Oscar Gruss Launches Biotool Brief
THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2000 12:14 PM
- PRNewswire
NEW YORK, Jun 29, 2000 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Oscar Gruss & Son Incorporated is launching a new research product, the BioTool Brief. The BioTool Brief is a weekly roundup and commentary on the broad universe of biotech tool suppliers, informatics companies and diversified genomics companies. This week's report includes news highlights of the week, the Chart of the Week, and weekly price performance information. Currently there are 33 companies tracked by the report.
About the Analyst: Jason Reed is a Vice President and Biotechnology Analyst. Jason holds a Ph.D. in Biomolecular Chemistry and an A.B. with concentration in Physics, and has special expertise in the area of genomics instrumentation and software. Jason is the author of multiple publications and patents in the fields of biotechnology and engineering.
The current tracking universe includes:
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Human Genome Sciences, Inc.
CuraGen Corp.
Myriad Genetics, Inc.
Genome Therapeutics Corp.
Axys Pharmaceuticals Inc.
PE Biosystems
Quiagen Corp.
Affymetrix, Inc.
Invitrogen Corp.
Aclara BioSciences, Inc.
Aurora Biosciences Corp.
Sequenom, Inc.
Caliper Technologies Corp.
Lexicon Genetics Inc.
Orchid Biosciences
Molecular Devices Corp.
Visible Genetics, Inc.
Nanogen, Inc.
Hyseq, Inc.
Lynx Therapeutics, Inc.
LJL Biosystems, Inc.
Celera Genomics
Incyte Genomics, Inc.
Gene Logic, Inc.
Compugen, Inc.
DoubleTwist, Inc.
Genomica Corp.
InforMax Inc.
Lion Bioscience
Netgenics, Inc.
Rosetta Inpharmatics, Inc.
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SOURCE Oscar Gruss & Son Inc.