
Beiträge: 8
Zugriffe: 858 / Heute: 1


04.09.00 18:28
Hallo zusammen,
wie ich grad auf dem WO Board gelesen habe, ist Broadvision eine Kooperation mit Sony Europa eingegangen.
Ich hoffe, das diese weitere Nachricht dem Kurs in den USA weiterhilft.
Aber, wir müssen wohl auf morgen warten.


Wenn das stimmt mit Sony, dann ....

04.09.00 18:46
gehts noch rund...

ist vielleicht doch ne frührente bei mir angesagt ???????

                      freu   *G*

               ciao luigi

re Daluigi

04.09.00 20:05
kannst du im wo Board nachlesen!
dann unter w:o board die WPKN 901599 eingeben.

Viel Spaß mit Broadvision Euch allen...



Würde das lieber woanders nachlesen ....

04.09.00 20:08
W.O. hat ja nicht grade den besten Ruf.

aber trotzdem danke.   freu *G*

ps: bin schon zum dritten mal drin in 901599

     ciao luigi

re daluigi

04.09.00 20:22
nenn mir bitte mal ein paar andere Seiten.


@macendo..venture mit H&Q Asia Pacific

04.09.00 20:41
Unter steht einiges von BVSN.....

Morgen gibt BVSN eine Pressekonferenz zu dem Venture....

Gruss ernu  
Tyler Durdan:

Details von CBS

04.09.00 20:50
By Bill Clifford,
Last Update: 7:22 AM ET Sep 4, 2000  NewsWatch
Latest headlines

Broadvision is broadening its horizons to the wonderful world of Japanese wireless. The U.S. provider of software for companies wanting to build customized e-commerce Web sites is teaming up with venture capitalists H&Q Asia Pacific, trading house Itochu and other Japanese partners in a new wireless venture, according to people familiar with the deal.

The companies will announce details Tuesday morning in Tokyo, and Broadvision will host a Tuesday conference call in the U.S. at 1 p.m. Eastern time.

Market rumors of the imminent venture boosted Broadvision (BVSN: news, msgs) by more than 13 percent on Friday in New York, to $39.06 a share. The stock rose further, to $40.44, in after-hours trading. See related story.

Itochu (ITOCY: news, msgs), like many large Japanese import-export houses, has recently set up an information-technology venture capital company. Itochu group firms and a handful of Japanese financial institutions plan to invest in 20 to 30 promising start-ups over the next three years, and so far they've pooled some 8.3 billion yen ($78 million). It wasn't immediately clear how much initial capital the wireless venture with Broadvision and H&Q Asia Pacific would get.

Itochu Techno-Science will also join in the venture. It offers IT systems solutions for companies in virtually every market segment - finance, communications, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, transportation and retail. Earlier this month Itochu Techno-Science entered a partnership with Flexfirm Inc. in the sale of software that integrates the language specifications for delivering Internet content over cellular phones.

A third Japanese company, Access, licenses embedded browser software for non-PC devices - including the Internet gateway for NTT DoCoMo's I-mode cellular phones. More than 10 million Japanese have subscribed to I-mode services since their launch in February 1999.

H&Q Asia Pacific, headquartered in Palo Alto, Calif., plans to set up several holding companies in Japan to invest in a range of industries. One is already a going concern: @JapanMedia, focused on game software and music, announced last week it would partner with Viacom's (VIA: news, msgs) MTV Networks to bring back MTV Japan to local audiences, with a relaunch of the 24-hour music television channel next January.

Other H&Q holding companies at various stages of being on the drawing board are @JapanB2B and @JapanWireless. As of now, there's no connection between the wireless group and the venture with Broadvision in Japan; "they're completely separate," an H&Q Asia Pacific staffer told
Ötzi V:

tja, tja, mein broadvision

04.09.00 21:10
ich bleib drinn bis es dunkel wird.
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