Dollar index suggests gold at $500

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Dollar index suggests gold at $500

05.10.04 16:41
Dollar index suggests gold at $500
By: Barry Sergeant
Posted: '04-OCT-04 15:00' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2004

JOHANNESBURG ( -- Once again, gold bugs, a breed that would likely survive a nuclear attack, are pointing to meltdowns in the world economy. Gold bugs say gold bullion, the anti-currency (the only alternative to fiat money), is the antidote; it is really the only thing to have.

Much of the latest thinking on bullion is encapsulated in a recent newsletter; where there is reflected “the increasingly common belief that the US government will keep currency markets calm until the presidential election is out of the way [November 2] and then all hell will break loose, with gold, silver, and commodities breaking upward.”

mehr: siehe o.a. Link

Dollar index suggests gold at $500

05.10.04 16:42
"Washington’s Institute for International Economics, estimate that the dollar needs to depreciate a further 20 percent from current levels."
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