Fuji Electric

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Zugriffe: 22.365 / Heute: 7
Fuji Electric Ltd 42,20 € -3,65% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +244,77%

Fuji Electric

26.04.13 08:34
Fuji Electric Aktie WKN: 857726ISIN: JP3820000002 buran
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Cash Flows

20.01.14 23:15
YEARS ENDED MARCH 31 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3
Cash flows from operating activities:
Income (loss) before income taxes -46,681 -8,427 26,447 5,348 16,617
Depreciation and amortization 23,919 26,053 27,945 29,755 31,054
Interest and dividends income -4,669 -2,866 -2,913 -2,643 -2,880
Interest expense 5,771 6,993 5,585 4,937 3,729
(Increase) decrease in trade receivables 82,942 -38,777 24,122 -2,034 -11,034
(Increase) decrease in inventories 12,515 59,002 -16,179 -23,476 36,873
Increase (decrease) in trade payables -52,938 8,581 5,384 2,110 -10,643
Increase (decrease) in advances received 12,575 -24,402 10,525 9,030 -9,553
Other, net -10,589 -5,928 -19,791 12,207 7,157
  Subtotal    28,985    20,228    61,127    35,233§61,321
Interest and dividends received 4,625 2,814 2,745 2,920 2,859
Interest paid -5,653 -6,910 -5,381 -5,371 -4,096
Income taxes paid -4,856 -4,208 -4,638 -4,468 -4,742
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 23,101 11,923 53,853 28,314 55,342
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchase of fixed assets and marketable and investment securities -39,944 -10,968 -12,719 -10,596 -25,601
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets and marketable and investment securities 16,731 14,260 99,140 36 9,138
Other, net 10,935 -3,820 -2,179 -2,929 -7,824
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities -12,278 -528 84,241 -13,489 -24,286
Free cash flows 10,822 11,395 138,094 14,825 31,055
Cash flows from financing activities:
Increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings, net 46,214 -36,701 -41,835 11,184 -8,331

Increase (decrease) in commercial paper, net -12,500 -35,000 -18,000 10,000 18,000
Proceeds from long-term debt 78,207 60,937 1,709 50,956 72,224
Repayments of long-term debt and redemption of bonds -50,995 -47,105 -24,692 -90,264 -123,071
Other, net -7,174 -4,708 -10,649 -14,468 -15,649
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 53,752 -62,578 -93,468 -32,592 -56,827
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents -1658 117 -1,103 -56 1,196
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 62,917 -51,065 43,522 -17,824 -24,575
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 22,092 85,365 37,283 81,796 64,261
Cash and cash equivalents of resulting from changes of consolidated subsidiaries 355 2,982 990 289 -
Cash and cash equivalents of resulting from
mergers with non-consolidated subsidiaries - - - - 2
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 85,365 37,283 81,796 64,261 39,688

Balance Sheets

20.01.14 23:17
YEARS ENDED MARCH 31 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3
Current assets: 463,721 415,673 443,024 453,197 424,706
Cash and time deposits 85,467 37,344 81,883 64,323 39,750
Notes and accounts receivable, trade 178,948 223,107 197,350 199,677 216,852
Marketable securities 0 0 0 0 0
Inventories   150,575    93,450   109,451   133,314§107,722
Other current assets 48,730 61,770 54,338 55,882 60,381
Long-term assets: 444,850 493,048 362,662 339,532 340,721
Tangible fixed assets 194,552 176,193 165,931 158,439 168,442
Intangible fixed assets 10,621 10,602 10,146 11,181 12,706
Investments and other assets 239,676 306,251 186,584 169,911 159,572
Deferred assets 369 217 109 117 135
Total assets 908,941 908,938 805,797 792,848 765,563
Liabilities and shareholders' equity
Current liabilities: 473,602 380,984 404,898 465,814 380,466
Notes and accounts payable, trade 121,115 131,746 134,686 136,466 129,934
Short-term loans 131,902 94,100 87,850 108,062 62,594
Current portion of debentures 0 10,000 40,000 60,000 10,000
Other current liabilities 220,584 145,137 142,360 161,284 177,937
Long-term liabilities 289,225 331,820 225,963 143,816 169,424
Long-term debt and bonds 231,181 237,690 146,168 77,802 126,123
Other long-term liabilities 58,044 94,130 79,794 66,014 43,300
Total liabilities 762,828 712,804 630,861 609,630 549,890
Net Assets
Shareholders' equity: 122,083 129,235 141,592 150,648 174,824
Common stock 47,586 47,586 47,586 47,586 47,586
Capital surplus 46,734 46,734 46,734 46,734 46,734
Retained earnings 34,850 42,010 54,378 63,438 87,620

Treasury stock at cost -7,088 -7,095 -7,106 -7,110 -7,115
Valuation and translation adjustments: 8,258 49,631 13,762 12,928 19,747
Unrealized gain on other securities 10,751 52,985 19,895 18,848 20,383
Deferred gain on Hedges -60 110 4 -81 -83
Foreign currency transaction adjustment -2,431 -3,464 -6,136 -5,838 -551
Minority interests in consolidated subsidiaries 15,771 17,267 19,580 19,640 21,100
Total net assets 146,113 196,134 174,935 183,217 215,672
Total liabilities and net assets 908,941 908,938 805,797 792,848 765,563

Income Statement

20.01.14 23:20
YEARS ENDED MARCH 31 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3
     Sales   766,637   691,223   689,065   703,534§745,781
Cost of sales 644,477 568,966 543,557 546,688 587,457
Gross profit 122,160 122,257 145,507 156,845 158,323
Ratio to net sales (%) 15.9 17.7 21.1 22.3 21.2
Selling, general and administrative expenses 141,015 121,332 133,590 137,592 136,330
Operating income (loss) -18,855 924 11,917 19,252 21,992
Ratio to net sales (%) -2.5 0.1 1.7 2.7 2.9
Non-operating income 8,198 7,383 6,450 7,223 8,760
Interest and dividends received 4,669 2,866 2,913 2,643 2,880
     Other     3,529     4,517     3,536     4,580§5,879
Non-operating expenses 10,112 8,846 11,141 7,922 5,038
Interest expense 5,771 6,993 5,585 4,937 3,729
     Other     4,340     1,852     5,555     2,984§1,308
Ordinary income (loss) -20,769 -537 7,225 18,554 25,714
Ratio to net sales (%) -2.7 -0.1 1.0 2.6 3.4
Extraordinary income 3,396 10,241 31,531 2,371 1,045
Extraordinary loss 29,308 18,130 12,310 15,578 10,141
Income before income taxes -46,681 -8,427 26,447 5,348 16,617
Income taxes and business tax (%) -6.1 -1.2 3.8 0.8 2.2
Income taxes and business tax 4,732 4,098 3,373 3,950 5,725
Deferred income taxes 22,694 -17,476 6,289 -11,847 -17,152
Income before minority interests -74,107 4,950 16,245 13,245 28,044
Minority interests in net income of consolidated subsidiaries -800 -1,806 1,141 1,443 1,676
Net income (loss) -73,306 6,757 15,104 11,801 26,368
Ratio to net sales (%) -9.6 1.0 2.2 1.7 3.5

Statement of Comprehensive Income

20.01.14 23:21
YEARS ENDED MARCH 31 2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3
Income before minority interests - 4,950 16,245 13,245 28,044
Other comprehensive income (loss)
Valuation differences on available-for-sale securities - 42,326 -33,111 -1,085 1,554
Deferred gains or loss on hedges                    - 180 -108 -86 -2
Foreign currency translation adjustments - -1,150 -3,004 370 5,761
Share of other comprehensive income (loss) of associates accounted for using equity method - -96 -9 35 34
Total other comprehensive loss - 41,259 -36,234 -766 7,348
Comprehensive income (loss) - 46,210 -19,988 12,478 35,393
Comprehensive income (loss) Attributable to:        
Shareholders of the Company - 48,129 -20,763 10,967 33,187
Minority interests - -1,919 775 1,510 2,205

Per Share Data

20.01.14 23:22
2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3
Earnings (loss) per share(EPS)*1 -102.57 9.46 21.14 16.52 36.90
  Diluted - - 21.10 16.49 36.87
Book value per share(BPS)*2 182.37 250.28 217.40 228.91 272.29
 Dividends      4.00      1.50      4.00      4.00§5.00
Dividend payout ratio(%)*3 -3.9 15.9 18.9 24.2 13.6

Financial Indicators

20.01.14 23:24
2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3
Total assets 908.9 908.9 805.8 792.8 765.6
  Asset turnover (times)*1 0.79 0.76 0.80 0.88 0.97
  Return on total assets(ROA)(%)*2 -7.5 0.7 1.8 1.5 3.4
Shareholders' equity 130.3 178.9 155.4 163.6 194.6
  Shareholders' equity ratio(%)*3 14.3 19.7 19.3 20.6 25.4
  Return on equity(ROE)(%)*4 -38.1 4.4 9.0 7.4 14.7
Interest-bearing debt 416.1 359.8 274.0 255.9 226.7
  Interest-bearing debt ratio(%)*5 45.8 39.6 34.0 32.3 29.6
  Debt-equity ratio (times)*6 3.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.2

Operating Results

20.01.14 23:25
2009/3 2010/3 2011/3 2012/3 2013/3
Net sales 766.6 691.2 689.1 703.5 745.8
Operating income (loss) -18.9 0.9 11.9 19.3 22.0
  Ratio to net sales % -2.5 0.1 1.7 2.7 2.9
Ordinary income (loss) -20.8 -0.5 7.2 18.6 25.7
  Ratio to net sales % -2.7 -0.1 1.0 2.6 3.4
Income (loss) before income taxes -46.7 -8.4 26.4 5.3 16.6
Net income (loss) -73.3 6.8 15.1 11.8 26.4
  Ratio to net sales % -9.6 1.0 2.2 1.7 3.5

schreib mal

20.01.14 23:34
Adresse Gate City, Ohsaki East Tower, 11-2
Ohsaki 1-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032, Japan
   Telefon +81-3-5435-7111§
@Kosmonova buran,ISS Orbit

thread update

07.03.14 23:45
SK 3,307 € SKP +0,95 Pott +35,09% buran und Mfg und danke und weitermachen

ON AIR:::::::

17.04.14 12:35
:::::::::::::::::::: 3,008 € +0,40% +0,012 €::::: Parkett am Main


05.06.14 10:40

buran und MfG und Tüddel Büddel

die Order Assistentinnen die Hübschen

13.06.14 21:17
Handelsplatz Geld-Stk. Geld Geld-Brief Brief Brief-Stk. Spread Zeit
 Frankfurt 5.000 3,367 € 3,442 € 5.000 2,23% 19:56:39
 Stuttgart 10.000 3,363 € 3,446 € 10.000 2,47% 20:55:19

..also die gültigen dato somit aktuell für ne Schnüre der Morgigen ..buran und MfG und tau

Thread Abgleich

09.08.14 17:24
SK 3,531 € SKP -3,97 Pott +44,24% ,GrB


20.10.14 20:44
..Nikkei, TOPIX

buran und Tüddelbüddel

FT-SE 100

23.12.14 11:04
Abkürzung für: Financial Times-Stock Exchange

#82 Maßgeblicher Aktienindex für den britischen

23.12.14 11:05


09.01.15 19:36
:::::::: 3,339 € ,GrB

Pott +73,61% ,GrB

28.02.15 11:56
Gelöschter Beitrag. Einblenden »


Berlin SK Grün in Sack und Tüten:::

02.03.16 22:14
::::::: 3,234 € +4,90% +0,151 € ,GrB

Börsen Nummern

03.05.16 22:25
WKN: 857726  ISIN: JP3820000002  Symbol: FELTF Typ: Aktie ,GrB

@Heike Plus

18.01.17 19:24
Dividenden & Splits
  28.09.16 Dividende§ 0,0443 EUR
  29.03.16 Dividende§ 0,0393 EUR


usw #90

11.06.17 15:32
Dividenden & Splits
  29.03.17 Dividende§ 0,0418 EUR
  28.09.16 Dividende§ 0,0443 EUR


Ein Preisanstieg auf zwischenzeitlich 5,92 Euro

01.11.17 11:33
beschert der Aktie von Fuji Electric aktuell einen vorderen Platz in den Performance-Ranglisten am Aktienmarkt. Das Wertpapier verteuerte sich gegenüber dem letzten festgestellten Kurs des vorigen Handelstages um 12,24 Prozent. Zieht man den Nikkei als Benchmark hinzu, dann liegt die Aktie von Fuji Electric klar vorn. Der Nikkei kommt mit einem Punktestand von 21.740 Punkten derzeit nur auf ein Plus von 0,15 Prozent gegenüber der letzten Notierung des vorigen Handelstages. http://www.ariva.de/news/fuji-electric-aktie-im-hoehenflug-6565200

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