Our strategic objectives are to enhance our position as a leading crude oil producer in Russia and to become an internationally recognized oil company. We seek to fulfill these objectives by
- creating a vertically integrated oil company
- maintaining production from our existing crude oil reserves base in Tatarstan
- expanding and diversifying our reserves base outside Tatarstan
- implementing a cost management program
- maintaining good relations with the Tatarstan government, through the following strategic initiatives.
Creating a vertically integrated oil company.
We intend to expand our refining capacity and retail gasoline operations, in order to become a vertically integrated oil company. The government of Tatarstan is actively encouraging this transition. We believe that increasing our refining capacity and further expanding our presence in the petrochemicals sector is the most effective strategy for mitigating the potential risks presented by possible fluctuations in global crude oil prices and demand. We intend to continue to develop our relationships with refineries that have installed, or plan to install, the equipment necessary to convert heavy fraction high sulfur content crude oil, which constitutes a large proportion of our production, into higher-value products (such as gasoline, jet fuel and diesel). Together with TAIF and OAO Nizhnekamskneftekhim, the leading petrochemical company in Tatarstan, we agreed to form a joint venture company, Nizhnekamsk Refinery, which is expected to expand, upgrade, and operate the refinery in Nizhnekamsk. We have committed U.S.$139 million towards expanding and upgrading the Nizhnekamsk refinery, of which we have paid U.S.$35 million in 2000 and U.S.$35 million in 1999. Nizhnekamskneftekhim is expected to contribute its refinery. This $70 million investment is reflected in our balance sheet as property, plant and equipment. Since our joint venture company is still in the process of formation, and it is unknown how the contributions of the other parties will be valued, it remains unclear whether our eventual interest in the company will adequately reflect the fair value of our capital investments.. Construction of this facility is expected to decrease our dependence on refineries outside of Tatarstan and will enable us to produce more environmentally-friendly oil products from high-sulfur crude oil, with an output of light fractions of between 82% and 84%.
In addition to investing in our refining activities, we purchased a 34.6% share in OAO Nizhnekamskshina ("Nizhnekamskshina"), one of the largest tire-producing factories in the Russian Federation and located in the city of Nizhnekamsk. We also purchased a 77% share of OAO Nizhnekamsk Industrial Carbon Plant, the major suplier of technical carbon to tire manufacturers. In 2000 we also established control over a large producer of chemical reagents, OAO Tatneftchemimeservice, and began construction of a plant in Nizhnekamsk for the production of synthetic lubricants for engines and machinery. We are also currently expanding our network of retail gasoline sales outlets both inside and outside Tatarstan, particularly in Moscow and the Moscow region, Vladimir, Ulyanovsk, and Nizhny Novgorod; we had 308 gas stations by the end of 2000. We are conducting this expansion both directly and through our subsidiaries.
Maintain crude oil production from existing fields.
We plan to maintain production from our existing fields at approximately the current level, given the absence of significant changes in taxation or production sharing legislation. We believe that this level of production will optimize the long-term value of the reserves base while generating cash flows to support our current operations. We expect to continue to implement our well rehabilitation program to increase the use of secondary and tertiary recovery methods in order to maintain production levels. Our ability to carry out these programs will be limited by the extent to which we can obtain the necessary financing. We also actively pursue opportunities to use new technologies in order to maximize recovery from our existing reserves base. We intend to take advantage of a production sharing agreement ("PSA") for the Romashkinskoye field in order to improve production from the field. In order to do so, we must first reach an accord with the Russian and Tatarstan Government on the allocation of profit from the field if a PSA is implemented.
Manage costs.
We believe that our crude oil reserves are located closer to the surface than those of many of the Russian oil companies operating in Siberia. Consequently, our drilling costs are lower than those of such companies. Our operations are also located closer to major markets such as Moscow and Eastern and Western Europe than Russian oil companies operating in Siberia, lowering our transportation costs in comparison with those companies. We have also been working with Russian and international consultants to develop and implement programs to improve our management information systems, cost management, and financial decision making. We are in the process of implementing an integrated information system that should help us to manage our operations more efficiently. We have also adopted a corporate reorganization program that we believe will subject our service and support functions to market competition and will allow for more effective cost controls. We also continue to control the activities of our wholly owned subsidiaries, and are in the process of transferring our social assets to local authorities, including assets constructed following privatization. See "Corporate Reorganization" under this Item for additional information on these programs.
Expansion of reserves base outside Tatarstan.
We also intend to expand and diversify our reserves base by gaining access to reserves outside Tatarstan, particulary in Kalmykia, Ulyanovsk Region, Orenburg Region, Saratov Region, Murmansk Region, and the Republic of Chuvashia. We intend selectively to establish strategic alliances to develop and operate oil fields in order to facilitate this process. While complying with international and U.S. sanctions, we also participate or intend to participate in certain projects in Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Jordan, Mongolia, Vietnam, and Libya, where both we and Russia have strong historical ties.
Maintenance of good relations with the Tatarstan Government.
We intend to continue to maintain a close relationship with the Tatarstan Government. In particular, we expect to continue discussions with the Tatarstan Government on the tax status of PSAs for the Romashkinskoye field. We intend to continue to work closely with the Tatarstan Government to maintain our position as the primary crude oil producer in Tatarstan