Dow Jones - Daily Market Direction

Beiträge: 2
Zugriffe: 4.775 / Heute: 13
Dow Jones Indust. 43.782,96 -0,13% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +248,31%

Dow Jones - Daily Market Direction

24.02.08 17:25
Updated Friday, 2/22 for Monday's market.

Key DOW Levels for 2/25
UP Above 12,600
DN Below 12,150

Short Term Dow

The Dow closed the day with a vertical rally today and is now heading toward near-term resistance at 12,500, seen in the 5 Minute Chart. Watch this level closely for early direction Monday morning.


The Dow ended the day with big gains after rallying sharply from lows. The index has redrawn the boundaries of the large triangle, which continues to build out ahead of the next key breakout opportunity.


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Update für Montag

01.03.08 15:02
Updated Friday, 2/29 for Monday's market.

Key DOW Levels for 3/3
UP Above 12,800
DN Below 12,150

Heavy Selling..
Dow drops sharply at Open, continues lower throughout session.

From prior commentary, "...The fact that the Dow has been hesitant on its upward pursuit indicates we could see a redefinition of the triangle. Continue to watch 12,800 for clear signs of strength, and 12,500 for early signs of weakness..."


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