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DynaMotive's BioOil Certified by Internationally Recognized Eco-labeling Program
Monday February 27, 1:11 pm ET
VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 27, 2006--DynaMotive Energy Systems Corporation (OTCBB:DYMTF - News) announced today that Environment Canada's Environmental Choice Program (ECP) has certified, with its EcoLogo, that DynaMotive's BioOil is a "Renewable Industrial Liquid Fuel" for combustion in industrial applications such as drying kilns, lime kilns, blast furnaces, boilers or electricity turbines.
While the ECP previously certified that electricity generated at the DynaMotive's West Lorne facility is renewable, this newly published certification criteria recognizes the additional industrial heating markets that DynaMotive is commercially penetrating with its renewable fuels. The certification criteria was established by the ECP's expert panel of academic, industry, consumer and government advisors. An independent audit confirmed that DynaMotive's BioOil met the product category requirements for a Renewable Industrial Liquid Fuel, which claims environmental benefits through conservation of non-renewable resources and reduced Greenhouse Gas emissions. EcoLogo, the ECP's symbol of approval, is designed to support a continuing effort to improve and maintain environmental quality by reducing energy and materials consumption and by minimizing pollution generated by the production, use and disposal of goods and services available to Canadians.
The certification of DynaMotive's BioOil by EPC is an important step in the legal and regulatory recognition of BioOil as a green alternative to fossil fuels. DynaMotive's BioOil can be produced from renewable resources at prices competitive with fossil fuels.
Canada's Environmental Choice Program is part of the Global Eco-labelling Network (GEN) and is internationally renowned for its stringent certification process. The program identifies performance criteria that represent environmental leadership in any given sector. A key aspect of the certification process is the requirement for third party verification of compliance to ECP criteria. Products and services that meet these criteria are certified by the Program and entitled to carry and display the EcoLogo. The program is administered by TerraChoice Environmental Marketing.