Einer der günstigsten Goldexplorer der Welt

Beiträge: 18
Zugriffe: 8.104 / Heute: 1
Mexican Gold Min. 0,04062 $ +31,03% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -98,15%

Einer der günstigsten Goldexplorer der Welt

17.08.17 14:03
Anfang August wurde die Maiden Resource veröffentlicht:
Initial Resource of combined measured & indicated + inferred of 1 Moz Au EQ (Gold / Copper) of 2.1 g/t open pit.

Im August wird ein neues Bohrprogramm auf dem Projekt in Mexico aufgelegt, mit Ergebnissen ist im September zu rechnen.

Aktuell hat die Company einen Cashbestand von knapp unter 1 Mio CAD.

Folgende Pläne gibt es noch für das restliche Jahr 2017:

x Resource Expansion & Discovery
x Drilling at El Dorado/ Juan Bran to expand the resource
x Drilling at Cinco Senores and Las Minillas to expand the resource
 and discover new mineralized zones.
x Ground magnetic and TDEM surveys at Cinco Senores and Las
 Minillas to identify high priority targets.
x Exploration at Pueblo Nuevo to further explore high-grade veins .
x Exploration at Santa Cruz to explore upward extension of the highgrade
x Initial surface sampling at the extensive Changaro mineralized zone

Website: mexicangold.ca
Einer der günstigsten Goldexplorer der Welt 23144303
Mexican Gold Inc. (TSXV: MEX) is advancing its flagship Las Minas project located in Veracruz State, Mexico.


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Größter Shareholder

17.08.17 15:16
und somit großen Einfluss hat aktuell Palisade Global Investment mit aktuell 19,6%.
Management und Insider halten 7,5%


21.08.17 14:29
Mexican Gold Announces Commencement of 2017 Phase 2 Exploration Program at Las Minas
THUNDER BAY, Ontario, Aug. 21, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mexican Gold Corp. ("Mexican Gold" or the "Company") (TSX-V:MEX) (OTCMKTS:SRXLF) (FRA:4QW1) is pleased to announce the commencement of its 2017 Phase 2 exploration program at the Las Minas project. Mobilization of a geophysical survey crew has been scheduled and field preparation work is currently underway. The crew will carry out target scale ground magnetic and Time Domain Electromagnetic Surveys (TDEM) at three high priority mineralized zones. The surveys will be undertaken at the Cinco Senores, Las Minillas and Eldorado / Juan Bran zones, and are being conducted to identify high priority targets for the upcoming 3,000 metre diamond drilling program.

Resarch vom 02.08.2017 nach der Maiden Resource

22.08.17 12:42

3000m Bohrprogramm startet

24.08.17 13:52
Mexican Gold Signs Drill Contract to Commence Drilling Program at Las Minas - The Company has contracted with K.D.L. Mexico S.A de C.V. for up to 3,000 metres of diamond drilling. The drill program will focus on expanding known mineralization at the El Dorado/Juan Bran, Cinco Senores, and Las Minillas zones and testing new targets identified by geophysical surveys. Drilling will also be scheduled for the high-grade Santa Cruz zone, contingent on the results of a planned surface work program at the site


Übersicht der günstigsten Goldexplorer

25.08.17 10:34
(Verkleinert auf 86%) vergrößern
Einer der günstigsten Goldexplorer der Welt 1008759

Letter to Shareholders 28.08.2017

28.08.17 15:24
Dear Fellow Shareholders,

2017 has proven to be a monumental year for Mexican Gold Corp. Since the beginning of the year, the company has made considerable progress, including:

Raising $3,600,000 through two equity financings;
Rebuilding management, including the addition of Ali Zamani, a former Goldman Sachs portfolio manager, as Chairman;
Attracting Palisade Global Investments Ltd. as a significant shareholder that now holds approximately 19.8% of the issued and outstanding common shares;
Renegotiating property agreements to extend payments until the end of 2018;
Confirming a parallel zone to El Dorado/Juan Bran, called Cinco Senores, through step out drilling; and
Releasing an initial Mineral Resource Estimate for the El Dorado/Juan Bran and Santa Cruz Zones at Las Minas.
On August 1, 2017, Mexican Gold Corp. tabled its initial Mineral Resource Estimate for the El Dorado/Juan Bran and Santa Cruz zones, two of the eight known mineralized zones at the Las Minas property. The initial Mineral Resource Estimate is substantial in both scale and grade, making an important milestone for the company.

The total Inferred Resource for the two zones is 719,000 Au Eq ozs contained within 10,304,000 tonnes grading 2.17 g/t Au Eq. The total Indicated Resource is 299,000 Au Eq ozs contained within 4,908,000 tonnes grading 1.89 g/t Au Eq and the total Measured Resource is 5,000 Au Eq ozs contained within 62,000 tonnes grading 2.32 g/t Au Eq for a total Measured and Indicated Resource of 304,000 gold equivalent ounces contained within 4,970,000 tonnes grading 1.90 g/t Au Eq. See press release dated August 1, 2017.

Not only do the two zones remain open for expansion along strike and down dip, but six other mineralized zones are ready for drilling.

Since the beginning of the year, the company's stock price has appreciated approximately 100% from its 2017 low. Yet, considering the size of the resource, we believe that the company is still trading at a significant discount to its peers.

In addition, 2017 has been a stagnant year for the commodities and junior mining companies, with the majority of Canadian resource companies trading in the red. The company's ability to raise capital and appreciate approximately 100% is a testament to the hard work put in and the results being released.

Phase 2 Exploration Program

Following hard on the completion of the initial Mineral Resource Estimate, we have initiated the 2017 Phase 2 exploration program to expand the resource at El Dorado/Juan Bran and explore for additional resources at other zones of known mineralization. The company has contracted for target - scaled ground magnetic and Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) surveys to be carried out at the El Dorado/Juan Bran, Cinco Senores, and Las Minillas zones. The results from the surveys will be used to focus the drilling program on high priority targets. The geophysical program is currently underway and will be followed by a 3,000 metre diamond drilling program.

Below are details pertaining to each mineralized zone. Feel free to skip over these sections to the conclusion for a less technical overview.

Cinco Senores Zone

The Cinco Senores zone is the site of several small scale high-grade historical mines and underground workings. Recent diamond drilling at the site intersected massive chalcopyrite in hole LM-17-CS-04 grading 10.8 g/t gold, 41.7 g/t silver and 2.8% copper or 15.98 g/t Au Eq over 2.0 metres - see press release dated May 15, 2017. The intercept was located approximately 100 metres west of mineralized intercepts outlined by earlier drilling and at the same elevation as the projected El Dorado/Juan Bran skarn zone. It is believed that the geology and style of mineralization at Cinco Senores is indicative of a potential El Dorado/Juan Bran type zone. The ground magnetic and TDEM surveys will target potential extensions to the high-grade intercept in step-out hole LM-17-CS-04 as well as other potential mineralized zones at Cinco Senores.

Las Minillas Zone

The Las Minillas zone is the site of the historical high-grade San Jose de Oro mine, which was operational in the 1930s. A high-resolution ground magnetic survey carried out over the Las Minillas zone in 2011 delineated a large magnetic - high anomaly measuring approximately 1,000 metres by 750 metres and located next to the underground workings of the historical San Jose de Oro gold mine.

Diamond drill hole LM-11-LM-24, which was drilled in 2011 near the San Jose de Oro mine workings and located within the boundaries of the magnetic high anomaly, intersected 5.14 g/t gold, 8.6 g/t silver and 1.46% copper over 2.0 metres - see press release dated May 15, 2017. Previous sampling of the underground workings of the San Jose de Oro mine returned up to 3.89 g/t gold, 26.6 g/t silver and 0.83% Cu   over 2.0 metres - see press release dated February 02, 2011.

The ground magnetic and TDEM surveys at Las Minillas will target extensions to the mineralization exposed in the underground workings and intersected by previous drilling.

El Dorado/Juan Bran Zones

The initial Mineral Resource Estimate for the El Dorado/Juan Bran and Santa Cruz zones estimated that the two zones contain a total Inferred Resource of 719,000 Au Eq ozs and 304,000 Measured and Indicated Au Eq ozs - see above and press release dated August 1, 2017. The El Dorado zone, which contains 11,868,000 tonnes, remains open for expansion both on dip and strike. The geophysical surveys will target extensions to the mineralized zones included in the initial Mineral Resource Estimate.

Pueblo Nuevo Zone

The 2017 Phase 1 field exploration program at the Pueblo Nuevo concession was successful in identifying a number of gold bearing veins. Sampling results included 19.09 g/t gold and 10.6 g/t silver over 0.72 metres at Tamiagua - see press release dated May 31, 2017. A new parallel vein with extensive historical mining was also discovered. The upcoming field exploration program will focus on trenching, sampling and mapping to extend known veins and explore for new parallel veins.

Santa Cruz Zone

The Santa Cruz zone, which has numerous high-grade drill intersections over significant widths, remains open for expansion. Recent field work identified highly mineralized boulders dislodged from the area above the drill sites. Additionally, in-situ mineralization has been identified in the upward extension area of the known mineralized zone. The area is also the site of a large magnetic geophysical anomaly. A field exploration work program, including trenching, sampling and mapping, will be carried out to identify potential mineralized area in the upward extension of the Santa Cruz zone. Further drilling will be conducted if supported by the results of the field exploration program.


In summary, the initial Mineral Resource Estimate clearly demonstrated that a substantial mineral resource exists at Las Minas. We are confident that the Phase 2 exploration program will build on the success achieved to date and further expand the resource at Las Minas.

Best regards,

Ali Zamani, Chairman
Brian Robertson, President & CEO

Neue Präsentation

01.09.17 11:24
hier dürfte es bald losgehen

Seite 12:
Higher grade Santa Cruz zone can be expanded for larger higher
grade resource. Drilling program September 2017

Cinco Senores similar identified skarn zone with initial scout hole of
15.98 g/t Au Eq. over 2.0 Metres. Drilling program September
Minillas initial scout hole returned 2 m of 7.84 g/t Au Eq. Drilling
program September 2017



08.09.17 11:33
Am kommenden Montag oder Dienstag soll es wohl ein Treffen mit Eric Sprott geben. Den genauen Inhalt des Meetings kenne ich nicht, es darf aber spekuliert werden :)

Research out mit Ziel 0,85 CAD - aktuell 0,23

16.10.17 18:15

Dazu heute News

16.10.17 18:16
Mexican Gold Intersects 77.2 Metres of Mineralization in Resource Expansion Drilling at Las Minas



17.10.17 14:56
Mexican Gold Announces Results of Geophysical Surveys at Las Minas and Cancellation of Options

THUNDER BAY, Ontario, Oct. 17, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mexican Gold Corp. ("Mexican Gold" or the "Company") (TSX-V:MEX) (OTCMKTS:SRXLF) (FRA:4QW1) is pleased to announce the preliminary results of geophysical surveys at its Las Minas project, Veracruz State, Mexico. The Company engaged Geotem Ingenieria S.A. de C.V. of Mexico City to complete approximately 50 line kilometres of ground magnetic and 15 line kilometres of Moving Loop Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) programs at the El Dorado / Juan Bran, Cinco Senores and Las Minillas mineralized zones.  Together, the ground magnetic and TDEM geophysical surveys identified multiple high priority drill targets at the El Dorado/ Juan Bran, Cinco Senores and Las Minillas zones.

TDEM Survey

The TDEM method was selected for its ability to identify buried concentrations of metallic minerals which have been suggested by magnetic responses and by interpolation of geological mapping. The primary targets of flat-lying El Dorado zone type skarn mineralization are particularly suitable for moving-loop TDEM. The method was validated with several orientation lines covering the known resource area at El Dorado / Juan Bran to determine its response for defining mineralized zones at Las Minas. As expected, areas of conductive sulphides showed a strong response, adhering both to known depths and configurations, and the massive magnetite skarn showed a consistent, moderately conductive response. Infilling and some cross-line coverage of the existing ground magnetic survey were also performed to increase the resolution of the most complex features.

El Dorado/ Juan Bran Zone Results

The TDEM survey indicated a full length extension on the open western limit of the Juan Bran zone (see Figure 1 - TDEM Response at Juan Bran). Two holes drilled 168 metres apart along the western boundary intersected mineralized intervals up to 65 metres west of the mineral resource estimate outline. The first hole drilled in this extension area intersected two mineralized zones (see press release dated October 5, 2017). The second hole also intersected a mineralized zone 65 metres west of the mineral resource estimate outline (see press release dated October 16, 2017). A third hole is currently being drilled.

A deeper conductor was also identified to the south-west of the current mineral resource estimate outline, indicative of potential extension in that direction.

Cinco Senores Zone Results

Multiple line responses in the Cinco Senores area show flat-lying conductors very similar to the El Dorado/ Juan Bran zone orientation (see Figure 2 - Cinco Senores TDEM Anomalies on Ground Magnetics Reduction to Pole)

Some of these responses are located at the west end of the grid, as far as 600 metres from recent drill intersections. This primary target type will be tested shortly as part of the Phase 2 drilling program. Several additional strong conductors were also identified by the TDEM survey.  A two line conductor just off the historic mine area was outlined and will be a priority drill target. An extensive, strong four line conductor was outlined in the south-central portion of the grid, warranting drilling based on its size and intensity.  

Las Minillas Zone Results  

The Las Minillas zone is the site of the historical San Jose del Oro mine, which was operational in the 1930s. A high-resolution ground magnetic survey carried out over the Las Minillas zone in 2011 delineated a large magnetic - high anomaly measuring approximately 1,000 metres by 750 metres and located next to the underground workings of the historical San Jose del Oro gold mine.

The TDEM responses obtained by the survey show several strong conductors of limited size, which fit the geological model for the San Jose del Oro Mine (see Figure 3 - Las Minillas TDEM Anomalies on Ground Magnetics Reduction-to-Pole). These conductors are all in areas of full overburden cover and most will be tested by drilling in the present drill program.

Cancellation of Options

The Company also announces that it has cancelled an aggregate of 74,000 options to acquire common shares which were granted under the Company's share option plan to certain directors and/or officers of the Company. The cancelled options were voluntarily surrendered by the holders thereof. The cancelled options were originally granted on June 20, 2014 with an exercise price of $1.35 per common share and had an expiry date of June 20, 2019. Following the cancellation of the options, the Company has 3,424,000 options outstanding.

Liest sich sehr gut

19.10.17 14:15

Ergebnisse im Oktober erwartet

23.10.17 16:40
Aus dem Bohrprogramm sollen die Ergebnisse in diesem Monat noch bekannt gegeben werden. Anhang der Bilder der Homepage kann man mit sehr guten Treffern rechnen !

Einer der günstigsten Goldexplorer der Welt 23415055
Mexican Gold Inc. (TSXV: MEX) is advancing its flagship Las Minas project located in Veracruz State, Mexico.

TOP News in letzter Zeit

17.11.17 08:52
hier entsteht etwas sehr großes !

by @nasdaq on November 14, 2017
Mexican Gold Cuts Long High-Grade Intervals at Las Minas Including 9.24 g/t Gold Equivalent Over 38.0 Metres


23.11.17 13:07

Mexican Gold Intersects Long Intervals of Mineralization in Five Additional Diamond Drill Holes at El Dorado Dike Contact Zone

THUNDER BAY, Ontario, Nov.  23, 2017  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mexican Gold Corp. ("Mexican Gold" or the "Company") (TSX-V:MEX) (OTCMKTS:SRXLF) (FRA:4QW1) is pleased to announce that drilling to expand the high-grade dike contact mineralization outlined in hole ...


12.12.17 19:45
Wieso fällt die aktie bei den guten news von heute?  


13.12.17 10:55
Gold down
Zocker haben bessere Assays erwartet

für mich war die News sehr gut, fundamental stimmt hier alles. Mexican Gold liefert am Bank gute Treffer was sich in einiger Zeit an einer Steigerung der Resource und der Grades bemerkbar machen wird.

Bei Qualitätswerten kann man gerade jetzt sehr gut und günstig sammeln, ich kaufe weiter zu

Ziel nächstes Jahr 1 CAD
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