C & W Überlegung Wert!

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C & W Überlegung Wert!

10.09.08 10:56
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Ericsson erhält Auftrag von Cable & Wireless

11.09.08 10:57
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Ericsson mit Mini-Mobilfunknetz für Cable & Wirele

11.09.08 14:03
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Tesco goes mobile with 100m Cable & Wireless deal

12.09.08 10:00
The desk telephone is to be banished for thousands of Tesco staff in a £100 million tie-up with Cable & Wireless under which employees will use mobile phones for all calls.

Under the five-year deal, which will begin next month, staff in Tesco's 1,500 stores and distribution centres will be given Cable & Wireless Sim cards for mobile phones, allowing both fixed line and mobile calls to be carried through one handset.

C&W will oversee all Tesco's data, fixed and mobile voice telecommunications for its sites in 14 countries.

The scheme will create a private GSM network for Tesco across all its stores and distribution sites. Calls between these areas, across the UK, will be free. It is the first new GSM mobile network to be built in Britain since the 1990s.

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When employees are inside Tesco buildings their calls will run over C&W's fixed-line internet protocol (IP) system, with calls to outside numbers charged at fixed-line rates. When out of the system's range, calls will be routed through a mobile network system.

Nick Folkes, Tesco UK's infrastructure and operations IT director, said that the rationale behind the deal was cost savings but that it also created new ways of using the network, including video-conferencing between its international offices and in-store information kiosks for customers.

C&W's IP network will link the group's 1,800 UK sites, including regional offices and head office, with the potential for the mobile-only scheme - known in the telecoms industry as fixed mobile convergence (FMC) - to cover about 40,000 staff.

Ericsson is helping to build the network as part of a £30 million, five-year agreement with the British telecoms group. The Swedish telecoms equipment maker will provide pico cells and femtocells - miniature mobile base stations - at sites in the UK to create private networks for C&W's corporate customers.

Tesco is C&W's first customer for the new service, giving the group its first bite of the UK's £500 million mobile enterprise market.

Andy Evans, C&W's chief technology officer, said chief executives appreciated the value of the new system when they realised that their staff tended to use mobile phones while sitting next to a fixed line. “I say 'how would you like all these calls to be on net calls on your own private network?' In addition they can get rid of desk phones and the cost of supporting them.”

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C&W pays 30m for FMC

12.09.08 15:13
Telecoms kit company Ericsson has inked a five-year, £30m contract with telco Cable & Wireless to supply and manage a GSM mobile network that will let C&W sell FMC (fixed mobile convergence) services.

FMC enables mobile phone calls to be switched between a cellular network and a VoIP network, meaning users only need one handset for both types of call.

Back in May, C&W announced Tesco as its first FMC customer. The supermarket giant signed a £100m deal with C&W for the overhaul of its telecoms network - including the installation of fixed networking for stores and FMC services based on picocells, to route the calls over fixed-line DSL.

Ericsson said the network will provide indoor fixed and mobile coverage for C&W's enterprise users, including Tesco. It will be based on small and low-power GSM base stations.

Under the deal, Ericsson said it will also provide C&W with a variety of professional services, including design and systems integration.

C&W acquired a licence for FMC services back in 2006, shelling out more than £50,000 for a GSM spectrum band.
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Cable & Wireless to accelerate demerger plan-paper

15.09.08 09:36
14.09.2008 15:35
Cable & Wireless to accelerate demerger plan-paper
LONDON, Sept 14 (Reuters) - Cable&Wireless (News) is to accelerate plans to break itself up by announcing the 4.5-billion-pound ($7.9 billion) demerger of its international arm as early as the end of the month, the Sunday Telegraph said.

The board of the British telecoms group is due to meet on Sept. 29 to discuss the plan that is expected to see shareholders receive one share in its UK business and one in its international arm for every one group share they currently own, the newspaper said, without citing sources.

Cable&Wireless was not immediately available for comment.

(Reporting by Mark Potter; Editing by Richard Hubbard) ($1=.5680 Pound) Keywords: C&W DEMERGER/




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Cable & Wireless spaltet sich auf

15.09.08 15:18
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es hört sich doch Gut an..

15.09.08 15:35
Aktionären soll für bestehende Anteile eine Aktie der nationalen und eine Aktie der internationalen Gesellschaft zugeteilt werden.

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News & Commentary

16.09.08 15:00
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Cable & Wireless PLC (CW.)

19.09.08 09:56
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notification of major interests in shares

23.09.08 12:50
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Cable and Wireless meldet Jahreszahlen

21.05.09 09:22
London (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die britische Telefongesellschaft Cable and Wireless plc (Cable & Wireless) (ISIN GB0001625572 / WKN 866663) meldete am Donnerstag ihre Ergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr zum 31. März 2009.

Demnach erhöhte sich der Umsatz um 16 Prozent auf 3,65 Mrd. Britische Pfund (GBP). Das EBITDA belief sich auf 689 Mio. GBP (Vorjahr: 552 Mio. GBP) bzw. auf 822 Mio. GBP (Vorjahr: 605 Mio. GBP) vor Einmaleffekten. Das gesamte operative Ergebnis betrug 291 Mio. GBP (Vorjahr: 247 Mio. GBP). Der Nettogewinn nahm von 220 Mio. GBP im Vorjahr auf nun 226 Mio. GBP zu.

Für das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr wird eine Dividende in Höhe von 8,50 Pence pro Aktie vorgeschlagen, was einer Erhöhung um 13 Prozent entspricht.

Für das laufende Geschäftsjahr 2009/10 rechnet der Konzern nun mit einem EBITDA von rund 1,03 Mrd. GBP. Die Investitionen sollen bei rund 477 Mio. GBP liegen.

Die Aktie von Cable & Wireless schloss gestern in London mit einem Minus von 2,61 Prozent auf 157,00 Pence. (21.05.2009/ac/n/a)

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