerning the Soviet Union, Russia, and diamonds:
01/13/07:Russia scraps quotas on precious metals exports
(pertains to gbdx)
JV Partner:
Kristall 2006 Sales +3% to $358M Up from Earlier Estimates
By Jeff Miller Posted: 01/22/07 07:47
RAPAPORT... Diamond sales of Smolensk Kristall for 2006 rose 3.2 percent to $358.2 million according to the company.
The total was better than Kristall anticipated in November 2006 at which time it predicted sales would end up flat for the year at about $340 million.
Diamond sales between years 2004 and 2005 rose 11 percent to $347 million. Russia owns Kristall, which accounts for 30 percent of the nation's cut diamond production.
Kristall is "Crystal"; part of GBDX announced JV partner.
Global Diamond Exchange Inc. Management Considers Potential Takeover or Merger
NEW YORK, March 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Global Diamond Exchange Inc. (OTC: GBDX) is pleased to announce that management has been approached by another company that is viewing Global Diamond as a merger or buyout prospect.
Management will analyze any offer made by this company to determine whether it is viable, and once an offer is made it will be analyzed along with any other competing offers that may materialize in order to maximize shareholder value. A third-party fairness opinion may then be sought. This is the first stage of negotiations, and a due diligence period must follow any agreement.
Alex Cherebkov, President of Global Diamond, stated: 'The Company is excited that a potential suitor has surfaced. Our business model was structured to increase shareholder value through revenues and possible acquisitions. Though this is an unexpected avenue, we are however delighted at the prospect. We are evaluating all options.'
In the event an agreement between the two companies is reached, an appropriate announcement will be made and the necessary forms will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. At that time, we will state: 1) the final transaction structure, and 2) the disclosure needed to fulfill management responsibilities ensuring all shareholders' rights and other obligations are met.
There are no guarantees at this time that a transaction will occur, just that the company has been approached for a potential takeover or merger. Management will communicate and update the shareholders through press releases when appropriate. Currently, only preliminary negotiations are in progress.
Global Diamond Exchange Inc. Names Potential Suitor
NEW YORK, March 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Global Diamond Exchange Inc. (OTC: GBDX) filed a Schedule TO with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 7, 2007, to inform of a potential tender offer. The Suitor, Sib Almaz of Amyrskaya Oblast, selo Skovorodeno Blagoveshensky c/t Andreyskoe, Russian Federation, is currently in negotiations with Global Diamond seeking to accomplish a friendly transaction.
Management will analyze any formal offer made by this company to determine whether it is viable along with any other competing offers that may materialize in order to maximize shareholder value. A third-party fairness opinion may then be sought. This is the first stage of negotiations, and the parties are engaged in a period of due diligence. Before management of Global will accept any offer, it must assure itself that the suitor has the financial capability to consummate the deal.
In the event an agreement between the two companies is reached, an appropriate announcement will be made and the necessary forms will be filed with the SEC. The company has already informed the SEC of a potential transaction by filing the Schedule TO. In the event of a formal agreement and commencement of the offer, the company will file another, more substantive Schedule TO and state: 1) the final transaction structure including pricing and means to tender one's shares, and 2) the disclosure needed to fulfill management responsibilities under the securities laws, ensuring that all shareholders rights and other obligations are met.
GBDX SEC FILING 03/07/07$/SEC/Filing.asp?D=14D5a.u1F1b&CIK=1380222$/SEC/Registrant.asp?CIK=1380222
Global Diamond's Next Order Estimated at $2.1 Million In Wholesale Value
Global Diamond Exchange: Message From The Chairman
Global Diamond Exchange Completes Sale of Third Shipment; Talks Progressing With Suitor for Buyout/Merger
Sib Almaz Assumes Management of Global Diamonds' 46th Street Office
Total Capital Stock Authorized 07/06/2007 Effective Date: Total Authorized Capital Shares: 1,500,000,000
AS Changed to 1,800,000 in Sept 2007 added 30 Oct 2007
Transfer Agent: 1st Global Stock Transfer LLC
7361 Prairie Falcon Road, Suite 110 Las Vegas, NV 89128
Phone: (702) 656-4919
President/Treasurer/Director - VECHESLAVA BEURIKOV
Sales office:
Global Diamond Exchange Inc.
The Global Jewelers Building
2 West 46th Street, Suite 704
New York, NY 10036
(212) 221 0910
Administrative office:
Global Diamond Exchange
Rockefeller Plaza Center - 7th Floor
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
(646) 756-2866 - phone
(646) 756-2999 - fax
Global Diamond Exchange has reopened its wholesale operation in New York. The office is in the same exact building that they occupied over twelve years ago. The company, which has been in operation for over 17 years, exports rough and cut diamonds from the Russian Federation and other diamond producing regions. Global is pleased to be back in the “New York Diamond District” which supplies over 90% of all diamonds to North America.
Global Diamond Exchange Announces Joint Venture Partner
Nov 21, 2006 09:15:29 (ET)
NEW YORK, NY, Nov 21, 2006 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Global Diamond Exchange (PINKSHEETS: GBDX) is pleased to announce the details of a joint venture partner. The partner, who will increase Global's allotment of rough, cut and polished diamonds, is "Diamond Certificate" -- a Russian joint stock company.
Diamond Certificate consists of and is owned by several groups including -- Smolensk Brilliants Association -- A union of 8 diamond cutting facilities in Smolensk; The Smolensk Government Facility "Crystal" -- The largest Diamond cutting facility in the Russian Federation employing over 4000 diamond cutters; The Sheremetyevo Insurance company, part of the Russian Federation; Olympus -- which is a variety of private and corporate entities that control the world's largest diamond mine; one of the largest banks in Russia, the Mezvynarodnij Aktsonirnij Bank, from Moscow, also part of the Russian Federation; and a private individual with over twenty-five years of diamond experience dating back to the 1980s.
Under the terms of the agreement, Global Diamond Exchange will provide the marketing, sales, and office locations. Diamond Certificate will provide acquisition of rough diamonds, supervision of the cutting and polishing, the exporting of the finished or rough product and/or the purchase of finished goods, along with the custom exports.
Global Diamond's Second Order Estimated at $1.5 Million in Wholesale Revenue
November 29, 2006 - 9:25 AM EST
Global Diamond Exchange (PINKSHEETS: GBDX) is pleased to announce that it has requested that at least 70% of the second allotment be between one and three carat round cut diamonds. This is all predicated on the final cut and polish with a value of the second order being approximately 1.5 million dollars based on the New York wholesale prices. This is according to the Rappaport Sheets, the leading authority of wholesale diamond prices and demand. The company has also set a goal to have orders cut, processed and delivered for sale on a more frequent basis than the first two orders, in which demand was greater than initially anticipated.
Furthermore, just to clear up some confusion as to the timing of Global's second order. The company sold its first shipment of diamonds in November. Typically, retailers will use the diamonds for the upcoming holiday season. The second order will be used by retailers for the New Year season and forward into 2007. Being a wholesaler, Global Diamond's product is constantly in demand, though seasonal dates do affect business in the normal business cycle. However, Global does not rely exclusively on Christmas season or Wedding Season the same way retailers who sell directly to the consumers. So long as there is a general demand for fine diamonds, there will always be a need for Global's product.
January 24, 2007 - 10:09 AM EST
Rapaport: Global Diamond Exchange Sells 2nd Shipment, Orders 3rd
By Jeff Miller Posted: 01/24/07 11:14
RAPAPORT... The Global Diamond Exchange reported in a statement that its second shipment of diamonds was sold out upon delivery and that a third shipment has now been requested. The company estimated the value of goods sold was about $1.4 million (for 162.87 carats,) and that the same buyer purchased the company's first order, which took place in November 2006.
"The initial allotment was for 698 carats and was sold out within a week of its showing," the company stated November 15, 2006. "A much larger second order has already been placed and will arrive in New York shortly."
"The group (buyer) has asked not be identified at this time but will continue to purchase fine quality stones from Global Diamond Exchange," the company reported. Global Diamond Exchange did not return phone calls from Rapaport News as of press time, but according to its website the company imports diamonds from Russia.
On January 11, 2007, the company stated that it had shipped order No.2 to the Gemological Institute of America for grading.
The company expects order No.3 to arrive in New York for grading and sale at the end of February or early March, according to the statement.
At midday January 24, shares of the company rose from 0.006-cents to 0.007-cents in heavy trading of 11 million shares. The company has retired more than 6 billion shares in the past two months.
On November 21, 2006, Global Diamond Exchange announced a joint venture partnership "who will increase Global's allotment of rough, cut and polished diamonds," with "Diamond Certificate -- a Russian joint stock company."
As described by the wholesaler, "Diamond Certificate consists of and is owned by several groups including; Smolensk Brilliants Association, a union of eight diamond cutting facilities in Smolensk; The Smolensk Government Facility 'Crystal,' the largest diamond cutting facility in the Russian Federation employing over 4,000 diamond cutters; The Sheremetyevo Insurance company, part of the Russian Federation; Olympus, which is a variety of private and corporate entities that control the world's largest diamond mine; one of the largest banks in Russia -- the Mezvynarodnij Aktsonirnij Bank, from Moscow, also part of the Russian Federation; and a private individual with over twenty-five years of diamond experience dating back to the 1980s."
Global Diamond Exchange reported it provides marketing, sales, and office locations for the partnership and Diamond Certificate provides the acquisition of rough diamonds, supervision of the cutting and polishing, the exporting of the finished or rough product and/or the purchase of finished goods, along with handling customs.
Global Diamond Exchange Inc. Export Ceiling Raised
Wednesday February 21, 10:34 am ET
NEW YORK, Feb. 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Global Diamond Exchange Inc. (OTC: GBDX - News) is pleased to announce that due to recent decrees from the Russian government, the existing ceiling on the company's rough exports has been lifted. This new decree allows Global to export rough stones with or with out polishing and cutting, as well as opening up tremendous opportunities for additional business.
The original export ceiling for rough stones for Global Diamond purchases was a ratio of 15% rough to 85% cut and polished. The company was restricted on the amount of rough stones it could export. The new decree enables the company to purchase and export rough stones for cutting anywhere it desires and not be limited to a 15% quota. Global acknowledges that the Russian cutters are among the best in the world and will continue to use local cutters when ever possible. However, the new decree gives the company greater flexibility to match the demands of its customers without consideration to scheduling and availability of the local cutters.
Information that means Business
[b]All News Releases:
Matt[Admin]'s Rules on Posting Here:
Some history concerning the Soviet Union, Russia, and diamonds:
01/13/07:Russia scraps quotas on precious metals exports
(pertains to gbdx)
JV Partner:
Kristall 2006 Sales +3% to $358M Up from Earlier Estimates
By Jeff Miller Posted: 01/22/07 07:47
RAPAPORT... Diamond sales of Smolensk Kristall for 2006 rose 3.2 percent to $358.2 million according to the company.
The total was better than Kristall anticipated in November 2006 at which time it predicted sales would end up flat for the year at about $340 million.
Diamond sales between years 2004 and 2005 rose 11 percent to $347 million. Russia owns Kristall, which accounts for 30 percent of the nation's cut diamond production.
Kristall is "Crystal"; part of GBDX announced JV partner.
Global Diamond Exchange Inc. Management Considers Potential Takeover or Merger
NEW YORK, March 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Global Diamond Exchange Inc. (OTC: GBDX) is pleased to announce that management has been approached by another company that is viewing Global Diamond as a merger or buyout prospect.
Management will analyze any offer made by this company to determine whether it is viable, and once an offer is made it will be analyzed along with any other competing offers that may materialize in order to maximize shareholder value. A third-party fairness opinion may then be sought. This is the first stage of negotiations, and a due diligence period must follow any agreement.
Alex Cherebkov, President of Global Diamond, stated: 'The Company is excited that a potential suitor has surfaced. Our business model was structured to increase shareholder value through revenues and possible acquisitions. Though this is an unexpected avenue, we are however delighted at the prospect. We are evaluating all options.'
In the event an agreement between the two companies is reached, an appropriate announcement will be made and the necessary forms will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. At that time, we will state: 1) the final transaction structure, and 2) the disclosure needed to fulfill management responsibilities ensuring all shareholders' rights and other obligations are met.
There are no guarantees at this time that a transaction will occur, just that the company has been approached for a potential takeover or merger. Management will communicate and update the shareholders through press releases when appropriate. Currently, only preliminary negotiations are in progress.
Global Diamond Exchange Inc. Names Potential Suitor
NEW YORK, March 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Global Diamond Exchange Inc. (OTC: GBDX) filed a Schedule TO with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 7, 2007, to inform of a potential tender offer. The Suitor, Sib Almaz of Amyrskaya Oblast, selo Skovorodeno Blagoveshensky c/t Andreyskoe, Russian Federation, is currently in negotiations with Global Diamond seeking to accomplish a friendly transaction.
Management will analyze any formal offer made by this company to determine whether it is viable along with any other competing offers that may materialize in order to maximize shareholder value. A third-party fairness opinion may then be sought. This is the first stage of negotiations, and the parties are engaged in a period of due diligence. Before management of Global will accept any offer, it must assure itself that the suitor has the financial capability to consummate the deal.
In the event an agreement between the two companies is reached, an appropriate announcement will be made and the necessary forms will be filed with the SEC. The company has already informed the SEC of a potential transaction by filing the Schedule TO. In the event of a formal agreement and commencement of the offer, the company will file another, more substantive Schedule TO and state: 1) the final transaction structure including pricing and means to tender one's shares, and 2) the disclosure needed to fulfill management responsibilities under the securities laws, ensuring that all shareholders rights and other obligations are met.
GBDX SEC FILING 03/07/07$/SEC/Filing.asp?D=14D5a.u1F1b&CIK=1380222$/SEC/Registrant.asp?CIK=1380222
Global Diamond's Next Order Estimated at $2.1 Million In Wholesale Value
Global Diamond Exchange: Message From The Chairman
Global Diamond Exchange Completes Sale of Third Shipment; Talks Progressing With Suitor for Buyout/Merger
Sib Almaz Assumes Management of Global Diamonds' 46th Street Office