BULLENMARKT trotz schlechter NEWS aus USA!

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BULLENMARKT trotz schlechter NEWS aus USA!

12.10.01 22:09
da müssen wir wohl unsere PUTS raushauen!!!!

Montag, 15.10.01

15.10.01 14:28
wer noch puts hat, sollte sie jetzt verkaufen.
Mit Eröffnung der NYSE wird der DAX wohl bei +-0 stehen.
Nach Börsenschluß (Germany)am Freitag hatte der DOW noch kräftig aufgeholt.

Diverse Abstufungen vor Handelsbeginn VZ,SBC,BEAS,

15.10.01 14:44
07:48 ET Morgan Stanley on Bells : Morgan Stanley reduces 2002
                   revenue growth forecasts for telcos: Verizon (VZ) to 4.5% from 6%;
                   SBC Comms (SBC) to 3.9% from 6.1%, BellSouth (BLS) to 5.6%
                   from 6.7%; also reduces EPS estimate on Broadwing (BRW).

                   07:43 ET BEA Systems (BEAS) 14.81: Robertson Stephens
                   reduces estimates on BEAS; Q3 goes to $227 mln from $261 mln
                   and $0.06 from $0.09, CY02 goes to $1.033 bln from $1.375 bln
                   and $0.36 from $0.50; cites field checks that indicate BEAS is facing
                   the same challenges as other software cos after Sep 11.

                   07:36 ET Semiconductor Downgrades :  JP Morgan downgrades
                   ALTR, XLNX, AMCC, PMCS and VTSS to MKT PERFORM
                   from LT Buy. Firm's channel checks indicate that order flow remains
                   weak for Comm IC companies, visibility is still poor, and revenue

                   decline is likely in the foreseeable future... does not see stabilization in
                   the inventory situation until Q2 of next yr at the earliest... firm sees
                   downside risk in sector stocks of as much as 30%.
07:58 ET Oxford Health (OHP) 27.00: Salomon Smith Barney
                   downgrades to NEUTRAL from Outperform; trims 2001 est to
                   $2.81 from $2.81 and 2002 to $3.01 from $3.10.

Gruß Dr. Broemme

BULLENMARKT trotz schlechter NEWS aus USA! 439463
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