Crazy Horse über 4 Mrd. lb. Copper

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Zugriffe: 1.557 / Heute: 1
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Crazy Horse über 4 Mrd. lb. Copper

14.11.11 16:38
zu derzeit spottbilligen  0,25 Euro /  0,30 cad  (steigende Umsätze )

Au und Ag ist natürlich auch dabei.

etwa  78Mio shares FD

da dürfte doch einiges an Kurs möglich sein.



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CZH meldet soeben

14.11.11 19:13
Press Release - Crazy Horse Resources Inc.
New PEA Increases Post Tax IRR to 29.3% and Reduces Initial Capex by 41% on Taysan Copper Gold Project

siehe Homepage oben

Kurs auf TSX  sackt ab.


CZH Details

14.11.11 19:19

   Taysan Copper-Gold Porphyry Project reoriented as a staged development, reduces initial investment, increases profitability and enhances robustness.
   Initial capex reduced by 41% from US$869 million to US$511 million.
   Post tax IRR increases by over 33%, from 21.9% to 29.3% based on US$3.00/lb copper and US$1,000/oz gold prices.
   Robust project economics driven by low strip ratio in initial years, proximity to port (20 km) and electrical grid, paved road access and excellent metallurgy.
   Base case net present value (NPV) is US$484 million at a 10% discount rate.
   Pre-feasibility study on Taysan Project is fully funded and scheduled for completion in March 2012.
   Project received endorsement from the Provincial Board of Batangas for further development.
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