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02.11.00 13:48
2.11.00 Kooperation Intel+Broadvision!!! MfG Der GLÜCKSRITTER


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02.11.00 14:31
broadvision ist im pre-market an der nasdaq schon bei 34 dollar (nehme an wegen dem oben genannten intel-deal). weiß jemand, wann das genaue datum der übernahme in den s&p index ist? der paine-webber - UBS Übernahmedeal sollte ja bald abgeschlossen sein. könnte alles zusammen doch noch weitere kurshöhen bewirken (glaube 50 euro sind kein fernziel).


Intel kooperiert

02.11.00 14:34
ja in letzter Zeit mit allen. Erst mit Brokat (1%ige Beteiligung von Intel an Brokat), dann mit Intershop und jetzt auch noch mit BVSN. Mir sollt's recht sein, solange die Kurse steigen :-)

BVSN & Intel +++ strategische Allianz +++ Meldung

02.11.00 15:21
Broadvision: Kooperation mit Intel

Die beiden Unternehmen Broadvision und Intel haben am Donnerstag vermeldet, daß sie eine E-Business-Allianz geschlossen haben. Die Lösungen in diesem Bereich, welche auf E-Business Applikationen und Intel Servern aufgebaut sind, möchte man zusammen entwickeln und verkaufen. Das Abkommen fördert beide Parteien gleichermaßen in ihrem Engagement, kosteneffektive E-Business-Lösungen für Unternehmen anzubieten. Man will den Kunden ein besseres Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis bieten und sich in den Bereichen Technik, professionelle Dienste, Verkauf und Marketingresourcen besonders für Leistungs- und Technologieoptimierung, gemeinsame Marketingprogramme und ausgedehnte Umsatzverpflichtungen einsetzen. Bei der Allianz wird Intel die Plattform für E-Business-Lösungen von Broadvision in Intels Solution-Centers einsetzen, wohingegen Broadvision mit Intel an der Entwicklung seiner Plattform arbeitet, die in Intel-Lösungen zum Einsatz kommen soll.

Quelle :


Hier die komplette Meldung :


BroadVision and Intel Form E-Business Alliance to Market and Develop Enterprise-Class, Intel-Based SolutionsCompanies Commit Engineering, Marketing, Professional Services Resources to Strategic Relationship, Optimize BroadVision Application Suite for Ita

Business Wire
November 2, 2000 5:02am
REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Nov 2, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- BroadVision, Inc. (Nasdaq:BVSN) and Intel Corporation today announced an e-Business alliance to develop and market solutions built on BroadVision's suite of e-business applications and Intel-based servers. The agreement advances both companies' commitment to deliver cost-effective, enterprise-class e-business solutions.

The goal of this alliance is to provide customers with solutions that offer a better price/performance ratio than comparable solutions running on other processor architectures. To that end, the two companies will commit substantial engineering, professional services, sales and marketing resources toward performance and technology optimization, co-marketing programs, and expanded field sales engagement.

Under the terms of the alliance, Intel will place BroadVision's suite of applications in Intel(R) Solution Centers, with the goal of further optimizing BroadVision applications for Intel's current and future 32-bit processors. In addition, Intel(R) Solution Services will work with BroadVision to deploy its suite of e-business applications on Intel-based solutions. BroadVision will develop and release a version of BroadVision(R) One-To-One(R) Enterprise for the Intel(R) Itanium(TM) processor. In addition, the two companies will provide joint training and customer support initiatives designed to ensure easy, cost-effective deployment of BroadVision solutions on Intel-based servers.

"BroadVision already offers superior performance on Intel-based servers and scales very well on platforms such as Windows NT," said Gino Padua, vice president, BroadVision Strategic Alliances. "By collaborating with Intel, we can ensure even better performance and scalability on Intel platforms moving forward. We're working to deliver sophisticated Internet solutions and personalized e-business applications faster and at a lower cost, providing customers of all sizes with powerful, world-class e-business solutions that let them compete with even the largest of enterprises."

"e-Business success today revolves around communicating with and servicing customers in a quick and efficient manner," said Sean Maloney, senior vice president and director for Intel's Sales and Marketing Group. "BroadVision's e-business applications, powered by Intel-based servers, offers customers a powerful e-business solution with the scale and flexibility to meet the demands of today's ever-changing Internet economy.

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