BluGlass +27% RPCVD

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BluGlass +27% RPCVD

22.11.12 18:38

BluGlass is now able to use its low temperature Remote Plasma Chemical Vapour Deposition technology to produce n-type gallium nitride (GaN) films with low impurities and good electrical properties equivalent to films grown using the industry standard process – MOCVD.

"RPCVD has
great potential to improve device performance
simply by growing a low temperature p-GaN layer
which in turn improves the stability of the InGaN
layer during fabrication"

"A second potential for RPCVD is the growth of high
quality InGaN MQW layers at lower temperatures
than MOCVD The RPCVD process could enable
Indium rich MQW layers necessary for green LEDs
and also for PV devices "


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23.11.12 13:37

Da hast ja wieder was Interessantes entdeckt

23.11.12 16:04

Leider noch keine Umsätze hierzulande - wie ist denn die MK? 


61,88 Mio. Euro? Aktuell

23.11.12 16:04

RPCVD könnte den Wirkungsgrad auf

24.11.12 19:51
von Solarzellen auf über 50% anheben, zurzeit liegt der so bei ca.19%, oder ?

InGaN is a single material solution with the
potential to be tuned to capture a large
spectrum of the solar radiation into
a solar cell to achieve better than 50% solar
energy conversion

interessanter Artikel über Bluglass Aussichten LED

25.11.12 21:03

Auszüge aus der obigen PDF Datei u.a. geht es um die Aussichten des LED Market.

Updated Valuation Triggers – BluGlass has now completed two of the key valuation triggers identified in June 2010: the
commissioning of the tool and the forming of a strategic partnership with a global player. The two key valuation triggers that
may occur in the next 12-18 months are: forming additional strategic partnerships for LED and/or PV device businesses
and the proving of commercial material quality and device performance through the SPTS JV. Either of these events will
again greatly reduce the risks of BluGlass successfully commercialising the RPCVD technology through equipment and
device products and has the potential to significantly increase its market value.

The Joint Venture remains in a position to
emerge as a key CVD equipment manufacturer comparable to Aixtron (NASDAQ: AIXG), a pure play CVD company, which
has a current market capitalisation of over US$3 billion.

The BluGlass technology has the potential to be a major player in the rapidly growing LED and PV markets globally. The
developments announced by the Company in the last three months have significantly increased the likelihood of this
potential becoming a reality.

LED Supply Constraints - The LED market is forecast to grow at over 30% per year until 2014 and is served by two
equipment suppliers that are struggling to meet the market demand.

CPV Technologies Emerging - The CPV market is also forecast to grow very quickly over the next ten years and there is no
clear technology winners yet emerging. When proven, the RPCVD technology could be one of the key technologies
underpinning both the LED and CPV industry growth. 


Bluglass thread bei

25.11.12 21:12

Habe den Bluglass thread schon seit September 2009 eröffnet. Falls jemand noch infos benötigt aus der Anfangszeit von Bluglass. 

Beim australischen HotCopper Forum ist man übrigens überwiegend optimistisch über einem weiteren Aufwärtstrend von BGL


Presentation von der Hauptversammlung

26.11.12 00:32


18.12.12 15:59

mit ihrer Technologie sind sie jetzt schon weiter

06.05.16 08:53
die Konkurrenz von Dyesol



+18% JH

16.08.16 10:33
Homer Simps.:

wird das noch was?

16.06.21 12:43
Gibt es hier keine News?

Da müsste doch mal ein Boden gefunden werden, oder?
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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