CIIC unbewertete, geshortete Chinaperle

Beiträge: 84
Zugriffe: 6.191 / Heute: 1
China Infrastructu. kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar

CIIC unbewertete, geshortete Chinaperle

11.08.10 21:43
Ticker: CIIC
Kurs: $0.71
O/S: 80M
Float: 15M
Short: 13.5M


CIIC unbewertete, geshortete Chinaperle;dy=0&i=p01787567343&r=8236" style="max-width:560px" />
CIIC unbewertete, geshortete Chinaperle" style="max-width:560px" />
CIIC unbewertete, geshortete Chinaperle" style="max-width:560px" />
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Schlusskurs $0.85

31.08.11 00:44
Schlusskurs $0.85

TH $.96

31.08.11 21:54
wow wow wow!

New High $0.96 !

31.08.11 21:54
New High $0.96 !

Schlusskurs $0.80

31.08.11 22:48
Schlusskurs $0.80 - Shorties konnten den Wert heute noch unter einem Dollar im Tagesverlauf halten. Sollten morgen die heiß ersehnten Buyback News kommen , dann wird die Subdollar Range der Vergangenheit angehören!

Buyback News

01.09.11 15:26
CIIC Buyback-News!

China Infrastructure Investment Corporation Held Board Meeting on August 31, 2011

The board of directors of China Infrastructure Investment Corporation (NASDAQ: CIIC) held a meeting today to review the evaluation of the pending new asset proposed by company's majority shareholder as partial repayment for the related party loans and to review the write-off of related party loans process. The board also reviewed the revised internal control policies and procedures proposed to the board by the Company's management.

CIIC, incorporated in Nevada, USA and headquartered in Henan Province, China, focuses on investing, constructing, operating and managing infrastructure development projects in China. The Company currently operates the Pinglin Expressway, a 106-kilometer (66 miles) dual carriageway four-lane toll road in the central province of Henan. The Expressway is an important passage from the northwest region to the southeast coastal region of China.

As indicated in the 8-K filed on July 11, 2011, the Company plans to resolve the related-party loans by writing off these loans and, at the same time, injecting a new asset proposed by the majority shareholder as a partial offset. The board reviewed the preliminary audit results prepared by the Company's auditor and the appraisal results of the intended new asset provided by an international asset appraisal company based in Hong Kong. The board also discussed details of the related party loan write-off process as well as the implementation of the new asset injection proposed by the Company's management.

Also during the meeting, the board reviewed the recommendations submitted by the Company's management on revised internal control policies and procedures to ensure sound financial management and to secure shareholder's interest. The board acknowledged the management's effort to improve corporate governance at the Company.

In addition, the board also discussed proposal of shares buy back and shares reverse split in order to comply the minimum $1 trading price requirement of NASDAQ Stock Market. The board understood the management's reasoning that the current share price did not reflect the fair value of Company's stock. [color=red][b]The board agreed to give the management authorization to implement a share buy-back at its discretion.[/color]
"Safe Harbor" statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:

This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations or beliefs, including, but not limited to, statements concerning the Company's operations, financial performance and condition. For this purpose, statements that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. The Company cautions that these statements by their nature involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially depending on a variety of important factors, including, but not limited to, the impact of competitive conditions and effectiveness of marketing; changes in laws and regulations; fluctuations in costs of construction, financing costs and other factors as those discussed in the Company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time. In addition, the Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof.

No securities regulatory authority has either approved or disapproved the contents of this news release.

Investor's Relation Contact:

Mr. Wang Feng

Corporate Secretary

Room D, 2F, Building 12,

Xinxin Huayuan, Jinshui Road,

Zhengzhou, Henan Province

The People's Republic of China

Tel: +86-371-6826-1839

Fax: +86-371-6826-1839

TH $.99

01.09.11 16:53
ding, ding, ding!

heute payday (profits) key? :-) congrats!!!


02.09.11 21:06
hat es mit dieser aktie auf sich?

ist schon seit tagen ein selbstläufer......................

was macht diese ag?

breaking $1 (TH 1.01)

02.09.11 21:18
ding, ding, ding!

heute payday für die andere Hälfte key? congrats!!!

da muß man

02.09.11 21:31
sich schon auskennen in übersee um solche teile aufzutun....

hut ab ihr 2 hier im thread interessant.............das teil


02.09.11 22:11
die Ehre gebührt thekey... siehe seine frühen postings und ordentliche Zusammenstellung! Hut ab, auch von mir...


02.09.11 22:16
aber da wo du auch auftauchst schaut man dann doch auch extra noch mal hin..........

du kennst dich ja mit den ami teilen scheinbar auch sehr gut aus.......

für mich ein rotes tuch,fürs trader spiel oder zu studieren aber nix für meine depots...

zu wenig ahnung und recherche möglichkeiten für mich.....

aber sehr interessant............


02.09.11 22:54
Schlußkurs $1.05 und das war auch gleichzeitig das Tageshoch.
Nächster Widerstand $1.10
Vergeßt nicht auf dem Weg nach oben ein paar Aktiengewinne mitzunehmen....



02.09.11 22:58
CIIC unbewertete, geshortete Chinaperle" style="max-width:560px" />

nasdaq compliance

03.09.11 00:32
CIIC has to trade 10 days in a row above $1.00 to regain nasdaq compliance.The deadline for that is set for Sept. 6th 2011.
CIIC might file a requesting extension of compliance period.

I guess we gonna trade above a Dollar until Fri. Sept. 16th supported by the companies buyback programm.

On Sept. 19th I am expecting some Nasdaq news of regaining nasdaq compliance.

If the company gonna stop the bid support from that day on CIIC might fall like a stone cause of shorties once again....

Widerstände bei CIIC

03.09.11 15:25
$1.10 , $1.32 und $1.60 sind die nächsten Widerstände bei CIIC

screenshot chart

03.09.11 23:26
CIIC unbewertete, geshortete Chinaperle 11493841


05.09.11 01:16
Joylink has increased their position slowly and steady in CIIC:

Joylink was holding 68,172,500 shares of Common Stock as of June 30, 2010

Joylink was holding 64,972,500 shares of Common Stock as of September 25, 2009

Joylink was holding 54,400,000 shares of Common Stock as of March 7, 2008

80,000,000 shares of Common Stock outstanding since March 7, 2008

MA20 / MA200 cross

06.09.11 22:25
MA20 / MA200 cross findet morgen statt!
CIIC unbewertete, geshortete Chinaperle;dy=0&i=p46608801852&r=6159" style="max-width:560px" />
lady luck:


06.09.11 22:32
das X-ing schau ich mir morgen aber genau an.
spannender movie!

Neues 52 Wochen Hoch

08.09.11 22:24
Neues 52 Wochen Hoch: $1.07

First try of a hit piece on CIIC:

09.09.11 20:15
First try of a hit piece on CIIC:

Kommende Woche

10.09.11 18:58
In der kommenden Woche erwarte ich mindestens einen Kurs von $1.20-$1.32
CIIC ist nachwievor ein sicherer Hafen in einem sehr nervösen Börsenumwelt.
Die $1 muss bis zum 16.09.2011 auf Schlusskursbasis gehalten werden um von der Nasdaq nicht degelistet zu werden.
Es ist sehr selten in einer Aktie investiert zu sein , wo man das maximale Kursrückschlagsrisiko genau benennen kann.
Spätestens am 16.09.2011 werde ich meine Positionen in CIIC glattstellen!

Schönes Wochenende Euch allen!

Bullenflagge im Chart

12.09.11 17:01
Der Tageschart weist aktuell eine Bullenflagge auf. Der Ausbruch über die $1.07 dürfte sehr bald erfolgen!

new 52 week high

14.09.11 16:05
CIIC $1.25 new 52 week high!

zu $1.17 raus

16.09.11 21:59
Bin heute komplett zu $1.17 raus und bei CLNT zu $0.58 heute rein!
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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5 83 CIIC unbewertete, geshortete Chinaperle thekey thekey 16.09.11 21:59
