Fonix gigantischer Umsatz zum Handelsschluß

Beiträge: 15
Zugriffe: 2.249 / Heute: 1
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Fonix Corp NEW
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Fonix gigantischer Umsatz zum Handelsschluß

07.11.03 22:27
16:01:57    414.500 Stücke

Montag Fonix bei 1 Dollar?

Long Term Indicators Average:   100% - Buy
100-Day Average Volume - 2246551  
Overall Average:   80% - Buy
Price  Support  Pivot Point  Resistance  

0.75      0.64      0.79       0.93  


Entdecke die beliebtesten ETFs von Amundi

Lyxor Net Zero 2050 S&P World Climate PAB (DR) UCITS ETF Acc
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Amundi IBEX 35 UCITS ETF Acc
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Perf. 12M: +38,09%
Amundi ETF Leveraged MSCI USA Daily UCITS ETF - EUR (C/D)
Perf. 12M: +37,45%


Warum ?

07.11.03 22:51
Warum sollte sie am montag 1$ erreichen wenn sie die letzten 3 tage nur fällt ?
verarsch die Leute nicht wenn du das nicht begründen kannst.
Es könnte jemand seine € verlieren.  

Aber sieh doch selbst o. T.

07.11.03 23:41

lass mich ja gerne überzeugen !

08.11.03 19:08
Aber da glauben ja nicht mal die in USA dran .
Die haben doch news raus gebracht am Donnerstag und was geschah
es ging abwerts,da müsste schon was grösseres kommen Z.B.neuer Vertrag
mit einem Spielehersteller oder das vielleicht irgendwann diese Voicesoftware
bei Daimlerchrisler eingeführt wird dann ist die nicht mehr zu halten .
Oder die gerüchte das sie von msft Übernommen werden bestätigt sich den B Gates
kauft die locker aus seiner Portokasse .

Das kennst Du bestimmt alles

08.11.03 19:47

Die News kennst Du, bestimmt hast Du auch gesehen das Nachbörslich ein dicker Brocken gekauft wurde. Bestimmt hast Du auch verfolgt wie Fonix von Null auf 100 gestiegen ist. Dir ist bestimmt auch klar 52 week high: $ 5.24 ohne diese guten News.
Alles weitere ist Zukunft!
Last Sale: $ 0.70
Microsoft und Fonix
der pate:

Schotte hier stimme ich dir zu

09.11.03 09:01
Bei Fonix ist einiges im Busch!

Gespannt auf Q3 Zahlen !

09.11.03 13:01
Bin mal gespannt wie die ausfallen,vielleicht schaffen die ja 2004 denBrekeven
wäre bestimmt nicht schlecht wen die in dieser richtung eine Ankündiegung machen
würden.Oder wäre das zu viel erwartet ? Was mir gefällt ist das da wenigstens nicht so ein Lügenbaron wie bei Calypte Aufträge ankündigt die es gar nicht gibt.
Allerdigs habe ich in den USA schon viel erlebt!Die Amis versprechen oft viel
wobei oft nur die hälfte eintrift.Ausserdem habe ich das auch schon bei Calypte
erlebt das da nachbörslich grosse Orders waren und die dan am nächsten Tag 0 gebracht haben.Die müssten einfach mal bei Börsenschluss in USA über 1$ stehen
und nicht nur mal für 10 Sekunden auf 1,19 Springen .
Warten wir es ab !
Einen schönen Sonntag noch allen.

ich sag dazu nichts o. T.

09.11.03 18:15

warum ? o. T.

10.11.03 12:32

@SCHOTTE wie war das mit 1$

10.11.03 22:37
 Da frag ich mich welches Jahr du gemeint hast 2004 oder 2010 !

Ich bin überzeugt! o. T.

11.11.03 09:50

Fonix News out !!

11.11.03 18:37
Benwheeler !

Und das? Fonix eben im Plus!

11.11.03 21:06
Fonix Partners With a-technic to Provide DECtalk Text-to-Speech Technology to Disabled Technology Users  
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2003 12:15 PM
- BusinessWire


 0.65  +0.03  


   Enter Symbol:

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SALT LAKE CITY, Nov 11, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Fonix(R) Corp. (FNIX) , an international provider of leading speech interface solutions, announces a cooperative technology partnership with a-technic, a nonprofit research and development charity, to promote Fonix DECtalk(TM) text-to-speech (TTS) as a speech technology solution to clients and partners.

a-technic researches and develops products for blind, low-vision and disabled technology users, then makes that technology available to other organizations to market and sell end-user products. By incorporating DECtalk into their easy-to-use computer platform, a-technic offers their manufacturing partners the most intelligible TTS voices available.

Fonix DECtalk is the premier TTS solution in today's speech industry due to its high intelligibility, low memory footprint, nine voices (four male, four female, one child) and multiple languages (U.S. and U.K. English, European French, German, Castilian and Latin American Spanish).

"a-technic needs a compact, intelligible, flexible and stable TTS solution for development of our low-cost, easy-to-use talking computer appliances for blind users," said John Batty, a-technic CTO. "Fonix DECtalk is clearly the best product on the market for meeting these requirements."

"This partnership is a great opportunity for both Fonix and a-technic," said John Oelfke, vice president of Fonix Embedded Speech Solutions. "Working together, we can offer the best speech-based interface technology currently available to the assistive market. Our mutual goal is to make it easier and more convenient for visually impaired, blind or disabled people to access computers and devices." As a-technic's products are made available to their manufacturing partners for deployment to the user community, Fonix will receive royalty revenue from these sales.


News out !!!!

12.11.03 13:22
Fonix/Epson Embedded Speech Solutions Showcased at Embedded Technology 2003
Wednesday November 12, 1:00 am ET

SALT LAKE CITY & YOKOHAMA, Japan--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 12, 2003--Fonix® Corp. (OTC BB: FNIX), a global provider of leading speech solutions and easy-to-use voice interfaces for devices and systems, has been invited to exhibit Fonix's bundled speech solutions and technologies on Epson's S1C33 family of chips inside the Seiko Epson booth, B-23, at Embedded Technology 2003 in Yokohama, Japan, Nov. 12 - 14, 2003.
Embedded Technology 2003 is the largest trade show and conference in Asia for embedded system designers and managers. It introduces advanced technologies and solutions for emerging embedded applications, including digital consumer electronics, automotive and wireless/ubiquitous communication.

Fonix speech technologies, including speech recognition and text-to-speech, will be demonstrated on Epson's recently announced Luxon2 board featuring the new S1C33L11 chip. "Epson's new chip provides a low-cost, small memory footprint platform for developers," said Lynn Shepherd, vice president, Fonix Product Development. "It's an excellent platform for applying Fonix speech technologies to embedded devices."

For more information about Embedded Technology 2003, visit


2003 Quarterly Report

19.11.03 09:47
Fonix Files Sept. 30, 2003 Quarterly Report

TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 18, 2003 07:54 PM

SALT LAKE CITY, Nov 18, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Fonix(R) Corp. (OTC BB: FNIX), a global provider of leading speech solutions, announces financial results for the three months ended Sept. 30, 2003. Revenues from license fees and services were $456,818 for the three months ended Sept. 30, 2003, and $1,678,221 for the nine-month period compared to $1,812,057 for the comparable nine-month period ended Sept. 30, 2002.

"While revenues for the first nine months are slightly below last year, we are pleased with the momentum accumulating from expanding revenue-based contracts," said Thomas A. Murdock, chairman and CEO. "Speech interfaces are becoming 'must have' features in games, phones and electronic devices, and Fonix offers superior technologies to meet this growing demand."

Major companies are implementing Fonix embedded speech solutions. The first Xbox-based games including Fonix voice command technology have hit the market. And the Fonix/Epson Speech Solution has been enthusiastically adopted by the rapidly growing Chinese electronic dictionary market. Fonix also expects further growth with system integrators like Midwestern-based Meridian, who recently deployed its voice-enabled 511 road traffic information system, which features the Fonix speech solution.

The company reported a net loss of $2.8 million ($0.11 per common share) for the three months ended Sept. 30, 2003, compared to a net loss of $6.2 million ($0.51 per common share) for the three months ended Sept. 30, 2002. For the respective nine-month period, net loss was $10.7 million ($0.37 per common share) compared to $16.9 million ($1.51 per common share) in 2002.

"We anticipate revenue growth from recently announced contracts, and the company continues to implement significant cost reduction efforts," said Roger D. Dudley, executive vice president and CFO. "Our net loss represents significant progress in reducing costs, while operations are supported by proceeds from the $20 million equity line."

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