DSM NV - Watchlist

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DSM NV - Watchlist

11.01.05 15:15
LONDON, January 7 Analysts at Deutsche Bank upgrade DSM (DSM.FSE) from hold to buy

In a research note published this morning, the analysts mention that DSM's share price is likely to remain attractive through 1H05, boosted by the company's ongoing cost reduction initiatives and a reliable cash flow profile. The target price upgrade is based on increased confidence in DSM's restructuring efforts and the company's improved cash-deployment focus in favour of shareholders, Deutsche Bank says.

DSM NV - Watchlist 1771196chart4.onvista.de/...RID=1&VOL=1&SUPP_INFO=0&COMP_IND=1544656" style="max-width:560px" >

Auf die Aktie bin ich gespannt. Übrigens... 1,75 Euro Dividende


WKN 876300 o. T.

11.01.05 15:27
876300 o. T.">
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  1 DSM NV - Watchlist jgfreeman jgfreeman 11.01.05 15:27
