Ich sehe nichts vergleichbares im Minensektor(Graphit),mit so wenigen Aktien im Umlauf
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im november 2014 gabs nen split
die ersten tests:
Caribou King Resources Ltd. has released the balance of graphite results from all mesh sizes taken from the second location within the Uncle zone at its 100-per-cent-owned Buckingham flake/lump graphite property.
Michael England, chief executive officer and director of Caribou King, stated: "This second set of high-grade sample results confirms our belief that the Buckingham property hosts a series of high-grade graphite veins at or near surface. Additional geophysical surveys and groundwork will continue to further delineate these high-grade graphite veins. Recent Buckingham graphite samples achieving over 99.9 per cent Cg [graphitic carbon] from flotation alone have garnered international recognition. Initial sampling at Buckingham has returned some of the highest assay results reported in Quebec to date, and further exploration is now under way to continue to define the graphite-rich Uncle zone."
The attached results were obtained from the combined flotation concentrate recovered from the second purity testing sample location at the Uncle zone on the Buckingham property in Southern Quebec, Canada (see press release dated March 3, 2015). Both samples were taken from an approximately 600-metre-wide zone of mineralization in the southeast portion of the Buckingham property, henceforth referred to as the Uncle zone.
Concentrate fraction Distribution (%) Assay (% Ct)(i)
+28 mesh 2.3 99.2
+35 mesh 3.6 97.8
+48 mesh 25.4 98.3
+65 mesh 18.7 98.1
+100 mesh 7.3 95.4
+150 mesh 13.2 96.8
+200 mesh 4.6 97.4
+270 mesh 5.6 94.8
+400 mesh 7.3 95.2
-400 mesh 12.1 88.2
Total recovery (per cent) 100.0
Note: Flotation test analysis from a one-kilogram portion of a
two-kilogram grab sample.
(i) All carbon analyses were performed by SGS Canada Inc. (Lakefield)
and are reported in this press release as total carbon (Ct),
employing a LECO SC-632 instrument. Total carbon, as opposed to
graphitic carbon, was assayed, as this method was qualified by
the laboratory as being a more accurate method of determining
the carbon content of highly enriched graphitic samples.