Erfolgreicher Produzent mit Minen in Mexiko gibt bekannt:
§June 01, 2006
ECU Silver Mining Inc. encounters 13.30 g/t Au, 599 g/t Ag, 1.50% Pb and 0.91% Zn at "A4" vein
• "A4" vein development on level 17.5: 15 meters (49 ft) of drift averaged 13.30 g/t Au, 599 g/t Ag, 1.50% Pb and 0.91% Zn over an average width of 1.11 meter (3.6 ft);
• "San Mateo" vein assayed 6.22 g/t Au, 306 g/t Ag, 1.01% Pb and 0.80 % Zn over 0.49 meter (1.6 ft) in the 50 meters (163 ft) section of drift within the diorite and 4.05 g/t Au, 56 g/t Ag, 0.44% Pb and 0.95% Zn over 1.28 meters (4.2 ft) within the contact zone and limestones, 30 meters (98 ft) cut to date;
• Hole TA 17.5-07 encountered the stockwork zone 60 to 100 meters (196 to 326 ft) below the intercept in hole TA 17.5-06.
Torreón, Coahuila, June 1st, 2006- ECU Silver Mining inc. (TSXV:ECU)
ECU Silver Mining Inc. (the "Company") is pleased to announce further assay results from drifting on the A4 vein on level 17.5 and the San Mateo vein on level 6. The A4 vein is located in the Tres Aguilas area of the Santa Juana mine and the San Mateo vein is the main vein of the San Mateo mine. These results were compiled from sampling the veins in new drifts.
The A4 vein in the Santa Juana Mine:
The results outlined in table 1A below were obtained from 15 meters (49 ft) of drift on level 17.5 along the "A4" vein. Once again stellar grades were obtained as this section averaged 13.30 g/t Au, 599 g/t Ag, 1.50% Pb and 0.91% Zn over an average width of 1.11 meter (3.6 ft). It is worth noting that these results continue to provide further confirmation of higher grades at depth. The data collected clearly showed an increase in precious metals contents at the end of the actual drift when compared to the previous 93 meters (see Stockwatch May 25, 2006) as:
1) Gold grades have significantly increased from 8.89g/t averaged in the first 93 meters to 13.30g/t in this section, a 50 percent rise, and
2) Silver grades have significantly increased from 309 g/t averaged in the first 93 meters to 599g/t in this section, a 94 percent rise.
3) Per press release published on May 25th, 2006, 'Given that the Company has already proven that the A4 vein extends over 430 meters deeper than where this data was collected from on level 17.5, should this pattern of higher grades and greater width at depth continue, the Company feels the A4 vein alone could provide mill feed for years to come.'
Table 1A
Sample # Width m Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn %
37500-01-02 1.70 6.96 400 1.46 1.82
37503 0.80 12.00 601 0.22 0.17
37504 1.00 15.70 682 1.37 1.09
37524 0.70 31.00 385 0.01 0.06
37525-526 1.37 11.12 894 3.13 0.51
Average (15m) 1.11 13.30 599 1.50 0.91
The San Mateo vein in the San Mateo mine:
The data in Table 1B below are from 80 meters (261ft) of drifting along the San Mateo vein on level 6. The information has been divided in two sections. The first 50 meters section corresponds to the vein where the host rock is a diorite and the leaching is low to medium. The second 30 meters section corresponds to the vein as it enters the contact zone and then the limestones which are the main regional host rock. Leaching in this section is medium to high.
There are two immediate changes worth nothing as the San Mateo vein enters the highly leached section in the limestones:
1) the first change observed is an increase in thickness, up to 4.2 meters when the vein actually enters the limestones; and
2) the second change observed in this 30 meters section, is the almost complete leaching of the sulfides leaving only oxide material with lower silver and lead values but with still solid gold grades.
From an exploration point of view this development at the San Mateo mine is extremely interesting and could prove to be as significant as the A4 vein already is for the Company. Given the known data already collected in this area of the mine, the Company expects to encounter similar or even better widths than the 4.2 meters without the leaching, at depth. It is common to find enriched high grade zones above the water table, and if our beliefs are proven correct, then we should experience a material improvement in grades for both precious metals and base metals at depth. We are currently still working in the San Mateo section and we will publish results as they become available.
Table 1B
35750-51 0.43 4.12 1,354 2.68 2.5
35752-54-55 1.84 2.10 198 0.53 0.64
35753 0.27 3.10 188 0.76 0.16
35769 0.25 3.78 176
35772 0.25 2.63 288 1.02 0.75
35773 0.40 2.15 164 0.24 0.14
35774 0.40 2.97 982 1.99 2.56
35775 0.30 2.93 127 0.51 0.07
35776 0.33 3.53 229 0.4 0.45
35777 0.15 3.87 1,017 3.6 2.62
35778 0.26 4.03 445 1.29 0.71
35779 0.39 5.77 272 1.09 0.42
35798 0.45 2.84 181 0.44 0.43
35799 0.51 3.02 124 0.65 0.34
35800 0.30 5.54 714 1.23 0.58
35801 0.31 6.87 175 1.35 0.55
35814-15-26 0.48 5.61 174 1.56 0.89
35827-28 0.46 13.46 151 0.6 0.38
35829-30-31 0.54 21.45 439 0.31 0.63
35836 0.80 3.36 236 0.66 0.23
35840 0.71 9.23 135 0.67 0.96
35854 0.57 7.75 286 1.38 0.86
35861-62 0.47 7.96 313 2.48 1.26
35894-95 1.15 12.99 219 1.44 1.5
35796 0.34 4.03 213 0.86 0.3
In diorite (50m) 0.49 6.22 306 1.01 0.80
35924 0.32 3.14 24 0.19 0.18
35903 0.60 3.81 76 0.34 1.91
37402 2.00 3.95 11 0.72 1.11
37461 1.70 5.65 94 0.49 1.08
37419 1.70 5.45 76 0.65 1.86
37462 1.60 6.35 67 0.4 1.29
37464 0.15 8.45 43 0.2 0.83
37466 0.50 3.10 120 1.04 0.56
37468 0.25 6.05 33 0.15 0.48
37497 0.82 1.35 67 0.27 0.48
37498-99 1.25 6.06 84 0.14 0.57
37514 4.50 3.90 40 0.32 0.72
37515 1.60 0.70 31 0.65 0.93
37571-72 0.90 0.53 70 0.09 0.25
37522 0.95 6.15 422 0.10 0.12
Leached (30m) 1.28 4.05 56 0.44 0.95
Total (80m) 0.78 4.93 158 0.67 0.89
Stockwork Section on level 17.5:
Furthermore, the Company is pleased to announce that Hole TA 17.5-07, drilled below TA 17.5-06 to explore the stockwork zone approximately 60 to 100 meters deeper then the original zone, has encountered the same geological units over similar width of approximately 30 meters at depth. Assays are pending.
All widths are true widths. Samples were assayed at ERSA, in Torreón, Coahuila, and at SGS new facility in Durango, Durango, Mexico. Property specific quality control samples were inserted at regular intervals in the sample sequence.
Mr. Michel Roy, P. Geo., a "qualified person" within the meaning of NI 43-101, prepared the technical information disclosed in this news release.
ECU Silver Mining Inc is a junior Gold, Silver, Zinc and Lead producer in the prolific mining district of Velardeña, Mexico where historically over 500,000 ounces of Gold and 250,000,000 ounces of silver have been mined. Full scale production began in May 2005 at the Company's Santa Juana mine. To ensure the Company is positioned for continued growth and expansion, and to take full advantage of the current record setting metals prices, the Company has a fully operational infrastructure in place, several months of planned production available from the current stopes, and ongoing exploration programs.
Statements in the release that are "forward-looking statements" are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially. We undertake no duty to update any forward-looking statement to conform the statements to actual results or changes in our expectations.
The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Contact: Michel Roy cell: 011-52-871-727-1061
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