Emerging Biopharmaceutical Organization Awards $1.2 Million Study to eResearchTechnology for Cardiac Safety Monitoring and Information Distribution Services
5/26/2004 9:01:00 AM
PHILADELPHIA, May 26, 2004 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- eResearchTechnology, Inc. (eRT), (ERES) , a leading provider of centralized electrocardiographic (ECG) collection and interpretation services, announced today that it has received an agreement for $1.2 million in cardiac safety monitoring and services from an emerging biopharmaceutical organization for one of its drug candidates in clinical development.
The agreement covers an extensive Phase I study for which eRT is providing comprehensive support including the provision, training and ongoing assistance required for effective use of digital 12-lead Holter equipment designed to facilitate 24-hour digital recording of cardiac safety data that is subsequently provided to eRT for analysis. eRT will perform digital collection, measurement, interpretation, review, and distribution of cardiac safety data through its EXPeRT workflow enabled data handling technology, the first solution in production that was designed explicitly to meet emerging international regulatory guidance and technical standards. The study is targeted for completion over a 90-day period.
"eRT's comprehensive approach to Thorough Phase I ECG studies, including a state-of-the-art 12-lead continuous ECG recording platform, expert scientific consultation, and partnerships with leading Clinical Pharmacology units, are proving important to emerging organizations striving to attain Best Practices in cardiac safety for their new drug development programs," said Scott Grisanti, senior vice president of business development and chief marketing officer at eRT. "We are pleased that our investments in infrastructure, systems, and programs have enabled the scalability and throughput required to offer our services to all segments of the new drug development industry, including organizations, such as this sponsor, developing novel therapies in areas of unmet need."
Based in Philadelphia, PA, eResearchTechnology, Inc. (www.eRT.com) is a provider of technology and services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries on a global basis. The company is a market leader in providing centralized core-diagnostic electrocardiographic (ECG) technology and services to evaluate cardiac safety in clinical development. The company is also a leader in providing technology and services to streamline the clinical trials process by enabling its customers to automate the collection, analysis, and distribution of clinical data in all phases of clinical development.
Statements included in this release may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties such as competitive factors, technological development, market demand, and the company's ability to obtain new contracts and accurately estimate net revenues due to variability in size, scope and duration of projects, and internal issues in the sponsoring client. The sponsor may cancel this agreement at its sole discretion. As a result, actual results may differ materially from any financial outlooks stated herein. Further information on potential factors that could affect the company's financial results can be found in the company's Reports on Forms 10-K and 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
SOURCE eResearchTechnology, Inc.
Joan Sterlacci of eResearchTechnology, Inc., +1-908-203-6473;
or Matt Hayden of Hayden Communications, +1-858-456-4533, for