Energy Conversion Devices - News

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Energy Conversion Devices - News

13.09.00 18:27
Energy Conversion Devices Reports on Hydrogen Stored in a Solid For Fuel Cells:
The Auto Industry's Game Changer

TROY,  Mich., Sep 13, 2000 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ --  Robert C. Stempel,
chairman of Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. (ECD) (Nasdaq: ENER), has witnessed
his share of advanced automotive technology. During 34 years with General
Motors, including two years as chairman and CEO of the world's largest
corporation, Stempel personally fostered major advancements in pollution
control, front- wheel drive, electronic engine controls, occupant-safety
systems, and electric propulsion. So when Stempel heralds ECD's latest
advancements in energy storage as a "game changer," it's clear that he's touting
something more profound than the latest spill-proof cupholder.

Propulsion experts agree that cars in the near future will be
electrically-driven and fuel cell powered to satisfy the need for
environmentally-responsible transportation. A consensus is also forming -- in
both automobile industry and energy supply sectors -- that hydrogen will be the
ultimate fuel of the 21st century. Enter ECD's game-changer. "It's our intention
to lead the way to a hydrogen economy," said Stempel, "ECD's metal- hydride
storage systems offer a cost-effective, safe and efficient means of transporting
the energy necessary for vehicles of the future."

ECD's latest strides in metal-hydride technology build on pioneering work begun
in the 1960's by the company's co-founders, Stanford R. and Dr. Iris M.
Ovshinsky. During four decades of research, ECD has earned 350 U.S. and 800
foreign patents covering disordered and amorphous materials, their product

applications and manufacturing processes. Most recently (August 2000), the
American Chemical Society named Stan and Iris Ovshinsky as "Heroes of Chemistry
2000" for creating clean and renewable energy technology, including rechargeable
batteries and hydrogen-fuel technology. The Ovonic Battery Company was formed as
an ECD subsidiary in 1982 to apply this expertise in the nickel-metal hydride
(NiMH) rechargeable batteries invented by the Ovshinskys. Last year, 13 ECD
licensees sold nine hundred million consumer NiMH batteries for notebook
computers, cell phones, and other portable electronic devices. NiMH batteries
are also the preferred power source for current electric and hybrid vehicles.

Metal hydrides, formulated by the Ovshinskys and successive research scientists,
serve as the negative electrode (cathode) in a NiMH battery. The Ovshinskys also
surmised that metal hydrides could be developed to serve as a storage medium so
that hydrogen might eventually replace gasoline as an automobile fuel. ECD's
1981 Annual Report speculated, "Hydrogen storage is really the threshold
problem. If it were possible to overcome the safety, weight, and contamination
difficulties associated with current hydrogen storage, a major step forward
would be taken."

ECD is now taking that step. Recent advancements in metal hydrides facilitate
storing sufficient hydrogen to power a fuel cell electric vehicle several
hundred miles. And, unlike every alternative method currently under
consideration for future cars-onboard reformation of hydrocarbon fuels to
hydrogen, high-pressure or cryogenic storage- carrying hydrogen as a solid in a
metal-hydride matrix is by far the safest approach. Stan Ovshinsky explains,
"The breakthrough Bob calls a 'game changer' is the quantity of hydrogen that
can be stored in our metal hydride. Until recently, the limit was two or three
grams of hydrogen per 100 grams of hydride. By using a high percentage of
magnesium with several other metals in our patented hydride powders, ECD is
capable of storing seven grams of hydrogen per 100 grams of hydride (7 weight
percent). We've also resolved the thermodynamic issues of storing and releasing
hydrogen from the metal hydride so a typical fill up would require only three or
four minutes."

ECD's Vice President of Advanced Materials Development, Dr. Rosa Young, defines
a metal hydride system as hydrogen gas, engineered metallic materials, and the
interface region between them. She says, "The metal alloys we have formulated
are in loose, dry-powder form. Hydrogen gas entering the storage vessel absorbs
onto the interface regions of this powder. H2 molecules disassociate into
individual hydrogen atoms and a metal hydride is formed when these atoms arrange
in a specific pattern with the metal atoms."

"Heat is also a factor. Removing heat drives the aforementioned adsorption
process. Adding heat reverses the chemical reaction and causes the hydrogen
atoms to reform as H2 molecules. The resulting pure hydrogen gas can then be fed
directly to a fuel cell which, in turn, produces the electrical energy to power
a car.

"The beauty of the metal hydride approach is that hydrogen atoms reside very
close together in the metal matrix. Even though the weight of the metal matrix
is substantially greater than the stored hydrogen, the energy storage density is
significantly higher than what's possible with gaseous or liquid hydrogen."

In its natural form, hydrogen is bulky and can be dangerous. Storing it at high
pressures does raise the storage density, but it also exacerbates the safety
issue. At 5000 psi, it is possible to store 31 grams of hydrogen per liter.
Liquefying the gas at very low temperatures (-253 degrees C) can raise the
storage density to 71 grams per liter. Unfortunately, liquefaction is energy
intensive, requiring 10 kWh of electricity to liquefy each kilogram of hydrogen.
Also, exotic storage tanks are necessary to contain hydrogen in either the
compressed or the liquefied form.

"ECD has developed the superior alternative," says ECD's Senior Research
Scientist, Ned Stetson, "storing hydrogen as a safe, solid compound at low
pressure. We've achieved an energy density of 7 weight percent. That equates to
103 grams of hydrogen per liter or 45 percent better than the liquid approach
and 230 percent better than the compressed alternative."

The safety of ECD metal hydride systems has been proven beyond a doubt in tests
conducted in cooperation with vehicle manufacturers. NiMH batteries have run the
gauntlet of drop trials, salt and fresh water submersion and burning in gasoline
without a problem. After destructive poking and prodding, they've proven to be
totally safe, a critically important attribute that carries over intact to metal
hydrides engineered for hydrogen storage. Longevity is another strong point.
Tests suggest that metal hydride systems will provide more than 2000 refilling
cycles with no performance degradation. Two thousand cycles is equivalent to
driving hundreds of thousands of miles in a vehicle.

The Ovonic Solid Hydrogen Storage System(TM) can be packaged in any size or
shape to meet application requirements. To provide 300 miles of range in an
advanced fuel cell car, 6 kilograms of hydrogen storage capacity is needed. Such
a tank would occupy about 120 liters of space and weigh 120 kilograms. These
specifications include the refueling heat exchanger, a hydrogen fueled catalytic
burner to generate the heat necessary to quickly desorb the stored fuel and
high-efficiency insulation.

ECD is also exploring various potential applications beyond fuel cell electric
cars. One of the most interesting is providing clean hydrogen fuel for
conventional internal combustion engines. Another prospect is small portable
energy sources for home use. ECD is currently designing compact canisters that
can store hydrogen to operate lawn mowers, garden equipment, or even the
ubiquitous barbecue grille. Efforts are underway with developing countries to
update the high polluting two-stroke motorcycles with more
environmentally-friendly hydrogen stored in metal hydride fuel systems.

ECD already enjoys a dominant patent position in the metal hydride field with 74
U.S. and 214 foreign patents applicable to hydrogen energy storage. Last spring,
Texaco provided a powerful vote of confidence in ECD and its emerging technology
by acquiring a 20 percent equity position in the firm. Several joint ventures
between Texaco and ECD are being formed to commercialize ECD advanced
technologies. The ECD-Texaco Energy Systems liaison will be instrumental in
developing both metal hydrides and the infrastructure advancements needed to
support a growing fleet of hydrogen- powered automobiles. Notes Ovshinsky, "At
ECD, we are dedicated to leading the way toward a clean, renewable energy source
for the future."

ECD is a leader in the synthesis of new materials and the development of
advanced production technology and innovative products. It has pioneered and
developed enabling technologies leading to new products and production processes
based on amorphous, disordered and related materials, with an emphasis on
advanced information technologies and alternative energy, including
photovoltaics, hydride batteries and hydride storage materials capable of
storing hydrogen in a solid state for use as a feed stock for fuel cells or
internal combustion engines or as an enhancement or replacement for any type of
hydrocarbon fuel. ECD's web site address is .

This release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the
Safe Harbor Provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
Such forward-looking statements are based on assumptions which ECD, as of the
date of this release, believes to be reasonable and appropriate. ECD cautions,
however, that the actual facts and conditions that may exist in the future could
vary materially from the assumed facts and conditions upon which such
forward-looking statements are based.

SOURCE Energy Conversion Devices, Inc.

CONTACT:          Dick Thompson for Energy Conversion Devices, Inc.,
                 /Company News On-Call: or fax,
                 800-758-5804, ext. 283250


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