Eilmeldung "Lexicon Gen" hat Patent erhalten KZ 75 Dollar

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Eilmeldung "Lexicon Gen" hat Patent erhalten KZ 75 Dollar

29.06.00 11:20
Wednesday, June 28, 2000

Lexicon gets patent
--10:15 am - By Tomi Kilgore
Lexicon Genetics (LEXG: news, msgs) is advancing 2 1/16 to 29. The company said that it was issued a patent covering its gene trapping technology. Separately, the company announced late Tuesday the availability of LexVision, which helps to discover the function of genes in the human genome for development of new pharmaceutical agents.

UND noch eine Meldung!!! Leute Aufwachen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

29.06.00 11:21
Lexicon Genetics Announces Issuance of Key Gene Trapping Patent - Patented Technology for High-Throughput Alteration of the Mouse Genome Enables Gene Function Discovery -

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 2000 6:34:00 AM EST
THE WOODLANDS, Texas, Jun 28, 2000 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Lexicon Genetics Incorporated LEXG today announced that it has been issued U.S. Patent No. 6,080,576 (the "576 patent") entitled, "Vectors for Gene Trapping and Gene Activation." The 576 patent broadly covers Lexicon's proprietary gene trapping technology, which enables the capture of gene sequence information and the high-throughput alteration of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell clones on a genome-wide scale. Lexicon has used its gene trapping technology to discover thousands of human genes and to generate its OmniBank(R) library of more than 75,000 knockout mouse ES cell clones. To date, Lexicon has altered more than one-third of the genes in the mouse genome using this technology.

"The 576 patent is an important addition to Lexicon's intellectual property portfolio covering knockout mouse technology," said Arthur T. Sands, Lexicon's President and Chief Executive Officer. "The gene trapping technology described in the 576 patent was internally developed by Lexicon scientists and represents third generation knockout technology that will be critical for discovering how human genes work for drug discovery."

Lexicon Genetics Incorporated is a leader in defining the functions of genes for drug discovery using large-scale knockout mouse technology. Lexicon has invented high-throughput gene trapping technology to discover thousands of genes and expand its OmniBank(R) library of tens of thousands of knockout mouse clones. The Company uses an integrated platform of functional genomic technologies to accelerate large-scale analysis of mammalian gene function for drug discovery. Lexicon's Internet exchange, www.lexgen.com, enables researchers worldwide to access the OmniBank library and form collaborations with Lexicon to discover pharmaceutical products based on genes and knowledge of their functions. Lexicon has established functional genomics and OmniBank alliances with many pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies including American Home Products, The R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute, G.D. Searle & Co., Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, N.V. Organon, ZymoGenetics/ Novo Nordisk, DuPont Pharmaceuticals and Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Additional Company information is available at www.lexicon-genetics.com.

Statements in this press release that are not strictly historical are "forward-looking" statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements due to the risks and uncertainties that exist in Lexicon's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company disclaims any obligations to update the statements in this press release.

SOURCE Lexicon Genetics Incorporated


(C) 2000 PR Newswire. All rights reserved.



Hier einige eckdaten

29.06.00 11:36
     Snapshot     |       The Company     |       The Offering     |     Aftermarket    

Quote as of 06/28/2000, 15:59
Ticker     LEXG

Description    LEXICON GENETIC

Last    35

Net Change    +8 1/16  

Percent Change    +29.93

Opening Price    27 1/16

Today's High    41 1/4

Today's Low    27

Volume    2.8931M

Previous Close    26 15/16

Current Performance from IPO Price  
+$13.00 +59%

Current Performance from Opening Price  
+$13.00  +59%

First Day Performance from IPO Price  
-$3.25  -15%

First Day Performance from Opening Price  
-$3.25  -15%

IPO Price $22.00

First Day Opening Price $22.00

First Day Closing Price $18.75

52 Week High  41 1/4

52 Week Low 8

P/E Ratio  0

EPS  -0.33

Currency USD

Exchange  NASDAQ NM

Dividend  0.0000

Div Yield  0.0000

Pay Date 00/00/0000

Ex Date 00/00/0000

PS gestern war altime high bei 41 1/2. Diese Aktie sieht bis ende des Jahres noch die 200 Dollar. Sie beschäftigen sich mit der entschlüsselung der Mausgene die wichtiger ist für die gezielte Veränderung im Erbgut von Tieren. Nutzung für Organ Züchtung.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Company Vitals

1999 Revenue:  $4,738,000
1999 Net Income (Loss):  ($12,475,000)
Fiscal Year End: 12/31
Employees: 124
ncorporated In:  DELAWARE
Industry:  Biotech
SIC Code:
8731 - Commercial physical research
Offering Status
Current IPO Status:  Priced
Filing Date:  2/9/00
Pricing Date:  4/6/00
Symbol: LEXG
Exchange: NASDAQ
Form Filed: S-1
Share Type: Common Stock
Final Offering Amount:  $220,000,000
Final Price:  $22.00
Est. Offering Expenses: $1,000,000
Total Shares:  10,000,000
Lead Underwriter:  
J.P. Morgan & Co.

Ich bin heute noch eingestiegen, hoffe auf schnelle Verdopplung!!!! i.

29.06.00 13:08

Re: Eilmeldung

29.06.00 13:17
Gebt doch mal die WKN durch, oder wird nicht in D gehandelt ?

Re: Eilmeldung

29.06.00 13:25
Die WKN ist 936717. In Deutschland ist aber kaum Handel. Der Chart sieht aber vielversprechend aus, wenn die Meldung stimmt.
Gruß, Börsenfee

Re: Eilmeldung

29.06.00 13:32
sollte man besser im ammiland kaufen ?

Meldung ist von gestern!

29.06.00 13:44
In den USA war gestern der Schlußkurs bei 35 Dollar. Die Meldung ist von gestern. Deswegen sind die in den USA gestern schon gestiegen. Die Reaktion auf die Meldung ist also schon im Kurs eingepreist. Hier ist nochmal die Meldungvon gestern:

Lexicon erhält wichtiges Patent  28.06.00  936717      
Lexicon Genetics Incorporated (Nasdaq: LEXG, WKN: 936717) gaben heute den Erhalt eines Patents unter der Nummer 6,080,576 bekannt.
Das gewährte Patent trägt den Titel "Vectors for Gene Trapping and Gene Activation" und umfasst Technologie die zum Aufspüren und aktivieren von Genen verwendet werden soll.
Lexicon verwendete die eigene Technologie bereits zum Aufspüren tausender menschlicher Gene. Unter Verwendung seiner Technologie gelang es Lexicon darüber hinaus, mehr als ein drittel des Genoms der Maus zu verändern  

Börsenfee die Aktie hatte ihr IPO erst im April zur Konsolidierungsphas.

29.06.00 14:15
22$ dollar war emissionspreis. Da sind die 35 dollar ein witz bei dem potenzial. Mausgene sind die wichtigsten gene bezüglich der forschung im pharma bereich. Die Kundeliste ist mit den größten pharmakoncernen bestückt.

500 Millionen Marktkap. vergleichbare unternehmen sind mit 2-3Milliarden bewertet.

tamer mein mut auf deine empfehlung vor 10 tagen zu kaufen war .

29.06.00 14:52
habe zwar nur 100 stücke, die dafür sehr günstig erworben.
viele sollten in züge einsteigen, wenn diese noch halten und nicht gewinnen hinterher eilen. verschenktes geld!.

heute knacken wir die 40Dollar !!!!!!!!!!!!!! o.T.

29.06.00 15:08

Preisfuchs schau dir die mal an kürzel "exel" was hälst du davon??? o.T.

29.06.00 15:09

36 ist gecknackt und die 37 kommen o.T.

29.06.00 15:12

das ist eine kaufhausse bei dem Marktumfeld wahnsinn!!!! o.T.

29.06.00 15:14

tamer auch heute laufen ( oder rennen ) sie weiter nach norden!. o.T.

29.06.00 16:39

Bei dem Marktumfeld stehen die wie ne 1 bei 35 1/2 in USA!!! 35 wird al.

29.06.00 18:56

-14% tamer ist nun alles vorbei?. Wie siehst Du die Aktie?. Haben die .

29.06.00 22:02
      Oscar Gruss Launches Biotool Brief  
       THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2000 12:14 PM
- PRNewswire

NEW YORK, Jun 29, 2000 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Oscar Gruss & Son Incorporated is launching a new research product, the BioTool Brief. The BioTool Brief is a weekly roundup and commentary on the broad universe of biotech tool suppliers, informatics companies and diversified genomics companies. This week's report includes news highlights of the week, the Chart of the Week, and weekly price performance information. Currently there are 33 companies tracked by the report.

About the Analyst: Jason Reed is a Vice President and Biotechnology Analyst. Jason holds a Ph.D. in Biomolecular Chemistry and an A.B. with concentration in Physics, and has special expertise in the area of genomics instrumentation and software. Jason is the author of multiple publications and patents in the fields of biotechnology and engineering.

   The current tracking universe includes:

   Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
   Human Genome Sciences, Inc.
   CuraGen Corp.
   Myriad Genetics, Inc.
   Genome Therapeutics Corp.
   Axys Pharmaceuticals Inc.

   PE Biosystems
   Quiagen Corp.
   Affymetrix, Inc.
   Invitrogen Corp.
   Aclara BioSciences, Inc.
   Aurora Biosciences Corp.
   Sequenom, Inc.
   Caliper Technologies Corp.
   Lexicon Genetics Inc.
   Orchid Biosciences
   Molecular Devices Corp.
   Visible Genetics, Inc.
   Nanogen, Inc.

   Hyseq, Inc.
   Lynx Therapeutics, Inc.
   LJL Biosystems, Inc.

   Celera Genomics
   Incyte Genomics, Inc.
   Gene Logic, Inc.
   Compugen, Inc.
   DoubleTwist, Inc.
   Genomica Corp.
   InforMax Inc.
   Lion Bioscience
   Netgenics, Inc.
   Rosetta Inpharmatics, Inc.

Clients of Oscar Gruss wishing to get a copy of this report should contact their broker.

This report is based upon information which Oscar Gruss & Son Incorporated (Oscar Gruss) believes to be reliable. However, neither Oscar Gruss nor any individual acting on the behalf of Oscar Gruss can guarantee the accuracy or completeness of its contents. It does not purport to contain a complete analysis of every material fact concerning any company, industry or security, and further information is available upon request. Oscar Gruss assumes that it will be read in conjunction with other available reports and data. Opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice. No investor can assume that reliance on the views, opinions or recommendations contained herein will produce profitable results. Oscar Gruss makes a market in this security, and may have a long or short position in this security. Oscar Gruss and/or our employees and affiliates may have positions in securities which are referred to herein and may make purchases or sales thereof while this report is in circulation. Oscar Gruss or one of its affiliates may from time to time perform investment banking or other services for, or solicit investment banking or other business from a company mentioned in this report. Foreign-currency-denominated securities are subject to fluctuations in currency exchange rates that could have a positive or adverse effect on an investor's return upon the conversion into local currency of dividends or interest received, or proceeds from the sale of such securities. In addition, the value of U.S. dollar-denominated ADRs and the value of U.S. dollar- denominated ordinary shares, or common shares, of foreign issuers can be influenced by fluctuations in currency exchange rates.

SOURCE Oscar Gruss & Son Inc.


Also ich sehe lediglich ein minus von 5% !!! Nach einem Anstieg von fa.

29.06.00 23:42
kann man der Aktie ruhig mal die minus 5 % gönnen.
Ich sehe ein KZ von 50 dollar in den kommenden 14-21 Tagen realistisch. KZ 75 dollar in 1-2Monaten. Die Aktie ist gerade mal entdeckt worden. also leute whats up.!!!!

kurs in USA zwischen 31,5 - 33,18 dollar !!!!! o.T.

29.06.00 23:47
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